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1、1第一部分 教材知识梳理篇七年级(上) Units 14(含Starter)中考基础知识梳理编者按:此部分严格按照人教课本词汇表梳理单词、词性及汉语意思,旨在让学生加强对重点单词、短语和句型的记忆。加 的单词和话题均为贵州近7年考查过的高频词汇和话题。类别 课标考点要求词汇攻关1.good(adj.)_well_( adv.)好;令人满意地_be tter_(比较级)较好的(地);更好的(地)_best_(最高级)最好的(地)2meet( v.)_met_(过去式/过去分词)遇见;相逢3one( num.)_first_( num.)第一4two( num.)_second_( num.)第二

2、5friend( n.)_friendly_( adj.)友好的_unfriendly_( adj.的反义词)不友好的_friendship_( n.)友谊6China( n.)_Chinese_( adj.)汉语的;中国的(n.)语文;汉语7he( pron.)_him_(宾格)他_his_(形容词性物主代词&名词性物主代词)他的_himself_(反身代词)他自己8she( pron.)_her_(宾格)她_her_(形容词性物主代词)她的_hers_(名词性物主代词)她的_herself_(反身代词)她自己9this( pron.)_that_(对应词)那;那个_these_( pl.)

3、这些_those_( pl.的对应词)那些10they( pron.)_them_(宾格)他(她、它)们_their_(形容词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的 _theirs_(名词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的_themselves_(反身代词)他(她、它)们自己11help( v.& n)_helpful_( adj.)有用的12here( adv.)_there_(对应词)(在)那里13I( pron.)_me_(宾格)我_my_(形容词性物主代词)我的_mine_(名词性物主代词)我的_myself_(反身代词)我自己14come( v.)_came_(过去式)_come_(过去分词)来;来

4、到15under( prep.)_on_(反义词)在上16watch( n.)_watches_( pl.)表;手表17family( n.)_families_( pl.)家;家庭18photo( n.)_photos_( pl.)照片19see( v.)_saw_(过去式)_seen_(过去分词)理解;明白20think( v.)_thought_(过去式/过去分词)认为;想;思考21lose( v.) _lost_(过去式/过去分词)遗失;丢失22thank( v.)_thankful_( adj.)感激的23have( v.)_has_(单三)_had_(过去式/过去分词)有;经受;经

5、历24know( v.)_knew_(过去式)2_known_(过去分词)知道;了解_knowledge_( n.)知识;学问短语归纳1.用英语_in_English_2电话号码_telephone/phone_number_3名字_first/given_name_4姓_last/family_name_5中学;初中_middle_school_6铅笔盒;文具盒_pencil_box_7学生卡;身份证_ID_card_8请求;恳求(给予)_askfor_9在沙发上_on_the_sofa_10在椅子下_under_the_chair_11.在某人的书包里_in_ones_schoolbag_

6、12快点儿_come_on_13磁带播放机_tape_player_14飞机模型_model_plane_15一套;一副;一组_a_set_of_16一张我的全家福_a_photo_of_my_family_17为而感谢你(们)_thank_you_for_18打电话给某人_call_sb.(at电话号码)_ 19(表示祝愿)过得愉快_have_a_good_day_20在学校图书馆_in_the_schoo l_library_句型再现(含情景交际) 1.(询问他人身体状况)“你好吗?”“我很好,谢谢。”_How_are_you_?Im _fine_,thanks.2(辨认物品)“这个用英语

7、怎么说?”“它是一个橙子。”_Whats_this_ in English?_Its_an_orange_.3(询问颜色)这是什么颜色?_What_color_ is it?4(询问他人姓名)“你叫什么名字?”“我的名字是艾伦。”_Whats_your_name_?_My_names/Im_ Alan.5那是我的家人。那些是我的父母。_Thats_ my family._Those_are_ my parents.6这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。_Here_are_ two nice photos of my family.7(确认物品所属关系)“打扰了,格雷丝。这是你的铅笔吗?”“是的,谢谢你

8、。”_Excuse_me_,Grace._Is_this_ your pencil?Yes,_thank_you_.8.这本词典(是谁的)呢?_What_about_ this dictionary?9“安娜,谢谢你的帮助。”“不客气。”_Thank_you_for_your_help_,Anna.Youre _welcome_.10去老师那里拿。_Ask_ the teacher _for_ it.11“这些是你的书吗?”“不是,是她的。”_Are_these_ your books?No,_they_arent_._Theyre_hers_.12给我发电子邮件到 。_Email_me_at

9、_ .13拨打电话6856034找我。3_Call_me_at_ 6856034.14(谈论物品位置)“书包在哪儿?”“它在桌子下面。”_Wheres_ the schoolbag?_Its_under_the_ table.语法1.冠词(a,an,the)(详见第二编P102)2人称代词和物主代词(详见第二编P98)3基数词(09)(详见第二编P104)4指示代词(this,that,these,those)5.名词的复数(详见第二编P95)6方位介词(on,in,under)(详见第二编P107)7be动词的一般现在时8连词and(详见第二编P110)话题Starter Unit 1 Me

