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1、大学英语六级模拟试卷 676(无答案)一、Part I Writing (30 minutes)1 Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a short essay entitled Internet according to the following outline given below in Chinese. The first sentence of each paragraph has been given to you.1. 因特网越来越普遍地进入到我们的学习、工作和生活当中2因特网的益处3. 因特网的消极方面I

2、nternetInternet has been playing an increasing role in our daily life._.Internet has enabled us to do a lot of things more easily and quickly._.However, if not managed properly, Internet can create many problems too._.All in all, we cannot live without Internet now._. 二、Part II Reading Comprehension

3、 (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-4, mark:Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement c

4、ontradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.1 Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For quest

5、ions 17 , choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 810, complete the sentences with the in formation given in the passage.Sound EffectsSnorers(打鼾的人 ) have always been made jokes. In cartoons, their nasal(鼻子的)roar lifts the roof off houses. In situation com

6、edies, theres the wife who rolls her eyes at her snoring bedmate. But in reality, its not all that funny. In fact, snoring can be a nightmare for snorers and their troubled partners, who may wake up several times a night to poke, and maybe hoist loved ones onto their sides for a little relief.Risks

7、of Snoring ProblemsBut the nightly racket is more than a potential relationship strain. According to the latest research, an increasingly older and heavier population may make this condition an even greater a health risk than we previously thought. For Maggie Moss-Tucker, successful treatment for a

8、longtime snoring problem came almost by accident. One fall morning in 2005, she saw a sign at her local gym seeking snorers as volunteers for a study at Bostons Brigham you never talked about it with your doctor, “says Dr. David Rapoport, medical director of the Sleep Disorders Center at New York Un

9、iversity Medical Center. “But when it becomes very prominent or such that it wakes you up or interferes with breathing, it can be a problem.“Sleep apnea, in which the airway becomes blocked or, less often, the brain fails to properly control breathing during sleeping, can be viewed as one extreme of

10、 the snoring spectrum. Soft snoring, which is not generally considered a health hazard, would be at the other end. As the sound and persistence of a patients snoring grows, so do the health concerns. A study published in the March 1 issue of the journal Sleep found that loud snorers had a 40 percent

11、 greater risk than non-snorers of suffering from high blood pressure, 34 percent greater odds of having a heart attack and a 67 percent greater chance of having a stroke.Thats a problem given the number of noisy sleepers out there. In a recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation, about one third o

12、f US working adults reported snoring at least a few nights in the previous month. Snoring generally worsens with age so the rate is even higher among the elderly. And, contrary to common perceptions, its nearly as common in women as men. Menopause(更年期) appears to be a factor, as is weight. Being ove

13、rweight can cause thickness in the airway tube, holding back the flow of oxygen. Treatment of Snoring ProblemsYet many who regularly snore dont realize that it could be bad for their health. The research linking hypertension, cardiac problems and loud snoring is relatively new. And though awareness

14、of sleep apnea is growing, specialists say the condition is still vastly undertreated. Primary-care physicians dont routinely ask patients about the quality of their sleep though that is beginning to change and few patients think to tell their doctors that theyre snoring, unless it becomes hazardous

15、 to their partner. Sleep specialists estimate that between 12 million and 18 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea but many of them, like Moss-Tucker, remain undiagnosed for years. Research from the National Sleep Foundation indicates that only half of those with sleep apnea are being trea

16、ted. Since it is a progressive condition, says Michael Twery, director of the National Institutes of Healths National Center on Sleep Disorders Research, “The person whos affected is usually not aware of how severe the condition is.“Moss-Tucker remembers being drowsy during the day sometimes, but sh

17、e blamed it on her busy life. When researchers at the sleep lab asked if she had ever fallen asleep while driving, she laughed initially. But then she recalled long drives during which shed had to pull over every 45 minutes to take a cat nap(打盹) to avoid dozing off at the wheel. Shed also become acc

