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1、湖南专版,新课标(RJ),第一篇 教材过关篇,课时13 Units 7-8(八下),square,meter,deep,population,tourist,wall,ancient,protect,wide,thick,condition,nature,ocean,adult,bamboo,treasure,island,ship,tool,towards,technology,abroad,modern,success,belong,as far as I know,take in,in the face of,even though/if,at birth,walk into,fall

2、over,or so,hurry up,science fiction,country music,ever since,one another,Asian,France,Frenchman,Frenchmen,southern,widely,deeply,illness,tourist,protection,achievement,weight,laughter,introduction,keeper,freezing,including,one of,the oldest countries,Feel free to ask,to take in,fewer,than living in,

3、the forests,more than,eating,Have read,yet,I havent,Who else,Every time,cant wait,to read,hasnt been yet it,hope to see sing live,population n. 人口;人口数量,(1)population 单独作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 The population of the world is growing faster and faster. 世界人口增长得越来越快。 (2)population 作主语且有分数或百分数修饰时,其谓语动词常用复数形式。

4、 About one third of the population of the country are Chinese.这个国家三分之一的人口是中国人。 (3)指人口“多”用large或big,指人口“少”用small。 India has a large population. 印度人口众多。 (4)询问人口数量的句型:Whats the population of+地点? What is the population of Canada?加拿大的人口是多少?,【针对训练】 (1)The population of France is almost as as that of Great

5、 Britain. A.few B.many C.large (2) is the population of the city? A.How many B.How many people C.What (3)There will be population and trees and flowers if we try to care about the environment from now on. A.less; fewer B.less; more C.least; fewest,C,C,B,protect v. 保护;防护,protectfrom/against保护免受的侵害或侵犯

6、 Use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain. 用伞遮雨。,【归纳拓展】 (1)protection n. 保护 (2)与其类似的用法还有prevent/keep sb. from doing sth., 意为“阻止某人做某事”。 The terrible weather kept us from arriving on time. 恶劣的天气使我们没有准时到。,【针对训练】 (1)Teenagers should learn to protect against all kinds of danger. A.them B.they C.

7、themselves (2)We use clothes to ourselves the bad weather. A.protect; in B.protect; from C.protect; to (3)Environment is becoming a more and more serious problem nowadays. A.protection B.protects C.protected,C,B,A,succeed v. 实现目标;成功,succeed in doing sth. 成功做成某事 He succeeded in getting top marks in c

8、hemistry. 他成功拿到了化学课的高分。,【归纳拓展】 successful adj. 成功的; success n. 成功; successfully adv.成功地,【针对训练】 用succeed的适当形式填空 (1)Dont give it up even though you fail to do it, because failure is the mother of . (2)The twenty-year-old writer is very . Her tenth book will come out next week. (3)We should encourage h

9、im to solve his problems by himself. Im sure he will one day. (4)After a long walk in the desert, they arrived in the old city at the end of last month.,success,successful,succeed,successfully, million num. 一百万,million为数词,与hundred(百),thousand(千), billion(十亿)的用法相同,如下: (1)与具体数字连用时,用单数。如:two hundred两百;

10、three thousand三千 (2)当表示不确定的数目时要用复数,且后接介词of。如:thousands of成千上万的;millions of 数百万的,【针对训练】 (1)Ping-pong is so popular that people play it in China. A.million B.two millions C.millions of (2)Where are you from, Alan? Im from a small village with only four people. A.hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of,C,A,we

11、igh v. 重量是;称的重量,(1)称的重量 She often weighs herself. 她经常称自己的体重。 (2)重 How much does your son weigh? 你的儿子有多重?,【归纳拓展】 (1)weight n. 重量;体重 (2)提问重量的方式 How much does sth. weigh? How heavy is sth.? What is the weight of sth.?,【针对训练】 (1)The watermelon is sold by (weigh). (2) ? Its about 100 kilos. A.How much do

12、es the panda weigh B.How does the panda weigh C.Hows the panda weight,weight,A,take in 吸入;吞入(体内),take in意为“吸入;吞入(体内)”。 The school plans to take in 300 new students. 这所学校计划吸收300名新生。,【归纳拓展】 常见的与take搭配的短语: take care of 照顾 take over 接管 take place 发生 take away 带走 take out 取出 take up 占据 take part in 参加 ta

13、ke it easy 别紧张;放松 take off (飞机)起飞;脱掉(衣服) take after (外貌或行为)像 take down 拆除;往下拽;记录,【针对训练】 (1)Its cold outside. Dont your jacket, or you will catch a cold. A.put on B.take off C.try on (2)Wait a minute. Let me your phone number. A.take up B.take out C.take down (3)The Olympic Games of 2016 in Brazil. A

14、.took after B.took off C.took place,B,C,C,else/other,Where else will you visit this afternoon? 今天下午你们将参观哪些别的地方? You stay in the hall. The other students follow me to the playground. 你们待在礼堂,其他的学生跟我去操场。,【针对训练】 用else或other填空 (1)Do you have any questions? (2)What do I need to do? (3)Linda doesnt want to

15、 be anybody . She doesnt know why her parents cant understand her. (4)If he cant answer your question, you can ask some people.,other,else,else,other,achieve/come true,【针对训练】 (1)As a teacher, I hope my students can all their goals by the end of the year. A.achieve B.arrive C.come t rue (2)His dream

