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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 18 及答案与解析一、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.1 Her sense of inferiority _ her unfortunate family background.(A)results from(

2、B) brings about(C) results in(D)stands for2 The sporting _ of the young are focused on the achievements of their heroes.(A)expectations(B) inspirations(C) aspirations(D)intentions3 Prospective students must show that they have sufficient money to cover their course fees and _.(A)support(B) sustenanc

3、e(C) supply(D)maintenance4 She _ making tea for us as soon as she let us in.(A)set out(B) set up(C) set off(D)set about5 He began to long for a carefree life, so he decided not to _ governor any more.(A)stand for(B) make for(C) run for(D)vote for6 You dont have to _ the majority; you have a right to

4、 disagree.(A)get through with(B) catch up with(C) go along with(D)hold on to7 _ a raining day, we didnt go for an outing.(A)Being(B) It being(C) To be(D)Having been8 _ the timely rescue, a lot more people would have been killed in the earthquake.(A)But for(B) Regardless of(C) Apart from(D)Owing to9

5、The project _ completed by now; but as there has been a lack of electricity it is still only half finished.(A)was to have been(B) is to be(C) is(D)was10 Your advice that he _ a dentist is unreasonable.(A)must become(B) becomes(C) become(D)became11 _, wed better make some changes in the plan.(A)That

6、is the case(B) That been the case(C) That to be the case(D)That being the case12 They have equipped the office with the _ business machines.(A)last(B) latter(C) latest(D)later13 The police found that George had still another _ of income.(A)origin(B) source(C) basis(D)means14 An open-minded teacher d

7、oesnt always _ one single teaching method.(A)set aside(B) take over(C) take on(D)stick to15 Much to the students _ , the exam was postponed.(A)burden(B) concern(C) relief(D)requirement16 Children normally feel a lot of _ about their first day at school.(A)anxiety(B) difference(C) feelings(D)trouble1

8、7 The weather was _ hot that she decided to have the barber _ her hairstyle.(A)rather; to change(B) so; change(C) much too; change(D)too; changed18 She _ meet her former instructor on the bus.(A)delighted to(B) happened to(C) pleased to(D)tended to19 Just as no two words are truly synonymous _ no tw

9、o different expressions can mean exactly the same thing.(A)rather(B) also(C) yet(D)so20 The new engineers suggestions were _ in the revised plan.(A)entitled(B) engaged(C) embodied(D)estimated21 No students ever touched him _ they respected him.(A)for(B) but(C) nor(D)so22 Seat belt can prevent passen

10、gers _ hitting their heads.(A)off(B) from(C) against(D)over23 Drop in for a coffee tomorrow, if you _ too busy.(A)arent(B) wont be(C) wouldnt be(D)dont be24 A holiday in Holland is unlikely to cost very much _ you stay in the top class luxury hotel.(A)when(B) unless(C) if(D)since25 His car needed a

11、lot of attention because he hadnt _ it serviced for such a long time.(A)let(B) left(C) made(D)had26 Not only _ properly, but that cooker is dangerous because of all those loose wires at the back.(A)does it not work(B) it works not(C) it doesnt work(D)doesnt work it27 Im not surprised you failed the

12、exam. You _ have worked harder.(A)should(B) must(C) would(D)ought28 The witness told the court that he _ the accused before.(A)had ever seen(B) had never seen(C) hadnt ever been seeing(D)didnt have ever seen29 Bob needs a tutor because it is important _ on his exam next month.(A)that he do well(B) f

13、or him do well(C) he does that well(D)that he will do well30 Such an error _ this can be avoided, if you pay close attention to it.(A)like(B) for(C) as(D)with二、Part II VocabularyDirections: Complete each of the following sentences with the proper word derived from the one given in the bracket.31 Max

14、 has no _ (appreciate) of the finer things in life. 32 The problem requiring immediate solution will be given _ (prior) at the meeting. 33 With the hospitality(热情好客 ) so _ (character) of these people, they opened their house over fifty guests. 34 Thinking is one of the most _ (produce) activities of

