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1、教师公开招聘考试小学英语(语法知识)模拟试卷 8(无答案)Vocabulary and Structure1 以下单词中与 dream 画线部分读音相同的一项是_。(A)meant(B) sweater(C) pleasure(D)pleased2 以下单词中画线部分发音与其他项不同的一项是_。(A)nothing(B) clothes(C) weather(D)breathe3 The spacecraft is set to throw new light on to a dark corner of_solar system.(A)a(B) the(C) an(D)/4 The mass

2、ive quake and tsunami ravaged northeastern Japan _ 14:46 _ March 11th, 2011.(A)on: in(B) at: on(C) on: on(D)at: in5 My birthday is on_Sunday this year.(A)the(B) /(C) a(D)an6 So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is_ideal. We have to work still harder.(A)next to(B) far from(

3、C) out of(D)due to7 The death of a parent can cause_long-lasting psychological damage.(A)a(B) an(C) /(D)the8 I usually go to work_bike, but today I went there_a bus.(A)by: by(B) by: in(C) in: with(D)with: on9 The workers are racing_time to repair the road.(A)on(B) against(C) in(D)at10 Because of the

4、 bad weather, we had to_the flight.(A)put on(B) put in(C) put up(D)put off11 The_is just at the end of the street and you won t miss it.(A)shoes shop(B) shoe shop(C) shoes shop(D)shoes shop12 The supermarket is near from my home. It takes about_walk.(A)ten minutes(B) ten minutes(C) ten-minutes(D)ten

5、 minutes13 A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the_of wisdom and delight.(A)water(B) waters(C) fire(D)fires14 The thing that_is not whether the gift he buys or not, but whether he truly loves you or not.(A)matters(B) cares(C) considers(D)minds15 Now it s done. It s no use_over spilt

6、milk.(A)to cry(B) cry(C) crying(D)cries16 The purpose of new systems is_the job easier, not to make it more difficult.(A)making(B) to make(C) to be made(D)made17 He had a wonderful childhood, _with his mother to all corners of the world.(A)travel(B) to travel(C) traveled(D)traveling18 The fire sprea

7、d through the house but people_get out.(A)had to(B) would(C) were able to(D)could19 Whose dictionary Ive picked up? It_Jones s. I always see that she uses it.(A)has to be(B) will be(C) mustnt be(D)could be20 I know nothing about my new colleague except_she graduated from Peking University.(A)that(B)

8、 which(C) where(D)how21 Paris is the place_I want to spend the holiday.(A)which(B) that(C) where(D)when22 You cannot image_when the students arrived at the pleasant scenery of the suburb.(A)how excited were they(B) they were how excited(C) how excited they were(D)how they were excited23 Alice in Won

9、der Land is a fantastic movie. Its about_.(A)how did Alice end the Red Queens reign of terror(B) what did Alice end the Red Queens reign of terror(C) how Alice ended the Red Queens reign of terror(D)what Alice ended the Red Queens reign of terror24 There was a sudden burst of light_a terrible sound.(A)following(B) to follow(C) followed(D)followed by25 It is necessary that she_out the employee information for my reference.(A)will sort(B) would sort(C) could sort(D)should sort


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