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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 165(无答案)第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 When does the man think they will leave?(A)6:33.(B) 6:13.(C) 6:23.2 What does Jack have?(A)A car.(B) A bike.(C) A bar.3 What will the man probably do next?(A)Ask the wo

2、man for the recipe.(B) Get a receipt for his purchase.(C) Call the womans mother.4 What marks did the woman get in her exam?(A)90.(B) 95.(C) 80.5 How did the man feel about his work?(A)He doesnt like it because it kept him busy.(B) He doesnt like it because it is uninteresting.(C) He likes the work

3、very much.第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6 What time will the woman most probably see the man?(A)10:00.(B) 10:30.(C) 13:30.7 Which topic will they talk about?(A)Housework.(B) Homework.(C) Salary.8 What do b

4、oth of the speakers agree on?(A)British English and American English are same in meaning.(B) Not all the spellings in British English and American English are the same.(C) British English is easier than American English.9 Where does this dialogue probably take place?(A)In the bus.(B) In the hotel.(C

5、) In the classroom.10 Where did Gail spend the nights in the country?(A)In a farm house.(B) In the open.(C) At a hotel.11 How was the weather in the country?(A)It snowed a lot.(B) It rained nearly every day.(C) There was a lot of sunshine.12 What did Gail think of the people in the country?(A)They w

6、ere tall.(B) They were strange.(C) They were friendly.13 What does the man want to buy?(A)A jacket.(B) A T-shirt.(C) A pair of trousers.14 Which is too expensive?(A)The blue one.(B) The black one.(C) The small one.15 Why does the man want to buy the blue one?(A)Its nice and cheaper.(B) His son likes

7、 the color.(C) There arent any black ones left.16 When will the man come again?(A)Tomorrow.(B) On Monday.(C) Next week.17 What is the speaker?(A)A guide.(B) A visitor.(C) A teacher.18 What is the purpose for the speech?(A)Discuss the visiting course.(B) Sell the tickets of the zoo.(C) Introduce the

8、park.19 Where are the animals of Asia?(A)On the fight of the walkway.(B) On the left of the walkway.(C) At the end of the walkway.20 Where can we see the Monkey Mountain?(A)At Flamingo Pond.(B) Beside Asian animals.(C) After North American animals.单项填空21 Each boy and girl _ to go through the checkin

9、g stand to see if he or she has grown taller.(A)is(B) are(C) be(D)were22 Taiwan is _ the southeast part of China, but Japan is _ the east.(A)in. in.(B) in. to.(C) to. in.(D)on. on.23 Paracutin was the first volcano in the world which was seen from its birth _ the present day.(A)to right up(B) up rig

10、ht to(C) right up to(D)right to up24 Be aware _ those who use the truth to deceive, and make a lie of what is true.(A)on(B) with(C) that(D)of25 New volcanoes may appear _ people do not expect them to be.(A)whenever and wherever(B) when and where(C) whatever and wherever(D)in when and where26 _ trave

11、l round the world alone shows that he is full of courage.(A)His deciding of(B) He decides(C) His decide(D)His deciding to27 Neither his wife nor his parents _ at home today.(A)is(B) are(C) stayed(D)has28 You _ the manager anything. It was none of his business.(A)neednt have told(B) neednt tell(C) mu

12、stnt have told(D)mustnt tell29 The professor will ask the student to account _ his absence from the class yesterday.(A)for(B) at(C) on(D)of30 My daughter has many strong points, _ being honest is only one part.(A)for which(B) of which(C) in which(D)with which31 I saw _ cars and trucks outside the bu

13、ilding at dusk.(A)an amount of(B) numbers of(C) lots of(D)plenty of32 Animals can only survive _ the living environment is similar to the earth.(A)which(B) whose(C) what(D)where33 _ to be taken good care of.(A)Young are(B) Young is(C) The young is(D)The young are34 “She must be in the dormitory now.

14、“ “No, she _ be there. I saw her in the classroom a minute ago.“(A)mustnt(B) cant(C) couldnt(D)wouldnt35 _ is considered as female occupation.(A)Dance(B) Dancing(C) Dancer(D)To dance完形填空36 I usually dont take the subway (地铁) to get to my office, but its a good thing I did last Tuesday. I 【B1 】 a man

15、 sitting opposite me who 【B2】 to be extremely nervous. He was 【B3】 wide-eyed at one of the advertisements (广告) in the car. Then his hands started to 【B4】 . I took my medical bag and 【B5】 to him.“Well, what 【B6 】 seems to be wrong with you?“ I asked.He pointed at an advertisement 【B7】 the good qualit

