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1、国家公共英语(二级)笔试模拟试卷 289(无答案)第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从题中所给的 A、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1 What are the speakers talking about?(A)Who will attend the meeting.(B) When to announce the news.(C) What to discuss on Wednesday.2 What will the man do?(A)Boil more wa

2、ter.(B) Have a cup of tea.(C) Make tea for Christine.3 Why is Sheila late?(A)She forgot the time.(B) She had to finish work.(C) She argued with her boss.4 What is the weather normally like?(A)Warm.(B) Rainy.(C) Cold.5 What does the man mean?(A)He likes his professor.(B) He wants a new task.(C) He ne

3、eds more time.6 What is the dialogue about?(A)Which hospital Jane shall go to.(B) When Jane shall go.(C) Which bus Jane shall take.7 Where is Jane going?(A)The bus stop.(B) The centre of town.(C) The hospital.8 Which bus did Henry take yesterday?(A)No.30 bus.(B) No.7 bus.(C) No.13 bus.9 How does the

4、 woman think about her boss?(A)Rude.(B) Foolish.(C) Troublesome.10 What do we know about the woman?(A)She was in charge of a school.(B) She succeeded in dancing.(C) She has left her job.11 What does the man want to be?(A)A dancer.(B) A dancing trainer.(C) A secretary.12 What is the mother going to d

5、o tomorrow?(A)To watch TV.(B) To plant trees.(C) To cut down some trees.13 What does the mother want her son to know most of all?(A)Tree-planting Day is important to man.(B) Cutting down trees is necessary to man.(C) Trees are very important to man.14 What do you think of the boy?(A)He likes to ask

6、questions.(B) He enjoys planting trees.(C) He is clear about the reason of planting trees and cutting trees down.15 When do children start school in the man s country?(A)At seven.(B) At six.(C) At five.16 What examinations must children take first before going to university in the man s country?(A)O

7、 levels and “A“ levels.(B) O levels and “H“ levels.(C) A levels.17 How long do children usually stay at university in the man s country?(A)Three or five years.(B) Three or four years.(C) Three to four years.18 What kind of room does William Woods want?(A)A single room.(B) A double room with bath.(C)

8、 A single room with bath.19 How much will William Woods pay for the room?(A)$390.(B) 400(C) 49020 On which day will William Woods leave the hotel?(A)On Sunday, Aug. 29th.(B) On Monday, Aug. 23rd.(C) On Saturday, Aug. 28th.单项填空21 He told me that I_be present at the meeting.(A)should(B) might(C) could

9、(D)would22 The police are anxious to hear from anyone who _ know the missing woman.(A)can(B) may(C) must(D)will23 Though Mary continued working, she kept looking at the clock _, thinking of her sick baby in hospital.(A)all the time(B) at once(C) after a while(D)for a moment24 _ if hed ever been fine

10、d before, Mathew replied, “Only for speeding. “(A)Asking(B) Asked(C) To ask(D)Having asked25 Just think, in three months itll be summer again.(A)other(B) another(C) these(D)those26 Please give me more time;_ I shall not be able to finish the paper by next Monday.(A)meanwhile(B) therefore(C) otherwis

11、e(D)still27 He couldnt make up his_about what to do with the money.(A)thought(B) heart(C) mind(D)head28 If Tim moves to London, he_have to sell his house in Bristol.(A)will(B) must(C) could(D)should29 The paper is_readyit needs to be checked once more.(A)after all(B) just about(C) in fact(D)at least

12、30 _me to phone the dentist this afternoon.I will.(A)Notice(B) Tell(C) Remember(D)Remind31 Whichever way you look at _, joining the Olympic Games can be an outstanding achievement for anyone.(A)that(B) it(C) one(D)this32 Bella is very kind and beautiful and works hard. _, she is a good girl.(A)To su

13、m up(B) As a result(C) By the way(D)In the end33 Marks first year at college was a time _ with excitement and enjoyment.(A)having filled(B) being filled(C) to be filled(D)filled34 I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone_has helped to make our meeting a great success!(A)which(B) that(C) who(D

14、)whom35 Would you mind carrying this book for me for two seconds, please? Oh,_.(A)go ahead(B) its all right(C) let me see(D)with pleasure完形填空35 In January 2002, during the first week of a six-month stay at the Children s Hospital of Philadelphia for leukemia (白血病) treatment, Michael wandered over to

15、 his hospital window in search of relaxation. The【C1】_first-grader watched a construction crew【C2】_on a 10-storey addition to the hospital.【C3】_Michael s third-floor window, Ritchie, an iron-worker from the East Falls section of Philadelphia,【C4】_and saw “ this kid with no hair【C5】_face was pressed

