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1、1深圳市 2018 年中考英语模拟卷三第一卷选择题(60 分)I.词汇测试(15 分)i.从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)1. Have you packed your bag? Well set off in ten minutes.Yes, Im ready.A. finish B. leaveC. relax2. Do you have any plans for the coming vacation?Yes, my family will leave for Sydney next Monday.A. be aw

2、ay from B. go toC. stay in3. Miss Chen appeared at the party at last. The kids must be very happy. You know, Miss Chen is their favorite teacher.A. gave up B. took upC. showed up4. Dont always fix your eyes on the screen, Ted. Its bad for your eyes.Oh, I know.A. stare at B. look afterC. think about5

3、. Why do you look so tired?I didnt sleep well. The noise upstairs almost drove me mad.A. made . crazy B. made . sad C. made . happy6. Peter, you shouldnt make fun of other kids. Its impolite.Sorry, Mom. I wont do it again.A. laugh at B. care aboutC. look for7. Henry cheated (作弊)in the Maths exam. 2I

4、 know. Now he has been aware of his mistake.A. has found B. has realizedC. has corrected8. Whats the matter with Mike? I havent seen him for two days.He is under the weather. Lets go to visit him in the hospitalA. popular B. coldC. sickii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)9. The

5、 _ is(are) a group of people who get together to watch or listen to something.A. advertisement B. audienceC. organization10. If you _ somebody, you make him / her pleased by doing or giving him / her what he / she wants.A. refuse B. satisfyC. hit11. Mom, I have made a _ to do the dishes every day.Re

6、ally? If you do so, I will be very happy.A. joke B. wishC. decision12. Do you know why Anna didnt _ us to her family?Yes, she told me the reason in her e-mail last night.A. interview B. introduceC. remind13. Have you _ the life in Canada? Not really. Sometimes I still feel out of place among the loc

7、al people.A. prepared for B. taken care ofC. got used to14. You should _ yourself for lauding at Sally when she fell down.3 Im so sorry. I will apologize to her.A. feel ashamed of B. be accused of C. be bored with15. Tony, I cant go to the movies with you tonight. I have to do my homework._ Maybe ne

8、xt time.A. With pleasure.B. It doesnt matter.C. You are welcome.II.完形填空(15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16-25 各小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分)Have you seen a pumpkin (南瓜)that weighs 582.5 pounds? Maxwell Daley, a 12-year-old teenager from the United States, just 16 such a big pumpkin! He won first

9、place in the seventh Largest Pumpkin Contest at the Kentucky State Fair. And he received $500 for the top prize.Maxwell was a high school 17 . At the age of 8,he became interested in growing huge pumpkins 18 seeing them at the state fair.Maxwell was a boy of 19 words. He looked a little shy. But he

10、20 his secret of growing big pumpkins. “I put lots of special fertilizers (肥料)on it. I put it in the shade and put a canopy (遮篷)over it,” he said.“Maxwell also picked the right 21,” his father Joe Daley added. Last year, Maxwell 22 $40 for his pumpkin seed and worked hard every day to grow it. He di

11、d all the work 23 .In fact, the winning giant pumpkin was the only one he grew last year. He was lucky enough to grow the 24 one. According to the rule, Maxwell must 25 the Largest Pumpkin Contest this year. When the local media asked if he would try to win the contest again, he said “yes” without t

12、hinking again.16. A. grew B. boughtC. picked417. A. worker B. studentC. teacher18. A. before B. afterC. unless19. A. many B. moreC. few20. A. hid B. sharedC. believed21. A. seed B. pumpkinC. field22. A. spent B. costC. paid23. A. alone B. carelesslyC. easily24. A. healthiest B. biggestC. smallest25.

13、 A. be far from B. take part inC. fail inIII.阅读理解(30 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 (共 20 小题,每小 题 1.5 分)AIs it worth taking after-school activities? Kids in the USA usually do after-school activities in their free time. The activities usually include part-time jobs, community service, sports t

14、raining and club activities.Abby, Rose and Tony, three teenagers from Pine View School, gave us their opinions.5Yes, but only up to a point. You may join a lot of clubs and take part in different activities to make sure that your college application (申请)will stand out. But dont stress yourself out.

