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1、中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 15及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Where is Tom? Hes left_saying that he has something important to do.(A)an excuse(B) a sentence(C) news(D)a message2 Whats in the_? There are some_and_in them.(A)photos; potatoes; radios(B) photos; potatoes; radioes(C) photoes; potatos; radios(D)photos;

2、potatos; radios3 We gave our teachers some cards_best wishes.(A)in(B) for(C) by(D)with4 Would you please_the new words for us?(A)to read(B) read(C) reading(D)reads5 His eyes look like his_.(A)mother(B) father(C) mothers(D)fathers6 David is good_English, but he doesnt do well_PE.?(A)at; on(B) at; in(

3、C) at; with(D)in; at7 Where are the_? They are playing_football on the playground.(A)boys students; the(B) boy students; the(C) boy student; /(D)boy students; /8 I have got many collections of snow globes. You may take_if you like.(A)either(B) one(C) it(D)none9 The girl likes_and_.(A)tomatos; chicke

4、n(B) tomatoes; chickens(C) tomatoes; chicken(D)tomato; chickens10 _was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England.(A)Alfred Tennyson(B) Robert Browning(C) Mrs. Browning(D)Robert Burns11 The opening between the vocal cords is sometimes referred to as_.(A)glottis(B) vocal cavity(C) pharynx(D

5、)uvula12 Which consonant represents the following description: voiceless labiodentals fricative?(A)/f/(B) /(C) /z/(D)/s/13 If a teacher regards language as a skill, a habit, and want his students to do much mechanical exercises to master language, then he could take_in his foreign language teaching.

6、(A)grammar-translation method(B) audio-lingual method or situational method(C) cognitive method(D)communicative approach14 Language is a communication tool, and speech is psychological phenomenon which uses language tools to communicate. We can grasp the language through mastering its words intuitiv

7、ely or through studying at school, but the speech can only be gradually grasped through_.(A)revelent practice(B) exercise(C) theoretical study(D)language analysis15 According to the composition of phone and the involved types of phone in communication, phonetic teaching generally contains pronunciat

8、ion and pragmatics. The phone is based on the correct pronunciation which includes the exercise of words and sentences. Pragmatic functions of the phone refers to different ideographic functions in different context, generally it contains sentence press, intonation, _and so on.(A)sense-group(B) pron

9、unciation(C) semantic(D)sentence structure16 Which of the following statements is NOT true?(A)Learning strategy refers to a variety of actions and steps that students adopt to achieve effective learning and development.(B) Students should master unified learning strategy.(C) Try reading English stor

10、ies or other English reading materials belongs to learning strategy.(D)Communicate regularly with teachers and students about learning experience belongs to control strategy.17 _is mainly based on formal testing, and the judgment about the learners performance is used for administrative purpose, e.g

11、. checking standards and targets.(A)Formative assessment(B) Summative assessment(C) A portfolio(D)A quiz18 Aptitude Test is to text students _.(A)knowledge level(B) intelligence(C) language skills(D)skill difference19 Which of the following patterns does not belong to subjective test?(A)Written expr

12、ession.(B) Oral test.(C) Translation.(D)Cloze.20 _is the center activity of grammar-translation, which takes up most time of classroom activities.(A)Exercise of listening and speaking(B) To imitate communicative activities(C) Role-playing and language plays(D)Translation sentence by sentence and gra

13、mmar explanation20 When I was looking for a Christmas present for my daughter in a toy store, a nicely dressed little girl, with some money in her little hand, was looking at some beautiful dolls. When she saw a doll she liked, she would ask her father if she had enough money. He usually said yes.At

14、 the same time, a boy, with old and small clothes, was looking at some video games. He, too, had money in his hand, but it looked no more than five dollars. Each time he picked up one of the video games and looked at his father, he shook his head.The little girl had chosen her doll, a very beautiful

15、 one. However, she noticed the boy and his father. She saw the boy give up a video game with disappointment and walk to another corner of the store.The little girl put her doll back to the shelf and ran over to the video game. After she talked to her father, she paid for the video game and whispered

16、 to the shop assistant.So the boy got the video game that he wanted for freehe was told it was a prize from the store. He smiled happily, although he felt it was so incredible.The girl saw all this happen. She smiled, too.When I walked out of the store to my car, I heard the father ask his daughter

17、why she had done that. I would never forget their short talk. “Daddy, didnt Grandma want me to buy something that would make me happy?“He said, “ Of course, she did.“Well, I just did!“ With that, the little girl started skipping towards their car happily.21 The story happened in a_.(A)school(B) toy

18、store(C) cinema(D)computer room22 The boy_.(A)wore new and nice clothes(B) had much money in his hand(C) was from a poor family(D)wanted to get a doll very much23 The underlined word “incredible“in paragraph 5 most probably means “_“ in Chinese.(A)难以置信的(B)令人兴奋的(C)感到绝望的(D)荒谬可笑的24 Which of the followi

19、ng is TRUE according to the story?(A)The little girl was kind and helpful.(B) The video game was a prize from the store.(C) The writer paid for the video game for the boy.(D)The boy bought the video game himself from the store.25 What does the sentence “Well,I just did!“ mean?(A)I just did something

