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1、12019中考英语:任务型阅读(3)及答案(解析)Passage 12019中考任务型阅读题People in different countries have different hobbies around the world. For example, in America peoples favorite hobby is watching TV in their spare time. It is the main entertainment for Americans to watch TV at least one hour each day. 96% of Americans

2、take watching TV as their first hobby. The second one is going to the cinema or doing some sports. Besides these, fishing is also a very popular hobby. In England, its quite different. People like to go to the flea market(跳蚤市场). They like to go there because they want to see if there is something ne

3、w. In addition, Englishmen like drinking tea. Russians like reading very much. Wherever you go, you will see the people reading carefully. Germans like reading as well. According to a survey (调查), Germans read 11 books on average (平均) in 2006. (1)What is Americans favourite hobby? (不超过 10个词) (2)Why

4、do Englishmen like to go to the flea market? (不超过 15个词)(3)Who likes reading books? (不超过 10个词)【答案】1.Watching TV(Their favourite hobby is watching TV).2.Because they want to see if there is something new. 3.Russians and Germans.【解析】【文章大意】不同国家的人们在世界各地都有不同的爱好。文章主要讲述了美国人业余时间爱好的一些活动。【关键词】America peoples f

5、avorite hobby1.由 For example, in America peoples favorite hobby is watching TV in their 2spare time.可知答案,故答案是 Watching TV(Their favourite hobby is watching TV).2.由 They like to go there because they want to see if there is something new.可知答案,故答案是 Because they want to see if there is something new. 3

6、.由 Russians like reading very much.以及 Germans like reading as well.可知答案,故答案是 Russians and Germans.Passage 2(事物介绍 2017) April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on others. If one succeeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool!” and then the person who

7、 has been tricked usually laughs, too.One April 1st, a bus was going along a country road. Then it slowed down and stopped. The driver tried hard to start the bus, but he failed. Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said “This poor bus is getting old. Theres only one

8、thing we can do if we want to get home today. I shall count three, and on the word THREE, I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can. Only in this way may the bus get started again, but if you dont follow my advice, Im afraid there is nothing else I can do. So all the passengers lean

9、ed back against their seats and got ready for the drivers order. Then the driver began to count. “Get ready,” he said. “One! Two! Three!” All the passengers tried hard to lean forward when they heard his last word, and the bus immediately started again. “April Fool!” the driver said loudly with a sm

10、ile. The passengers suddenly realized it was April 1st and the bus was full of laughter.1. What do people usually do on April Fools Day in some countries?2. Why did the driver stop the bus?3. What did the driver ask passengers to do when they heard the word THREE?34. How did the passengers feel when

11、 the driver cried “April Fool!”?5. Was there anything wrong with the bus?【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章通过事例介绍了在愚人节那天会被别人戏弄的故事。1. They try to play tricks on others.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:在一些国家里在愚人节这天人们通常做什么?根据文章第一段第一句“April 1st is a day on which, in some countries, people try to play tricks on others.”可知,他们在这一天通常互相开玩笑。由此

12、得到答案。2. Because he wanted to play a trick on the passengers.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:司机为什么没有停车?根据文章第二段最后一句“The passengers suddenly realized it was April 1st and the bus was full of laughter.”可知,司机想捉弄乘客。由此得到答案。3. The driver asked them to lean forward as hard as they could.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:当乘客听到“三”这个单词时司机让乘客做什么?根

13、据文章第二段中“All the passengers tried hard to lean forward when they heard his last word.”可知答案。4. Happy.【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:当司机喊出“愚人节快乐”时乘客们感觉怎样?根据文章第二段最后一句“The passengers suddenly realized it was April 1st and the bus was full of laughter.”可知,乘客们意识到是四月一日,整辆车上都充满了笑声。由此得到答案。5. No, there wasnt.【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:公共

14、汽车有什么毛病了吗?根据文章的解释可知是愚人节司机同乘客们开的玩笑,由此得到答案。Passage 3(2017 中考选练-观点建议类)In todays busy world, its easy to put everyone else first. With the needs of work and family, you might feel that theres not much time left over for you. Perhaps you even feel sorry about taking up time for yourself after all, 4shoul

15、dnt you spend that time with your kids, or your spouse(配偶), or your parents? We all need time to rest and recharge. If life feels so busy that you believe you cant manage to have a few hours for yourself, then its especially important that you make some “me time”. You Need to Take Care of Your Healt

16、hIf you run yourself into the ground, youre not going to be much help to the people around you. You need to remind yourself that your health is important. Good physical and mental health requires care of your body, mind and soul.You Want Space to Breathe and ThinkIf your life is starting to feel lik

17、e a treadmill(跑步机), its time to stop. When youre in the thick of things, its hard to get more ideas. Perhaps youre struggling with a particular decision like a choice of jobs, or the chance to take an important qualification(资格考试). It can be all too easy to put off decisions or make hurried choices

18、if you dont take the time to stop and think.You Are Important TooSometimes, we put other people first because were secretly sure that theyre more important or needier than us. We dont care about our own needs in order to help them. Perhaps youve got a relative whos ill, or a friend whos facing huge

19、struggles in his life, but dont forget that you are important too. No matter how busy you are, you can find time for yourself even though you have to start with just a few minutes each day, or an hour or two every weekend. What could you do this week to make more breathing space in your life?Title:

20、Why You Take More Time for (1) 5Introduction * Put others first and there is (2)_ time left for you.* Its very important for you to (3)_ “me time”.Take care of your health* Run yourself into the ground, and youll not be much(5)_to others.* Remind yourself of the (6)_ of health.Space to breathe and t

21、hink* Be sure to (7)_ if you feel like a treadmill.*You cant get more ideas (8) _ you spend some time thinking.(4)_You are important too* Never help others instead of (9)_ about our own needs.Conclusion *Make more space for you to (10)_ in your life.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。短文讲述的是无论你有多忙,都要抽出时间停下来休息或思考一下,因为你的身

22、体需要。关注自己的身体健康和生活也是为了他人更幸福。1. yourself【解析】通读本文可知本文主要讲述了为自己留下时间的重要性,故填yourself。2. little【解析】根据文章第一段第二句“With the needs of work and family, you might feel that theres not much time left over for you.”可知此处表示的是没有时间留给自己,time 是不可数名词,应该用 little,故填 little。3. make【解析】根据文章第二段最后一句“then its especially important t

23、hat you make some “me time”.可知,故填 make.4. Reasons 【解析】根据右边栏目里内容可知此处表示的是原因,此处不止一个原因,应该用复数,故填 Reasons。65. help【解析】根据第四段的第一句“If you run yourself into the ground, youre not going to be much help to the people around you.”可知答案,故填 help。6. importance【解析】根据第四段第二句“You need to remind yourself that your health

24、 is important.”可知此处表示的是健康很重要,由前面的 the可知此处是名词,故填 importance。7. stop【解析】根据第六段第一句“If your life is starting to feel like a treadmill(跑步机), its time to stop.”可知此处表示的是停止,be sure to do sth,故填 stop。8. unless【解析】根据第六段最后一句“It can be all too easy to put off decisions or make hurried choices if you dont take th

25、e time to stop and think.”可知此处表示的是不花时间考虑就不能得到更多的想法,故填 unless。9. caring 【解析】根据最后一个原因的第二行“We dont care about our own needs in order to help them.”可知此处表达的是不要帮助其他人而不关心自己的需要,of 是介词,此处应该用动词的-ing 形式,故填 caring。10. breathe【解析】根据文章最后一句“What could you do this week to make more breathing space in your life?”可知此处是呼吸,前面是动词不定式符号 to,因此用原形,故填 breathe。


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