16、ies of a 【B8】 kind of shin. It 【B9】 :“It will not wilt, shrink, crease, or wrinkle.“Well, 【B10】 about it?“Im going 【B11】 ,“ he said. “I can read it to myself, but I cant says it out 【B12】 “My dear man,“ I comforted him, “you can say it. Of course you can. Yon re 【B13】 a little nervous. This is just

17、a nervous attack. You must not 【B14】 . You must try and say it. Now say it.“It.it will not wilt, crink, wack, or shrinkle,“ he said, and with a groan (呻吟) he 【B15 】 his face with his hands.“Now come on. 【B16】 me,“ I told him, “and learn how perfectly simple the whole 【B17 】 is.“ I continued in a fir

18、m voice:“ It will not wink, shink, wack, or cinkle.“ Oh, my God! I 【 B18】 several times, each was wrong in a different way.The man 【B19】 , and appeared completely recovered. I was 【B20】 The man was cured. Of course, I had been putting on an act.36 【B1 】(A)cured(B) met(C) taught(D)noticed37 【B2 】(A)t

19、urned(B) appeared(C) pretended(D)meant38 【B3 】(A)admiring(B) screaming(C) pointing(D)staring39 【B4 】(A)move(B) shake(C) touch(D)wave40 【B5 】(A)came back(B) went on(C) rushed over(D)looked over41 【B6 】(A)generally(B) exactly(C) usually(D)naturally42 【B7 】(A)telling about(B) showing off(C) calling for

20、(D)dealing with43 【B8 】(A)common(B) regular(C) famous(D)certain44 【B9 】(A)admitted(B) said(C) proved(D)called45 【B10 】(A)what(B) how(C) talk(D)think46 【B11 】(A)crazy(B) ahead(C) angry(D)back47 【B12 】(A)loud(B) alone(C) freely(D)completely48 【B13 】(A)truly(B) really(C) simply(D)particularly49 【B14 】(

21、A)stop(B) give in(C) hurry up(D)look50 【B15 】(A)covered(B) turned(C) hid(D)touched51 【B16 】(A)Talk to(B) Allow(C) Listen to(D)Show52 【B17 】(A)advertisement(B) problem(C) situation(D)thing53 【B18 】(A)tried(B) spelled(C) spoke(D)explained54 【B19 】(A)was anxious(B) was nervous(C) laughed(D)shouted55 【B

22、20 】(A)interested(B) delighted(C) worded(D)astonished短文理解56 Allow me to give you a little advice about writing fiction. First, make your characters believable. Make sure that they behave and talk as individuals. In real life, everyone is unique. I fall your characters speak the same way and react to

23、 things in the same way, youll lose your readers from the start.Once your readers believe in your characters, you must get them to care. Each reader must be able to identify with at least one character, to almost become that character in his or her mind. You can do this by developing characters with

24、 genuine human traits, both good and bad. The individuals who populate your story should have human strengths and weaknesses.Now its time to weave your tale, to create a plot. Your readers are part of the story now; they are involved.One last thing. Your story must touch the readers emotions. If you

25、 can make them laugh and cry along with your characters, you will be a successful writer.56 What would happen to your novel if your characters behaved the same?(A)It would be unique.(B) Your characters would speak like each other.(C) Readers reaction would be the same.(D)Nobody will read it.57 What

26、would be the best way to develop ones characters?(A)To write about their virtue and vice.(B) To describe their emotions.(C) To include their laughter and cries.(D)To identify with them.58 The best title for the passage would be _.(A)How to Create a Believable Character(B) How to Write Fiction(C) The

27、 Way to Make a Plot(D)Write with Emotions59 A new painting was hanging in the Hemlock Mills Art Gallery. Throughout the day, visitors stood before the new exhibit and guessed as to what it represented.“I think its a terrifying monster,“ said Misty. “Theres no name on it, but Im sure it was drawn by

28、a famous artist.“I would say that its a picture of a park as seen from an airplane,“ mused James. “I see many trees and roads.“Miss Culture, the local art critic for the Hemlock Weekly News, made her speech. “This is clearly a masterpiece created by an artist who wishes to be unknown at this stage o

29、f his or her career. The brilliant strokes of color symbolize a person who is looking back at an exciting lifetime of accomplishments!“At that moment, Mr. Lightman, the gallery owner, entered the room. “Isnt it great?“ he asked with a big smile on his face. “My three year old did that this morning.

