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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,本单元的话题是“文学和音乐”,优秀的文学和音乐作品能对学生产生积极的影响。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点: 1.能介绍一位自己喜欢的歌手或作家; 2.能正确运用各种时态描述事件的发展过程; 3.能结合实际生活进行写作训练。,type 种类 finish doing sth.完成某事 put down 放下 cut down 砍倒 wait for 等待 be interested in 对感兴趣 cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事 belong to 属于 do some researc

2、h on sth.做一些关于的研究 come to realize 开始意识到 bring sb.back 使某人回忆;回顾 enjoy success in 享受的成功 used to do sth.过去常常做某事,1.Chen Ping likes reading.She has read at least 200 different books.陈萍喜欢阅读。她已经读了至少200本不同的书。 2.The movie brings me back to my college life.这部电影使我想起了我的大学生活。 3.That book reminds students that st

3、udying without thinking is dangerous.那本书提醒学生没有思考的学习是很危险的。 4.Mo Yan is one of the most successful writers in China.莫言是中国最成功的作家之一。 5.The writer grew up in the mountain and he belonged to it.这位作家在大山里长大,他属于这座大山。,Do you know Harry Potter?Its 1. my favorite spare time reading and its written by J.K.Rowlin

4、g. Harry Potter is a magical school student who 2. wears glasses and his parents died ,and now he is 16 years old.He is very brave and known by everyone because it is said that he is the only person that will not be killed by the evil. When I read the book for the first time,I thought 3. it was very exciting and interesting .So I read it again and again.4. Each time,I have different feelings .Millions of copies of Harry Potter have been sold all over the world.Do you like Harry Potter?If 5. you havent read the book yet ,read it now and youll find a wonderful,


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