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1、国家公共英语(一级)笔试模拟试卷 46(无答案)第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到 10 个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C 三幅图片。请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到 15 个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C 三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有 15 秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。11 What time is it now?(A)Its

2、eight oclock.(B) Its eight twenty.(C) Its seven forty.12 What does Alices fatherWant to buy for her?(A)A sweater.(B) AWatch.(C) A red bike.13 What does theMan hear?(A)He hears someone singing.(B) He hears someone calling him.(C) He hears someone calling theWoman.14 Who are talking?(A)Two students.(B

3、) Two policemen.(C) Two tourists.15 What does their daughter do?(A)She is a doctor.(B) She is a teacher.(C) She is a student.16 Who has got a pen?(A)Li Ping.(B) Wang Gang.(C) ZhangWei.17 What does theWomanWant to buy?(A)Fish.(B) Rice.(C) Beef.18 HowMuch does one shirt cost?(A)$6.00.(B) $6.50.(C) $12

4、 .00.19 Why is theWoman busy these days?(A)Because shesWriting a book.(B) Because shes learning how to use a computer.(C) Because shesMaking computers.20 What does theMan suggest?(A)He suggests that theWoman take a bus.(B) He suggests that theWoman take a taxi.(C) He suggests that theWomanWalk home.

5、21 What does theWomanMean?(A)SheWants to know how theMan found the hotel.(B) SheWants to know how theMan likes the hotel.(C) She thinks the hotel is not very good.22 Where are they probably talking?(A)In a shop.(B) In a hotel.(C) In a hospital.23 What does theWomanMean?(A)She has alreadyMade her pla

6、ns.(B) She has toWork on her paper tonight.(C) SheWants to know theMans suggestion.24 What does theManMean?(A)He is not interested in going.(B) HeWants to goWith them.(C) HeWill invite his friends.25 Where are they probably talking?(A)In a classroom.(B) At an airport.(C) In a restaurant.第一节 单项填空 阅读下

7、面的句子和对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。26 -WillMr. Smith be here soon? -I cant tell. Lets go and _When the train arrives.(A)look(B) look for(C) find out27 Im sure itWontWork. Cant you come upWith a _ idea?(A)best(B) better(C) good28 -May I _ your bike? -Sorry. I _ it toMary yesterday.(A)keep; borrowed(

8、B) borrow; repaired(C) use; lent29 “YouMade aMistake, Tom.“ She said. She _ Tom that he _ aMistake.(A)said to;Made(B) told; hadMade(C) said; hadMade30 -Where is Tom? -Hes left a _ saying that he has something important to do.(A)excuse(B) Message(C) news31 It is _ today than yesterday. ShallWe go swi

9、mming this afternoon?(A)the hottest(B) hot(C) hotter32 My sister applied _ the police.(A)to joining(B) for joining(C) in joining33 The oldWoman kept one black dog and twoWhite _.(A)one(B) ones(C) those34 Jenny and her parents _ going to visit the PalaceMuseum tomorrow.(A)is(B) am(C) are35 35.We shou

10、ld keep _ in the reading-room.(A)quiet(B) quietly(C) quite36 Everybody here is busy _ Christmas and buying Christmas presents.(A)looking for(B) taking care of(C) getting ready for37 Which is _ to learn, fishing or swimming?(A)easy(B) easier(C) the easier38 -_ -Yes, IWant to buy a blouse (短上衣) forMy

11、daughter.(A)Hello.(B) What do you like?(C) Can I help you?39 Jim hasMadeMany friends since he _ to China.(A)came(B) comes(C) has come40 A number of people _ coming thisWay.(A)are(B) is(C) be第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。41 In some parts(Example: 0 ) theWorld there are large deser

12、ts (沙漠). There are no trees【B1】water there. TravellersMust take【B2】andWaterWith them. The only animalWho canWalk【B3】the desert is the camel (骆驼). He can go【B4】food andWater for a long time, and can carry heavy things. People call the【B5】“the ship of the desert“.The camel is very big. He has one or t

13、wo humps (驼峰) on his back, short ears and a long【B6 】.The camels humps hold fat (脂肪), and his stomach (胃) holdsWater in twelve deep pockets. Each pocket【B7】 aMouth.When the camel【B8 】someWater, he can get it out of the【B9】. The camels food is【B10】.41 【B1 】(A)and(B) and no(C) any42 【B2 】(A)Meat(B) fo

14、od(C) Milk43 【B3 】(A)out of(B) across(C) through44 【B4 】(A)Without(B) With(C) into45 【B5 】(A)dog(B) elephant(C) camel46 【B6 】(A)nose(B) neck(C) Mouth47 【B7 】(A)has(B) have(C) there is48 【B8 】(A)Wanted(B) Want(C) Wants49 【B9 】(A)bags(B) pockets(C) Mouth50 【B10 】(A)bread(B) Meat(C) grass and leaves第一节

15、 词语配伍从下栏所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项,并在答题卡 1 上将该项涂黑。51 A umbrellaB libraryC airportD gardenE shopF drinkG railway station51 You have itWhen you are thirsty.52 People grow flowers and grass in it.53 People go there to take a plane.54 You use it to keep rain off your head.55 You can borrow and read books there.第

16、二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong) 、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。56 I like collecting (收集) stamps.When IWas only a baby,MyMother began to collect forMe. Of course, she did not letMe touch the stamps until IWas old enough not to spoil(毁坏) them. I remembered that itWas onMy fifteenth birthday that she f

