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1、教师公开招聘考试(小学英语)模拟试卷 4(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 The new movie_to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.(A)promises(B) agrees(C) pretends(D)declines2 Your house is always so neathow do you_it with three children?(A)manage(B) serve(C) adapt(D)construct3 In this day and age, women can hav

2、e children and jobs as well. I can t agree more. It s great to have the two_.(A)linked(B) related(C) connected(D)combined4 Just as the clothes a person wears,the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house_his personality.(A)resembles(B) strengthens(C) reflects(D)shapes5 How

3、 did you like Nick s performance last night? To be honest,his singing didnt_to me much.(A)appeal(B) belong(C) refer(D)occur6 Parents_much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.(A)attach(B) pay(C) link(D)apply7 The experiment has _the possibility

4、of the existence of any life on that planet,but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.(A)found out(B) pointed out(C) ruled out(D)carried out8 Thousands of people_to watch yesterday s match against Ireland.(A)turned on(B) turned in(C) turned around(D)turned out9 The students in this univ

5、ersity have free_to that swimming pool.(A)access(B) excess(C) excursion(D)recreation10 _is her daughter? The girl on the right wearing blue jeans.(A)Who(B) What(C) Which(D)Where11 Im feeling much better now so you_call the doctor.(A)couldnt(B) wouldnt(C) cant(D)neednt12 I am thirsty. Could you let m

6、e have_coke?(A)little(B) any(C) some(D)other13 Remember to spend some time_your loved ones, because theyre not going to be around forever.(A)from(B) with(C) in(D)on14 Eton College in England was_in 1440 by King Henry VI to give free education to poor students.(A)cleaned up(B) set up(C) fixed up(D)ch

7、eered up15 _, Mr. Wang. Can you pass the dictionary to me, please? Certainly.(A)Im sorry(B) Pardon(C) Thank you(D)Excuse me16 Hi, Steve! Our teachers told us_an electric bike. Its too dangerous. Im sorry. I wont do it again.(A)to ride(B) not ride(C) not to ride(D)riding17 Fangfang failed in the sing

8、ing competition. She must be very sad. Lets go and_.(A)wake her up(B) cheer her up(C) pick her up(D)take her up18 Lin Tao, why are you so_? Because Wang Meng got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.(A)excited(B) angry(C) disappointed(D)regretful19 Excuse me, could you tell me_for Taiwan? The da

9、y after tomorrow.(A)when did you leave(B) when you are leaving(C) when are you leaving(D)when do you leave20 Nobody will become a hero without the help of others. Thats true. _(A)Practice makes perfect.(B) One tree cant make a forest.(C) Where there is a will, there is a way.(D)above all二、完形填空20 Foo

10、d is very important. Everyone needs to【C1】_well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is【C2】_. We begin to get knowledge even【 C3】_we are very young. Small children are【C4】_in everything around them. They learn【 C5】_while they are watching an

11、d listening. When they are getting older, they begin to【C6】_story books, science books. . . , anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and【C7】_to find out answers. What is the best【C8】_to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get【C9】_knowledge. If we ar

12、e【C10】_getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.21 【C1 】(A)sleep(B) read(C) drink(D)eat22 【C2 】(A)sport(B) exercise(C) knowledge(D)meat23 【C3 】(A)until(B) when(C) after(D)so24 【C4 】(A)interested

13、(B) interesting(C) weak(D)better25 【C5 】(A)everything(B) something(C) nothing(D)anything26 【C6 】(A)lend(B) read(C) leam(D)write27 【C7 】(A)try(B) have(C) refuse(D)wait28 【C8 】(A)place(B) school(C) way(D)road29 【C9 】(A)little(B) few(C) many(D)the most30 【C10 】(A)often(B) always(C) usually(D)something三

14、、阅读理解30 31 If you want to go to Betty and Jacks party, you can call_.(A)342-1525(B) 342-7391(C) 342-2691(D)342-735032 Mike Green has to sell his washing machine because_.(A)he wants to buy a new one(B) he will go abroad(C) he wants to buy a new house(D)Theres something wrong with it33 Smiths Book Cl

