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1、宿迁专版,第 5 课时 Unit 12(八上),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,dishonest,humorous,height,highly,smiling,happiness,happily,unhappy/sad,British,mixed,American,discussion,daily,worse,worst,farther,further,farthest,furthest,impolite,truly,truth,boring,bored,winner,won,won,less,least,chose,chosen,choice,weekly,impatient,pat

2、ience,thirstier,thirstiest,foreigner,fatter,fattest,keep a secret,travel around the world,feel bored with,have a good sense of humour,have a smile on ones face,near the end of,discuss sth with sb,the number of,have a monthly test,haveoff,at most/least,at first,do morning exercises,at lunchtime,make

3、friends with sb,come first in the race,make sb happy,after-school activities,give ones seat to someone in need,care about,is willing to share things with,when she grows up,tells funny jokes,makes me laugh,Whats,like,listens carefully to,offers me help,the fewest,keep writing in English,daily life,sp

4、end,doing/on,half an hour,at most,looked through, lie n. 谎言 Linda is an honest girl, and she never tells lies. 琳达是一个诚实的女孩,她从来不说谎。 【拓展】 (1)lie也可用作动词,意为“躺下;位于;在于;平放;存在;延伸;说谎”。 If you dont feel well, lie down and have a rest. 如果你感到不舒服,就躺下休息一会儿。 The town lies on the coast. 这个小镇位于海滨。 Dont believe Jack ea

5、sily because he often lies. 不要轻易相信杰克,因为他经常说谎。 (2)lie和lay的动词词形的变化:,【典例】 (1)用lie的适当形式填空 Mike was comfortably in his sleeping bag when I came here. Tom is honest, and he never tells . Jack hurt me because I found he to me yesterday. (2)Lucy took out her books and them on the desk as soon as she came in

6、to the classroom. A.lay B.laid C.lied D.lain My father was so tired that he fell asleep quickly after he down on the bed. A.laid B.lay C.lied D.lie,lying,lies,lied,B,B, worry vt. 使烦恼,使焦虑 【点拨】 worry 作及物动词时,意为“使烦恼,使焦虑”。worry sb 意为“使某人烦恼/焦虑”。 The problem of your health is beginning to worryme. 你的健康问题开始

7、让我担心了。 【拓展】 (1)worry 还可作不及物动词,常用搭配为worry about,意为“为担心”。 You dont have to worry about me. Im a good swimmer. 你不用担心我,我水性很好。 (2)worry 还可作名词,意为“烦恼;忧虑;令人烦恼的人或事”,其复数形式为worries。 My father has a lot of worries. 我父亲有许多烦恼。, finish vt.结束 【点拨】 finish 为动词,其后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语。 【拓展】 常见的接v.-ing形式作宾语的动词或短语: 动词:fini

8、sh, practise, consider, suggest,enjoy, miss, mind 顺口溜:完成练习考建议,喜欢错过(别)介意 短语: be busy, look forward to, be used to, cant help, give up, feel like, keep on 顺口溜:忙于期盼(要)习惯,不禁放弃想继续 【典例】 2017重庆 Dave is a good boy and he always finishes his homework on time. A.do B.did C.does D.doing,3 D finish doing sth意为“

9、完成做某事”。故选D。,D, boring/bored,She felt bored because the film was boring. 因为这部电影无趣,所以她感觉无聊。 【拓展】 v.-ing形容词表示主动意思,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰物;v.-ed形容词表示被动意义,多指人对事物的感受,一般修饰人。 【典例】 2018乌鲁木齐 Did you watch the first match of the Russian World Cup? Of course! We were so to watch the match. A.exciting; excited B.excited

10、; excited C.exciting; exciting D.excited; exciting,D, offer/provide/give 【点拨】 三个词均有“供给,供应”之意,它们之间的区别如下:,【典例】 用方框中单词的适当形式填空 offer provide give (1)Could you some information for me about the summer camp? (2)You look so happy. A big company me a very good job.I decide to accept it. (3)Please the letter

11、 to your mother when you have read it.,provide,offered,give, What makes good friends, Amy? 埃米,什么样的人适合做好朋友呢? 【点拨】 make的用法:,【注意】 make后接省略to的不定式,但在被动语态中,要还原to。 Loud music makes me uncomfortable. 吵闹的音乐使我不舒服。 We made Jim our monitor. 我们选吉姆为我们的班长。 Our teacher makes us feel more confident. 我们的老师使我们感到更自信了。

12、Lets make it 8:30. Is that all right for you? 我们约定在8:30吧,这对你合适吗?,【典例】 Though he often made his little sister , today he was made by her. A.cry; to cry B.crying; crying C.cry; cry D.to cry; cry,A, Chinese students have more weeks off for the summer holiday than British students. 中国学生的暑假要比英国学生多放几个星期假。

13、 【点拨】 off 为副词,意为“休息;休假;不工作”。“have/take+一段时间+off” 意为“请(一段时间)假;休息(一段时间)”。 I will have two days off next week. 下周我将休两天假。 【拓展】 与off 有关的短语: be off离开 fall off从掉下 get off 下车 give off 发出(光、热、气味等) hurry off 匆忙离开 keep off让开,不接近 take off 起飞;脱下 turn off关掉 show off 炫耀 have/take/ask for a day off请假/离开一天 let off=s

14、et off燃放 【典例】 2018扬州 We should stop fireworks to reduce pollution. A.getting off B.turning off C.taking off D.setting off,D,.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Yang Jiang, a well-known writer, went to England for (far) study in 1935. 2.Which do you think is (interesting), going on a picnic or going fish

15、ing? 3.Emilys mother didnt allow her to watch her favourite programme and it made her (happy). 4.What do you (real) think of it? 5.I finished (write) the article last night. 6.Look! The dog (lie) on the floor. 7.Kitty is very kind. She often offers (help) people in need. 8.The programme is too (bore

16、) for many people.,further,more interesting,unhappy,really,writing,is lying,to help,boring,.根据句意及所给中文提示或首字母,写出句子所缺单词,每空限填一词 1.Andy is the (最胖的) of the three students. 2.Nobody believes what he says because he always tells (谎言). 3.He often reads (每周的) newspapers in the morning. 4.That British teacher is very h . He always tells us interesting jokes. 5.It is i to enter a persons room without knocking at the door first.,fattest,lies,weekly,humorous,impolite,


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