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1、1课时训练(十六) Units 34(九全)(限时:30 分钟).词汇运用(句意填词)1.I beg your .I didnt hear what you said. 2.He found Anns in the telephone directory(电话簿). He wanted to visit Ann at once. 3.You will the French test unless you work harder. 4.Tom eats fruit and vegetables, so he is unhealthy. 5.It is impolite to read other

2、 peoples letters. .单项选择6.I couldnt do it by myself, so I him to help me. A.requested B.refused C.hoped7.You cant go there . You have to change trains at least twice. A.direct B.alone C.close8.2017贵阳模拟 Look at the beautiful park. It be an old factory. A.hopes to B.leads to C.used to9.He is a little n

3、ervo us because he is going to make a speech . A.in public B.in trouble C.in danger10.2016武汉改编 Are you alone? I just want a word with you. A.single B.new C.private11.I think knowing your weaknesses and learning from mistakes is very for you. A.helpful B.harmful C.hopeful12.He himself for not giving

4、up. A.was strict with B.was worried aboutC.was proud of13.2017安顺改编 Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”? . A.Youre welcome B.Sure, Id love toC.Take it easy14.2017绥化 Every time the exam is over, I will the result. 2Take it easy! Grades are not our whole life.A.be proud of B.be go

5、od atC.be worried about15.2017贵阳模拟 Can you tell me ? The day after tomorrow.A.when we had the school leavers partyB.when will we have the school leavers partyC.when we will have the school leavers party.2017长春阅读选择A scientist named Charles had a strange idea. He wanted to invent a new kind of car whi

6、ch could go without a driver. It could also be used as a living room. That means you can go anywhere on your sofa in th e car. You might say that its impossible.But Charles succeeded in making it in a factory and named it Tridika.Tridika has no wheels and it starts working when it reaches the magnet

7、ic levitation tracks (磁悬浮轨道). It takes its energy from the tracks. And it works in the same way as a magnetic train. It moves very fast. As everyone knows, cities are developing rapidly. There are more and more cars running on the road. So parking space is limited. Sometimes its hard to find a place

8、 to park (停车). Tridika can solve this problem easily because it neednt park on the ground. Actually, it can park on the outside wall of the building with the help of an elevator system (电梯系统). In this way, much parking space can be saved. When Tridika parks itself in front of your apartment, you can

9、 get into your room directly. Of course, there must be a side door in the outside wall. Then Tridika becomes another living room. Its r eally amazing, isnt it?Tridika can hold six passengers. So you can go on vacation in it with your family in your free time. Of course it can also be used as an offi

10、ce while you are traveling on the road. That is to say, you can travel and work at the same time.16. Who invented the new kind of car?A.Charles. B.A driver. C.A factory worker. D.A passenger.17. When does Tridika start working?A.When it gets into your room. B.Before it parks on the outside wall.3C.A

11、fter it takes its energy from the wheels. D.When it reaches the magnetic levitation tracks.18. Whats probably the meaning of the w ord “limited” in Para.2?A.封闭的 B.有限的 C.开放的 D.无限的19. Why can Tridika help save the parking space?A.Because it can move very fast.B.Because it can hold six passengers.C.Bec

12、ause it neednt park on the ground.D.Because it could be used as a living room.20. Which is the best title for this passage?A.Tridika: A Free Parking PlaceB.Tridika: A Fast Magnetic Train C.Tridika: A Strange Side DoorD.Tridika: A New Driverless Car.阅读判断正误I travel a lot, and I find out different “sty

13、les (风格)” of directions every time I ask “How can I get to the post office?”Foreign tourist are often confused (困惑) in Japan because most streets there dont have names. In Japan, people will use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names.For example, the Japanese will say to traveler

14、s, “Go straight down to the corner.Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.The post office is across from the bus stop.”In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks.There are no mountains, so the land is very flat. In many places there are no towns o

15、r buildings within miles.Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances.In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, “Go north two miles.Turn east, and then go another mile.”People in Los Angles, California, have no idea of distance on the maps. They measure distance in time

16、, not mile.“How far is the post office?” you ask.“Oh,” they answer, “its about five minutes from here.” You say, “Yes, but how many miles away is it?” They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes.What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, “ S

17、orry, I have no idea.” But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers “I dont kno w.” People in Yucatan believe that “I dont know” is impolite.They usually give an answer, often a wrong one.A tourist can get very, very l ost in Yucatan!4根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。21.When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certa

18、in place, they usu ally describe the place carefully. ( )22.In the countryside of the American Midwest, people will use landmarks in their directions instead of street names. ( )23.People in Los Angeles measure distance in time. ( )24.People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer to be polite.

