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1、1第一讲 细节理解题一、题型解读细节理解题考查考生对阅读材料中的某一具体事实和细节的理解。所谓细节理解题,是指原文提到了某事物、现象或理论,题干针对原文具体叙述进行发问。常见的设题形式:考点 1 信息寻找题、广告阅读题考点 2 细节转换与是非判断题考点 3 数字计算题细节理解题考点 4 细节排序题抓住文章中的事实和细节是做好该类题的关键。解题原则是忠实于原文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。此类题我们可以采用照题查阅法快速找出原文信息,然后仔细比对选项,从而选出正确答案。二、设问方式细节理解题几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息。常见的命题方式有:1.特殊疑问句形式。以 when,whe

2、re,what,which,who,how much/many 等疑问词开头引出的问题。2.判断是非的形式。含有 TRUE/FALSE,NOT true 或 EXCEPT 等的判断是非的问题。此时要注意题干中是否含有否定词,如 not,never 等。3.以“According to.”开头的提问形式。4.填空形式。如 The biggest challenge for most mothers is from _.此类题目相对简单,只要考生认真细心,得分就会比较容易。三、选项特征1.正确选项的特征(1)同义替换。对原文句子中的关键词进行同义替换。如把 lose ones job 换成了 be

3、 out of work。有时候词性或者语态有所变化。把原文中的一些词变换一下词性,如把important 改成 of importance;改变原文中句子的语态,即主动语态与被动语态的转换。2(2)语言简化。把原文中的复杂语言进行简化,设置为答案。(3)正话反说。把原文中的意思反过来表达而成为正确选项。2.干扰选项的特征(1)张冠李戴。是原文信息,但不是题目要求的内容。(2)无中生有。符合常识,但不是文章的内容。(3)曲解文意。与原文的内容极其相似,只是在某个细节处有些变动。(4)颠倒是非。在意思上与原文大相径庭甚至完全相反。(5)正误参半。部分正确,部分错误。信 息 寻 找 题 、 广 告

4、 阅 读 题典例 (2017江苏高考阅读 A )CHRONOLOGICAThe Unbelievable Years that Defined HistoryDID YOU KNOW.In 105AD paper was invented in China?When Columbus discovered the New World?The British Museum opened in 1759?CHRONOLOGICA is a fascinating journey through time,from the foundation of Rome to the creation of

5、the internet.Along the way are tales of kings and queens,hot air balloons.and monkeys in space.Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn 3why being a Roman Emperor wasnt always as good as it sounds,how the Hundred Years War didnt actually last for 100 years and why

6、 Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record.CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining tour into history,beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts.While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories of famous people in history such as Thomas Edison and Alexander the Great,this book also g

7、ives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum.This complete but brief historical collection is certain to entertain readers young and old,and guaranteed to present even the biggest history lover with something new!56.What is CH

8、RONOLOGICA according to the text?A.A biography. B.A travel guide.C.A history book. D.A science fiction.答案 C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“CHRONOLOGICA is an informative and entertaining tour into history.this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals”可知,CHRONOLOGICA 是一本有关历史的书籍。57.How does

9、the writer recommend CHRONOLOGICA to readers?A.By giving details of its collection.B.By introducing some of its contents.C.By telling stories at the beginning.D.By comparing it with other books.4答案 B 细节理解题。作者在文中以提问的方式提到很多与历史有关的人物或事件,像“from the foundation of Rome to the creation of the Internet.tales

10、 of kings and queens,hot air balloons.and monkeys in space.why being a Roman Emperor wasnt always as good as it sounds,how the Hundred Years War didnt actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record”,说明作者是在介绍书中的内容。【技巧点拨】如何解决信息寻找题、广告阅读题?1.题干定向法: 如果题干的问题与原文中的相应句段

