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1、1Unit 7 International charities单元话题微写作本单元的话题是“慈善活动”。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能简单了解一些国际慈善活动,如慈善行走、募捐等;2.能根据提示写一份有关国际慈善工作的报告;3.能熟练运用被动语态的一般现在时和一般过去时;4.能正确运用本单元所学的词汇和句型。especially 特别;尤其spread 传播;扩散afford 买得起;能做develop 发展;加强carry on with sth 继续做某事all over the world/around the world 全世界an interview with sb 对某

2、人的一次采访medical treatment 医学治疗do operations 做手术on board 在飞机(轮船、火车)上be proud to do sth 做某事感到自豪set up 创建;建立have a check 检查一下be afraid of doing sth 不敢做某事2make up ones mind to do sth 下定决心做某事hold a charity show 举办一场慈善演出get/be used to doing sth 习惯做某事be glad to do sth 做某事感到高兴1.Many of our patients cant affor

3、d to go to hospital,so we have to go to them.我们的很多病人没钱去看病,所以我们得到他们那里去。2.My father is working for a foreign company.我的父亲就职于一家外国公司。3.He is used to taking notes of everything he did.他习惯把他所做的一切事情都记下来。4.He is afraid of hurting her feelings.他怕伤了她的感情。5.At last,he made up his mind to do it.最后,他终于下定决心做这件事。根据

4、汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.我们国家为孩子们提供基础教育。Our country provides basic education for children. 2.医生们现在已经认识到必须阻止这种疾病的传播。The doctors have realized that they must prevent the spread of the disease. 3.你做得很棒。You have done a good job . 4.我想多了解一些关于乐施会的情况。I want to know more about Oxfam. 5.我还剩下一些零花钱。我们买一些吃的吧。I have some

5、pocket money left .Lets buy something to eat . 3募捐活动根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。1.我们学校在 2018 年 10 月 1 日星期一举办了一场名为“为儿童行走”的募捐活动。(fund-raising event;Walk for Children)2.这场活动在上午 9 点开始。路线是从阳光街到南山。(Sunny Street;South Hill)3.这场活动的目的是帮助贫困的孩子上学。(aim;help;poor)4.我和我们组成员在两个小时内走完了全程。我们得到了证书和纪念品。(finish;certificate;souve

6、nir)5.这场活动至少筹集了 4000 元。我将永远记得这段经历,因为它非常有意义。(collect;remember;meaningful)Our school held a fund-raising event called Walk for Children on Monday,October 1,2018.It started at 9:00 a.m.Its route is from Sunny Street to South Hill.Its aim is to help the children who are too poor to go to school. My team members and I finished the walk within two hours and we received certificates and souvenirs.We collected at least 4,000 yuan.Ill always remember the experience because it is very meaningful.


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