15、ub is open_a day.(A)8 hours(B) 10 hours(C) 12 hours(D)20 hours34 If you want to read some books, you can go to_.(A)31 Station Street(B) 15 North Street(C) 10 park Street(D)15 Apple Street35 You can use the e-mail mikegreenhotmail. com if you want to_.(A)read some books(B) go to a family party(C) dri

16、nk some good coffee(D)buy a washing machine35 Do animals have a culture? What do we mean by “culture“ ? Lately social scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans, or if some animals have a culture too. When we speak of culture, we mean a way of life a group of people have in comm

17、on. Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn. It is the patterns of behavior that help people to live together. It is also the patterns of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.Our culture lets us make up for having lost out strength, claws, long teeth, and o

18、ther defenses. Instead we use tools, cooperate with one another, and communicate with language. But these aspects of human behavior, or “culture,“ can also be found in the lives of certain animals. Animals can make tools, for example. We used to think that the ability to use tools was the dividing l

19、ine between human beings and other animals. Lately, however, we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. Animals can also share knowledge with each other and use their own language to communicate. So it may be important for us t

20、o know that the line dividing us from animals is not as clear as we used to think.36 Choose the statement that best expresses the main idea.(A)A chimpanzee can learn to use sign language to make sentences.(B) Other animals can invent tools.(C) Knowledge and communication are no longer signs of only

21、human behavior.(D)The line dividing human culture from animal culture is not as clear as we might think.37 “Culture“ refers to_.(A)the book language of behavior we learn(B) the patterns of behavior we learn(C) traditional ideas(D)peoples good habits38 A chimpanzees use of tools means_.(A)animals are

22、 the same as human beings(B) animals can be as clever as human beings(C) the dividing line between culture and animal culture no longer exists(D)animals may have a culture like our own39 Which of the following statement is TRUE?(A)The ability to use language separates human beings.(B) We can be cert

23、ain that animals have a culture too.(C) Social scientists doubt if animals have a culture too.(D)Some traditional ideas about the difference between human beings and animals may be wrong. 40 The first sentence of the second paragraph “ Our culture lets us make up for having lost our strength, claws,

24、 long teeth, and other defenses“ means_.(A)as a result of our culture, we have lost our strength, claws, long teeth, and other defenses(B) our culture has enabled us even better though we have lost our strength, claws, long teeth, and other defenses(C) our culture has brought back to us strength, cl

25、aws, long teeth, and other defenses that we have lost(D)our culture asks that we lose our strength, claws, long teeth, and other defenses which animals still have40 A Trip to the ForestOne day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to se

26、e how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometres from their camp, it started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other wen

27、t to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometres in such cold weat

28、her!It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!41 John and his two friends went to the forest to_.(A)build their camp(B) find their way home(C) enjoy the m

29、ountains in the snow(D)watch the trees in the forest42 They could not find their way back because_.(A)there was only one road to their camp(B) they couldn t decide which of the two roads led to their tents(C) there were no roads in the mountains at all(D)everything was covered by the white snow43 It

30、 is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to_.(A)Johns house(B) the camp(C) the forest(D)the mountains44 The horses stopped because_.(A)it was getting late(B) they were tired after running for a long way(C) they knew that they had got to the camp(D)they had seen John s house45 The story hap

31、pened_.(A)on a cold winter day(B) on a dark snowy evening(C) in a cold camp far from villages(D)at night when nothing could be seen45 Audrey is a Chinese-American student. She has found many value(价值观)differences between Chinese and Americans. About money1)Americans would like to spend more than the

32、y have, so many of them are always in debt(欠债). Chinese usually spend less than they have, so many of them always have money left in the bank.2)American kids love to make money by themselves. Chinese kids always ask their parents for money.3)American parents think it is not useful to send their chil

33、dren to an expensive university. Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to good universities and that might make them very poor sometimes.About school1)Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while Chinese girls take part in academic groups.2)Some Americ

