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1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 37(无答案)第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C 三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。11 How long does it take from

2、here to your home on foot?(A)About half an hour.(B) About haft past an hour.(C) About a quarter.12 What is theWoman looking for?(A)A colour TV set.(B) A blue pen.(C) A black pencil.13 What dayWill it be tomorrow?(A)Thursday, December the 5th.(B) Tuesday, November the 13th.(C) Friday, December the 6t

3、h.14 What does theManMean?(A)HeWants to know theWomans plan.(B) He has aMeeting on Friday.(C) HeWants to go to the cinema15 Where is the post office?(A)Its near the bus stop.(B) Its far away from the bus stop.(C) Its behind the bus stop.16 How old is theMan now?(A)22 years old.(B) 28 years old.(C) 2

4、6 years old.17 Where does John Smith come from?(A)England.(B) America(C) Canada18 Whats theWomans address?(A)No. 105 ,Dongfang Road.(B) No. 45,Taibei Road.(C) No. 145, Shanghai Road.19 WhatsMr.Wang doing?(A)Hes speaking to someone else on the telephone.(B) Hes answering someones questions.(C) HesWor

5、king in his lab.20 What are they talking about?(A)They are talking about building a house.(B) They are talking about theirModem house.(C) They are talking aboutMaking things.21 What is itMade of?(A)ItsMade ofMetal and glass.(B) ItsMade ofMetal andWood.(C) ItsMade of paper, notMetal.22 Whats happened

6、 to Zhang Hong?(A)He is calling.(B) He needs help.(C) He is ill.23 WhatsWrongWith Li Ping?(A)He cantWorkWell.(B) His heart cantWork.(C) Something isWrongWith his heart.24 When did it begin to rain?(A)At about 6: 00.(B) Before John got home.(C) After John reached home.25 What subject do they like bet

7、ter?(A)English.(B) Chinese.(C) Maths.第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26 I can do all the other exercises _ the last one.(A)With(B) except(C) for27 He likes coffee veryMuch.(A)Neither do I(B) I like it, either(C) So do I28 - ExcuseMe,Where is the post office?-Walk along this street an

8、d _ the second turning on the right.(A)Make(B) try(C) take29 LilyWent to see her husband yesterday _ heWas ill.(A)if(B) though(C) because30 - _ I use your dictionary?- Certainly. Here you are.(A)Will(B) May(C) Must31 Im _.(A)in Row 1(B) on Row 1(C) in 1 Row32 _ are in Class 2.(A)You and I(B) I and y

9、ou(C) You andMe33 _ ! Thats a Japanese car.(A)Look(B) See(C) Meet34 _ is Lucys bag, the yellow one or the red one?(A)Which(B) What(C) Whose35 -Whose bike is this?- _.(A)Its Kates(B) This is Kate(C) This boat is Kates36 - Hello, Alice. You _very happy.- Yes. I am happy.My parents am coming to seeMe t

10、omorrow.(A)get(B) look(C) turn37 TheWindWas very _ yesterday.(A)large(B) strong(C) heavy38 BobWont stop trying _ he getsWhat heWants.(A)as(B) that(C) until39 I _ the picture from theWall in order to clean it.(A)set up(B) took down(C) looked at40 Youd better _ your computer beforeWe use it again.(A)s

11、ee(B) check(C) begin第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。41 Charles likedMusic veryMuchWhen heWas (Example: 0 ) school, but【B1 】heWent to the university he decided to studyMedicine【B2】music.When he passed his examinations and became a doctor, he had toWork in a hospital for【B3】. There h

12、e discovered that a lot of patientsWere happier if【B4】musicWas played for them.When Charles got an office and began toWork【B5】himself, he decided to【B6 】his patients happy by having a tape recorder in hisWaiting room play beautifulMusic for them.But【B7】the tape recorder had been put in (安装), Charles

13、 nurse heard aWoman complain in the crowded【B8】, “HereWere 【B9 】waiting to see the doctor, and hes just playing【B10】piano in his office instead of doing hisWork.“41 【B1 】(A)before(B) until(C) When42 【B2 】(A)instead of(B) because of(C) in spite of43 【B3 】(A)sometimes(B) sometime(C) some time44 【B4 】(

14、A)beautiful(B) loud(C) sad45 【B5 】(A)for(B) to(C) by46 【B6 】(A)get(B) keep(C) have47 【B7 】(A)before(B) soon after(C) as soon as48 【B8 】(A)office(B) Waiting room(C) hospital49 【B9 】(A)all(B) hardly(C) just50 【B10 】(A)a(B) an(C) the第一节 词语配伍从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。51 A cameraB knifeC accoun

