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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,.汉译英 1.在那之后 after that 2.放学回家 get home from school 3.半个小时 half an hour 4.为某人做早饭 make breakfast for sb. 5.尝起来不错 taste good,.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1.These two dresses ( dress ) are my aunts. 2.Can you eat quickly ( quick )?Its time to go to work. 3.When does your father

2、 play ( play ) sports? 4.A cat may have nine lives ( life ). 5.To have good teeth,children need to brush their teeth after eating ( eat ).,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1.我父母喜欢晚饭后散步。 My parents like to take a walk after dinner. 2.吉姆写作业总是很快。他只要半个小时就够了。 Jim always does his homework quickly .It only takes him half

3、an hour . 3.她有时在12:45吃午饭。 She sometimes eats lunch at a quarter to one. 4.这种汉堡味道好,卖得很好。 This kind of hamburger tastes good and sells well . 5.要么是你,要么是王海和老师去图书馆。Either you or Wang Hai goes to the library with the teacher.,.根据句意用适当的介词填空 1.I like to read books at half past five in the morning. 2.My bro

4、ther usually exercises for one hour in the morning. 3. On weekends,we usually go to the library. 4.My father works at a TV station near my house. 5.I have lunch at a quarter to twelve.Then I have a rest( 休息 ) at twelve ten.,.单项填空 ( D )1.Rick often eats bread for breakfast,but he eats an apple. A.som

5、e timeB.sometimeC.some timesD.sometimes ( C )2.I go school in the morning and go home in the afternoon. A.to;to B./;/C.to;/ D./;to ( B )3.What time do you take a walk? . A.In the morning B.At about 6:30C.On weekends D.For an hour,( D )4.My sister homework on Saturdays. A.doesnt B.dont doC.dont D.doe

6、snt do ( A )5.Ice-cream tastes ,but it isnt good health. A.good;for B.good;withC.well;at D.well;for,.补全对话 Tom:Hi,Alan.I want to know something about your day. Alan:OK,Tom. Tom:1. G Alan:Usually at about twenty to six.Then I do exercise at six. Tom:What exercise do you do? Alan:2. C Tom:What time do you usually eat breakfast? Alan:At seven oclock.3. D Tom:Oh,what about your lunch? Alan:I eat lunch at half past eleven at school.,Tom:4. F Alan:I do my homework at six in the evening.I eat dinner at ten past seven. Tom:5. E Alan:At about nine oclock.,


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