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1、Module 3,Unit 2 The cows are drinking water.,Watch and say,The sun is shining. The birds are singing .,Lets review,Watch and say,Lets review,The birds are flying away.,Watch and say,The ducks are eating our sandwiches.,Lets review,Lets chant,Look at the naughty bird.看这只淘气的鸟。 lts flying.它正在飞。 Look at

2、 the little dog.看这只小狗。 lts crying它正在哭。,Watch and say,Oh,your cat is helping you!,“What are you doing ?”你正在做什么? 表示对你现在正在做的事情的询问。Im cleaning my room.我正在打扫我的房间。 “I m + 动词ing ”表示我正在做什么(事情)。,单词学习,blow 吹,刮,The wind is blowing .,单词学习,cow 奶牛,What is it ?,rabbit 兔子,Watch and say,Lets try,The sun is shining .

3、 太阳正在照耀.,The wind is blowing . 风正在刮着.,Watch and say,Lets try,The cows are drinking water. 奶牛正在喝水。,Watch and say,Lets try,The birds are singing. 小鸟正在唱歌.,The ducks are swimming. 鸭子正在游泳.,What are they doing ?,Watch and say,Lets try,The rabbits are jumping. 兔子正在跳跃.,Game:hide-and-seek. 游戏:捉迷藏.,Look and s

4、ay,What is Daming doing ?,Lets read,Dear Lingling,In this photo,we are in the mountains. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing . The cows are drinking water. The birds are singing.The ducks are swimming,The rabbits are jumping.Simon and l are playing hide-and-seek. We are having a lovely time!L

5、ove, Daming,捉迷藏,玩的愉快,过的高兴,Whats the weather like ? Its sunny and windy . What are the cows doing ?The cows are drinking water. Are the birds singing ?Yes, they are . What is Daming doing?He is playing hide-and-seek with Simon . Are they happy ?Yes, they are having a lovely time .,Watch and answer,现在

6、进行时态: 表示正在发生的动作或发生的事情,通常与now连用。 基本形式: Be ( am/ is / are ) + doing(现在分词) Be 动词使用口诀: I 用am ,you 用are ,is 跟着he / she /it 。 至于复数(we / they / you), 全部都用一个are 。,Key sentences.,大多数的动词直接在动词的后面加ing。Eg: sendsending flyflying 以不发音e结尾的动词,要先去e在加ing.Eg: shineshining havehaving 以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅-元-辅”结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再

7、加ing。Eg: swimswimming runrunning,everyone,rabbit,naughty ducks,hide-and-seek,The sun is shining .,drinking water,have a lovely time,火眼金睛,fly away,全班抢答竞赛,单词和词组知识一闪而过, 看谁记得快记得牢。,What are you doing ?,cow,blow,What is it ?,Watch and say,train,window,What is this ?,Watch and say,tree,station,Watch and sa

8、y,A man is wearing a big hat . 一个男人正戴着一顶大帽子。,man,hat,Watch and say,Sleeping,What are the pigs doing?,The pigs are sleeping under a tree .,Watch and say,What are they doing?,The children are jumping in the water .,children,Watch and write,Where are you?.,train,window,Check answers,raining,sleeping,tr

9、ee,hat,children,jumping,sation,man,train,我在火车上。我正在向窗外看。天正在下雨。一些猪正在树下睡觉。一个男人正戴着一顶大帽子。一些孩子正在水里跳。现在火车正来到车站。我能看见你!,Watch and Guess,In this photo, were having a picnic.,Are you in the park?,Thats right. The weather isvery good.,Lets try,Show your photo and ask your partner to guess “ Where you are” .,Rea

10、d and chant,Read and say.Then chant,The sun is shining on the sea,太阳正照耀着大海, shining,shining brightly.照耀着,明亮地照耀着。 And this is strange,这很奇怪, because it is the middle of the night. 因为这是在半夜。 The moon is shining sadly,月亮悲伤地照耀着, because she thinks the sun is wrong to be there in the sky after the day is g

11、one. 因为她认为白天已经结束,可是太阳(还)在天空中是不对的。 “The sun is very bad. He spoils my time,”she says. “太阳很坏。他破坏了我的时光。”她说。,Read and say.Then chant,Challenge your memory!,Are you ready?,go.,Q:What are you doing?,write and say,小组合作,选用下列单词写一个小故事,然后讲给大家听。,A girl is buying food in the supermarket . She is going to have a

12、picnic . The birds are singing . A boy is flying a kite. Its going to rain soon . Children are running to home .the ducks are swimming on the pond .,现在进行时态: 表示正在发生的动作或发生的事情,通常与now连用。 基本形式: Be ( am/ is / are ) + doing(现在分词) Be 动词使用口诀: I 用am ,you 用are,is 跟着he / she /it 。 至于复数(we /they / you),全部都用一个are .,现在分词的构成:,大多数的动词直接在动词的后面加ing。Eg: sendsending flyflying 以不发音e结尾的动词,要先去e在加ing.Eg: shineshining havehaving 以重读闭音节结尾,呈现“辅-元-辅”结构的动词,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing。Eg: swimswimming runrunning,能独立完整地朗读第17页活动2的内容。 完成配套教辅相应的练习。,Homework,xx小学 x年级x班,xxx,


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