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1、1Unit 8 Is there a post office near hear第五课时 Section B ( 3a-Self Check )基础知识回顾.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空climb,relax,spend,cross,easy1.I want to spend time in the park in my neighborhood on weekends. 2.The math problem is not difficult.You can work it out easily . 3.Please turn right at the second crossing . 4

2、.Its relaxing to talk to some friends on weekends. 5.They are climbing up a dangerous mountain. .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.穿过中央大街,你能在你的右边看到它。Go across Center Street,you can see it on your right. 2.当你看到一座桥时,向左转。When you see a bridge , turn left . 3.我哥哥在闲暇时间里喜欢和他的朋友们下象棋。My brother likes playing chess with his

3、friends in his free time . 4.我正在看他们打篮球。I am watching them playing basketball . 5.沿着新街一直走,你就能看到新华书店。Go/Walk along New Street,you can see Xinhua Bookstore. 综合能力提升.单项填空( B )1.The pay phone is Green Street and its across the library, the park. A.in;to;nextB.on;from;next toC.at;from;the nextD.on;of;next

4、to( B )2.My brother always lots of time watching TV. Really?Thats too bad for his eyes.A.pays B.spendsC.takes D.plays( C )3.Wheres Linda?She is watching her mother dinner in the kitchen. A.cook B.cooksC.cooking D.to cook( D )4. is your neighborhood? Its clean.2A.Where B.WhoC.What D.How( A )5. health

5、y,we must eat vegetables and fruit every day. A.To keep B.KeepC.Keeping D.Keeps.任务型阅读A man has a dream.In his dream,two men follow him in the forest( 森林 ).He is afraid and runs quickly,but they still follow him.Then he sees two roads in the forest.One is to the right and the other is to the left.He

6、cant know where to go.At that time a man tells him to go to the right.So he runs along the road and comes to a small house.That is a dream.One day he is really in the forest.He wants to leave the forest,but two men come soon.He runs and runs,and then he finds two roads are in front of him.He remembers the dream and runs to the right.He finds a small house.His dream saves his life.1.Where is the man in his dream?( 不超过 5 个词 )In the forest. 2.Who follow the man in the dream?( 不超过 5 个词 )Two men. 3.What saves the mans life?( 不超过 5 个词 )His dream.


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