20、 for the boy and he would be happy.(B) I just bought a nice doll for myself and I would be happy.(C) I just bought a present for Grandma and she would be happy.(D)I just did something for the boy and it would make me happy.25 Ranch. It was near Los Angeles in California. A few years later Hollywood

21、was one of the famous places in the world. At the beginning of the 20th century there was a big farm called Hollywood. From the 1910s to the 1950s, Hollywood was the film center of the world.Every family knew the names of its film starsCharlie Chaplin, Greta Garbo, Bergman and hundreds more.The reas

22、on why people went to Hollywood to make films was the sun. At first, people made films in New York on the east coast of the United States.But then they heard about Los Angeles, where there are 350 days of the sun every year. As they made all the films by sunlight, the west coast was a much better pl

23、ace to work. Also near Hollywood you can find mountains and sea and desert. They did not have to travel far to make any kind of film.When TV became popular, Hollywood started making films for television. Then in the 1970s they discovered people still went to the cinema to see big expensive films. No

24、wadays they are still making films in Hollywood and people see them all over the world. 26 Hollywood used to be a_.(A)cinema(B) big farm(C) park(D)market27 In the 1910s Hollywood became a_.(A)famous theatre(B) good place to have holidays(C) film center(D)home for stars28 Who was not mentioned as a f

25、ilm star in the passage?(A)Charlie Chaplin.(B) Marily Monroe.(C) Bergman.(D)Greta Garbo.29 People went to Hollywood to make films because_.(A)it was a beautiful place(B) they could find many film stars(C) there was a lot of sunlight there(D)it Was a famous place30 Which of the following statement is

26、 TRUE?(A)The west coast was a better place to make films.(B) There are no mountains near Hollywood.(C) People no longer went to the cinema after television became popular.(D)Hollywood began to make films for television after the First World War.二、简答题31 什么是形成性评价? 为什么在英语教学过程中应以形成性评价为主?三、教学情境分析题32 有人认为

27、在课堂中,师生保持“零距离接触” ,学生回答教师的问题,做教师要求做的事,只要有这种共同活动就是师生互动。问题:你认为这种说法对吗?为什么?四、教学设计题33 请设计一节课的教案,教学目的是让学生学会某些表达自己观点的方法。中学教师资格认定考试(初级英语学科知识与教学能力)模拟试卷 15答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 leave a message 意为“留口信”,是习惯用语。left 是 leave 的过去分词。2 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题考查可数名词变复数中以 o 结尾的名词变复数的规则:以 o 结尾的名词,变复数时规律不确定,需要单独记忆:(1)加-s

28、 :如,photo 一photos;piano 一 pianos;radio 一 radios;zoo 一 zoos;(2)加-es :如,potato 一potatoes;tomato 一 tomatoes;(3)均可:如,zero 一 zeroszeroes。3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 with 表示“写着,带着”的意思,所以选 D。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 would 是情态动词,后面跟动词原形,所以选 B。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 本题考查点是名词的所有格形式,其一般规律是:(1)一般在单数名词词尾加s,复数名词不是以 s 结尾的也要加s。(2) 若名词已是复数形

29、式,词尾又是 s,只加“”。(3)凡词尾不能加 “s”的名词,都可以用“名词+of+名词”的结构来表示所有关系。本题中 D 项 fathers 相当于 fathers eyes。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 be good at 为固定搭配,表示擅长 do well in表示在某一方面做得好,所以选 B。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 两个名词连用构成复合名词时,一般前一个名词用单数形式,作第二个名词的定语,由题意可知,第一空意为“男生”,boy 修饰 students,表示性别,应用单数形式,排除 A;由系动词 are 可推断男生不止一个,排除 C;表示球类运动时,动词和宾语之间不加定

30、冠词,排除 B。本题正确答案为 D。8 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据句意,横线处应填入表示肯定的词,none 意为“没有(一个)” ,排除 D:either 意为“两个之中的一个 ”,由前句的 many 可推知“我”收藏的水晶雪球不止两个,排除 A:C 项 it 在前文中没有可指代的名词,故排除;B 项的 one 表示很多水晶雪球中的一个,故本题正确答案为 B。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 tomato 需要加一 es 变为复数,chicken 表示“鸡肉”的意思时是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以答案选 C。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 Alfred Tennyson 被称为维

31、多利亚时代最杰出的英国诗人。他的主要作品有:The Princess ,Maud 和短诗 Break,Break,Break 。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 声带之间的缝隙指的是声门(glottis)。12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 f属于清唇齿擦音。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 听说法或情境法的特征之一就是教师通过大量机械模仿的练习让学生掌握语言,故本题选 B。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语言和言语之间本质的区别之一就在于二者掌握的途径不同。语言可以通过直觉地掌握这种语言的言语来实际掌握,这就像儿童掌握本族语一样,在掌握言语的基础上掌握相应的语言规范。同样的,语言还可

