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1、12019 中考(人新)英语八上 U8 阅读练习及答案一、阅读理解。A阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案,News ReviewAPEC Blue People in Beijing got the saying after the APEC meeting in BeijingIt refers to(指)the clear blue sky during the meetingTo get such a blue sky,many factories in Beijing and nearby cities stopped work,and the number of

2、 cars on the road was cutA Warning Ticket A 24yearold woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subwayEating is not allowed on NanjingsubwayUp to now,2,698 people have been punished(惩罚)because of their eating,smoking or selling goods on the subwayA Teacherfree Exam Recently,

3、students at Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School in Zhejiang took their midterm exama teacherfree examAfter handing out the exam papers,the teachers left the classroom,leaving the students to take the exam without being watchedThey only came back to collect the papers at the endA Tomato Fight Do yo

4、u want a tomato shower?Come to the“tomato fight”in Spain!Once every year,people in the town of Bunol throw tomatoes at each otherDont worryIts not a real fightPeople do this only for fun54APEC Blue refers to B in Beijing during the APEC meetingAthe factories Bthe clear blue sky Cthe people Dthe cars

5、 on the road55A 24yearold woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for C on the subwayAdrinking Bsmoking Ceating food Dselling goods56In a teacherfree exam,students take their exam D 2Aat the end of the term Boutside the classroom Cwithout giving answers Dwithout being watched57In the town of Bun

6、ol,Spain,people throw tomatoes at each other A Ato have fun Bto enjoy dinner Cto take a shower Dto start a fight【考点】新闻报道类阅读【分析】新闻审查亚太经合组织 蓝色是北京亚太经合组织会议过后人们得到的言论它指的是蓝色的天空要得到这样一个蓝天,北京及周边城市的许多工厂都停止工作,路上的汽车数量减少一张罚款单 一个 24 岁的女子在南京地铁上吃东西被开罚单在南京地铁上吃东西是不允许到现在,2698 人已经受到惩罚,因为他们在地铁吃东西、吸烟或销售货物无人监考的考试 最近,浙江宁波华茂

7、外国语学校的学生期中考试无人监考分发试卷后,老师离开了教室,留下学生考试没有监考最后他们回来收回试卷西红柿大战 你想要西红柿淋浴吗?来西班牙的“西红柿大战”!每年一次,人们在布诺尔小镇互相扔西红柿不要担心,并不是一个真正的战争人们这样做只是为了好玩【解答】54B 由句子 It refers to the clear blue sky during the meeting可知,蓝色指的是蓝天故选:B55C 由句子 A 24yearold woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway 可知,这名女

8、子因为吃东西被开罚单故选:C56D 由句子 leaving the students to take the exam without being watched 可知,是无人监考的考试故选:D57A 由句子 Its not a real fightPeople do this only for fun可知,西红柿大战只是为了好玩故选:A【点评】细节理解的阅读理解题一般只针对某个特定的细节,有的可以在原文中可以直接找到答案,有的正确选项是原文有关词语和句子的转换B阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。Two students started quarrelin

9、g at school. One student shouted dirty words at the other, and a fight began.What can be done to stop fights like this at school? In some schools, disputants(争执者) sit down with peer mediators(同龄调节者). Peer 3mediators are usually students with special training in this kind of problems.Peer mediators h

10、elp disputants to talk in a friendly way. Here are some of the ways they use1. Express what you think clearly but dont say anything to hurt the other. Begin with “I feel” instaed of “You always”.2. Listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Dont stop the other persons words.3. Keep looking

11、 at the other persons eyes when he or she speaks.4. Try to see the problem on the other persons side.5. Never put anyone down. Saying things like “You are foolisppy.h” makes the talk difficult.6. Try to find a result that makes both people happy.Peer mediators never decide on the winner. They dont d

12、ecide who is right and who is wrong. Instead they help disputants to find their own “win-win” result. A “win-win” result can make everyonr feel good.Peer mediators work is often successful just because it gets disputants to talk to each other. And getting disputants to talk to each other is the firs

13、t step in finding a “win-win” result.1. Peter mediators work is _.A. to teach lessons to disputantsB. to help find a way to make both disputants happyC. to find out who starts the quarrelD. to give students some special training2. What does the underlined phrase “put anyone down” men in ChineseA. 贬低

14、任何人 B. 落后于任何人 C. 奉承任何人 D. 向任何人低头3. Whats the first step in finding a “win-win” result?A. letting disputants be afraid of peer mediators.B. Letting disputants feel peer mediators are kindC. Getting disputants to talk to each other4D. Making disputants feel goog by telling funny stories4. During the t

