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1、第二讲 任务型作文之一写好文章概要,从近五年江苏高考分析,高考书面表达主要考查读写任务型作文。读写任务型作文的写作内容一般分为两部分:写作内容一为摘要写作,即概括短文大意;写作内容二,就某个主题发表个人看法。“读写任务”是“读”和“写”的有机结合,“读”的材料是为后面的“写”提供情景;同样,“写”也是对“读”的材料的思考和延伸。 读写任务型作文主要以记叙文和议论文为主。从近五年江苏高考书面表达来看,都是议论性的读写任务型作文。,如何写记叙文概要,记叙文体的阅读材料,在写概要前,除明确文章主题外,还应抓住六个要素:when,where,who,what,why,how。在这六个要素中,所占内容比

2、重较大的是what,学生最容易犯的错误就是把what写得太详细。一般来说,记叙文的故事概要可以用这样的模板来表示: 1.没有寓意只单纯介绍事件的记叙文摘要要素:,人物事件结果,2.篇末有表示文章内涵的记叙文摘要要素:,人物事件结果启示 记叙文摘要可以用下列句式开头: The writer tells us his experience. The author shares his experiences. From the passage,we know that. The passage tells us that. 当然,不是说每个故事概要都包含how或why,有时两者选其一即可。,请阅读

3、下面短文,然后以约30个单词概括下文的主要内容。 A_father_came_home_from_work_late,tired_and_exhausted.He worked day and night,hoping to earn more money for his only child.His_5-year-old_daughter was waiting for him at the door. “Dad,how_much_do_you_earn_an_hour?”asked the daughter. “Why do you ask that?” “I just want to k

4、now.Please tell me how much you earn an hour.” “If you really want to know.I earn$20 an hour.”,“Oh,” the little girl replied with her head down.Looking up,she said,“Dad,may_I_borrow_$10?” The father became angry.“Go to bed right now! Think about how selfish you are.I work hard every day,but you just

5、 want to buy your silly toy!” The little girl quietly went to her bedroom,feeling sad.After an hour or so,the father calmed down and started to feel sorry because she really didnt ask for money very often.So he went to his daughters room and gave her $10. The little girl jumped from the bed.“Oh,than

6、k you,Dad!” She was really happy indeed.,Then she took out her own savings and said,“Dad,I have$20 now.Can_I_buy_an_hour_of_your_time? Please come home earlier tomorrow.I_would_like_to_have_dinner_with_you.” 材料分析 这是一篇小女孩想购买父亲的时间,渴望得到父亲陪伴的记叙文。首先我们先找出记叙文的六要素:,列出了要点之后,我们就可以用自己的话将要点组织起来,概括成一段约30个词的通顺文段:

7、 In this passage,the writer mainly tells us about a little girl,who wanted to buy some time from her busy father so that he could accompany her.,请用约30个单词概述短文信息的主要内容。 Once there lived a very rich and powerful king.All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him.But was he happy? No,he was always ill

8、 and unhappy.His money and power could not help him.The doctor in his kingdom could not cure him,either.He was so angry with them that he had their heads cut off. One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace. “If you can cure me and make me happy,” said the king,“I will give yo

9、u all the gold you can carry.”,The first doctor examined the king.He found nothing wrong with him so he said to the king,“You only think you are ill and that makes yourself unhappy.” The king was very angry when he heard this.He told his soldiers to cut off the doctors head. The second doctor knew h

10、e had to be careful.“Oh,king.You will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy.”he said.The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise.He gave the doctor a bag of gold. The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy.They all said they we

11、re sometimes happy and sometimes sad.At last he met a beggar who said that he was always happy.,“Give me your shoes quickly,”said the king.“And I will make you a very rich man.” The beggar laughed,“I am sorry,”he answered,“I never wear shoes!” 【参考答案】 As the above story goes,the king,who was rich and

