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1、1七年级(上) Units 59中考基础知识梳理类别 课标考点要求词汇攻关1.tomato(n.)_tomatoes_( pl.)西红柿2woman( n.)_women_( pl.)女子3get( v.)_got_(过去式)_got/gotten_(过去分词)去取(或带来);得到4take( v.)_took_(过去式)_taken_(过去分词)买下;拿;取5much( pron.& adj.)_more_(比较级)更多(的)_most_(最高级)最多;大多数6we( pron.)_us_(宾格)我们_our_(形容词性物主代词)我们的_ours_(名词性物主代词)我们的_ourselves

2、_(反身代词)我们自己7interest( n.)_interesting_( adj.)有趣的 _interested_(adj.)感兴趣的8boring( adj.)_bored_( adj.)感到厌倦的;烦闷的9fun( n.)_funny_( adj.)奇怪的;滑稽好笑的10difficult( adj.)_difficulty_( n.)困难_hard_(同义词)困难的_easy_(反义词)容易的;不费力的11relax( v.)_relaxing_( adj.)轻松的;令人放松的_relaxed_( adj.)感到放松的;自在的12health( n.)_healthy_( adj

3、.)健康的_healthily_( adv.)健康地_unhealthy_( adj.的反义词)不健康的13same( adj.)_different_(反义词)不同的14.real(adj.)_really_( adv.)真正地15short( adj.)_long_(反义词)长的_tall_(反义词)高的16twelve( num.)_twelfth_( num.)第十二_twenty_( num.)二十_twentieth_( num.)第二十17three( num.)_thirteen_( num.)十三_thirty_( num.)三十_third_( num.)第三_thirte

4、enth_( num.)第十三_thirtieth_( num.)第三十18sell( v.)_sale_( n.)特价销售;出售_buy_(反义词)购买;买19nine( num.)_ninth_( num.)第九_nineteen_( num.)十九_ninety_( num.)九十20art( n.)_artist_( n.)艺术家21music( n.)_musician_( n.)音乐家_musical_( adj.)音乐的22science( n.)_scientist_( n.)科学家_scientific_( adj.)科学的23use( v.& n)_useful_( adj

5、.)有用的;有益的24play( v.& n)_player_( n.)播放机短 1.玩电脑游戏_play_computer_games_2语归纳2打排球/篮球_play_volleyball/basketball_3看电视_watch_TV_4打乒乓球_play_pingpong_5在同一所学校_in_the_same_school_6思考;思索_think_about_7一双_a_pair_of_8.生日聚会_birthday_party_9组织学校郊游_have_a_school_trip_10无疑;肯定_for_sure_11上语文课_have_Chinese_12从到_fromto_

6、13(表示祝愿)过得愉快_have_a_good_time_句型再现( 含情景交际) 1.(提出邀约)“咱们打篮球吧。”“听起来很好。”_Lets_play_ basketball._That_sounds_good_.2(谈论喜好)你早餐喜欢吃什么?_What_ do you _like_for_breakfast_?3(购物用语,询问价格)“这些袜子多少钱?”“两美元。”_How_much_are_ these socks?_Theyre_ two dollars.4(购物用语,提供帮助)“有什 么可以为您效劳的吗?”“是的,我需要买一件毛衣上学穿。”_Can_I_help_you_?Ye

7、s,please.I need a sweater for school.5(购物用语)“我 要买两双。”“给你。”Ill take two pairs._Here_you_are_.6.(询问他人生日)“琳达,你的生日是哪天?”“我的生日是5月2日。”_When_is_your_birthday_,Linda?My birthday is _on_May_2nd_.7(询问年纪)“那么艾伦,你多大了?”“十二岁。”So,_how_old_are_you_,Alan?Im twelve.8这真是个忙碌的学期!祝大家开心!This is a really busy term!_Have_a_go

8、od_time_!9(询问他人喜爱的学科)“你最喜爱的学科是什么?”“我最喜爱的学科是科学。”_Whats_your_favorite_subject_?My favorite subject is science.10(询问原因并说明理由)“鲍勃为什么喜欢历史?”“因为它很有趣。”_Why_does_ Bob like history?_Because_its_interesting_.语法1.实义动词的一般现在时(详见第二编P128)2连词but(详见第二编P110)3可数名词与不可数名词(详见第二编P95)4时间介词(at,on,in)(详见第二编P106)5.基数词(1031)与序数词

9、(131)(详见第二编P104)6名词所有格(详见第二编P95)37特殊疑问句(详见第二编P135)话题Unit 5 Spending time with friends(与朋友共度时光)Unit 6 Food(食物)Unit 7 Shopping(购物)Unit 8 Dates(日期)Unit 9 School subjects(学校科目)贵阳中考重难点突破sound的用法 (教材七上P27)【满分点拨】sound与其他感观动词的用法词汇 含义 例句sound 听起来;声音 His voice sounded strange on the phone.他的声音在电话里听着挺怪的。look 看

