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1、1第 13 课时 九年级 Units 12一、阅读理解 (2015山东济宁中考)There is an unusual holiday in the US that falls on the fourth Thursday of April every year. It is very different from Christmas, Thanksgiving, or other wellknown holidays. It is called Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. This holiday is meant to be educa

2、tional as well as fun. The idea is simple, and the name says it all. It is a day for working parents to show their kids what they do all day. Although this holiday doesnt seem very complex(复杂的), it has meaningful purposes. There are many good reasons why a child should know what his or her parents d

3、o at work. For one thing, it is hard for children to understand the life of an adult when all they know is school. Therefore, this holiday helps children learn what it means to have a job. It also helps them learn about the differences and similarities between their world and the grownup world. When

4、 young people know more about their parents lives, they can form stronger parentchild relationships. This alone is worth a day of celebration.1This years Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day falls on . A. B. C. D.2The underlined part in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to Aevery holiday

5、needs a nameBthe name says it is known to allCthe name explains the idea clearlyDit is very different from Christmas3The writer thinks the holiday is Ausual BsimpleCcomplex Dmeaningful 二、单词拼写与运用 根据句意完成已给出首字母或汉语提示的单词,使补全后的句子意思通顺,语法正确。1(2018山东泰安中考)Mr. King is very p . He often explains difficult probl

6、ems many times until we understand.22(2015山东济宁中考)Gina is a in class. She often answers questions.3(2018山东泰安岱岳一模改编)Our country has built the worlds fastest trains. Fuxing trains can travel at a top s of 350 kilometers an hour.4(2018山东泰安肥城一模改编)We shouldnt p him for the small mistake.5(2018山东威海中考改编)The

7、 (秘密) of his success was hard work.6(2018江苏扬州中考)Some valuable jewellery in that shop was (偷) last week.7(2019原创)His (发音) is so terrible that I cant understand.8(2019原创)Road safety has been paid much (注意) to since last year. 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A(2018山东济宁汶上二模改编)As we all know, Ch

8、ristmas Day is one of the 1. (important) festivals in western countries. And it is celebrated on the 25th of December. No one knows the real birthday of Jesus. No date 2. (give) in the Bible(圣经), but people began to spend Christmas on December 25th in the 3. (four) century. No matter how far a perso

9、n is from his home, he will try his best 4. (go) home to spend the festival 5. his family.B(2019预测)How much does your mother do for you? She taught you to walk, helped you learn to read and looks after you every day. And you could never thank 6. (she) enough for everything.Well, on May 13 you will h

10、ave the chance to say thank you.Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in May. A US woman 7. (call) Anna Jarvis started it in 1905.Annas mother died on May 14, 1905. Anna was very sad. So she came up 8. the idea of Mothers Day. She wanted a day for families to come together and celebrate.On Mothers Day

11、, people in western countries often travel to visit their mothers. Its a bit like festivals in China.Children often do 9. special or make a special gift for their mother on that day.310 you arent sure about the date of Mothers Day, remember one thing: Every day should be Mothers Day!四、阅读表达 阅读短文,根据要求

12、完成文后的题目。(2018山东济宁汶上一模)It is important to have good learning habits if you want to study, and this is especially true when it comes to online learning.Online learning is a process different from what you will find in a traditional school. The learning environment and methods are different.When studyi

13、ng in a classroom, there is a lot of communication between the students and the teacher, but little interaction(互动) among the students, while online learning helps one student and another to interact very seriously and closely. So one of an online teachers roles is to encourage students to interact.

14、 Another is to guide discussion but not to take total control of students thoughts as teachers do in a classroom.So what are the good learning habits you should have in online learning? Here are some good suggestions. First, it is a good idea to prepare well for online learning. You can write down d

15、aily tasks and even weekly tasks that you want to complete. By doing so, you will have a good plan for achieving your goals. Second, you should spend as much time online as if you were going to regular courses. Also, always try to set aside extra time to communicate with other students. Besides this

16、, any post you put up online shows who you are. Finally, make sure that your homework is done on time so that you dont fall behind.1What is important if you want to study online?(no more than 5 words)2What is another role of an online professor besides encouraging students to interact?(no more than

17、20 words)3How many good suggestions about good learning habits are there in the passage?(no more than 1 word)4请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。45请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。五、写作 (2015山东济宁中考)美籍教师 Frank 应邀将在暑假后来济宁一所初中学校任教。为了解初中生英语学习的一些情况,他设计了以下调查问卷。请你根据调查问卷,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你在英语学习方面的一些情况,以帮助他完成该调查。Questions1When did you begin to learn En

18、glish?2Do you like Eng lish? Why (not)?3Do you like your English teacher? Why (not)?注意:1.词数:100 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。2文中不得出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。I am Li Hua, a junior middle school student of China. 5参考答案一、BCD二、1.patient 2.active 3.speed 4.punish 5.secret6stolen 7.pronunciation 8.attention三、1.most important

19、2.is given 3.fourth 4.to go5with 6.her 7.called 8.with 9.something 10.If四、1.To have good learning habits.2To guide discussion but not to take total control of students thoughts as teachers do in a classroom.3Five/5.4网络教师的其中一个角色是鼓励学生互动。5Good Online Learning Habits五、 I am Li Hua, a junior middle schoo

20、l student of China. I began to learn English 7 years ago, but became really interested in it when I entered junior middle school. My new English teacher was a beautiful young lady. She had a sweet clear voice and spoke English like a native speaker. She made her lessons interesting and easy to understand. She seemed to enjoy her job above everything else and was always nice to every one of us. I think I am very lucky to have such a good teacher. I wish to become a teacher like her in the future!


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