12、 powerful,was not happy at all while the beggar claimed he was always happy,indicating that wealth doesnt mean happiness.,说明文通常会有明确的主题句,先抓住关键词,并根据各段落的主题,有序地组织语言,完整地表达出文章的中心内容。如果是分析型说明文,概括时要找出文章所说明的现象、产生的原因及解决的方法或建议,然后用自己的话将这些信息重组起来。,如何写说明文的概要,请阅读下面短文,然后以约30个单词概括下文的主要内容。 Urban public bike service isn

13、t a new phenomenon.Government-sponsored_public_bike_systems_have_been_introduced_into_many_cities_in_China.Mobike,a_new_kind_of_public_bike_rental_service,started_in_Shanghai_and_has_expanded_to_Beijing. People can use this service by scanning the QR code(二维码) on the bike to unlock the smart lock.Th

14、e standard cost of this service is 1 yuan per 30 minutes.Users can pay with popular mobile payment methods such as Alipay and WeChat.Mobike now has more than 10,000 bikes in Shanghai,allowing,most riders to find a bike anywhere within a diameter(直径) of 300 meters.Many people ride a Mobike for a shor

15、t trip,such as from home to the subway,subway to the work place or to a grocery store.Experts say Mobike is a good supplement(补充) to the public bike rental service since city people are now fond of “Green Riding”,and environmentally-friendly means of transportation.Just because of this,the_company_p

16、roviding_the_service_is_increasing_the_number_by_hundred_every_day. 材料分析 短文的开头和结尾(画线句)为中心句。,【参考答案】 Mobike,a new kind of public bike rental service,has been put into use in Shanghai and Beijing.With their great favour with city people,more Mobikes will be available in the future.,请用约30个单词写出下文概要。 A pa

17、ir of British researchers said Monday they had worked out a simple equation(方程式) to quantify (量化) happiness that could put an exact figure on the emotional state. After interviewing 1,000 people,the researchers concluded that happiness equals P5E3H. In the equation,P stands for Personal Characterist

18、ics(outlook on life,adaptability and resilience); E for Existence (health,friendships and financial stability) and H represents Higher Order(self-esteem,expectations and ambitions).,The researchers asked intervieweesa mix of men and women all over 18 years oldto choose five scenarios that made them

19、more happy or less happy from a list of 80 different situations.They also asked a series of questions about their own natures,outlook and situations.Not surprisingly,the results showed that different people found happiness in different ways. 【参考答案】 Two British researchers interviewed 1,000 people ab

20、out their opinions on happiness and concluded happiness equals “P5E3H”,a simple equation to quantify happiness.And different people define happiness differently.,议论文体的阅读材料,在写概要前,应该紧紧抓住议论文的文体特点、文章结构和三要素,准确捕捉材料的内容要点。议论文的结构形式有“总分”、“总分总”、“分总”或“并列”等。文章的三要素是:论点、论证、论据。而三要素中最重要的应是论点,因此,准确把握文章的论点就显得非常重要了。文章的

21、论点往往在文章的首段或尾段,偶尔也在文章的中间。在段落中往往又在首句或尾句。还应特别注意段落中表转折或因果的连词,因为这些词往往会引出文章的论点。 此外,任何一篇文章都是围绕某个主题展开的,因此,许多文章中最明显的特点之一是有一个反复出现的中心词,即高频词,也叫作关键词。抓住了它,便容易抓住文章的中心。一般地说,关键词通常是名词、动词或形容词。,如何写议论文的概要,请阅读下面短文,然后以约30个单词概括下文的主要内容。 If_you_ask_people_what_makes_them_happy,you_will_probably_get_many_ different_answers_bu

22、t_there_are_two_fundamental_things_that_will_ensure_happiness. The_first_part_of_what_makes_people_happy_is_growth. When you feel like you are improving your life,thats when you are happy.It doesnt necessarily mean that you have to constantly buy bigger and better things.You need to feel like you ar

23、e growing on a personal level.You need to know that the essence of who you are is continually improving in some way.Keep looking for ways to make yourself better today than you were yesterday.This can mean different things to different people but the point is that you have to feel like you are impro

24、ving and getting better as a human being as time goes by.,The_second_part_of_what_makes_people_happy_is_the_sense_of_contribution. Everyone wants to believe that they were put here to do something great.As long as you know that by your being here,by doing what you are doing,you are helping someone s