10、eting friends(见朋友)Starter Unit 2 Things around you(你周围的事物)Starter Unit 3 Colors(颜色)Unit 1 Making new friends(结交新朋友)Unit 2 The family(家人)Unit 3 Things in the classroom(教室里的物品)Unit 4 Things around the house(房子周围的事物)素材包介绍家庭成员:1The person I want to thank is my mother/father2My mother is special to me be

11、cause she always takes good care of me.3My father is strict with me but he really loves me.4I love my parents more than anyone else.谈论家庭成员之间的沟通、子女的成长问题:1Nowadays most of us have trouble in communicating with our parents.2.Here are some suggestions on how to get along well with our parents.3Try to th

12、ink more about your parents,then youll understand them.表达对家庭成员的感激之情:1My parents often encourage me whenever Im in trouble.2My parents always try their best to provide me with best life and education.3Thank you for everything you have done for me.贵阳中考重难点突破辨析it,one与that (教材七上PS5,P4)【满分点拨】词汇 用法it 指代前面提

13、到的同一个事物,其复数形式为they/themone 表示泛指,指前面提到过的同一类人或事物中的一个,相当于a/an名 词,其复数形式为onesthat 表示特指,指代不可数名词或可数名词单数,相当于the名词,其复 数形式为those4it,one,that1Mom,my old coat is too small.Can you buy a new _one_ for me?2What are you doing here?I have lost my dictionary.I am looking for _it_3The weather in China is different fr

14、om _that_ in South Africa.辨析say,speak,talk与tell (教材七上PS12)【满分点拨】词汇 含义及用法say say强调说话的内容speak speak强调说话的能力,作及物动词时,其后常跟某种语言作宾语talktalk指连续不断地讲话,强调与某人交谈。talk to sb.“和某人谈话(一方说,另一方听)”;talk with sb.“和某人交谈(双方都参与说)”;talk about“讨论;谈论”telltell“告诉;讲述”,强调讲给别人听。tell sb.sth.“告诉某人某事”;tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人关于某事”;tel

15、l sb.(not) t o do sth.“告诉某人(不要)做某事”say,speak,talk,tell1Dont forget to_say_ “thanks” when you get help from others.2My mother often _tells_ me not to play in the street.3Does your language teacher_speak_ Chinese in class?4I _talked_ with her yesterday and I thought I should learn from her.辨析and,but,o

16、r与so (教材七上P2,P23)【满分点拨】连词 作用 含义 例句and 并列;顺承 和;然后Listen to some music,and youll feel more relaxed.听听音乐,你会觉得更放松。but 转折 但是 I like English songs,but I cant sing.我喜欢英文歌,但是我不会唱。or 结果 否则 Tell me the truth,or Ill get angry.告诉我真相,否则我会生气。so 因果 所以 I didnt have lunch,so Im hungry now.我没有吃午饭,所以我现在饿了。( B )1.(2018

17、贵阳三模)Boys and girls,hold on to your dreams,_ they will come true one day.Abut Band Cor( B )2.(2018湘西中考)What happened just now?A car hit an old lady at the crossing.She was hurt,_ not too bad.Aand Bbut Cor( C )3.(贵阳背景特色题)There are many mountains in Guiyang City,_ drivers have to drive carefully on th

18、e highway(高速公路)Abut Bor Cso54. (初高衔接题)Its ra ining outside.Put on your raincoat,and youll get wet.(句子改错)_or_help v& n帮助;援助 (教材七上P14)【满分点拨】help的常见用法如下:( A )1.(贵阳背景特色题)Can you help me _ two tickets to QingYen Ancient Town(青岩古镇)?Of course.Abuy Bbuys Cbuying( C )2.(易错题)Tom usually helps me_my English on

19、 weekends.Ain Bon Cwith3Kate is very _helpful_(help)She often helps her friends when they are in trouble.4Help _yourselves_(you) to some fish,boys!辨析some与any (教材七上P17)【满分点拨】单词 含义 用法some 一些 后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于肯定句和表示 请求或希望得到对方肯定回答的一般疑问句中any 一些,任何表示“一些”时,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于否定句和一般疑问句中;表示“任何一个”时,后接可数名词单数,用

20、于肯定句或条件句中用some或any填空。1Would you like_some_ tea?Yes,please.2It must be difficult to live without_any_ money.3There are _some_ letters in the box,but there werent _any_ for me.What about this dictionary?这本字典(是谁的)呢? (教材七上P14)【满分点拨】What about?意为“怎么样?好吗?”用于引出话题或向对方询问前面已提到过的事情,也可以用来表示征求对方的意见或向对方提出意见。about