15、 a human being. 35 A thief stole some _ (value) paintings from the museum. 36 I am very doubtful whether the proposed scheme would be _ (advantage) to US. 三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions

16、. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.37 Imagine you are Alice, stepping through the looking glass. Suddenly everything is re versed. Doorknobs are on the wrong side of doors. The gearshift i

17、n your car is in the wrong place.Twenty-five million Americans wake up every day in just such an awkward situation. They are the one in ten of us who are left-handed and must face the world designed for the right-handed majority.Why we are left-or-right-handed remains one of the great unsolved myste

18、ries of science. We know that nearly two out of three lefties are male and that left-handedness runs in families. According to one study, almost half the offspring of two left-handed parents will be lefthanded. The Scots-Irish family Kerr (from the Gaelic word for “left“) produced so many left-hande

19、rs that in 1470 the family built its castles spiral stairways with a reverse twist to favor left-handed swordsmen.On the other hand, heredity alone cannot explain leffies. At least 84 percent of them are born of two right-handed parents. And in 12 percent of genetically identical twins, one will be

20、right-handed, the other left.Perhaps the greatest puzzle of all is not why some people are left-handed, but rather why so few are. So, scientists are trying to discover the truth of the matter, and they are beginning to gain insight into many ways left-handed differ from right-handed by considering

21、how their brains work.37 How many of the Americans are left handers?(A)10%(B) 12%(C) 50%(D)80%38 Among the left-handers _.(A)few are men(B) most of them are women(C) half of them are men(D)two thirds are men39 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?(A)Almost half of the childre

22、n of two left-handed parents will be left-handed(B) At least 84 percent of left-handers are born of two right-handed parents(C) One in ten of Americans are left-handed(D)In the majority of genetically identical twins, one will be right handed, the other left40 In the third paragraph, the word “offsp

23、ring“ means _.(A)relatives(B) sons(C) daughters(D)children41 The reason why so few are left-handed _.(A)has nothing to do with heredity(B) remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of science(C) has little to do with the working of their brains(D)is that left-handers are mainly twins42 Marketing,

24、in economics, is that part of the process of production and exchange that is concerned with the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer. In popular usage it is defined as the distribution and sale of goods, the word DISTRIBUTION being understood in a broader sense than the technical eco

25、nomic one. Marketing includes the activities of all those who are engaged in the transfer of goods from producer to consumer-not only those who buy and sell directly, wholesale and retail, but also those who warehouse, grade, transport, in sure, finance, or otherwise have a hand in the process of tr

26、ansfer. In a modern capitalist economy, where all production is for a market, such activities are of first importance l it is estimated that more than 50% of the price paid by the final consumer is made up of the cost of marketing. Where production is for direct use, as in the subsistence farm, the

27、feudal manor (庄园), or the communal group, there is little need for exchange of good because the division of labour is poorly developed and most people produce the same or similar goods. Interregional exchange between disparate geographic areas depends on adequate means of transportation. This, befor

28、e the development of area travel and navigation, there was little change of the products of one region for those of another. Where systems of transportation are well developed as in the Mediterranean in ancient times and throughout most of the world in modern times, interregional trade has been subs

29、tantial. The village market of fair, the itinerant (巡游的) merchant or peddle, and the shop where customers could have such goods as shoes and furniture made to order were features of marketing up in rural Europe.42 There is little need for marketing in the place such as a subsistence farm, because _.

30、(A)the goods are used directly by its producer there(B) the division of labour is developed there(C) there are few consumers there(D)their production is distributed widely43 According to the passage the activities of marketing in popular sense are involved in _.(A)wholesale and retail on the market(

31、B) buying and selling directly(C) the process of production and exchange(D)the transfer of goods from producer to consumer44 The modern capitalism economy could be well developed where _.(A)interregional trade is substantial(B) people produce the same or similar goods(C) systems of transportation ar

32、e slowly improved(D)customers can buy goods directly45 By “have a hand in the process of transfer“ the author refers to those who _.(A)control the process of transfer(B) are involved in the process of transfer(C) need help in the process of transfer(D)make a big fortune in the process of transfer46

