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,第一部分 中国古代史,司母戊,麻沸散,张仲景,伤寒杂病论,李时珍,本草纲目,宋应星,天工开物,蔡伦,活字印刷术,北宋,指南针,唐朝末年,儒家学派,私立学校,“仁”,论语,“百家争鸣”,李白,杜甫,白居易,苏轼,李清照,辛弃疾,三国演义,水浒传,西游记,红楼梦,罗贯中,施耐庵,吴承恩,曹雪芹,司马迁,史记,纪传体通史,

  • ASTM D6550-2010(2015) 7343 Standard Test Method for Determination of Olefin Content of Gasolines by Supercritical-Fluid Chromatography 《采用超临界流体色谱法测定汽油中链烯含量的标准试验方法》.pdf ASTM D6550-2010(2015) 7343 Standard Test Method for Determination of Olefin Content of Gasolines by Supercritical-Fluid Chromatography 《采用超临界流体色谱法测定汽油中链烯含量的标准试验方法》.pdf
  • ASTM D6550-2015 red 0880 Standard Test Method for Determination of Olefin Content of Gasolines by Supercritical-Fluid Chromatography 《采用超临界流体色谱法测定汽油中链烯含量的标准试验方法》.pdf ASTM D6550-2015 red 0880 Standard Test Method for Determination of Olefin Content of Gasolines by Supercritical-Fluid Chromatography 《采用超临界流体色谱法测定汽油中链烯含量的标准试验方法》.pdf
  • ASTM D6551 D6551M-2005 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus《用氙弧曝光器具对压敏胶带做加速老化试验的标准实施规程》.pdf ASTM D6551 D6551M-2005 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus《用氙弧曝光器具对压敏胶带做加速老化试验的标准实施规程》.pdf
  • ASTM D6551 D6551M-2005(2011) 0625 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus《氙弧曝光装置加速压敏胶带户外风化的标准操作规程》.pdf ASTM D6551 D6551M-2005(2011) 0625 Standard Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes by Xenon-Arc Exposure Apparatus《氙弧曝光装置加速压敏胶带户外风化的标准操作规程》.pdf
  • ASTM D6552-2006 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制和表征称量聚集的悬浮颗粒的误差的标准规程》.pdf ASTM D6552-2006 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制和表征称量聚集的悬浮颗粒的误差的标准规程》.pdf
  • ASTM D6552-2006(2011) 2500 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制并表示在称量所采集的气溶胶中出现的误差的标准操作规程》.pdf ASTM D6552-2006(2011) 2500 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制并表示在称量所采集的气溶胶中出现的误差的标准操作规程》.pdf
  • ASTM D6552-2006(2016) 2560 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制并表征称量聚集悬浮颗粒误差的标准实施规程》.pdf ASTM D6552-2006(2016) 2560 Standard Practice for Controlling and Characterizing Errors in Weighing Collected Aerosols《控制并表征称量聚集悬浮颗粒误差的标准实施规程》.pdf
  • ASTM D6553-2000(2005) Standard Test Method for Coolant Compatibility of Way Lubricants《导轨润滑剂冷却能力的标准试验方法》.pdf ASTM D6553-2000(2005) Standard Test Method for Coolant Compatibility of Way Lubricants《导轨润滑剂冷却能力的标准试验方法》.pdf
  • ASTM D6553-2000(2010) 0000 Standard Test Method for Coolant Compatibility of Way Lubricants《导轨润滑剂冷却能力的标准试验方法》.pdf ASTM D6553-2000(2010) 0000 Standard Test Method for Coolant Compatibility of Way Lubricants《导轨润滑剂冷却能力的标准试验方法》.pdf
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