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1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 7 Book 1,Units 14(含Starter),中考考点 精讲,2,这三个词都表示“用/通过方法、手段、工具”,但其用法有区别。如下表:,重点突破,辨析in, by与with,3,1We can deal with our problems_ learning to forget. Ain Bby Cwith 2He spoke _ a loud voice. Ain Bby Cwith 3Please cut up these apples _ a knife. Ain Bby Cwith,活学巧练,B,A,C,4,in by with 4Fath

2、er asked me to cover the food _ a piece of cloth. 5Youd better remember English words _ making cards.,with,by,5,重点突破,辨析family, home, house与room,6,7,6She has been in Guiyang for seven years. Guiyang has become her second _. Afamily Bhouse Chome 7Guiyang is _ to hundreds of foreign friends who are wor

3、king and studying here. Ahome Bhouse Croom,活学巧练,C,A,8,8My_ are all fond of watching football games. Afamily Bhouse Chome 9Well make _ for you in the back of the car. Aa room Broom Crooms 10The new _ has two bedrooms. A. house B. home C. family,A,B,A,9,重点突破,(一) Thank you for的用法,Thank you forThanks fo

4、r表示“因而感谢”。表示感谢的理由,此句型的常用答语有:You are welcome./Thats all right./My pleasure./Its my pleasure./Not at all.等。,10,【辨析】thank you for与thanks to,11,11“Thank you for _ me with this heavy box.” “You are welcome.” Ahelp Bto help Chelping 12_ your help, I was able to finish the work on time. AThank you for BTha

5、nks for CThanks to,活学巧练,C,C,12,13_ inviting us to your birthday. AThanks for BThanks to CThanks 14_ the English language, we can learn a lot from other countries. AThank you for BThanks for CThanks to,A,C,13,重点突破,(二) help的用法,14,15The Olympic Games in China helps our country _ faster Adevelop Bdevelo

6、ping Cdeveloped 16He said he could _ me with my English. Ahelp Bto help Chelping 17Im too busy, so I cant help _ the room. Aclean Bcleaned Ccleaning,活学巧练,A,A,A,15,18Im really too busy with my homework and I dont have time to help my mother _the housework. 19I couldnt help _(cry) when I was watching

7、the movie The Hurricane Heist(飓风奇劫) 20Tom, if you want another drink, just help _ (you),(to) do,crying,yourself,16,重点突破,ask的用法,ask作动词,意为“询问;请求”,常见用法如下:,17,21My friend asked me _ for him at the school gate. Await Bto wait Cwaiting 22Dont ask westerners _ their personal information.They think it is im

8、polite. Aabout Bfor Cto,活学巧练,B,A,18,23The young college student has done a parttime job because he doesnt like to ask his parents _ pocket money. Afor Bat Con 24Ill _ the teacher about the results of the test. Aorder Bask Cinvite,A,B,19,重点突破,打电话常用表达归纳,20,eg. Please call Linda at 8313435.请拨打电话8313435

9、找琳达。 I rang/called you up this morning, but nobody was in.我今天早晨给你打电话,但是没人接。 (2)打电话常用语: 打电话时问某人在不在,常用: Hello! May I speak to?喂,我能和通话吗? Hello! Isin?喂,在家吗? Hello! Is that?喂,是吗? 问对方是哪一位,不用Who are you?而用Whos that?回答对方或自我介绍时,不用Im,而用This is。,21,如果对方要找的人正是你,一般说:Yes, this isspeaking.(对,我正在接听。);如果对方要找的人不在面前,可

10、以说Hold on, please.(请别挂断。);如果对方打错了可以说:Sorry, youve got the wrong number.对不起,你打错了。 挂断电话之前不要忘了道一声告别的话。eg. Goodbye./Byebye.再见。,22,25“Hello!May I speak to Tom?” “_, please.” AWait BHold on CIll call him 26I made a phone call _ you this morning, but nobody answered it. Afor Bwith Cto 27How about taking a

11、short rest? I want to make _ call. Aa Ban Cthe 28When he comes back, please have him call me _ 83887777. Aat Bwith Con,活学巧练,B,C,A,A,23,补全对话 M:Hello, may I speak to Lily? W:29. _ M:This is Tom. 30. _ W:Sounds great! Where shall we meet? M:31. _ W:OK.32. _ M:At half past seven. W:Good. Ill see you the