33、One of the features of marketing in rural Europe was that _.(A)customers could buy goods according to their particular needs or plan(B) customers could buy goods in good order(C) customers could hardly buy anything in their village(D)the itinerant merchant Could sell similar goods in the region47 In

34、 America, the middle classes, and even the well-paid working class, have “pursued happiness“ according to the prescription of the Declaration of Independence. But in recent years it has become more and more evident that this pursuit has led to a “brave new world“ of consumer goods and services. And,

35、 as in Aldous Huxleys great novel of that name, this world took over, not just the body, but the spirit of man. Not only does the modern man buy material junk at the supermarket, he buys spiritual junk from the movies and television, those supermarkets of the soul. Man is now “happy“ by definition;

36、but whether this is the happiness which the rebels of 1776 had in mind is a moot(争论未决的) point.It is certainly not the happiness sought by the rebels of 1960s. They consider it a form of consciousness too narrow to be dignified with the word “human“, and so have initiated an era of significant, if sy

37、mbolic, protest. Although hairdos and clothing, drugs and rock music are hardly, in themselves, worth a fight to death, for the rebels of the 60s, they have become symbols of more than just a life style. They have become symbols of another life, the essential life of human beings, the life of their

38、deep affections and soaring thoughts.47 The author questions whether, in America, the “pursuit of happiness“ _.(A)has led to a “brave new world“(B) was prescribed by the Declaration of Independence(C) has brought the happiness envisioned in the Declaration of Independence(D)has made Americans happy

39、“by definition“48 The author believes that mans “pursuit of happiness“ in America has _.(A)been essentially wrong from the very beginning(B) had disappointing results thus far(C) produced a finer, braver kind of modern man(D)fulfilled the hope of the American rebels of 177649 In saying “Man is now h

40、appy by definition“ (Para. 1), the author is suggesting that _.(A)man believes himself to be happy even though he may not be(B) consumer goods are the essential ingredients of happiness(C) both the body and the spirit of man are satisfied(D)real human happiness is probably unattainable50 As examples

41、 of consumer goods that affect the spirit of man, the author refers to _.(A)the supermarket(B) movies and television(C) material junk(D)services in the “brave new world“51 The author regards the hairdos and clothing, drugs and rock music of the rebels of the six ties as _.(A)perhaps worth a fight to

42、 death(B) fairly insignificant consumer goods(C) another form of material and spiritual junk(D)symbols of important human values52 If it were only necessary to decide whether to teach elementary science to everyone on a mass basis or to find the gifted few and take them as far as they can go, our ta

43、sk would be fairly simple. The public school system, however, has no such choice, for the jobs must be carried on at the same time. Because we depend so heavily upon science and technology for our progress, we must produce specialists in many fields. Because we live in a democratic nation, whose cit

44、izens make the policies for the nation, large numbers of us must be educated to understand, to support, and when necessary, to judge the work of experts. The public school must educate both producers and users of scientific services.In education, there should be a good balance among the branches of

45、knowledge that con tribute to effective thinking and wise judgement. Such balance is defeated by too much emphasis on any one field. The question of balance involves not only the relation of the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the arts but also relative emphases among the natural sciences

46、 themselves.Similarly, we must have a balance between current and classical knowledge. The attention of the public is continually drawn to new possibilities in scientific fields and the discovery of new knowledge; these should not be allowed to turn our attention away from the sound, established mat

47、erials that form the basis of courses for beginners.52 According to the first paragraph, the task of education is fairly complicated because _.(A)the current public school system is too complicated to be understood(B) the public school system has no choice of what to teach(C) it is difficult to deci

48、de whether elementary science should be taught in public schools(D)the educators have to take care of both ordinary and gifted students53 the word “defeated“ (Line 2, Para. 2) most probably means _.(A)broken(B) beaten(C) destroyed(D)damaged54 Which of the following points is NOT included in the pass

49、age?(A)One of the major tasks of education is to discover the most promising students.(B) In order to teach effectively, educators are requested to lay emphasis on one particular field.(C) Some subjects have been over-emphasized in public schools.(D)The progress of the society cannot merely rely on invent


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