18、ustomed to taking daily 25-minute naps each afternoon. But once she was diagnosed and began using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (or CPAP) machine, the most common treatment for sleep apnea, she says, “My life changed.“Moss-Tucker no longer needed naps and her energy levels, mental clarity an

19、d general moods improved so much so that she cannot imagine one night without the CPAP, a machine with a mask that attaches to the nose, mouth or both, helping to force oxygen into the airway while the patient sleeps. If its used properly, it is nearly 100 percent effective. But CPAPs (or BiPaps, wh

20、ich deliver alternating levels of oxygen), which cost about $ 500 or more with the mask, can be not easy to use and the noise may be as disruptive to sleeping partners as snoring. Despite its efficiency, estimates of overall long-term usage rates remain between 50 to 70 percent.For snorers who dont

21、appear to have sleep apnea, there are other measures to avoid bad nights. They include: avoiding big meals and alcohol before bed; sleeping on ones side instead of the back; treating conditions tike allergies and colds that can cause or worsen snoring, and maintaining a healthy weight. There are als

22、o devices, which push the lower jaw forward to help keep the airway open. “They arc effective in a fair number of snoring cases,“ says NYUs Rapoport, but he cautions that they need to be custom fitted by dentist and can be expensive if not covered by insurance. Surgery on Snoring ProblemsSurgery to

23、widen the airways or improve nasal airflow is also an option, though it also may not be covered by insurance and success rates vary. UPPP, in which a surgeon removes tissue at the back of the throat, can require a hospital stay and a long recovery; its typically used for patients with moderate obstr

24、uctive sleep apnea. But other procedures can be performed under local anesthesia in a surgeons office, including laserassisted LAUP, a modification of UPPP in which the surgeon uses a laser to cut the uvula. Patients who get LAUP can generally resume their normal routine almost immediately afterward

25、, but they may require up to five treatments. Somnoplasty is another short office-based procedure: it uses low-power radiofrequency energy that reduces tile volume of the soft palate tissue (located at tile back of tile roof of the mouth) but may require more than one session. Nasal surgery may also

26、 be recommended for those with obstructions in the nose. Another treatment is file Pillar procedure, in which three tiny inserts are injected into the soft palate to offer support. Since its a newer procedure only approved by the FDA in August 2004, theres less long-term data. “Studies are showing i

27、t does work but to what extent is not really known yet.“ says Rapoport.With several options but no magic bullet, experts say its important to have a full medical examination to determine the best course of action. But as long as snoring is seen as more of a joke than a risk, even that step may be to

28、o large for some. 2 The passage is mainly about _.(A)the causes of snoring problems(B) the treatments of snoring problems(C) the risks of snoring problems(D)the hazards and the treatments of snoring problems3 When Moss-Tucker began snoring, she was about _.(A)56 years old(B) 46 years old(C) 36 years

29、 old(D)26 years old4 A person with sleep apnea will possibly have the symptom like _.(A)failing to wake up in the morning(B) stopping breathing repeatedly(C) failing to concentrate on his thinking(D)staying awake all the night5 According to the study in the journal Sleep, what disease will those peo

30、ple with snoring problems be more likely to suffer from?(A)Breath problem.(B) Heart attack.(C) High blood pressure.(D)Stroke6 According to the poll by the National Sleep Foundation, compared to that of women? the number of men with snoring problem is _.(A)larger(B) smaller(C) nearly the same(D)quite

31、 different7 According to Michael Twery, why dont those people with snoring problems go to sec their doctor?(A)Because they arc afraid to be laughed at by others.(B) Because they arc not aware of the problems due to their slow progress.(C) Because they arc too busy to go to hospital.(D)Because they a

32、re unwilling to talk about snoring problems.8 What is the most common treatment for sleep apnea according to the passage?(A)Wearing a mask when sleeping.(B) Taking a nap everyday.(C) Having long-time sleeping.(D)Using a CPAP machine.9 CPAP is a useful machine for people with snoring problems because

33、 it can help to _. 10 To cure the snoring problems, surgery can be used to improve _. 11 People with snoring problems can get treated through different surgery procedures, such as UPPP, LAUP, Somnoplasty and _. Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conv