12、re. Bye. M:33. _,B,C,A,D,E,AHow about the Wanda Cinema? BThis is Lily. Whos that? CHow about going to the movies this weekend? DBut when shall we meet? EByebye. FPlease call me at 87137231.,24,话题写作 指导,分析贵阳近5年中考真题及2018全国中考真题可知,书面表达涉及人物介绍相关话题的常为写人叙事类作文,主要涵盖以下几方面:描述人物性格、外貌特征,发掘人格闪光点,达到情感升华;记叙生活中的一件小事或一

13、件特殊而有意义的事,感悟事件本质,寻找内心触动点。 主体时态:一般现在时,一般过去时。 主要人称:第一人称,第三人称。,人物介绍,25,1I know a person of personality. 2Some people are interesting, some are outgoing. Theres also someone you can never forget. 3My mother is the greatest person Ive ever met. 4Let me tell you something about an ordinary, yet not so com

14、mon man. 5 is my hero. Let me tell you something about him. 6Time may take away something, but it will not bring away my memory of,26,7For me, is an amazing person. 8 is the person who shows me what love is. 9In the year of , I met someone important. 10My father is not only smart, but also very inte

15、resting. Here is something about him.,27,1我认识一个个性有趣的人。 I know a person of interesting personality. 2有些人和我一起学习;有些人和我一起欢笑,总有人让我难忘。 Some people study with me; some laugh with me. Theres always someone I can never forget. 3简是我的英语老师,让我说说关于她的事。 Jane is my English teacher. Let me tell you something about h

16、er.,28,4我的朋友,杰克,让我知道什么是心怀感激。 My friend Jack is the person who shows me what gratefulness is. 5对于我来说,我父亲就是个了不起的人。 For me, my father is an amazing person.,29,1She/He is of build. 2She/He has hair. 3I find it is for her/him to do 4Without her/his , I wouldnt be able to 5Thanks to 6It gives me a great l

17、esson about 7Ill always bear it in mind. 8It takes sb. some time to do,30,1赵老师中等身材。 Ms./Mr. Zhao is of medium build. 2我发现她独自一人在期限之前完成这项工作很困难。 I find it difficult for her to finish the job alone before deadline. 3多亏这件事,我明白有一颗善良的心是最重要的。 Thanks to this, I understand having a good heart is the most impo

18、rtant thing. 4这个人让我如此难忘。我会一直把他记在心中。 This person is so unforgettable to/for me. Ill always bear him in mind. 5我们花了半小时坐汽车到海滩。 It takes us half an hour to get to the beach by bus.,31,1She is the one who not only gives me love, but also a kind heart to love. 2Of all the people I know, he may not be the

19、best, but he never stops trying to be the best. 3My mom is important to me, because she teaches me knowledge and things beyond knowledge. 4My teacher gave me the confidence to learn and a key to a brand new world. 5A friend in need is a friend indeed. 6The one who offers you help is kind, the one wh

20、o teaches you to help is generous, because he gives you a chance to be kind.,32,1老师不仅给了我知识,还教会我怎么做一个善良的人。 My teacher is the one who not only gives me knowledge, but also teaches me to be a kind person. 2在我认识的所有人里,杰克是我最好的朋友。 Of all the people I know, Jack is my best friend. 3老师教我知识,更教我自信。 My teacher

21、teaches me knowledge and shows me how to be confident. 4妈妈给了我生命,也给了通往美丽世界的钥匙。 My mother gives me life, and a key to a beautiful world.,33,请根据以下信息写一段话,进行人物描述: 杰克中等身材,金发碧眼,乐于助人,很喜欢篮球。他虽然是英国人,但他的中文说得很好,他目前在北京上学。 Jack is an English boy, but he can speak Chinese very well. He is of medium build. He has b