17、irst put them intoMy hands. TheyWere in four thick books and since then I have added threeMore, so now I have a bigger collection than any ofMy friends.How do I getMy stamps? I have never bought even one stamp from a shop.My fatherWorks in a big office. Sometimes he bringsMe some stamps fromMany cou

18、ntries of theWorld. I have friends both here and in other countries. They sendMe a lot ofWonderful stamps every year.Since I amWorking forMy living, I do not have asMuch time as before to spend onMy Stamps. But in the evening, I sometimes bring out the books and enjoy the stamps in them. Each stamp

19、has a story to tellMe about far countries and strange peoples. Stamp collection is a goodWay to learn history, geography and languages.56 TheWritersMother collected stamps for him forMore than ten years.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.57 TheWriter has a collection of seven books of stamps.(A)Right

20、.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.58 TheWriter spent a lot ofMoney on stamp-collecting.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.59 TheWriter shared some of his stampsWith his friends.(A)Right.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say.60 TheWriter learnt a lot about history, geography and languages through collecting stamps.(A)Righ

21、t.(B) Wrong.(C) Doesnt say第三节 短文理解 2阅读下列短文,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择一个正确答案。61 Mr. BlackWas young and able. The boss liked him. LastMonth heWas sent to China on business. Before heWent back from China, he decided to buy something for Tony, the son of his boss. At first he didnt knowWhat to buy for the boy. Su

22、ddenly he remembered that the boy liked birds veryMuch, so heWent to the birdMarket. HeWas glad to find that thereWere soMany kinds of birds there. He bought four beautiful birds, then he told the boy a bout it on the telephone.As soon asMr. Black returned to London by air, heWent to TonyWith the fo

23、ur birds. But on hisWay to the bosss home, one of them flew out of the cage(笼子) and thereWere only three birds left in it. ThenMr. Black bought a local(当地的) bird to take the place of theMissing Chinese one.Tony of courseWas very happyWhen he saw the birds. But soon he found one of themWas different

24、from the other three. He asked, “Its a local bird, isnt it,Mr. Black?“Yes, it is.“Mr. Black answered, “Its an interpreter(译员).“61 Why did the boss sendMr. Black to China on business?(A)Mr. Black had never been to China before.(B) Mr. BlackWas an able and hardworkingMan.(C) Mr. Black could buy someth

25、ing interesting for Tony.62 How didMr. Black retrurn to London?(A)By train.(B) By ship.(C) By plane.63 Whom didMr. Black buy presents for?(A)His boss.(B) The son of his boss.(C) Mr. BlacksWife.64 Mr. Black said the local birdWas an interpreter because _(A)the three Chinese birds didnt know English(B

26、) itWas different from the Chinese birds(C) heWasMaking a joke65 What happened to one of the four birds?(A)ItWas dead on theWay to London.(B) It flew away from the cage.(C) ItWas stolen by someone.66 TheMaryland Science Center isMore than fun. You can enjoy the three floors of exciting things,Watch

27、the larger-than-life play on the 4th floor, and travel to otherWorlds, to faraway stars, on the 5th floor.Dont just look. You are expected to feel, to turn, to push. Build your own house and learnWhy it stands or falls. Use computers toWork out plans just as famous scientists have done. There is alw

28、ays something new to learn at theMaryland Science Center.Children and group visitors enjoy haft price.The excitement of theMaryland Science Center does not endWhen you leave. Visit the Science Store for a gift youd like to keep. Electronic jewelry(电子珠宝), games, books, andMoretake part of the Science

29、 Center homeWith you.InformationWhere to call:24 hour general(常规的) information(410)685-522524 hour STARLINE night sky information (410)539-STARGroup visitor information (410) 685-2370Hours:TheMaryland Science Center is open 7 days aWeek (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day)Monday-Friday 10 a.m

30、.-6 p.M.Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m.-8 p.m.66 What can visitors do at theMaryland Science Center?(A)Learn science by trying it out.(B) Watch and take pan in a play.(C) Make gifts for their friends.67 TheMaryland Science Center stays open _.(A)every day from 10am. to 8 p.m.(B) almost all theWeekdays a

31、ndWeekends(C) on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day68 By calling (410)685-2370We can get information about _.(A)the night sky show(B) books and games(C) group price tickets69 “Take part of the Science Center homeWith you“Means that _.(A)visitors can buy something there and take them home(B) the Scie

32、nce CenterMay be sold to visitors(C) the visitors canMake the Science Center their home70 Which is TRUE about theMaryland Science?(A)Visitors can play and learn at the same time.(B) It helps visitors travel to other countries.(C) It can be visited 24 hours a day.第一节 改写句子下面是三对句子。每对句子中,第一句是原句,第二句是对第一句

33、的改写。要求根据原句和第二句中已经给出的部分补全第二句。注意不能改变原句的意思。71 Jack likes driving at a high speed.Jack likes driving _.72 But he can play football only on Saturdays or Sundays, since he has to study on the other days.But he can play football only onWeekends, because he _.73 Nobody can live on theMoon.Nobody is _ live on theMoon.第二节 书面表达74 情景:你是小平,不久将去广州开会,因此提前给在广州的姐姐写信,希望能够见面。任务:请你用英语写一封 50 词左右的信,包括:(1) 你们姐妹有半年没见,非常想念;(2) 你将在 5 月 10 日去广州开会,会议将进行 5 天左右;(3) 希望能够在广州碰面并进一步交谈。请用下面格式:Jianguo RoadGuangzhouApril 24th,2006Dear Sister,YoursXiao Ping


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