11、基本相同,则可直接对号入座;如果题干的问题与原文中的相应句段有较大出入,则要进行一定的处理,这个“处理”是多方面的,它可能包括对原文进行同义变换、对概念进行解析、对事实进行归纳、将具体问题抽象化或将抽象问题具体化、将文中提到的原则或规则进行实际运用等等。 2.错误排除法:一般说来,对于那些与文意明显不符或与文章内容不相关的选项比较容易排除,但有些选项与文章内容相符,却与题干问题不吻合,即属答非所问的情形,也应作为错误项予以排除,尤其是那些从文章中摘录的句子,要特别小心,它们很有可能是干扰项。细 节 转 换 与 是 非 判 断 题典例 (2017 江苏高考阅读 B )To find out if

12、 the special quality was more widespread in birds,the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren,another species of Australian songbird.First they collected sound data from 67 nests in four sites in Queensland before and after hatching.Then they identified begging calls by analyzing the order and

13、number of notes.A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks,ranking them by similarity.It turns out that baby red-backed fairy wrens also emerge chirping like their moms.And the more frequently mothers had called to their eggs,the more similar were the babies begging ca

14、lls.In addition,the team set up a separate experiment that suggested that the baby birds that most closely imitated their moms voice were rewarded with the most food.This observation hints that effective embryonic learning could signal 5neurological(神经系统的)strengths of children to parents.An evolutio

15、nary inference can then be drawn.“As a parent,do you invest in quality children,or do you invest in children that are in need?”Kleindorfer asks.“Our results suggest that they might be going for quality.”59.What are Kleindorfers findings based on?A.Similarities between the calls of moms and chicks.B.

16、The observation of fairy wrens across Australia.C.The data collected from Queenslands locals.D.Controlled experiments on wrens and other birds.答案 A 细节理解题。根据第一段“the researchers sought the red-backed fairy wren,another species of Australian songbird.”可知,研究人员并未在全澳洲范围展开调查,排除 B 项;未对其它鸟类进行记录研究,排除 D 项。根据第一

17、段中的“A computer analysis blindly compared calls produced by mothers and chicks,ranking them by similarity.”可知,A 项正确。60.Embryonic learning helps mother birds to identify the baby birds which_.A.can receive quality signalsB.are in need of trainingC.fit the environment betterD.make the loudest call答案 C

18、细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the baby birds that most closely imitated their moms voice were rewarded with the most food”和最后一段“Our results suggest that they might be going for quality.”可知,模仿母鸟模仿得最好的雏鸟得到最多的食物,研究结果表明,母亲会选择质量好的雏鸟。由此可知,胎教帮助母鸟辨别出那些适应环境较好的孩子。【技巧点拨】如何解决细节转换与是非判断题?细节理解题也叫间接理解题,包括语意转换题、图文转换题和是非判断题。1.语意转换题,

19、需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进行语意上的转换,两者存在表述上的差异。解答这类题目时可带着问题,有针对性地扫读全文,迅速锁定相关语句,再对相关部6分进行分析对比,找出答案。2.图文转换题,在阅读理解题中,有的图表、图画出现在阅读理解题的正文中。在解答这类题时,可采用“文字锁定法” ,找出描述图形中的句段,采用按图寻找答案的方法,按图索骥,图文互相参照、互相验证,便可确定正确答案。3.是非判断题,采用对号入座法和排除法。对号入座法就是根据关键词返回原文,找出相关内容,从中找出答案。正确答案与原文表述可能有出入,但意思一样,万变不离其宗。排除法,针对是非判断题中的“三错一对”或“三对一错”类试题,要

20、求仔细阅读文章,比较选项与原文的异同,然后做出正确判断。数 字 计 算 题典例A Summer Horse Camp in Montana and Wyoming for Teen GirlsDates: June 23July 5,2017Ages: 1416 (grades 8,9 & 10) Tuition: $ 2,955 (not including airfare)Start:Bozeman,Montana End:Jackson,WyomingTraversing(横越) the Continental Divide,this camp takes place on the bo

21、rders of Montana,Idaho,and Wyoming,where girls will go whitewater rafting,scenic river floating,hot spring soaking,and will tour both Yellowstone and Teton National Parks.Girls who participate in this adventure will gain knowledge and appreciation with each turn,becoming keepers of the land,and bein