34、an students think that “B“ is a gift while Chinese students think that “B“ is terrible.American parents and Chinese parentsAmerican parents allow their daughters or sons to go out to have some part-time jobs in their free time or at the weekends. Chinese parents usually dont allow their children to

35、do so in middle or high schools.46 What would a Chinese middle school student probably NOT do at the weekends according to the passage?(A)Study at home.(B) Do part-time jobs.(C) Take part in sports groups.(D)Do chores.47 Some Chinese people have money left in the bank because_.(A)they usually spend

36、less than they have(B) they spend more than they have(C) they dont like spending money at all(D)they make a lot of money48 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?(A)Chinese parents usually give their kids money.(B) American children love to make money by themselves.(C) The reason why

37、 Chinese parents would do anything to send their children to good universities.(D)Americans usually spend more money than they have.49 The underlined word “academic“ probably means_in Chinese.(A)学术的(B)娱乐的(C)运动的(D)休闲的50 The best title for the passage would probably be_.(A)Differences between Chinese

38、and Americans(B) Chinese Students and American Students(C) Chinese Parents and American Parents(D)Chinese Values and American Values50 In fall 2006, the National Basketball Association(NBA)started using basketballs made with synthetic, or man-made, material instead of leather. They made the change b

39、ecause they wanted every basketball they use to feel and bounce the same. Not all leather balls are exactly alike in weight or how they bounce, but the synthetic balls are.However, some players complained right away that the new balls bounced differently and were actually harder to control than the

40、leather ones.Physics helped answer questions about why the new balls felt different. For example, the scientists studied friction, which in this case affects the ability of a player to hold onto a ball. “ The greater the friction, the better it will stick to his hand,“ explains a scientist.Tests on

41、both wet and dry balls showed that while the synthetic ball was easier to hold onto when dry, it had less friction and became much harder to hold onto when wet. Thats because sweat stays on the surface of the synthetic balls but gets taken into the leather balls.The scientists also tested bounce and

42、 found that the logo printed on the new balls made their surface uneven and caused them to bounce a little strangely compared with the leather balls.In January, the NBA went back to using the leather balls. They arent perfect, but for now, thats just the way the ball bounces.51 Why were the syntheti

43、c balls expected to be used in NBA according to the text?(A)Because they are easier to control.(B) Because they waste less material.(C) Because they look exactly alike.(D)Because they feel and bounce alike.52 The ball is easier to hold on to_.(A)when friction is greater(B) when friction is less(C) w

44、hen it is heavier(D)when it bounces strangely53 The synthetic ball bounces differently from the leather one mainly because_.(A)it is wet(B) it is dry(C) theres a logo on it(D)its weight remains the same54 It can be inferred from the text that_.(A)a synthetic ball takes in water faster than a leather

45、 ball(B) a leather ball is more difficult to make than a synthetic one(C) a synthetic ball is more expensive than a leather ball(D)a leather ball may increase its weight during a game55 The underlined word “They“ in the last paragraph refers to_.(A)the synthetic balls(B) the leather balls(C) the bal

46、l players(D)the scientists四、短文填空55 A:Today we are going to talk about a great invention. It looks like a human being. 【K1】_B: Its a robot. 【K2】_A;Of course not. The first robot was invented in 1921.B; 【 K3】_A;Sure. They can take the place of humans to do some boring work. They can also do a lot of d

47、angerous work instead of humans.B; 【 K4】_A: No. Robots can do a lot of work instead of people in many ways, but people wouldnt be replaced by robots. 【K5】_B: We get it.A. Is that clear?B. Can it do some washing?C. Why do you think it is useful?D. It appeared several centuries ago, didnt it?E. Will r

48、obots be the same as people?F. What is it?G. Could you please tell me more about robots?56 【K1】57 【K2】58 【K3】59 【K4】60 【K5】60 another; like; area; those; health; there; angry; sound; look; art; more; wayWhy do so many people around the world love Chinese cooking? In China, cooking is an【K6】_Just like music,dance and painting. However,there is【K7】_than just one kind of Chinese food. Different areas in China have special【K8 】 _of cooking because of the differences in weather and geography.Traditional Chinese doctors believe we ne


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