25、omewhere,it will bring you happiness. These are two ways of how to find _happiness.Are these the only answers to what makes people happy? That depends on how you define happiness.,材料分析 通读文章可知,happy 为本文的关键词,本文为总分结构的“观点对比式议论文”。 1.人们的观点:People have different opinions about what makes them happy. 2.作者的观

26、点:Happiness comes from two fundamental sources. 基于以上分析之后,我们就可以用自己的话将要点组织起来,概括成一段约30个词的通顺文段: While people have different opinions about what makes them happy,the writer thinks that happiness comes from the two fundamental sources: the improvement of ones life and the sense of contribution.,请阅读下面短文,然后

27、以约30个单词概括下文的主要内容。 Its a question every social media user faces after taking a great photo: Should I post this? Or is it going to come back to worry me? The questions get doubly complex when they involve children.A parent on average will post almost 1,000 photos of a child online before the child tur

28、ns five,according to a recent survey.Are parents putting kids at risk by oversharing on social media? Here are the selections of the views.,Lauren Apfel(US) The big reason to share is to build a community.I live,for example,thousands of miles from my family.In this atmosphere of modern parenthood,we

29、 all struggle to make it through the day,and the Internet has become a source of support.In the early years of mothering twins,one of the things that brought me the most happiness was posting pictures of them on Facebook.Sharing those photos and engaging with an online community was a lifeline.,Drac

30、arys(China) I dont post pictures of my kids online because I dont like it when friends of mine post photos of me online.It feels way too public and an exhibitionist to me.So I treat my kids the way I want to be treated.That is probably what the parents who are comfortable with online photos think,to

31、o,when they decide to put the photos out there. 【参考答案】 While it is common for a parent to post childrens photos online nowadays,people take different attitudes toward it.Some think its beneficial while others are anxious about it.,如果读写任务所给的阅读材料是“图表/图画文字”,那么务必看清题目的概述要求,是对文字加图表/图画内容进行概述,还是仅概述图画或图表信息。如

32、果是文字加图表/图画一起概述,那么概述的要点必须包括文字内容与图表信息。若仅是要求对图表/图画概述,只要描述图画内容即可。,如何写“图表/图画文字类”的概要,(2018南京市、盐城市高三二模) 请认真阅读下面有关“不同年龄达到不同能力巅峰”的研究结果,用约30个单词概述图表和下文的主要内容。,“At almost any given age,most of us are getting better at some things and worse at others,” Joshua Hartshorne,an MIT cognitive science researcher and the

33、 lead author of a study looking at how intelligence changes as we age,told Business Insider.The team behind that study quizzed thousands of people aged 10-90 on their ability to do things like remembering lists of words,recognizing faces.Their_results_suggest_that_no_matter_what_your_age,theres_almo

34、st_always_a_new_peak_on_the_horizon.,材料分析 通读文字结合图片(尤其是文字提示词),可知调查结果表明:不同年龄阶段达到不同能力巅峰。 基于分析,我们就可以用自己的话将要点组织起来,概括成一段约30个词的通顺文段: A research,which involves thousands of subjects aged 10-90,reveals that people reach different capacity peaks at different ages with teenagers blessed with good memories and

35、the elderly possessing a large vocabulary.,(2018南京市高三三模)请用约30个单词概述图片和文字的主要内容。,Mum:Its time to list some written family rules in order to help our son form good habits. Dad:I agree.But what do you want to include in the list? Mum:First,we must stress the importance of honesty. Dad:Right.Then not hurt

36、ing anyones feelings is also necessary.Do you think so? Mum:Yes,and good manners cant be ignored.For example,knock on closed door before entering. Dad:Good idea,but I think it will be better if our son can involve himself in some home affairs,so. Mum:So lets encourage him to express his opinion. Dad:You are so thoughtful.Lets do it.,【参考答案】 Due to their childs lying about the exam,a couple have a thorough discussion and decide to list some family rules,which they think will help regulate his behavior.,


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