16、up to the window. I waved, and he smiled and【C6】_I 11 never forget that,“ says Ritchie, a father of three.As winter【 C7】_spring, Michael watched, fascinated (着迷), as 3,000 tons of steel【 C8】_formed the skeleton of the building. One day he colored a message for the crew and held【C9】_up to the window;

17、 Hi, Local Iron Workers. I m Mike. Ritchie and the【C10】_crew messaged back. Over the【C11】_months, as his treatment continued, Ritchie and the crew【C12】_Michael up and cheered him with【C13】_signs like Be Strong Mike.【C14】_the construction reached the third floor, Ritchie jumped across the【C15】_betwee

18、n the buildings and the two had a 【C16】_chat. The hard hat with the tender heart wells up (涌出眼泪) when he thinks about it. “ Michael【C17】_my life,“ says Ritchie. “I was a real hard-core (顽固不化的) person without a lot of sympathy. But I d【C18】_seeing this kid every day waving at me and excited about the

19、 construction. I look at life【C19】_thanks to him. “ Today Michael is a 10-year-old third-grader in complete recovery. What does he hope to【C20】_when he grows up? “A construction worker,“ he says.36 【C1 】(A)strange(B) curious(C) serious(D)anxious37 【C2 】(A)playing(B) studying(C) living(D)working38 【C

20、3 】(A)Below(B) Above(C) Under(D)Over39 【C4 】(A)watched out(B) watched at(C) looked up(D)looked down40 【C5 】(A)whom(B) whose(C) which(D)that41 【C6 】(A)came back(B) came on(C) waved back(D)waved on42 【C7 】(A)went off(B) went out(C) turned into(D)turned to43 【C8 】(A)gradually(B) immediately(C) successf

21、ully(D)usually44 【C9 】(A)that(B) it(C) one(D)itself45 【C10 】(A)hospital(B) repair(C) construction(D)school46 【C11 】(A)first(B) last(C) long(D)next47 【C12 】(A)cheered(B) lighted(C) called(D)woke48 【C13 】(A)discouraging(B) encouraging(C) surprising(D)interesting49 【C14 】(A)Before(B) Since(C) While(D)W

22、hen50 【C15 】(A)ground(B) floor(C) space(D)storey51 【C16 】(A)face-to-face(B) hand-in-hand(C) neck-and-neck(D)step-by-step52 【C17 】(A)gave(B) changed(C) saved(D)took53 【C18 】(A)pay attention to(B) get down to(C) be used to(D)look forward to54 【C19 】(A)differently(B) happily(C) sadly(D)excitedly55 【C20

23、 】(A)have(B) get(C) be(D)appreciate55 In July 1994, Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, was struck by 21 pieces of a comet (彗星). When the fragments (碎片) landed in the southern part of the giant planet, the explosions were watched by scientists here on earth. But what if our own planet w

24、as hit by a comet?The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two fragments will probably hit the southern part of the Earth. The news has caused panic.On 17 July, a fragment four kilometres wide enters the Earth s atmospher

25、e with a huge explosion. About half of the fragment is destroyed. But the major part survives and hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and an enormous wave is created and spreads. The wall of water rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometres an hour. Cities on

26、the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned. The wave moves into the Indian Ocean and heads towards Asia.Millions of people are already dead in the southern part of the Earth, but the north won t escape for long. Tons of broken pieces are thrown into the atmosphere by

27、the explosions. As the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later civilization has collapsed. No more than 10 million people have survived.Could it really happen? In fact, it has alrea

28、dy happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs(恐龙) were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a space fragment. The dinosaurs couldn t survive in the cold climate that fol

29、lowed and they became extinct. Will we meet the same end?56 Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the author s description of the disaster in 2094?(A)The whole world becomes extremely cold.(B) All the coastal cities in Africa are destroyed.(C) The whole mankind becomes extinct.(D)The visit

30、 of the comet results in wars.57 Why does the author mention dinosaurs at the end of the passage?(A)Because they could only live in the warm climate.(B) Because they once dominated the Earth.(C) Because their extinction indicates future disasters.(D)Because dinosaurs and humans never live in the sam

31、e age.58 In writing the passage, the author intends to_.(A)give an accurate description of the possible disaster in the future(B) prove that humans will sooner or later be destroyed(C) tell the historical development of the Earth(D)warn of a possible disaster in the future59 It can be concluded that

