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1、国家公共英语(五级)笔试模拟试卷 83(无答案)Part ADirections: You will hear a talk. As you listen, answer Questions 1-10 by circling TRUE or FALSE. You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE. You now have 1 minute to read Questions 1-10.1 The speaker knows a few Chinese students.(A)Right(B) Wrong2 The speaker thinks most Chinese

2、 students in U.S.A. are trying hard to adjust themselves to the American life.(A)Right(B) Wrong3 Interactions with Americans tend to be limited to relatively formal, academic settings.(A)Right(B) Wrong4 Only those who have spent years in the United States can talk freely with American friends about

3、sophisticated subjects such as race relations and popular music.(A)Right(B) Wrong5 Chinese students say they cant join the extracurricular and social activities because of financial reasons.(A)Right(B) Wrong6 The speaker does not think the reasons given by Chinese students about lack of social activ

4、ities are grounded.(A)Right(B) Wrong7 Most Chinese students try to get to know the foreign country from the inside.(A)Right(B) Wrong8 The role of a cultural interpreter is as important as that of being an engineer or biologist.(A)Right(B) Wrong9 Many Chinese students who have studied in the United S

5、tates return to China to contribute to their homelands development.(A)Right(B) Wrong10 The 21st century Chinese students in the United States will recognize their crucial function in the process of furthering U.S.-China understanding.(A)Right(B) WrongPart BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations o

6、r talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.11 Where is the socializing done traditionally for the UK young people?(A)MSN Spaces.(B) Pubs that is, keeping youths aged sixteen and older out (46) the labor market by keeping them in school c

7、ould no (47) be a high priority for an institution unable (48) find space and staff to teach younger children aged five to sixteen. With the baby boom, the focus of educators and of laymen interested in education inevitably turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills (49) discip

8、line. The (50) no longer had much interest in offering nontraditional, new, and extra services to older youths.Part ADirections: Read the following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 51 One of the largest mental health p

9、roblems in the United States is that of compulsive gambling. Although there are no scientific studies that have discovered the exact number, experts estimate that between five and ten million persons are compulsive gamblers.Like addicting to alcohol or narcotics, compulsive gambling crosses all soci

10、al and economic lines. Compulsive gamblers can be found in any profession and at any level of society. And the addiction affects both men and women.The gambling compulsion usually starts in the early teens. The more often the young gambler indulges in the compulsion, the more obsessive it becomes. B

11、y his early twenties, the average compulsive gambler has moved from small bets on such things as football games, horse races, and card games to more adult, more expensive, gambling forms.For the compulsive gamblers, life becomes continuous gambling. The compulsion consumes the gambling addict to suc

12、h a point that nothing else matters not even health, children, or family.Studies by psychiatrists seem to show that compulsive gamblers bet to lose. Compulsive gamblers never stop when they are ahead. Instead they try to win more.One important characteristic to the compulsive gambler is his optimism

13、. Like most human beings he does not like to admit defeat. Consequently, he hides his real motivations for gambling with large amounts of enthusiastic optimism. The more deeply he is committed to bettingand losingthe more fanatical his conviction that the next bet will make him wealthy.Compulsive ga

14、mblers will use almost any means to get money to “feed their addiction“. Borrowing or stealing from friends or family is the first method gamblers usually employ to get cash. Other common ways to get money are embezzlement, robbery or writing false checks.In recent years psychiatrists have discovere

15、d some of the basic reasons for compulsive gambling. First, compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking in love. As a result the child grows up still looking for the warmth of family love and parental approval.Another aspect of the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he

16、 wants to lose. Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win; however, there is a strong element of self-destruction in their inclination to continue betting until all is lost.One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answe

17、r to the question: “Do you love me?“ By winning he receives a “yes“ answer. However, the gambler cannot accept the “yes“ he sometimes receives because it is contrary to the reality of his (or her) unhappy childhoodone lacking in family love. The gambler is compelled to continue betting, thus express

18、ing again and again his need for love and acceptance.When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addict. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.Fortunately, there is hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychia

19、tric treatment is one possibility. Group therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily availableand least expensivehelp comes from an organization called Gamblers Anonymous (GA). Patterned after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) it has more than ninety chapters in the United States with about 3 000

20、gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is that gamblers must pay back all their debts, even if it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.Happily, today with more public

21、 interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem and with such organization as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction now has some place or someone to turn to.51 We can infer from the text that the addiction to compulsive gambling affect _.(A)young men only(B) women o

22、nly(C) elders only(D)both men and women52 What is one of the most essential characteristics of the compulsive gamblers?(A)They are all teenagers.(B) They are frequently pessimistic.(C) They are from any profession.(D)they never admit defeat.53 According to the psychiatrists, compulsive gamblers are

23、those _.(A)who care much about family and health(B) who are products of happy home with loving parents(C) who axe runaways from their wives(D)who want to be loved54 When compulsive gamblers do win some money, they are usually _.(A)lending money to their poor relatives(B) placing a new bet(C) buying

24、expensive presents for themselves(D)spending money on their families55 Whats the authors attitude towards treatment of gambling addicts?(A)Negative.(B) Pessimistic.(C) Positive.(D)Indifferent.56 Stockbrokers are agents who buy and sell stocks, shares and other securities for their clients. They are

25、paid commission. Jobbers, on the other hand, buy and sell securities in large quantities. They are the wholesalers. The jobbers are always to be found in the same spot in the London Stock Exchange. They congregate according to the type of security they specialize in. So you can find all the jobbers