30、He says its a maze. I think its amazing!“59 According to the writer, Miss Culture is a person who _.(A)acts as if she knows more than she really does(B) is well educated in art and culture(C) is a personal friend of the artist(D)recognizes the value of the painting60 When Mr. Lightman said “its amaz

31、ing“, he probably means _.(A)the painting is really marvelous(B) peoples responses are so varied(C) miss Cultures comment is false(D)art criticism sounds so weak61 What does this story mean?(A)Dont look at things in the same way.(B) Little kids can be great artists.(C) People understand things diffe

32、rently.(D)No critic tells the truth.62 Beware of those who use the truth to deceive. When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can create a false impression.For example, someone might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lott

33、ery. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!“This guys a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought two hundred tickets, and only one was a winner. Hes really a big loser!He didnt say anything that was false, but he deliberately omi

34、tted important information. Thats called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. Its against the law to make false claims so they try to mislead you with the truth. An ad might boast, “Nine out of ten doctors reco

35、mmend Yucky Pills to cure nose pimples.“ It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Corporation.This kind of deception happens too often. Its a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.62 What is true according to the pass

36、age?(A)Winning means losing as well.(B) You cant trust commercial ads.(C) Whenever people tell truth, they are lying.(D)Truth can be used in dishonest ways.63 The author wants people to _.(A)think about what they read and hear(B) never trust anyone(C) get rid of the habit of gambling(D)believe no do

37、ctors64 What does “omitted“ (Line 1, Para. 4) mean?(A)made up.(B) left out.(C) told about(D)explained.65 The title for this passage would be _.(A)How False Impression Is Made(B) Doctors Fool People(C) Lying With the Truth(D)Everybody Lies66 I might be letting my young son watch too much television.

38、I am certainly watching too many of his programs. They can really be perplexing as they force you to think of the mysteries of life. For example, when Franklin (the turtle) wanted a pet, his parents didnt want it to be a frog. They felt that frogs belong in a pond. Isnt that where turtles belong? An

39、d why is it that Little Bears animal friends can all talk and behave like people, but his friend Emily has a dog that can only bark and fetch? Tell me that isnt a mystery!Dog lovers can be reassured by Kipper and his friends. These dogs are very human. However, the only time they wear clothes is whe

40、n they put on bathing suits to go swimming. Im confused!Speaking of dogs, could Pluto ever be Goofys pet? I dont get it! What did the great Mr. Disney have in mind? And it is a mistake! The other day we watched a very nice little pig setting up a picnic. One of the foods was a big ham. Could it have

41、 been a soy ham? Is there such a thing? I hope so!Another thing that bothers me: What if Elmo isnt real? He cant be a mere puppet! Hes got a better attitude than most people. I just keep wondering. I think well turn off the TV and go out for a walk. Maybe well run into that mouse who dresses well bu

42、t certainly doesnt speak as clearly as the one in TV.66 The word “perplexing“ (Line 2, Para. 1) most probably mean _.(A)exciting(B) humorous(C) boring(D)confusing67 The writer of the passage probably _.(A)believes that Elmo is a real live creature(B) feels that Elmo is a very annoying creature(C) wo

43、nt let his son watch Sesame Street(D)wishes that Elmo were a real live creature68 The writer thinks its “a mistake“ when a pig _.(A)becomes Goofys pet(B) eats soy beans(C) sets up a picnic(D)eats ham because ham is made from pig69 The writer of this passage is implying that _.(A)theres a TV mouse th

44、at speaks more clearly(B) bears can really speak more clearly than mice(C) TV mice should not wear good clothes(D)watching television is not good for children70 The celebration of Mothers Day can be traced to the times of ancient Greece when tribute was paid to “Rhea“, the Mother of the Gods. The ne

45、xt recorded tribute to Mothers was during the 17a century when England celebrated “Mothering Sunday“ on the fourth Sunday of Lent. In America, Julia Ward Howe, the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic“, suggested the idea of Mothers Day in 1872.However, it is Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia who wa

46、s credited with creating Mothers Day in 1905. She wanted to pay tribute to her mother who had tried to establish Mothers Friendship Day to help heal the scars of the Civil War in America. In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to adopt a formal holiday to recognize Mothers. A year later nearl

47、y every state officially marked the day of celebration. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mothers Day as a national holiday to be held on the second Sunday of May.Today Mothers Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world. Although they do not fall at the same time in every co

48、untry, Mothers Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium. Their families honor mothers by dining out, giving flowers, sending cards, giving gifts, and visits. Additionally, it is reported to be one of the busiest days of the year for tel

49、ephone calls.The celebration of Mothers Day should be every day. They are the ones who nurture us, teach us, protect us, and make us feel that we matter. Mothers are people in our lives who are most responsible for the way we grow and mature. If you are a mother and are reading this, please accept a special thank-you for the part you play in each of our lives.70 In America, Mothers D

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