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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter?,对疾病和事故伤害的表达 1.“have/get a( n )+疾病名称”表示患某种疾病。例如: have/catch a cold“感冒”,have a fever“发烧”,have a cough“咳嗽”,get a stomachache“胃痛”,get a toothache“牙疼” 2.“be/feel+形容词”表示感到某种不适。例如: be/feel tired“感到疲倦”,be/feel sick“感觉恶心”,be/feel dizzy“觉得头晕” 3.“hurt/cut/break+身体部位名词”表示身体某部位受到伤害。例如: h

2、urt ones leg“弄伤某人的腿”,cut ones finger“割/切到某人的手指”,break ones arm“摔断某人的胳膊”,cut/hurt oneself“伤到某人自己”,4.take表示接受某种诊治。例如: take ones temperature“量体温”,take some medicine“吃药”,take an injection“打针,注射”,take/get an X-ray ( picture )“拍X光片” 5.see/go to.表示就医。例如: see the dentist/doctor“看牙医/医生”,go to a doctor“去看病”,g

3、o to the hospital“就医/去医院”,情态动词should的用法 情态动词should意为“应该,应当”,它的否定形式是shouldnt/should not,疑问句将should置于主语之前。should主要有以下几种用法。 1.表示建议,此时相当于had better。例如: You should lie down and have a rest.=Youd better lie down and have a rest.你应该躺下休息一会儿。 2.表示义务、责任。例如: As a student,you should work hard.作为一名学生,你应当努力学习。 3.

4、表示命令和要求。例如: You should complete your work on time.你应该按时完成工作。 4.表示预测或可能性。例如: The man in the white coat should be a doctor.那个穿白大褂的人应该是医生。 5.表示说话人的情感,如惊奇、愤怒或失望等,常用于特殊疑问句中。例如: What should I do?我该怎么办?,.单项填空 ( D )1.Whats wrong with me,doctor? Nothing serious.Youre only . A.get a cold B.taking a cold C.cat

5、ch a cold D.having a cold ( C )2.What I do to get well again? You should more hot water. A.do;drink B.shall;to drink C.should;drink D.must;drinking ( D )3.Parents put the things like knives and medicine away in the house to keep children safe. A.may B.might C.can D.should ( B )4.You look so weak! I

6、think you go to see a doctor at once. A.might B.should C.could D.would,( A )5.Did she get when she fell down? No,she didnt. A.hurt B.hurts C.hurting D.to hurt,.按要求完成句子,每空一词 1.Steven should eat fruit and vegetables more often.( 对画线部分提问 ) What should Steven do more often? 2.The boy should take some medicine.( 改为否定句 ) The boy shouldnt take any medicine. 3.He should eat something and rest.( 改为一般疑问句 )Should he eat anything and rest? 4.Her temperature was high.( 改为同义句 ) She got/had a fever . 5.I went to see the dentist just now.( 对画线部分提问 ) What did you do just now?,


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