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1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 9,Units 13,2,中考考点 精讲,重点突破,by的用法,3,4,1Compared with last year, the population of this town has increased _ three times. Ato Bby Cwith 2When I am at school, I often communicate with my parents _ telephone. Ato Bby Cwith 3We can save money _ cooking our own meals instead of eating out

2、side. Afor Bby Cwith 4Will you finish writing _ 5 oclock? Aby Bfor Con 5We can improve our English by _(listen) to the tapes.,活学巧练,B,B,B,A,listening,5,重点突破,辨析discover, invent与create,6,6Columbus is said to have _ America in 1492. Adiscovered Binvented Ccreated 7Can you tell me who _ the bulb? Acreate

3、d Binvented Cdiscovered,活学巧练,A,B,7,8Shakespeare was a great playwright and _ many unforgettable characters in his plays. Acreated Binvented Cdiscovered 9Fax machines were a wonderful _(invent) at that time. 10The new _ (discover) is of great value to the development of society.,A,invention,discovery

4、,8,重点突破,warn的用法,9,He warned me that there were pickpockets in the crowd.他警告我说人群中有扒手。 We should warn that boy against climbing that big tree.我们应该警告那个男孩不要爬那棵大树。,eg. They warned us about the heavy snow yesterday.他们昨天警告我们注意这场大雪。 The teacher warned us not to swim in the river.老师警告我们不要在河里游泳。,10,11The morn

5、ing paper warned all the people _ delay at the airport. Aof Bfrom Cagainst 12The headmaster warned us _ playing the computer games too much. Aof Bfrom Cagainst 13Mrs.Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking. Anever to drive Bto never drive Cnever driving,活学巧练,A,C,A,11,14Doctors _ people to keep aw

6、ay from too much sun in summer. Awarn Bstop Chope 15The weather station warned _ a storm was coming. Awhich Bthat Cwhat,A,B,12,13,重点突破,问路与指路常用语,14,指路常用句型: (1)Its介词短语(地点)它在 (2)Its aboutmeters from here.离这儿大约米。 (3)Its aboutmeters along on the left/right.向前方左/右侧大约米。 (4)Walk on and turn left/right.向前走,然

7、后左/右转。 (5)Walk/Go along/Go down this road/street.沿着这条路/街走。 (6)Turn left/right at the first crossing.Take the first crossing on the left/right.第一个路口左/右拐。,15,指路者有时会在指路完毕后追加一句“You cant miss it.(你一定会找到的。)”给对方鼓励;若问路时对方不知道,问路者常用“Thank you all the same.(仍然要谢谢你。)”表示谢意。,16,补全对话 A: Excuse me, sir? B: Yes? A:

8、I want to get some money. 16. _ B: No, but there is one on Zhengxin Street. A: 17. _ B: Go along this street until you get to the first traffic light. Then turn left. Walk about three blocks and you will come to Zhengxin Street. The bank is at the end of the street. You wont miss it.,活学巧练,C,A,17,A:

9、Is it far from here? B: 18. _ You can walk there. A: 19. _ B: It will take you half an hour to walk there. A: Is there any bus I can take? B: Yes. 20. _ It only takes you fifteen minutes. And the bus stop is over there. A: Thanks for your help. B: My pleasure.,B,E,F,18,重点突破,suggest的用法,eg.We suggest

10、the plan to him. 我们向他建议这个计划。 He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去散步。 Tom suggested that she(should) go to see a doctor. 汤姆建议她应该去看医生。,19,21The teacher suggests that I _ my classmates for some advice. Aask Bto ask Casking 22After thinking it for a few days, he decided to suggest the new plan _ his

11、 boss. Awith Bfor Cto,活学巧练,A,C,20,23My little brother suggested _ there by bus. Ato go Bgo Cgoing 24They suggested _(wait) until the proper time. 25Could you give me some _(suggest)?,C,waiting,suggestions,21,话题写作 指导,分析贵阳近5年中考真题及2018全国中考真题可知,书面表达涉及假期旅行相关的话题主要涵盖以下几方面:去了什么地方,做了什么事情。 主体时态:一般过去时态、一般将来时。

12、主要人称:第一人称。,假期旅行,22,1I had a wonderful vacation last summer. 2Being to Shanghai was my best experience. 3Let me tell you something about my last trip. 4I couldnt think of another better vacation than this. 5I went to an amazing place last year.,23,1度假总是很放松。 Being on a vacation is always relaxing. 2让我

13、告诉你关于我的暑假时的一些事情。 Let me tell you something about my summer vacation. 3去年我去了一个很漂亮的地方。 I went to a beautiful place last year.,24,1I was very excited when we arrived there. 2My friend and I played beach volleyball. 3The scenes were amazing. 4We tried many different local foods. 5The hotel was clean and