15、You shouldnt have more than 5 after-school activities. Whats more, the activities you choose should show what youre interested in.AbbyYes, take as many as you like. After-school activities make our life more colorful. They also help us make more friends. Whats more,we can learn a lot from them. So,

16、why not take as many after-school activities as you like? Rose Yes, but quality (质量) wins over quantity. Nowadays, more and more teenagers are under great pressure. The pressure comes from studies and the social life. Taking after-school activities helps teenagers relax. But remember that quality is

17、 always more important than quantity. Its better to have two to three after-school activities that you often take part in. Do not do those activities which you dont care about.Tony26. Which of the following is NOT the after-school activity?A. A part-time job.B. Community service.C. Homework.D. Baske

18、tball training.27. According to Abby, teenagers should .A. not take too many after-school activitiesB. take as many after-school activities as possibleC. not take after-school activitiesD. try to take the fewest after-school activities28. Who thinks teenagers can feel relaxed by taking after-school

19、activities?6A. Abby.B. Rose.C. Tony.D. We dont know.29. Abby, Rose and Tony all think that _.A. teenager should take after-school activities they are interested inB. taking after-school activities is good for college applicationC. taking after-school activities can make teenagers life more colorfulD

20、. taking after-school activities will give teenagers much pressureBKatelyn Clarkson, an 11-year-old girl, loves baking (烘烤)very much. Three years ago, when Katelyn first saw her uncle cooking cupcakes, she became interested in baking. In her spare time, Katelyn often cooked cupcakes for her family a

21、nd friends.A few months ago, Katelyns teacher had a serious disease. Soon Katelyn had an idea of helping her teacher by selling cupcakes. Katelyn told the idea to her best friend Mattie who also loved baking cupcakes. She agreed with the plan. They spent the whole afternoon making over 60 cupcakes a

22、nd sold them to their friends and relatives. Their teacher was moved when she received money from the two little girls.Within days, the two girls got the idea of Cupcakes for a Cure. They would like to sell cupcakes to raise money for people with different health problems. They were excited about th

23、eir idea.Katelyn and Mattie later found they also needed someone to manage the money. They found Charlie. Charlie was happy to join them. He wrote down where the money was from and even set up a bank account (账户).Also, Charlie made a website (网站) for their work. On their website, they posted picture

24、s of the cupcakes and videos on how to make cupcakes. Of course, they made 7advertisements about their money-raising activities and called on people to join them.Last month, they held their first money-raising activity. It was really a big success. Katelyn and Mattie baked more than 300 cupcakes. Al

25、l of them were sold during the two-hour activity.30. Katelyn began to bake at the age of _.A. 3 B. 7C. 8 D.1131. Why did Katelyn and Mattie invite Charlie to join them?A. To write down where the money was from.B. To set up a bank account.C. To make a website for their work.D. To manage the money.32.

26、 Which is the right order according to the passage?Katelyn and Mattie posted videos to teach people to make cupcakes.Katelyn saw her uncle cooking cupcakes.Charlie became a member of Cupcakes for a Cure.Katelyn and Mattie held their first money-raising activity.Katelyn and Mattie sold over 60 cupcak

27、es to their friends and relatives.A. B.C. D.33. Whats the best title for this passage?A. Three best friends.B. How to make cupcakes.C. Cupcakes for a Cure.D. Always be ready to help others.C8Fans of basketball all know who LeBron James is. His fans like to call him King James. The 33-year-old basket

28、ball star was again the best player in the last season of the NBA. The most popular American sports magazine Sports Illustrated also named him the best player for the fourth season in a row (连续).King James was born on December 30 in Ohio, the USA. He is 203cm tall and weighs 113kg. He is the perfect

29、 combination (结合)of strength, size and speed. Some people see him as the best physical specimen (体格范本)in sport.James beat Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry, 29, to the number one place, even though Curry had a great season. Last season (2015-2016), the two top players led their teams to the

30、 highest rank of the NBA. So people had different ideas about who might be the best player. James finally won the award because he helped his team Cleveland Cavaliers beat Currys team in the NBA Finals.To his fans all over the world, James is the king. He is also a hero to many sports fans in the Un

31、ited Sates, especially in his hometown Cleveland. At a celebration in the city after he won the NBA Finals, James made a short speech and thanked everybody in his team. He said that he could not have won the award without them. He even bought each of them a gold headphone as a gift!James also starte

32、d The LeBron James Family Foundation. It raises money and helps people in need. By now, the foundation has spent $41 million sending poor children to universities in his hometown. Maybe that is another reason why his fans love him so much.34. When was LeBron James born?A. On December 30, 1983.B. On

33、December 30, 1984.C. On December 3, 1985.D. On December 3, 1986.35. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?A. James,teammates.B. James family.9C. James fans.D. James friends.36. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. LeBron James is four years older than Curry.B. LeBro