15、alk, if peer mediators say “You are a fool”, _.A. disputants will realize they are wrongB. disputants will understand peer mediators betterC. it is easy for peer mediators to decide who is rightD. it is hard for peer mediators to get a “win-win” result5. Which of the following is TRUE according to t

16、he passage?A. All schools have peer mediators.B. Peer mediators are usually students.C. When disputants are speaking, peer mediators can stop their words at any timeD. Peer mediators can make disputants get a “win-win” result every time.参考答案 15 BACDB二、2018威海改编 完形填空Drawing might help you thinkWhen yo

17、ure sitting in class, have you ever drawn pictures in the margins(空白) of your notebooks? If so, your teacher might have told you to 1 . Many people think of doodling(涂鸦) as a distraction(精神涣散) from more important things. But it might be just be the 2 . One study shows that doodling may help you reme

18、mber things you 3 . In 2009 researchers asked two groups of people to listen to a phone message. One group was encouraged to doodle, but the other was not. 4 group knew that it would be asked to remember information from the message. But the group 5 doodled remembered 29 percent more. Other people h

19、ave suggested other 6 for drawing. Jesse Prinz, a professor who studies doodling, says it can help you think 7 . Walking away from a problem to draw might actually help you 8 it. When you come back, you will have a fresh perspective(观点) and figure out a(n) 9 more quickly. Two years ago, an author na

20、med Sunni Brown wrote a book on doodling. She argues that doodling is a(n) 10 that can help people think. She 5admits(承认) that people see doodling as doing 11 , but she wants to change that. In fact, she runs a business that helps companies improve organization and planning 12 doodling. Brown believ

21、es doodling, is helpful because it incorporates(整合) many ways of learning. You learn in four ways: seeing, hearing, reading or 13 , and through movement. The more ways you use, the 14 you learn. And when you doodle while you are listening to a lecture, you use all four. You might think that being go

22、od at drawing is important for doodling. But if the point of doodling is to help you think, then it doesnt 15 what the picture looks like. Even if youre not an artist, doodling can help you. So next time you need help focusing, pick up a pen and doodle away! 1.A.rest B.relax C.stop D.continue2.A.rig

23、ht B.opposite C.point D.beginning3.A.see B.say C.draw D.hear4.A.Neither B.Either C.Each D.Every5.A.who B.whom C.that D.what6.A.ways B.ideas C.opinions D.uses7.A.hurriedly B.creativelyC.immediately D.seriously8.A.solve B.trouble C.free D.treat9.A.decision B.suggestionC.answer D.question10.A.job B.key

24、 C.tool D.order11.A.something B.anythingC.nothing D.everything12.A.in B.on C.from D.through13.A.singing B.writing C.sleeping D.thinking14.A.better B.worse C.faster D.later15.A.mind B.matter C.change D.influence6参考答案:主旨大意 这是一篇议论文,介绍了涂鸦对学习的好处。1.C 由下一句的 distraction 可知,此时老师会叫你不要画。故用 stop。2.B3.D 由下文的 lis

25、ten to 可知,应该是你听到的东西。故用 hear。4.A 5.C 此处为定语从句,先行词为名词,故用 that 引导。6.D 本文讲的是涂鸦的作用,故用 uses。7.B 由下文的“have a fresh perspective”可知,涂鸦能让你具有创造性的思维。故选 B。8.A 由上文的 problem 可知,问题需要解决,故用 solve。9.C 由前文的 problem 可知,你找到的是解决问题的答案。故选 C。10.C 11.C 12.D 13.B “看、听、读和写”为四种基本的学习方法,故选 B。14.A 15.B三、任务型阅读阅读下面志愿者招募广告,在空白处填入合适的单词。

26、(每空限填四个单词)Student Volunteers Needed!Are you looking for something fun and want to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer!On October 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Clapton Middle School will be holding a music festival in the school gym. The special event will feature a variety of

27、 professional musicians and singers.Task Time DateMake posters 1 p.m.-4 p.m. October 177Set up the gym 11 a.m.-4 p.m. October 20Help performers 9 a.m.-4 p.m. October 23Welcome guests 10 a.m.-2 p.m. October 23Clean up the gym 4 p.m.-7 p.m. October 23Interested students should speak with Ms Braxton, t

28、he music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission(同意书) from your parents.1.The music festival lasts for on October 23. 2.Before the festival you can help make posters and . 3.If you want to clean up the gym, you have to be at the gym by . 4.The musicians and singers may need during the festival. 5.You should ask both Ms Braxton and for permission. 参考答案1.seven/7 hours 2.set up the gym 3.4 pm 4.some help 5.your parents四、首字母填空。


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