15、tD tutorE newspaperF hotelG pool51 People cut paperWith it.52 People can swim in it.53 People read it for some information.54 People take picturesWith it.55 People can open it in the bank.第二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong) 、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。56 Cliff could run fast indeed. And nobody else

16、in his town could run faster than he. So CliffWas proud of this and always ready to show people how fast he could run.One day a thief broke into his house, took some of his things and ran away as fast as he could. Cliff ran after him, shouting, “Hey, Stop ! Stop ! Dont you know you cant get away fro

17、mMe?“But the thief ran even faster. Cliff got so angry that he ran hardest. HeWas soon severalMiles away from his home. HeWas still running alongWhen heMet a friend. “Why are you in such a hurry.?“ the friendasked. “Im trying to catch a thief,“ said Cliff. “ButWhere is the thief? asked the friend. “

18、Miles andMiles behind,“ said Cliff. “He thought he could run faster than I, but you see he isWrong !“56 Cliff could run fastest in his town.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.57 He never showed others how fast he could run.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.58 One day a thief entered his house and sto

19、le some of his important things.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.59 Cliff ranMuch faster than the thief did.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.60 Cliff caught the thief before heMet his friend.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.第三节 短文理解 2阅读下列短文,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。61 Betty is a fourth-year student

20、. She is good at jumping. The school sportsMe. lingWill be held onMay 4th and she entered (报名登记) her name for the high jump and the long jump. But two days later she fell from a ladder and hurt her right foot. Her parents sent her to the nearest hospital. The firstWord she asked the doctorWas, “Can

21、I jump in seven days, doctor? I dont like toMiss our school sportsMeeting. “Without aWord, the doctor looked her over carefully and said, “DontWorry. Its not badly hurt, your footWill beMuch better by the end of April. OnMay 4th you are able to run and jump at sports.“61 Betty is _.(A)in Grade Four(

22、B) a four-year student(C) Grade Four62 She entered her name for the high jump and the long jump because she _.(A)doesWell in jumping(B) likes sports(C) runs fast63 Her parents took her to the doctor because _.(A)their ladderWas broken(B) the hospitalWas near their home(C) somethingWasWrongWith Betty

23、s foot64 The doctor said that _.(A)her footWas badly hurt(B) theWound (0J) in her footWas not serious(C) Shed better stay in bed65 Which is NOT true?(A)BettyWould get better soon.(B) She likes sports.(C) SheWon the first place.66 One dayMallary bought a donkey (驴) in theMarket, butWhile heWas taking

24、 it home, two thieves followed him. One of them took the rope from the donkeys neck and tied (捆)it round his friends neck. Then heWent awayWith the donkey.WhenMallary got home, he turned and saw the youngMan. HeWas very surprised. “Where isMy donkey? he said angrily.“Im very sorry, “said the thief.

25、“Once I said some very bad things toMyMother and she changedMe into a donkey. Now because a goodMan has boughtMe, she changedMe back to aMan again. Thank you.“Mallary untied theMan and said,“ Go. And never say bad things to yourMother again.“The next day ,Mallary saw the same donkey in theMarket aga

26、in. The other thiefWas selling it.MallaryWent to it and said into its ear, “YoungMan, some peopleWill never learn.“66 MallaryWas surprised because he _.(A)knew the youngManWas a thief(B) saw his donkeyWas gone(C) saw a youngMan behind him instead of his donkey67 WhereWas his donkey?(A)It had gone ho

27、me.(B) It had been sold.(C) It had been stolen.68 How did the youngMan treat hisMother?(A)Badly.(B) With care.(C) We dont know.69 In the last sentence, “some people“Means _.(A)some person(B) the thiefWhoWas tied(C) the other thief70 From this passageWe can see thatMallaryWas _.(A)really a fool(B) a

28、farmer(C) kind and clever第一节 改写句子下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句的意思。71 You can come today. You can also come tomorrow.You can come _ today _ tomorrow.72 Tom broke theWindow yesterday.TheWindow _ by Tom yesterday.73 I dont like tea. I like coffee.I prefer coffee _.第二节 书面表达74 情景:你是小明。假如你是商店的营业员,张芳上次来买裙子,有她的尺寸,但是没有绿色的。张芳就向你预订了一件,现在货已到。任务:给张芳写一张 50 字左右的便条。内容包括:.张芳上次曾经来你店买过裙子,但是没有买到合适的;.上次要买的裙子已经到货;.问她什么时候来买;.来之前请先打个电话。请用下面格式。Dear Zhang Fang,XiaoMing


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