14、 comfortable.,25,1当我们到达景区的时候我们都很兴奋。 We were all excited when we arrived at the scenic spot. 2我们参观了很多不同的景点。 We visited many different scenic spots. 3当地居民热情而慷慨。 The local people are warm and generous.,26,1This is the best spot Ive ever seen. 2I am looking forward to coming here again. 3This vacation h

15、as a lot to remember.,27,1这是我最棒的一次旅行了。 This is my best trip ever. 2我很期待再次来这里度假。 Im looking forward to coming here for another vacation. 3这个暑假有很多值得怀念的地方。 This summer vacation has a lot of places to remember.,28,请根据以下信息写一段话进行描述: 贵阳是一座很美的城市,在那里我们看见了很多令人惊奇的景色。傍晚时分,凉风习习。我爸爸妈妈和我买了很多当地的特色小吃。我们还在一家礼品店买了很多漂亮

16、的东西,价格有些贵。 Guiyang is a beautiful city. We saw many amazing views there. When it was evening, cool wind blew. My parents and I bought a lot of local snacks. We also bought some beautiful things in a gift shop.,29,请根据以下信息将短文补充完整:,30,(2018新疆维吾尔自治区改编) 忙碌紧张的初中生活即将结束,你想放松一下心情。你觉得旅游是个很不错的选择。请根据下列要求,完成A、B两

17、部分的写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题: 1Where are you going? 2Who are you going with? 3When will you go there? 4Why are you going there? 5How long will you stay there?,31,B请以“My Traveling Plan”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下: 1短文应包含A部分所有信息; 2你将游玩哪些景点; 3文中不得出现考生的真实个人信息。 _ _ _ _,32,1文体:本文题目是“My Traveling Plan”,要求考生介绍自

18、己的旅行计划,文体属于说明文。 2人称:介绍自己的旅游计划应该使用第一人称。 3时态:所谓计划就是未做之事,时态应用一般将来时态。,33,1Where are you going? Im going to travel in Beijing. 2Who are you going with? Im going with my parents./My friends will come with me together. 3When will you go there? I will go there next month. 4Why are you going there? Because i

19、t is a beautiful city and has a long history. 5How long will you stay there? Im going to stay there for several days.,34,贵阳中考作文中,回答问题的五个句子即为写作的提纲。运用适当的连词或者过渡性词汇将其串联起来就是一篇完整的作文。本文中可以用到的连词或者过渡性词汇有:first、then、last but not least等。,35,My Traveling Plan Im going to travel in Beijing with my friends next m

20、onth. Beijing is a beautiful city. It has a long history. It is the capital of China. Im going to stay there for several days. There are many interesting places.,用with改写成一个句子进行句子升格,36,First, Im going to visit Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Then Im going to Wangfujing Street.

21、 There are a lot of stores there. I want to buy some gifts for my parents. And Im going to eat Beijing Duck there. It is delicious.Im looking forward to going there!,用so进行句子升格 用Last but not least进行句子升格 改为感叹句,37,My Traveling Plan Im going to travel in Beijing with my friends next month. Beijing is a

22、beautiful city with a long history. It is the capital of China. Im going to stay there for several days. There are many interesting places. First,Im going to visit Tiananmen Square, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Then Im going to Wangfujing Street. There are a lot of stores there so I want to

23、 buy some gifts for my parents.Last but not least, Im going to eat Beijing Duck there. How delicious it is! Im looking forward to going there!,38,亲爱的同学们,在你之前的生活中,一定去过不少地方,什么样的地方曾给你留下深刻的印象?它有哪些特点使你流连忘返呢? 请根据下列要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。 A请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题: 1Which is the best place for you in your heart? Kunm

24、ing is the best place for me in my heart. 2What are the people there like? They are friendly and hospitable.,39,3How do they welcome the tourists? They welcome tourists from every part of the world with their big smiles. 4What do you love about the place? I love the people and the place they live in

25、. 5What are you looking forward to? Im looking forward to going there again.,40,B请以“The Best Place for Me”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下: 1短文应包含A部分所有信息; 2所去的地方的重要性是什么; 3文中不得出现考生的真实个人信息。,41,1文体:本文题目是“The Best Place for Me”,要求考生介绍自己去过的最好的地方,文体属于_。 2人称:介绍旅游地点应该使用第_ 人称。 3时态:介绍自己去过的地方,时态应用_ 。,说明文,三,一般过去时,42,The

26、Best Place for Me,_,Ive traveled to many places. But Kunming, is the best place in my heart. Kunming is a city which connects China to South Asia. It is playing a very important role in the development of our country. People in Kunming are friendly and hospitable. They welcome tourists from every part of the world with their big smiles. They are angels. I love them and the place they live in. The place where one likes to visit is a popular place. Only the place where one wants to stay is the best place. And Kunming is the best place for me. Im looking forward to going there again!,


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