32、 the passage is most probably part of a(n)_.(A)horror story(B) news report(C) research paper(D)article of popular science59 Here is a poster on a middle school website.Going, Going, Gone!The Haynes Middle School Parent Teacher Organizationinvites you to attend our latest fund(基金)-raiser,The Fourth A

33、nnual Haynes School Auction(拍卖) !Saturday, May 106:00 p.m.11:00 p.m.in the school hall6:00 p.m. 6: 30 p.m. : All items for auction are previewed.6:30 p. m. 7: 00 p. m. : Silent auction begins.7:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. : Highest bidders (出价人) from silent auction are determined.7:30 p. m. 11:00 p. m. : Ma

34、in auction begins.Items up for bids in the silent auction range in value from $5.00 to $30.00.Items up for bids in the main auction include the following:Airline tickets to a place of your choiceWeekend getaways at first-class hotelsSeason tickets to the Chicago Bears football game$ 50 gift tickets

35、to local gift shops, restaurants, and salonsTheater tickets to The Merchant of VeniceDont miss the boat! Book your tickets today. Last year, tickets sold out in five days. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. $ 15. 00 per person. All the money from the auction will be given to the H

36、aynes School computer laboratory.60 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as being up for bid at the auction?(A)A movie pass to the local cinema.(B) A weekend stay at a hotel.(C) A ticket to a restaurant.(D)Airline tickets.61 The more items that are given or bought for auction,_.(A)the less money

37、that will be charged for the tickets to the auction(B) the more money that can be raised to support the computer lab(C) the faster the ticket will be sold to the auction(D)the higher the value that will be placed on the items in the silent auction62 Which of the following is most likely to happen at

38、 the year s auction?(A)The airline tickets will receive higher bids than any other item.(B) All items up for bids will be sold for at least twice their value.(C) More money will be raised this year than in any other year before.(D)Tickets for the event will be sold out in less than one week.63 The p

39、hrase “first-come, first-served“ tells you that_.(A)people can buy the tickets on the first day only(B) the person who is first to arrive will receive a ticket at no charge(C) food and drink will be served at the auction(D)tickets are sold in the order of who arrives first to buy them63 Businesses p

40、ut lots of time and money into new plans, programs and excellent employees with the hope things will change. Yet, at the end of the effort, not much changes. What happens?In most cases, those new plans, programs and employees enter a company with an existing culture (文化). And plans, programs and new

41、 employees have a way of conforming to(顺应)the existing culture. The culture of your business is the result of a particular mindset , or a particular way of thinking and the general feelings about certain things. Most often, it is the mindset of the founder or people managing the business.The founder

42、 has gotten to where he is because of his skill sets, knowledge base and personal beliefs, which unfortunately all come with inherent (固有的)limits. Why? Skills, knowledge and beliefs come from what he or she already knows or has experienced. In other words, it comes from the past. We ( people) try to

43、 make the past fit the future. Just because something worked in the past, doesnt mean it is suitable for the future. As the saying goes, if you do and think what you have always done and thought, you will have what you have always had.Therefore, lasting changes have to start with the way people thin

44、k. To make changes in the way you think, you will be required ta set goals beyond your basic abilities and continuously think them through. It is a way to train yourself and people to get out of the comfort zone where you feel happy with your knowledge and skills.64 Which question does the author tr

45、y to answer?(A)What past experience is useful for businesses?(B) How much time is needed for making plans?(C) How can changes be made in businesses?(D)What kinds of employees are the best?65 Where does the business culture mainly come from?(A)The founder.(B) The progress.(C) The new employees.(D)The

46、 collective effort.66 What does the author think about the mindset of the company leader?(A)It can prevent the enrichment of experiences.(B) It is useful far skill and knowledge learning.(C) It is important for personal beliefs build-up.(D)It may limit the companys development.67 What plays a key ro

47、le in making changes in a company?(A)Making a breakthrough in the way people think.(B) Training people to be able to face hardship.(C) Setting clearer goals for employees.(D)Making the past fit the future.67 Scientists say they now have proof to support the old-fashioned advice that its best to slee

48、p on a problem. They say sleep strengthens the memory and helps the brain organize the masses of information we receive each day.Lead researcher Bob Stickgold at the Harvard Medical School said, “Sleep helps us draw rules from our experiences. Its like knowing the difference between dogs and cats. e

49、ven if its hard to explain. “The US research team studied how well students remembered connections between words and symbols (象征) , reports New Scientist. They compared how the students performed if they had had a sleep between seeing the words and having the test, and if they had not slept. They found that people were better able to remember lists of related wor


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