32、以在学校条件下通过理论学习来掌握。一般英语学习都是这样进行的通过这样的学习,学生能够获得有关语言体系的知识,但并不能作为交际工具使用。至于言语,它只能通过相应的实践来逐渐掌握。15 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语音的语用指语音在不同语境下的不同表意作用,一般包括语句重音、语调、意群等。16 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 学习策略是灵活多样的,策略的使用因人、因时、因事而异。在英语教学中,教师要有意识地帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略,并具有不断调整自己的学习策略的能力。17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 总结性评价主要是基于正式测验,对学习者表现的评价是用于管理目的的,所以答案选 B。18 【

33、正确答案】 B【试题解析】 能力倾向测试的目的不是检查应试者的现有英语水平,也不是检查他们的语言技能或是技能差别测试的内容是应试者的智能。19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 主观性测试题是指那些能更好地考查学生具体情况或个性的试题。通过这类试题的考试,可以全面了解学生对某门课程的某个具体部分理解和掌握的程度,可以测试学生精确地回忆所学内容,灵活地组织材料,清楚地表达问题,深刻地了解问题实质的能力。英语测试中的主观性测试题主要有简述题、翻译题、书面表达、口试等。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 逐句翻译和语法讲解是语法一翻译法的中心活动,会占用课堂活动的大部分时间。21 【正确答案】 B【试题

34、解析】 根据文章第一句 When I was looking for a Christmas present for my daughterin a toy store,知道故事发生在玩具店里。所以答案选 B。22 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 那个小男孩看到喜欢的东西问他爸爸能否买得起,他爸爸总是摇头,可以知道小男孩应该是来自一个贫穷的家庭。所以答案选 C。23 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 小男孩从商店免费得到了想要的电视游戏,被告知是奖品,这种天上掉馅饼的事情让人很难以置信所以答案选 A。24 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 A 选项说小女孩善良而乐于助人,文章讲述这个小女孩放弃自己喜欢的

35、娃娃,她买了小男孩喜欢的电视游戏让店员送给他,可以看出她很善良、乐于助人。B 选项说电视游戏是商店的奖赏,这只是小女孩为了不伤害小男孩自尊心让店员说的善意的谎言。C 选项说作者替小男孩付电视游戏的钱,但文章说是小女孩让爸爸买的,而不是作者。D 选项说小男孩自己从商店买了电视游戏,显然不符合文意。所以答案选 A。25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 从文章最后小女孩和她爸爸的对话中知道,小女孩这么做的原因是奶奶告诉她去买一些能让她高兴的东西,那么小女孩认为帮助别人,使别人快乐就是自己最大的快乐,这体现了小女孩的优秀品质。根据“didnt Grandma want”可知答案选 D。26 【正确答案】

36、 B【试题解析】 根据第一段 At the beginning of the 20th century there was a big farm calledHollywood可知,好莱坞最早的时候是农场。所以答案选 B。27 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 根据1910s to the 1950s,Hollywood was the film center of the world知道从 1910 年开始好莱坞变成了电影中心。28 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 文章第二段提到的人名有 Charlie Chaplin,Greta Garbo,Bergman,没有 B 选项,所以答案选 B。29

37、【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 从第三段 The reason why people went to Hollywood to make films was thesun知道,人们去好莱坞拍戏是因为那里阳光充裕。所以答案选 C。30 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据第四段 As they made all the films by sunlight,the west coast was a muchbetter place to work知道选项 A 是正确的,答案选 A。二、简答题31 【正确答案】 (1)形成性评价是指教师在英语教学过程中,通过问卷法、问答法、观察记录法、学生作品分析法以及


39、自信心;培养学生良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略;培养学生自我管理的意识和能力;帮助发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神,从而不断提高教育教学水平,提高英语教学质量。三、教学情境分析题32 【正确答案】 显然,这种认识是肤浅的,这将使师生互动流于形式。作为一种特殊的人际交往活动,师生互动旨在让学生积极主动地思维起来,不仅要让他们“在思维”,更要让他们“会思维”。认知心理学指出,有问必答,有求必应,有时也并非是积极思维的表现。由此可见,师生互动并不仅仅是一种教学形式,其实质是教学原则和教学思想的体现。因此,广义地讲,凡是能调动学生积极思维来完成认识上两个飞跃的各种教学活动和措施都可以看成是师生互动

40、。四、教学设计题33 【正确答案】 Step 1. Warming up1. Students talk about the pictures on the textbook with the teachers help. An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now. A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big. A calculator is a new calculating machine

41、which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.A PC is a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is used widely now. A notebook computer is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.2. Now lets discuss what they have in common in small gro

42、ups. Remember to use some of the following expressions.I think that.In my opinion.I believe that.Whats your opinion?Why do you think so?Step 2. ListeningStudents are asked to read fast the requirement of Ex. 1 and to find out the listening points first. Then listen to the tape twice to complete Ex.1

43、.Step 3. TalkingImagine that your family is thinking of buying a robot. You can afford the three robots mentioned in the listening text. Please discuss which one is the best for you. Remember to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Then make your choice and give reasons.Use the following expressions in the discussion:I believe that.I think this one is better because.Lets make our decision.In my opinion.Ive decided.I dont like this one because.


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