19、 ( )25.We can infer from the passage that its useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.( ).阅读填表格根据短文内容填空,每空一词。Different people prefer different kinds of music.But there is a song we all Chinese can singChinas national anthem(国歌), MarchoftheVolunteers.It was composed in 1935 by Tian H

20、an and Nie Er.It is a song that we learn at the beginning of primary school and sing at every flag-raising ceremony.And now, theres even a law to protect it.In September, 2017, the government passed the National Anthem Law, which took effect(生效) from October 1st, 2017.It says how we should sing or p

21、lay the song, requiring all citizens to respect it.According to the new law, the anthem will only be allowed to be played on the right time, such as during important sporting events or flag-raising ceremonies.It shouldnt be played during private funerals(葬礼) or as background music in public places.P

22、rimary and middle schools must teach the anthem to their students and make them understand the songs spirit and history.Whats more, the law requires citizens to be serious when singing the song.We can neither joke about it nor change the songs words or music.If someone breaks the law, he or she can

23、be detained(拘留) for up to 15 days, or face further charges in more serious situations.The national anthem is different from other songsit is the symbol of our country.The law makes sure people will be more serious when playing or singing the song.Many foreign countries also have laws for their natio

24、nal anthems.For example, US school children should put their right hand over their heart while singing their countrys anthem at school.In Russia, the national anthem must be played on television and radio before the start and end of broadcasting.And in the Philippines, people are required to sing th

25、e national anthem with enthusiasm when its played in public.A law to 26. Chinas national anthem 5When it took effect On 27. 1st, 2017. The right time to play When we 28. our national flag or during important sporting events. We must learn the 29. and history of the song at school. As students We hav

26、e to sing the song 30. . 6参考答案.1.pardon 2.address 3.fail 4.seldom/nev er 5.private.6.A 根据上文“I couldnt do it by myself”可推断是需要帮助,排除 B;没有“hope sb. to do sth.”结构,故选 A,表示“请求他来帮助我” 。7.A 根据“You have to change trains at least twice.”判断不能直接到达。故选 A。8.C 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.B14.C 考查动词短语辨析。be proud of 意为“以为骄傲

27、”;be good at 意为“擅长”;be worried about 意为“对感到担忧” 。根据答语中的“Take it easy!”可知,“我”对考试结果感到忧虑。故选 C。15.C 宾语从句用陈述语序,排除 B;根据答句可知用一般将来时,故选 C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了科学家查尔斯发明了一种新型无人驾驶的汽车,它可以通过磁悬浮轨道运行,并且可以停在特制的外墙上,很好地解决了城市停车难的问题。这种车型空间大,也适合家庭出行和办公。16.A 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句话可知,新型的汽车是查尔斯发明的。故选 A。17.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Tri

28、dika has no wheels and it starts working when it reaches the magnetic levitation tracks.”可知 Tridika 在磁悬浮轨道上运行。故选 D。18.B 词义猜测题。联系上下文可知空间有限,车辆难以找到车位停靠。故选 B。19.C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Actually, it can park on the outside wall of the building with the help of an elevator system(电梯系统). In this way, much parking

29、space can be saved.”可知它可以在电梯系统的帮助下,在建筑物的外墙上停车。这样,可以节省很多停车位。故选 C。20.D 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了 Tridika 的功能,文章第一句又指出它是一种无人驾驶的汽车。故选 D。.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文,讲述了世界各国的指路方式。21.F 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,日本人指路使用地标而不是具体的街名,因此并不是十分准确地描述地名,故错误。22.F 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually landmarks.”

30、可知美国中西部农村指路并不用地标,故错误。23.T 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“they measure distance in time, not mile”可知,洛杉矶人用时间来表达距离,故正确。24.T 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“People in Yucatan believe that I dont know is impolite.They usually give an answer, often a wrong one.”可知,这里的人们认为回答不知道是十分不礼貌的,他们经常在不知道的情况下给出错误的回答,仅仅是为了礼貌,故正确。25.F 推理判断题。文章讲述了各个地方指路方式的不同,而非问路的方式,故错误。.26.protect 27.October 28.raise 29.spirit 30.seriously


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