22、lond hair and blue eyes. Jack loves to help around and he likes playing basketball a lot. At present he studies in Beijing.,34,请根据提示信息将短文补充完整:,35,我们都知道美国登山运动员Aron Ralston,他的故事令人感动,激励人心。在我们身边,一定也有那样一些人和事,他们或许平凡,或许渺小,但却总能鼓舞我们,催人奋进。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题: 1Who is the person encou

23、raging you? 2What does he/she look like? 3Whats he/she like? 4How did he/she do when you made a mistake? 5Whats the persons influence on you?,36,B请以“The Person Encouraging Me”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下: 1包含A部分所有信息; 2给出具体事例谈谈此人对你的影响; 3文中不得出现考生的真实个人信息。,37,The Person Encouraging Me _ _ _ _,38,1文体:本文题目是“The

24、 Person Encouraging Me”,要求考生介绍勉励自己的人,文体属于说明文。 2人称:谈论与自己相关的人应该采用第三人称,谈论自己的感受应该使用第一人称。 3时态:谈论人可采用一般现在时;谈论你们之间发生的事必须采用一般过去时。,39,1Who is the person encouraging you? The person encouraging me is my English teacher. 2What does he/she look like? He/She is about 1.7 meters tall and a bit fat with black hair

25、 and big eyes. 3Whats he/she like? He/She is a kind and easygoing man/woman.,40,4How did he/she do when you made a mistake? He/She just kindly told me what I should do in the future. 5Whats the persons influence on you? I am studying very hard now because I want to be an English teacher like him/her

26、 in the future.,41,贵阳中考作文中,回答问题的五个句子即为写作的提纲,运用适当的连词将其串联起来就是一篇完整的作文。本文中可以用到的连词有:however,sothat,because等。,42,The Person Encouraging Me My English teacher is a middleaged man. He is about 1.7 meters tall. He is a bit fat with black hair and big eyes. His appearance would leave you an impression that he

27、 is very strict. In fact,he is a kind and easygoing man.,用who来连接这两个单句,升级为定语从句,43,I can still remember one thing happened when I was in Junior 2. I forgot to do my homework. I thought he would be angry and punish me. However, he just kindly told me what I should do in the future. I was so moved that

28、I decided to finish my homework on time from then on. My English teacher is my hero. I am studying English very hard now. I want to be an English teacher like him in the future.,用sothat升级为结果状语从句用because升级为原因状语从句,44,The Person Encouraging Me My English teacher is a middleaged man who is about 1.7 met

29、ers tall. He is a bit fat with black hair and big eyes. His appearance would leave you an impression that he is very strict. In fact, he is a kind and easygoing man. I can still remember one thing happened when I was in Junior 2. I forgot to do my homework. I thought he would be angry and punish me.

30、 However, he just kindly told me what I should do in the future. I was so moved that I decided to finish my homework on time from then on. My English teacher is my hero. I am studying English very hard now because I want to be an English teacher like him in the future.,45,影响最深的老师是谁。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部

31、分的写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题: 1Which subject does the teacher teach? She/He teaches Chinese. 2What does the teacher look like? She/He is of medium height and she/he is a little thin. 3What is the teacher like? She/He is friendly to every student.,46,4Why do you like the teacher? Because she/he often

32、 encourages me to believe in myself. 5Whats the teachers influence on you? Because of her/him, I fall in love with Chinese and get good grades.,47,B请以“The Nicest Teacher in My Heart”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下: 1应包含A部分所有信息; 2你想对你的老师说点什么; 3文中不得出现考生的真实个人信息。,48,1文体:文章要求介绍自己心中最好的老师,因此文体为_ 文。 2人称:介绍老师时用第三人称,描

33、述与自己相关的事情时用第_人称。 3时态:介绍老师主要使用_。,说明,一,一般现在时,49,The Nicest Teacher in My Heart,_,In my heart, the nicest teacher is my Chinese teacher. Her family name is Wang. So I call her Miss Wang. She is of medium height and she is a little thin. She has long hair and she always wears a pair of glasses. She is o

34、ne of the best teachers in our school. Miss Wang is friendly to every student. But she is very strict with us. She is also like a mother to me. She often encourages me to believe in myself and try my best to face any difficulty in studying. Because of her, I fall in love with Chinese and get good grades. So I just want to say “Thank you, Miss Wang”,50,


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