34、ersations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is

35、 the best answer.(A)A trip to the downtown of the city.(B) A forthcoming boat race.(C) A rise in postage.(D)An unfortunate accident. (A)Hell see if they have more paper.(B) Shes bound to find it somewhere else.(C) The paper she wants is out of stock.(D)He cant accept a check. (A)7:13(B) 7:30(C) 8:13

36、(D)8:30(A)Shes a good cook.(B) She lives far away from the woman.(C) She often takes trips abroad.(D)She often helps people. (A)In a paint shop.(B) At an art museum.(C) In a swimming pool.(D)At lumber yard. (A)She prefers the stadium.(B) She agrees with the man.(C) The light isnt bright enough.(D)Th

37、e dining hall isnt large enough. (A)She will go away.(B) She will be sorry.(C) She wont quit her job.(D)She wont buy him a present. (A)Its too late for the man to go to the concert.(B) The man must wait for two hours to buy a ticket.(C) People have already been standing in line for two hours.(D)The

38、man can buy a standing-room ticket tomorrow. (A)He has finished the first draft.(B) He has just got started.(C) He has finished the main body.(D)He has handed the paper in.(A)Strict and picky.(B) Responsible and nice.(C) Helpful and patient.(D)Responsible but too direct.(A)Have dinner with him.(B) W

39、rite the paper for him.(C) Go to classes with him.(D)Help him with the paper.(A)Judging peoples behavior.(B) Common causes of anger.(C) Changing peoples attitudes.(D)The effects of negative behavior.(A)When theyre unable to control the persons behavior.(B) When the causes of the behavior are obvious

40、.(C) When the consequences of the behavior are unpleasant.(D)When the behavior is expected.(A)Their behavior should be attributed to factors beyond their control.(B) Their behavior should be attributed to internal factors.(C) Their behavior should be attributed to external factors.(D)Their behavior

41、should be attributed to others.(A)We should blame external factors.(B) We should blame internal factors.(C) We should blame others.(D)We neednt blame ourselves.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the pas

42、sage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.(A)To inform visitors of the parks history.(B) To provide an overview of the parks main attractions.(C) To show visitors remote places in the park.(D

43、)To teach visitors how to photograph wildlife best.(A)Its easy to get lost.(B) It requires enormous strength.(C) Its a good group activity.(D)People shouldnt do it in the winter.(A)There are fewer tourists.(B) The entrance fees are lower.(C) The animals are more active.(D)There are fewer insects.(A)

44、Separate houses were built for storing ice.(B) Double walls were built in icehouses to keep cool.(C) Blocks of ice were packed with weed in icehouses.(D)Ice was put into icehouses In winter.(A)The ice was cut and handled with the help of some special tools.(B) The ice was taken from the flowing rive

45、r with hooks and carried by sleds to icehouses.(C) The ice was carried on the frozen surface of the pond or river.(D)The ice was sawed into even blocks by workers.(A)Saws, choppers, axes, tongs, hooks.(B) Axes, saws, choppers, tongs, hooks.(C) Choppers, axes, saws, hooks, tongs.(D)Axes, saws, choppe

46、rs, hooks.(A)One.(B) Two.(C) Three.(D)Four.(A)Nothing about the mountains.(B) The real experience of being in the mountains.(C) Mountain climbing with family members.(D)Skills of rock climbing.(A)Mountain climbing.(B) Rock climbing.(C) Hiking.(D)Fishing.(A)Because the mountain is over 12,000 feet hi

47、gh.(B) Because he had no experience since he left college.(C) Because his wife wasnt good at mountain climbing.(D)Because his children were too young.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully fo

48、r its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the ex

49、act words you have just heard or write down the 37 The traditional belief that a womans place is in the home and that a woman ought not to go out to work can hardly be reasonably (36)_ in present conditions. It is said that it is a womans task to care for the children, but families today (37)_ to be small. Thus a womans whole period of (38)_ may occur within five years. Fu

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