16、of being a professional basketball player after his hard work. A.found B.achieved C.came true,A,C,include/including/included,The price includes tax. 这个价格包括了税费。 There are 10 people, including Mr. Lee.包括李老师在内有10人。 We have seven subjects at school, English included. 在学校我们有包括英语在内的七门课程。,【针对训练】 用include的适

17、当形式填空 (1)I have several friends, you. (2)Our group six students. (3)She bought some school things, a pen and a notebook .,including,includes,included,比较级+than any other,“比较级+than any other+单数可数名词”意为“比其他任何都”,此结构虽然是比较级,但表示最高级含义。 He studies harder than any other student in his class. 他比班上其他任何学生学习都用功。,【

18、归纳拓展】 若比较的双方不在同一范围内,则不加other。 Hawaii is more beautiful than any beach in Africa. 夏威夷比非洲的任何海滩都要美丽。(夏威夷不在非洲,故any后不加 other。),【针对训练】 (1)Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. That is, it is larger than country in Asia. A.any B.any other C.other (2)Do you know Shanghai is one o

19、f the biggest cities in the world? Yes, its bigger than city in China. A.any B.any other C.other (3)Hawaii is the most beautiful island I have visited before. (改为同义句) Hawaii is beautiful than island I have visited before.,A,B,more any other, one of +最高级,“one of +the+形容词的最高级+复数可数名词”意为“最的之一”。 The comp

20、uter is one of the most useful inventions in the world. 电脑是世界上最有用的发明之一。,【归纳拓展】 “one of+复数可数名词或代词”意为“中的一个”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 One of the sisters is a doctor. 那些姐妹中有一个是医生。,【针对训练】 (1)Beijing is one of in the world. A.the most famous cities B.the most famous city C.famous cities (2)The safety of food has b

21、ecome one of problems in our daily life. A.the most important B.more important C.important,A,A, Every time she is in the library, Sally looks at the many books she hasnt read yet and she cant wait to read them!每次萨莉在图书馆时,看到许多她还不曾读过的书,她就迫不及待地想读这些书!,(1)every time在此译为“每当时候,每次”,连接时间状语从句,相当于whenever,强调经常性

22、。 Every time I listen to your advice, I get into trouble. 每次我听了你的建议,我就会陷入麻烦。 (2)cant wait to do sth. 意为“迫不及待地做某事”。 Lily cant wait to see her grandma after the school term ends. 学期结束后,莉莉迫不及待地要去看望祖母。,【针对训练】 (1)When I got the present from my good friend, I couldnt wait it. A.opening B.to open C.open (2

23、)Whenever he sees these old photos, he couldnt help crying.(改为同义句) he sees these old photos, he couldnt help crying.,B,Every time,.单项选择 1.2018湘西 Excuse me, Mary.Can you read “198” in English? Yes, of course. . A.One hundred ninety-eight B.One hundred nine eight C.One hundred and ninety-eight,答案 C 分析

24、数字可知:百位数和十位数之间要加and。故选C。,2.2018湘潭 My cousin 100 model planes since 2015. A.collects B.is collecting C.has collected,答案 C 考查现在完成时。since 2015意为“自从2015年起”,表从过去某一时间开始持续到现在的动作或状态,因此主句应用现在完成时。,3.2018湘潭 Mum, Id like a cup of coffee. Dear, why not drink some water? Its than coffee. A.healthy B.healthier C.t

25、he healthiest,答案 B 考查形容词比较级的用法。than表“比”是比较级的标志词,故答案为healthier。,4.2018株洲 Polly has been ill for three days but she is a lot today. A.best B.better C.good,答案 B 考查形容词比较级的用法。a lot可修饰比较级,根据句意可知,Polly病了三天了,今天好多了,与三天前作比较。故选B。,5.2018岳阳模拟 There are people in the cinema. A.two hundred B.two hundreds C.two hun

26、dred of 6.2017湘潭 One of places for mountain climbing is the Himalayas. A.popular B.more popular C.the most popular 7.2017益阳 If more people give up driving cars, the air will get much in a few days. A.clean B.cleaner C.the cleanest,A,C,B,8.2016邵阳 One of my friends moved to America. I miss her so much

27、. A.has B.have C.are 9.2016郴州 The workers will complete the new bridge in . A.two and a half months B.two months and half C.two and a half month 10.2016郴州 Yang Jiang, a famous female writer, for about a month so far. A.died B.has been dead C.has been died,A,A,B,.中英互译 1.正如我们所知,生活充满了意外。 _ 2.尽管他老了,他依然看

28、起来既健壮又健康。 _ 3.世界上最严重的问题之一是污染。 _ 4.I find it necessary to learn about the customs of a country before we go there. _ 5.Its my dream to be a movie star. _,As far as we know, life is full of the unexpected.,Even though/if he is old, he still looks strong and healthy.,One of the most serious problems in

29、 the world is pollution.,我发现在我们去一个国家之前了解这个国家的风俗习惯是必要的。,成为电影明星是我的梦想。,.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1.Guangzhou is in the part of China.(south) 2.English is used in the modern world.(wide) 3.People in often speak English and .(French) 4.Can you give us an ? (introduce) 5.The three pigs and two cows on the farm last year.(keep),southern,widely,France,French,introduction,keeper kept,


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