10、起来;相貌 That book looks interesting.那本书看起来很有趣。taste 尝起来;味道 The soup tastes delicious.汤尝起来很美味。smell 闻起来;气味 The flowers smell good.花闻起来很香。feel 摸起来;触觉 The cotton feels soft.棉花摸起来很柔软。( C )1.(2018黔南中考改编)The soup would _ better with more salt.Aeat Bsound Ctaste( B )2.(2018温州中考改编)The cheese cake _ so good th

11、at I cant wait to eat it.Atastes Bsmells Csounds( B )3.(2019预测)The new skirt _ so nice on you.Afeels Blooks Csounds( A )4.(易错题)Mike,lets play basketball after class.That _ like a good idea!Asounds Blooks Cfeels( B )5.This silk dress _ soft and smooth.Alooks Bfeels Csounds辨析interesting与interested (教材

12、七上P28)【满分点拨】单词 含义及用法 例句interesting 指事物本身“令人感兴趣的;有趣 的”,作定语或表语Thats an interesting film.那是一部有趣的电影。The book is very interesting.这本书很有趣。interested指人“对感兴趣的”,一般作表语,常构成短语:be interested in (doing) sth.I am interested in English.我对英语感兴趣。He is interested in playing football.他对踢足球感兴趣。( A )1.(2018毕节中考改编)English

13、 is as _ as Chinese.AinterestingBmore interestingCmore interested4( B )2.(易错题)They were all _ in that _ storybook.Ainterested;interestedBinterested;interestingCinteresting;interesting辨析watch,look,see与read(教材七上P28,P38)【满分点拨】词汇及含义 短语watch指“(聚精会神地)看;注视;观察”,如看电视、比赛等 watch TV看电视look强调“看”的动作,作不及物动词 look a

14、t the blackboard看黑板see强调“看”的结果,如看电影、看病等 see a film看电影read指“阅读”,如看书、报刊、杂志等 read newspapers看报纸( C )1.(新信息题)How do you like the program Cheers Science(加油!向未来)?What an amazing program it is!Many people like to _ it.Asee Blook Cwatch( B )2.(易错题)What did you do last night?I _a film and _ books.Asee;watch

15、Bsaw;readClooked;saw( B )3._ at the clock.Its 8:15.AWatch BLook CSee辨析take,bring,carry与get (教材七上P26,P38)【满分点拨】词汇及含义 用法take(to) 拿去;带去 把某物(人)从说话处带到别处bring(to) 拿来;带来 把某物(人)从别处带到说话处carry搬运;提;拿 不强调方向,但有负重之意get拿来;取来(fetch) 去别处把某物(人)带来,强调动作的往返take,bring,carry,get1(人文信息题)Can you _take_ me to Longdongbao Int

16、ernational Airport(龙洞堡国际机场)?2Go and _get_ me a drink.3(原创题)To record the wonderful moments,youd better _bring_ your camera here tomorrow.4He _carried/carries_ a big watermelon and a bag of apples.辨析how many与how much (教材七上P37)【满分点拨】词汇 含义 用法 例句how many 多少 修饰可数名词复数 How many apples do you have?你有多少个苹果?多

17、少 修饰不可数名词How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水?how much多少钱 相当于how much money How much is your 5dress?你的裙子多少钱?100 yuan.一百元。【归纳拓展】询问价格常见的四种方法,以“这条裙子多少钱?”为例:(1)How much is the skirt worth?(2)How much does the skirt cost?(3)Whats the price of the skirt?(4)How much is the skirt?对话配对,从下面的方框中选出正确的答

18、语。( B )1.What is the price of the dress?( A )2.How much honey did he buy yesterday?( C )3.How many baskets of apples did she pick last Sunday?AHe bought two bottles of hon ey yesterday.BIts twenty dollar s.CTwo baskets.随堂知识巩固一、单项选择。( A )1. (2018湘西中考)_ _ is your Tshirt,Kate?【考点】Its seven dollars.AHow

19、 much BHow many CHow old( A )2. (2018湘西中考)When is your birthday,Mike?My birthday is _ June 3rd.Aon Bin Cat( A )3.(2018福建中考B卷)Do you enjoy Chinese Folk Songs?【考点】Yes,the folk songs _ nice.A sound Bsmell Clook( A )4.The dictionary is very _ for students to learn English well.Auseful Brelaxed Chealthy(

20、 C )5.(原创题)Its a good _ to go to bed early and get up early.It keeps you healthy.Ahobby Binterest Chabit二、根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。(对应P8“词汇攻关”)1Here are some_interesting_(interest) books for you to read.2The school trip is on September_twelfth_(twelve)3Mrs. Brown was_really_(real) angry with Tom because he arrived late again.4The food on_sale_(sell) looks very nice at the small supermarket.


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