34、n James is a member of Cleveland Cavaliers.C. Curry didnt win the award because he had a bad season.D. The foundation helps poor children continue their education in James hometown.37. Why do so many people love James?A. Because Sports Illustrated often names him the best player.B. Because he always

35、 leads his team to beat Currys team.C. Because he is willing to help others and plays basketball well.D. Because he likes sending gold headphones to his fans.DHow much do you know about Chicago in the United States? You might think its a big city. And so it is! Only New York City and Los Angeles hav

36、e more people than Chicago.“The Windy City” is Chicagos most famous nickname (绰号). It is for good reason. The city lies right next to Lake Michigan and heavy winds blow through the city all year around.Chicago is well-known for its art and culture. Most tourists think the Art Institute of Chicago is

37、 the first place to visit in the city. The Art Institute of Chicago is one of the oldest art institutes in the world. Its also one of the three biggest art institutes in the US. It is not only a school, but also a world-class art museum. You can find many famous works of art here.If youre not intere

38、sted in a museum, your best choice is to visit Millennium Park. Millennium Park lies in the center of Chicago. This park holds the famous Cloud Gate, a huge statue designed by the English artist Anish. Cloud Gate is 10extraordinary because it looks like a big reflective (反光的)bean. Many people enjoy

39、taking photos in its reflection.Chicago has lots of fun things to do. If you enjoy heights, visit the famous Willis Tower! Before a new building at the World Trade Center was built in 2014, Willis Tower was the tallest building in the US. It has 108 storeys. You can go up to the top of it and step o

40、ut onto a glass box. There you may hear screams (尖叫). But dont worry its completely safe.Doesnt Chicago sound like a fun city?38. What is probably the most popular place of interest in Chicago?A. The Windy City.B. The Art Institute of Chicago.C. Millennium Park.D. Willis Tower.39. What does the unde

41、rlined word “extraordinary” mean?A. Ancient. B. Unusual.C. Common. D. Lifeless.40. How do people feel when they go up to the top of Willis Tower?A. Lucky. B. Lonely.C. Relaxed. D. Excited.41. What cant we know from the passage?A. Chicago is the third largest city in the US.B. Chicago has more than o

42、ne nickname.C. Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the USA now.D. The Art Institute of Chicago is bigger than any other art institute in the US.EDeep in the forest of southeastern Mexico, scientists found a surprise. They 11found an ancient pyramid. There were colorful murals (壁画)in it. A

43、 mural is a painting on a wall. Those murals are helping scientists unlock a mystery about people who lived in ancient times.The murals are about 1,350 years old. Thats more than five times older than the United States. Scientists say the paintings belonged to the Mayas. That was a group of Native A

44、merican people. They lived many years ago in what is now Mexico and Central America.Scientists are excited about the discovery because they dont know much about the Mayas daily life, explains Michael Coe, an expert on the Mayas. The paintings show how the Mayas worked, shopped and dined. One mural s

45、hows a man drinking from a bowl. Another shows a woman selling food to a crowd of people.“Mostly we get the murals that show gods and kings, never anything about the daily life,” Coe said. “This is like walking into a Maya supermarket.” So far, scientists have found more than 30 murals in the pyrami

46、d. They are not sure why the Mayas created them. The experts hope to learn more as they continue their search.“We never had anything like this before,” said Coe. “These are really special murals.”Scientists learned a lot about the Mayas from the murals. The Mayas were known for more than paintings.

47、Now the murals tell us some fun facts about the Mayan way of life.Sweet HomeThe Mayas lived in what is now Central and North America. Today the area includes parts of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras.Smart StartsThe Mayas invented a type of Maths. They also created a type of writing that used

48、 symbols or pictures. Mayas used bark (树皮)to make books._The Mayas often ate com and used it to make other foods. They grew many crops (庄稼), including beans and sweet potatoes.12Cool ClothesMayan men dressed themselves up with some cloth while women wore long dresses. Rich Mayas wore jewelry (珠宝).42

49、. Which of the following is shown on one of the Mayan murals?A. A Mayan king and his family.B. A Mayan woman selling food.C. A crowd of people drinking water.D. A Mayan man using bark to make books.43. What can we know according to Michael Coe?A. The murals show gods and kings.B. The Mayas lived in a very hot area of the USA.C. The murals show scenes of Mayan everyday life.D. The Mayas created the murals because of a festival.44. What can be p


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