22、g introduced to skills necessary to work with pack animals in the wilderness.All of this adventure and learning takes place in a fun,non-competitive atmosphere,which will make this an adventure to remember.Trip Campsites &Facilities Eight nights are spent in tents in public “frontcountry” campground

23、s where we have pre-assigned campsites with neighbors and campground hosts nearby,runningdrinkable water,and private outhouses(屋外厕所)or flushing 7toilets(抽水马桶).Four nights are spent in tents in “backcountry”wilderness areas where we will purify our water before drinking and learn and practice basic L

24、eave No Trace camping skills such as how to select a campsite,how to go to the bathroom,and how to keep clean outdoors.All backcountry campsites in this travel plan have an outhouse available to us.Why Choose This TripGirls who love horses but also want to go rafting,stand up paddle boarding,and exp

25、lore Yellowstone Country will automatically love this camp.From rivers,to lakes,to mountains,Yellowstone Horseback Adventure camp will give girls a variety of outdoor settings in which they can fall in love with the natural world!【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。一个适合女孩参加的骑马夏令营及相关事宜。1.How long will the camp last? A.8

26、 days. B.10 days.C.12 days. D.13 days.答案 D 数字计算题。根据文章开篇部分中的“Dates: June 23July 5,2017”可知,夏令营将持续 13 天。故选 D。【技巧点拨】如何解决数字计算题?先理解文章的大意,然后经过对比、分析、计算等就能够得出正确的答案。1.仔细阅读文字说明部分,准确把握图表信息。2.仔细分析题干,抓牢关键词。3.运用数学公式计算,注意巧算。细 节 排 序 题典例 (山东高考阅读 C)8You cant always predict a heavy rain or remember your umbrella.But de

27、signer Mikhail Belyaev doesnt think that forgetting to check the weather forecast before heading out should result in you getting wet.Thats why he created Lampbrella,a lamp post with its own rain-sensing umbrella.The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in

28、Russia.“Once,I was driving on a central Saint Petersburg street and saw the street lamps lighting up people trying to hide from the rain.I thought it would be appropriate to have a canopy(伞篷)built into a street lamp, ” he said.The Lampbrella is a standard-looking street lamp fitted with an umbrella

29、canopy.It has a built-in electric motor which can open or close the umbrella on demand.Sensors(传感器)then ensure that the umbrella offers pedestrians shelter whenever it starts raining.In addition to the rain sensor,theres also a 360 motion sensor on the fiberglass street lamp which detects whether an

30、yone is using the Lampbrella.After three minutes of not being used the canopy is closed.According to the designer,the Lampbrella would move at a relatively low speed,so as not to cause harm to the pedestrians.Besides,it would be grounded to protect from possible lightning strike.Each Lampbrella woul

31、d offer enough shelter for several people.Being installed(安装) at 2 metres off the ground,it would only be a danger for the tallest of pedestrians.While there are no plans to take the Lampbrella into production,Belyaev says he recently introduced his creation to one Moscow Department,and insists his

32、creation could be installed on any street where a lot of people walk but there are no canopies to provide shelter.68.Which of the following shows how the Lampbrella works?A.motorcanopysensorsB.sensorsmotorcanopyC.motorsensorscanopyD.canopymotorsensors9答案 B 细节排序题。根据原文第三段可知伞棚的打开或关闭是先由传感器来接收,然后通过 motor 来进行操控,因此答案为 B 项。【技巧点拨】如何解决细节排序题?做此类题目可采用“首尾定位法” ,即先找出第一个事件和最后一个事件,这样可以迅速缩小选择范围,从而迅速找到答案。阅读理解的文章如果是记叙文,排序题通常以事件发生的时间为线索;如果是说明文,排序题通常以说明的先后顺序为线索;如果是议论文,排序题通常以逻辑顺序为线索。从近几年高考试题来看,这类试题主要出现在记叙文和说明文中。


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