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1、1Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet单元话题微写作本单元的话题是“文学和音乐”,优秀的文学和音乐作品能对学生产生积极的影响。在具体的写作中,学生应做到以下几点:1.能介绍一位自己喜欢的歌手或作家;2.能正确运用各种时态描述事件的发展过程;3.能结合实际生活进行写作训练。type 种类finish doing sth.完成某事put down 放下cut down 砍倒wait for 等待be interested in 对感兴趣cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事belong to 属于do some research on s

2、th.做一些关于的研究come to realize 开始意识到bring sb.back 使某人回忆;回顾enjoy success in 享受的成功used to do sth.过去常常做某事21.Chen Ping likes reading.She has read at least 200 different books.陈萍喜欢阅读。她已经读了至少 200 本不同的书。2.The movie brings me back to my college life.这部电影使我想起了我的大学生活。3.That book reminds students that studying wit

3、hout thinking is dangerous.那本书提醒学生没有思考的学习是很危险的。4.Mo Yan is one of the most successful writers in China.莫言是中国最成功的作家之一。5.The writer grew up in the mountain and he belonged to it.这位作家在大山里长大,他属于这座大山。很多孩子喜欢看哈利波特,假如你是李华,你也喜欢看哈利波特。请根据以下提示,写一篇 80 词左右的短文介绍这部小说。要点:1.作者:J.K.Rowling;2.主角:哈利波特,魔法学校学生,戴眼镜,父母去世,非常

4、勇敢,不会被恶魔杀害;3.喜欢的原因。写作提纲HarryPorter作者: J.K.Rowling主角: HarryPorter,amagicalschoolstudent,brave.喜欢的原因: exciting,interesting. 连句成篇Do you know HarryPotter?Its 1. my favorite spare time reading and its written by J.K.Rowling. Harry Potter is a magical school student who 2. wears glasses and his parents di

5、ed ,and now he is 16 years old.He is very brave and known by everyone because it is said that he is the only person that will not be killed by the evil. When I read the book for the first time,I thought 3. it was very exciting andinteresting .So I read it again and again.4. Each time,I have differen

6、t feelings .Millions of copies of HarryPotter have been sold all over the 3world.Do you like HarryPotter?If 5. you havent read the book yet ,read it now and youll find a wonderful world. 趁热打铁假如你是卫华,你的美国朋友 Mary 最近迷上了郑渊洁的童话作品。她发来电子邮件,询问郑渊洁的有关情况。请你根据下表给她回一封 80 词左右的电子邮件。邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。姓名 郑渊洁出生日期 1955

7、 年 6 月 15 日出生地点 河北省石家庄市主要经历及事迹1970 年至 1976 年在部队服兵役;1977 年开始文学创作; 1985 年创办月刊童话大王(KingofFairyTales),一个人写一本期刊 29 年; 在 2008 年汶川地震及 2010 年玉树地震中,共为灾区捐款 100 多万元。Dear Mary,I am happy to hear that youre interested in Zheng Yuanjies fairy tales.Now let me tell you something about Zheng Yuanjie.Zheng was born

8、in Shijiazhuang,Hebei Province on June 15th,1955.In 1970,he joined the army.He stayed there until 1976.He began writing stories in 1977.In 1985,he started a childrens magazine named King of Fairy Tales.Its surprising that he was the only writer of the magazine.He has written stories by himself for 29 years for the magazine.During the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 and the Yushu earthquake in 2010,he gave away more than one million yuan to the people in the areas. I think Zheng Yuanjie is not only a popular writer but also a kind writer.Whats your opinion? Yours,4Wei Hua


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