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1、教师公开招聘考试小学英语(语法知识)模拟试卷 5(无答案)Vocabulary and Structure1 No matter what great progress you may_, you mustn t be proud.(A)had made(B) have made(C) make(D)be make2 It s high time that we_something to improve our environment.(A)do(B) will do(C) had done(D)did3 You should always_these words by heart.(A)be

2、 learnt(B) have been learnt(C) learn(D)to learn4 _terrible weather it is! _pity! We have to postpone the meeting.(A)What: What(B) How: What a(C) What: What a(D)How: How5 Havent seen you for ages. Let s have a get-together next week.(A)Its right(B) Its all right(C) Thats OK(D)Its a deal6 下列单词中与 burde

3、n 画线部分读音相同的一项是_。(A)pursue(B) survive(C) urban(D)surprise7 下列单词中画线部分发音与其他项不同的一项是_。(A)rain(B) explain(C) bargain(D)contain8 A:Do you like to play_violin?B:It all depends. If my mother doesn t let me do it, I prefer to play_basketball.(A)the: the(B) the: /(C) /: /(D)/: the9 A teacher and_writer is goin

4、g to give a speech at our school.(A)a(B) an(C) /(D)the10 Do you like to listen to_pop music? Not entirely. But I like_music by Jay Chou very much.(A)the: the(B) the: /(C) /: /(D)/: the11 Johnson only remembered that it was_Sunday when he first met Mary because everybody was at_church.(A)the: the(B)

5、a: /(C) /: /(D)a: a12 Four years_a long time for those players who have well prepared for Olympics.(A)has(B) have(C) are(D)is13 They told me that the missing bike was not mine, but_.(A)Li Leis bike(B) Li Leis(C) the bike of Li Lei(D)Li Leis bike14 There is an umbrella at the corner. It may be_.(A)so

6、mebody else(B) somebody s else(C) somebody else s(D)somebody s else s15 After moving to a new house, she went to the mall nearby and bought some_.(A)table(B) lamp(C) furniture(D)bed16 _early is a difficult thing to many young adults.(A)To get up(B) Getting up(C) Get up(D)Having got up17 Although we

7、all speak English, I dont often_him.(A)follow(B) take(C) get(D)see18 The auditorium is large enough to_2, 000 people at least.(A)seat(B) hold(C) admit(D)all of the above19 He doesnt come from Australia, _America.(A)and(B) or(C) as(D)but20 Miss wang is ill, _the class is cancelled today.(A)while(B) f

8、or(C) therefore(D)and21 We must live_our income, or we have to face economic problems.(A)without(B) within(C) in(D)from22 _I saw the girl, I fall in love with her.(A)For the first time(B) Until(C) The first time(D)At first23 Mr. Brown speaks Chinese _he speaks his native language.(A)as well as(B) as good as(C) so well as(D)so good as24 The students are_acquainted with the work of Shakespeare.(A)ever(B) yet(C) never(D)already25 I read the book and found they d_a lot of interesting stuff.(A)cut down(B) cut up(C) cut out(D)cut off


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