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1、- 1 -榆林二中 20182019 学年第一学期期中高二年级英语强化背诵试题命题人: 满分:100 分一、语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(20 分,每题 2 分)1、Have you ever dreamed of _ ( play) in front of thousands of people at a concert ,at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your singing?2、I am sure that they will _(survive) with your help.3、His most exciti

2、ng _( invite) was to perform on a TV program called “Top of the Pops”.4、We used to be/an _(endanger) species.5、It shows the importance of wildlife _(protect).6、I wonder _ is being done/ to help you.7、The band_( break) up about 1970,but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.8、Fans showed their_ (dev

3、ote) by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts.9、They were so popular that their_( fan ) formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.10、What should you do if your friend is being _(attack)?二单句改错。(20 分,每题 2 分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的

4、词。11. According to Tom, its great movie.12. You should pay more attention to you health.13. Id rather not to stay up too late.14. Above all ,just have funs.15. As some of these actors could not sing good enough ,they had to rely on other musicians to help them.- 2 -16. Music is much than just sound.

5、17. I suggest make a special park for them.18. They learned this from the way the bones was joined together.19. Nobody knows for surely why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such a short time.20. Maybe we could give it other try.三短文语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空) 。(25 分,每题 2.5 分)Start TodayIf you

6、 want a happy life, you cant dwell 21 your past mistakes. We get a new chance in life every time we wake 22 in the morning. It is up to 23 (we) to seize it. Today can be the 24 (begin) of a new life for each of us. We can choose joy right now. We can share love today. We can live in delight starting

7、 25 this moment. It doesnt matter 26 miserable our past has 27 (be). Our present can be full 28 joy and our future can be full of happiness. It doesnt matter if we are eight or eighty, we can still make our lives 29 (wonder). Life isnt over until your last heartbeat. Start today, then, 30 (make) you

8、r heart beat with joy, love, and light.四短文改错。(25 分,每题 2.5 分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。We All Need Fresh AirGood evening, Ladies and Gentlemen,Its a pleasure to stand here to make speech in English. You may see that Im alittle of nervous. Please excuse me

9、 if I make any mistake.There is no doubt that we cant live without air. But unfortunate, air pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem in the present - 3 -world.Pollution air is dangerous. Its harmful to our health. When we breath in polluted air, we may get sick.It is true to say that p

10、rotecting the air is equal with protecting our. Its urgent ly to prevent new air pollution or reduce current pollution. Its our duty to improve the quality of the air. Lets plant more trees. Lets work together to make the air clean and fresher!五阅读理解(10 分,每题 2.5 分)Tourism wasnt as important as it is

11、today. In the past, only people with a good deal of money could travel on holidays to other countries. More people travel today than in the past because there is a growing middle class in many parts of the world; that is to say, people now have more money for travel. Special plane fares for tourists

12、 make travel less expensive and more attractive than ever before. One person doesnt travel for the same reason as another. But most people enjoy seeing countries that are different from their own. They also like to meet new people and to taste new food.Tourism causes many changes in a country and in

13、 peoples lives. People build new hotels and restaurants and train native men and women as guides to show visitors interesting places. Therere new nightclubs and other amusements. International tourism is clearly a big business.41. In the old days _ could travel to other countries.A. boys and girls,

14、men or women, young or oldB. either kings or queensC. both the poor and the richD. nobody but those who had money42. More people travel today than in the past because_.A. people have become interested in travelingB. traveling today is easier the in the pastC. people now have spare money for travelD.

15、 great changes have taken place in the world- 4 -43. What makes travel more attractive than before?A. Travel by air to other countries is much cheaper today.B. More guides are being trained to show beautiful spots.C. Modern telegraph lines make travel less expensive.D. New hotels and restaurants hav

16、e been built.44. What is the best title of the passage?A. The Change of Tourism B. Tourism C. The Importance of Tourism D. The Cause of Tourism Change - 5 -榆林市第二中学 2018-2019 学年第一学期期中英语背诵考试高二年级英语试题答题卡一语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (20 分,每题 2 分)1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 第二题:单句改错(每小题 2 分,共 20 分)11. Accordin

17、g to Tom, its great movie.12. You should pay more attention to you health.13. Id rather not to stay up too late.14. Above all ,just have funs.15. As some of these actors could not sing good enough ,they had to rely on other musicians tohelp them.16. Music is much than just sound.17. I suggest make a

18、 special park for them.18. They learned this from the way the bones was joined together.19. Nobody knows for surely why and how dinosaurs disappeared from the - 6 -earth in such a short time.20. Maybe we could give it other try.三短文语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空) 。 (25 分,每题 2.5 分) 21. 22. 23. 24 25. 26. 27. 28.

19、 29. 30. 五阅读理解(10 分,每题 2.5 分)- 7 - 8 -高二英语强化答案一语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(20 分,每题 2 分)1. playing 2 survive 3. invitation 4. endangered 5. protection 6. what 7. broke 8. devotion 9. fans 10. Attacked二单句改错。(20 分,每题 2 分)1. great 后加 a 2.you 改为 your 3.to 去掉 4.funs 改为 fun 5.good 改为 well 6. much 改为 more 7. make

20、改为 making 8.was 改为 were 9. surely 改为 sure 10. other 改为 another三短文语法填空(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空) 。(25 分,每题 2.5 分)1. on 2. up 3. us 4. beginning 5. at 6. how 7. been 8. of 9. wonderful 10.to make 四短文改错。(25 分,每题 2.5 分)1. make a speech 2. a little 后 of 去掉 3. unfortunate 改为 unfortunately 4. Pollution 改为 Polluted 5. breath 改为 breathe 6.with 改为 to 7. our 改为 ourselves 8. or 改为 and 9 .urgent ly 改为 urgent 10. clean 改为 cleaner五阅读理解(10 分,每题 2.5 分)DCAD

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