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1、国家公共英语(二级)口试模拟试卷 12(无答案)一、考生个人情况介绍1 二、考生相互问答2 题目 1口试教师:Candidate B, you want to drink coffee with a friend, and want to know some information. Ask Candidate A to tell you. Use the words on this card to help you.(Card 1B 递给考生 B)Card 1B请用英语提问以了解下列信息:咖啡店地点开放时间价格服务质量Candidate A, here is something about

2、the cafe. Answer Candidate B s questions, using the information on this card, (将 Card 1A 递给考生 A)Card 1A请根据下列信息回答问题:咖啡店学校门口24 小时营业15 元到 45 元/杯态度和蔼题目 2口试教师:Candidate A, you want to go to Yunnan for a trip but you know little about Yunnan, ask Candidate B to tell you. Use the words on this card to help

3、 you.(将 Card 2A 递给考生 A)Card 2A请用英语提问以了解下列信息:云南位置气候旅游区特色Candidate B, Candidate A wants to know something about Yunnan. Answer him using the information on this card.(将 Card 2B 递给考生 B)Card 2B请根据下列信息回答问题:云南祖国西南部省会昆明四季入春,素有“春城” 之称丽江、西双版纳、大理等少数民族聚集区,有很多地方具有悠久的民族特色,是我国的旅游大省之一三、继续性问答3 1.What kind of lectur

4、es have you ever attended?2.Do you like learning English? Why?3.What do you think of lectures?4.Have you ever listened to some English lectures?1.Do you like Spring Festival? Why?2.How do your family spent Spring Festival?3.Do you prefer Spring Festival or Christmas?4.Which festival do you like best?


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