26、dealing with rubber shares in one place, those interested in shipping another, those concerned with mining in another, and so on. Jobbers make a profit like any other dealer. They usually quote two prices; they are prepared to buy any reasonable quantity of that share at the lower price, and to sell

27、 at the higher price. These prices vary, of course, from day to day and even hour to hour, according to the demand.Perhaps a broke wants to sell five hundred shares in XYZ Pharmaceuticals for a client. He looks for the jobbers who deal in pharmaceutical shares. He asks the price of XYZ Pharmaceutica

28、ls, without saying whether he wishes to buy or sell. The jobber quotes him two pricesperhaps 75/79. This means that he will buy quantities of that share at 75 pence each, and sell them at 79 pence each. The broker then goes on to other jobbers and asks them the same question.Eventually he chooses th

29、e best offer. The two men make a verbal agreement (nothing is written at this stage) and from that moment the brokers client is the owner of those shares. When he goes back to his office, the broker has to write out a “contract note“, which he sends to his client. This records the price, his commiss

30、ion, the tax on the transaction, and so on. For payment, both the buyer and the seller must sign transfer forms; these are sent to XYZ Pharmaceuticals for registration. Later, the buyer gets a certificate of the shares. The deal is now complete.The London Stock Exchange has always been famous as a p

31、lace for men only, and women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a mans castle, is gradually opening its doors to the other sex. On 16th November, 1971, a great decision was taken. The Stock Exchange Council (t

32、he body of men that administers the Stock Exchange) decided that Women should be allowed on to the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the “castle“ had not been completely conquered. The first girls to work in “The House“ were not brokers or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become par

33、tners in stockbroking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators. Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years. Several votes have been taken in “The House“ to see whether the members would be willing to al

34、low women to become members, but the answer has always been “NO“. There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted, although in a very junior capacity. Two firms of jobbers made an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission

35、 was finally given. A member of the Stock Exchange explained, after this news had been given, “The new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with space for a telephone and typewriters. Therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operat

36、ors. So women must be allowed in“. This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step in the right direction. The Chairman of the Stock Exchange said, “I think that the opening of the new building will eventually lead to women being allowed

37、to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It is only a matter of time; it must happen“.56 According to the text, what is the Stock Exchange?(A)A large house where stockbrokers live.(B) A place where jobbers and stock brokers meet, to buy and sell shares.(C) A house in London, where stockbrokers

38、 are paid commission by their clients.(D)A place where jobbers make a very large profit.57 According to the text, whats the job of a stock broker?(A)He pays commission.(B) He deals in securities for other people.(C) He buys and sells securities in large quantities.(D)He makes a large profit.58 Accor

39、ding to paragraph 3, what happened on 16th November, 1971?(A)Women were allowed to enter the Stock Exchange for the first time.(B) It was decided to permit women to work in the Stock Exchange.(C) The new trading floor was opened.(D)The doors of the Stock Exchange were opened.59 What does “The House“

40、 in paragraph 3 refer to?(A)A castle full of men.(B) The Stock Exchange Council.(C) A place where women are forbidden to enter.(D)The London Stock Exchange.60 Which of the following statements is not true?(A)Women had the intention of getting into the Stock Exchange for many years.(B) Women were all

41、owed to become stockbrokers and jobbers in 1973.(C) Women worked as clerks when they were first allowed into the Stock Exchange.(D)The Stock Exchange opened its door to the other sex little by little.61 People regard the process of change in a number of different ways: as good and as evil, as therap

42、eutic and as harmful, as fun and as annoying. It all depends on the situation, the type of change and the degree of change. If a man is in a rut, he may be advised to consider a new job. This might be very healthy for him and give him a wholly new, fresh outlook on life, but it might also mean chang

43、es in his life which he is unprepared to accept. It might involve moving to a new location or accepting for a period of time an income lower than the one he is used to having for the support of his family. Therefore, he is forced to choose between two unsatisfactory situations.Or the man might live

44、in an area which once contained lots of open spaces which he and his family could use for recreational activities. Gradually the area experienced an ever increasing build up of roads, houses, stores and population. It is no longer the same kind of place which it was when he had chosen to live there,

45、 and he is unhappy about it. The process of change has overtaken him, but should he force himself to undergo the even more drastic change of relocating himself in another area where the same type of process may again overtake him? Or must he learn to adjust himself to this process of change over whi

46、ch he seemingly has no control? How can he reconcile himself to the sources of his unhappiness? Is it possible that he can have absolutely no control over his destiny? Must he abandon the idea that he can be master of his fate and accept the idea that adjustment and submission to the process of chan

47、ge are the only hopes he has for happiness?It is recognized that people can only absorb so much change at one time. Too many changes, or changes which are too drastic, can cause anything from anxiety to death. Some people can face change better than others, and this ability seems to depend on the in

48、dividuals stability, maturity and flexibility. Facing change is often regarded as a test of these qualities. The subject merits consideration, for at no time in human history have people been faced with not only so many changes, but also such unprecedented changeschanges so drastic that they might b

49、e considered to be “firsts“ in human history.One such “first“ concerns the type of catastrophes we are now capable of causing. A function of each generation is to preserve and protect what we have. The desire to do this is behind most of our work, loyalties and assumptions. In the past, major catastrophes, such as wars, plagues and earthquakes, could destroy only a fraction of the human race and environment. Most people and societies were not affected by and often were not even aware of such catastrophes when they occurred. One of the causes of present unres

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