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1、1Module 8 Story time模块话题微写作本模块的话题是“讲述发生过的故事”,要求学生能用一般过去时讲故事。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.学会使用“once upon a time”作为故事的开头;2.能正确使用行为动词的一般过去时来描述过去发生的动作;3.能清楚地介绍故事的起因、经过和结果。go for a walk 去散步get/be lost 迷路look around 环顾,四下观望look at 看knock on/at 敲point at 指向fall asleep 入睡hurry out of 匆忙跑出once upon a time 从前in pieces

2、 破碎by oneself 独自地a bowl of rice 一碗米饭at first 起初 without water 没有水return to 回到21.All alone in the dark forest,Goldilocks picked some flowers.金凤花姑娘独自走进了黑暗的森林里,摘了一些花。2.Then she noticed a little house,so she hurried towards it,and knocked on the door.她看到一座小房子,于是她赶快朝那座房子走了过去,敲了敲门。 3.Nobody answered,so sh

3、e knocked again,and again.没人回应,于是她又反复地敲门。4.On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them.在一张桌子上有三个碗,碗里盛着好吃的食物。 5.The little bowl was just right.She finished all the food in it.小碗里的正好。她把小碗里的东西全吃光了。 6.It was not comfortable either.它也不舒服。7.Soon the chair was in pieces.那把椅子一会儿就散架了。8.Very

4、 soon she was asleep in it.很快她就在小床上睡着了。9.Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.小熊指着睡在他床上的小女孩。 10.Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.金凤花姑娘从床上跳了下来,也顾不上提篮子,便冲出了房间。根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.很久以前,有一个叫露西的小孩。Once upon a time ,there was a little girl called Lu

5、cy. 2.那个老妇人提着一个装满水果的篮子。The old woman is holding a basket full of fruit. 3.昨天一个小女孩在森林里迷路了。A little girl was/got lost in the forest yesterday. 4.女孩很渴,很快喝完了水。3The girl was thirsty ,and she finished the water very soon . 5.她进入了一间小房子。没有人注意到她。She entered a little/small house ,and nobody noticed her. 司马光砸缸

6、根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。1.从前有个小孩叫司马光。有一天,他跟小伙伴们在院里玩耍。(once upon a time;yard)2.院子里有一口水缸。突然,有个孩子掉进水缸里了。(a water vat;fall into)3.别的孩子很害怕,就大哭起来。司马光捡起一块大石头向水缸砸去。(afraid;stone;throw)4.水缸被砸出了一个洞。缸里的水从洞中流了出来。(hole;run out of)5.司马光救了这个小孩。司马光非常聪明和勇敢。(save;brave;smart)Once upon a time,there was a boy called Sima Gu

7、ang.One day,he played with his friends in the yard.There was a big water vat in the yard.Suddenly,a child fell into the water vat.Other children were very afraid and began to cry.Sima Guang picked up a big stone and throw it at the water vat.He broke the water vat.There was a hole there.The water ran out of the vat.Sima Guang saved the child.Sima Guang was really smart and brave.


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