21、作介词,其后跟名词、代词或 v.ing形式作宾语。如:What about going fishing this afternoon?今天下午去钓鱼怎么样?6( C )(贵阳背景特色题)What fine weather it is!What about _to Huaxi Park?Sounds good.A go Bgoes Cgoing随堂知识巩固单项选择。( C )1.(2018贵阳适应性考试)Thanksgiving Day is considered as _ important and special day in the United States.Athe Ba Can( A

22、 )2. (2018贵阳适应性考试)“My cell phone doesnt work.Would you mind lending me_for a while?”“Of course not.Here you are.”Ayours Bmy Cits( B )3.(2018百色中考改编)There are two beautiful _ in the picture.Awomans Bwomen Cwoman( A )4.(2018安顺中考改编)Excuse me!Is this_new house?Yes,its_.Their parents bought it last Septem

23、ber.ALucy and Lilys;theirsBLucys and Lilys;themCLucys and Lilys;theirs( C )5.(贵州背景特色题)Huangguoshu Waterfall is very beautiful,_ many of my friends like it very much.【考点】Abut Bor Cand( C )6.Who is that woman near your mother,Jack?Oh,she is my mothers sister.She is my _.Asister Buncle Caunt( C )7.(新信息

24、题)What about _ the 2018 Wuhan Marathon(马拉松) on TV this evening?Good idea.【考点】Awatch Bto watch Cwatching( A )8. (原创题)She found it difficult to remember new words.So she asked her teacher _help.A for Bto Cat高频话题写作指导家庭成员话题解读以“我的家庭”为主题的书面表达通常采用叙议结合的手法进行写作。叙即叙述一件事情或平时经常发生的事情。议则议论自己从中受到的教益或表达对父母的感情。从命题角度上


26、喂食联想到在自己家人身上发生的事,表达感激之情;2012年贵阳,叙述家人为你做的一件让你感动的事,表达你的感激之情。介绍家 庭成员之间的沟通与交流。如2017年黔东南,通过给父母写一封信的方式表达自己对父母的爱以及在成长过程中想对父母说的一些心里话;2016年毕节考查的是如何与父母和谐相处。核心词汇和句型1词汇be of medium height中等身高 a nice and kind woman一位善良的女性wear a pair of glasses戴一副眼镜 kind and easygoing善良的并随和的speak highly of对高度评价 be proud of为而自豪be

27、strict with sb.对某人要求严格 be strict in (doing) sth.在某方面要求严格ask sb.for向某人要 be in trouble陷入困境take part in参加 argue with sb.与某人争吵encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 grow healthily健康成长overcome the difficulty克服困难 be thankful to sb.对某人表示感谢2句型It is difficult for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说较为困难。He tries to do what he can

28、to help他尽其所能地帮助At that time,I was too young to understand his words.那时我还太小,不懂他话的含义。典例剖析(原创题)在热播的朗读者第二季节目中,著名演员袁泉表达了自己对中央戏剧学院全体老师的敬意及自己对那段美好时光的怀念之情。回顾过去的三年初中生活,你肯定也遇到了很多好老师,他们或严厉或温柔,在你成长和学习的路上不断指引着你走向光明的未来。某学校英语广播电台正在开展以“I Love You,My English Teacher”为题的英语征文活动,请你根据自己的实际情况,写一篇英语广播稿。一、写作要点提示1简要 介绍你喜欢的英

29、语老师,如:性格、外貌特征、兴趣爱好、上课的基本情况等;2说明自己喜爱这位老师的原因;3表达你的喜爱之情。二、写作要求短文应紧扣要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,以使短文衔接、连贯,词数控制在80100。8【审题指导】这是一篇提纲作文。需仔细审题,理解信息,明确要点。本文适合四段式写法:第一段简要点明你喜欢的老师是谁;第二段介绍你喜欢的英语老师的相关情况;第三段说明你喜爱这位老师的原因;第四段抒发你的感谢之情。文章时态主要采用一般现在时,人称以第一人称为主。【写作导图】I Love You,My EnglishTeacherThe English teacher I loveMr.HuangI

30、nformation about the English teacherof medium height,thin,wear a pair of glasses,strict,care about every studentThe reasons why Ilove this English teachermake our class livelyExpress my feelings and loveI love you,myEnglish teacher!【参考范文】I Love You,My English TeacherI have met many good teachers in

31、the last three years.My English teacher Mr.Huang is one of them.Now let me tell you something about him.Mr.Huang is of medium height and a little thin.He always wears a pair of glasses.He is very strict with us but cares about every student.When the students from poor families are in trouble,he is a

32、lways ready to help them.I like my English teacher because he has many good ways to make our class lively.Many students fall in love with English because of him.I love you,my English teacher!I will never forget you.【名师点评】此篇范文紧扣要点、内容完整、结构清晰。在语句表达上,运用了be strict with,be ready to,fall in love with等短语,为文




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