NAVISTAR MPAPS D-7095-2014 Material Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molded FRP Parts.pdf

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1、This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 1 of 9 NAVISTAR, INC. Material, Parts, and Process Specification

2、s (MPAPS) NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 Former Designation: TMS-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molded FRP Parts CURRENT REV No.: 1410 DATE: Oct. 2014 WRITTEN/EDITED BY: Materials Engineering APPROVED BY: Materials Engineering SUPERSEDES: TMS-7095 June 2013 PRINTED COP

3、IES OF THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE VERIFIED FOR CURRENT REVISION This specification may involve hazardous materials, equipment, and procedures. This specification does not purport to address all of the safety issues associated with its use. The user is responsible to consult appropriate safety and health

4、practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limits prior to use. Change Notice: Changed to new MPAPS format; editorial changes. 1.0 APPLICATION This specification shall be applied to control material selection and production processes used in the fabrication of fiber reinforced plasti

5、c parts produced by the open mold method per MPAPS D-22. 2.0 SCOPE This specification covers general tooling requirements for open molding; material and process parameters; analysis of data, and sample parts required to be submitted by the molder. It also covers minimum requirements for quality cont

6、rol of production parts. 2.1 Restricted Chemical Substances Effective January 1, 2007, all product supplied to the requirements of this specification must comply with the requirements of the MPAPS B-50 specification. 3.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Unless otherwise specified, the latest issue of all referen

7、ced standards shall apply. The following standards, specifications and regulations are referenced in this specification. Quality System Standard ISO 9001 or TS-16949 NAVISTAR MPAPS B-50 NAVISTAR MPAPS D-22 CFR Title 29, Part 1910 OCF Test Method C-25-4A NAVISTAR Manufacturing Standard MS-D-13 OCF Te

8、st Method M-09-2 4.0 REQUIREMENTS Before production approval is granted, sample parts must be submitted to Materials Engineering and to the appropriate NAVISTAR manufacturing plants. 4.1 Tooling Selection of tooling materials, construction methods, and maintenance procedures shall be so as to yield

9、a minimum of 1,000 parts without deterioration of surface finish. Repair of molds shall be restricted to a maximum of 25% of the mold surface and shall not result in degradation of the part surface quality. NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molde

10、d FRP Parts REVISION: 1410 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 2 of 9 Tooling materials and fabricat

11、ion methods must be approved by NAVISTAR Tooling Engineering prior to mold construction. 4.2 Materials 4.2.1 Gel Coat Required for all high appearance and/or painted parts. Molders shall maintain on file complete data sheets for each lot and shall perform the following three tests as minimum quality

12、 control requirements for each batch prior to use. Material must be retested if the storage time or conditions do not fall within manufacturer recommended limits. SPI Gel Time Barcol Hardness at Full Cure Monomer Content In addition, the gel coat must meet the followi

13、ng requirements: Elongation - minimum of 1.5% per mandrel bend test Paint - minimum 90% adhesion Thickness - 0.38 - 0.76 mm (0.015 - 0.030 in) Surface appearance - see Appendix at the end of this document for requirements For test methods to determine

14、the above listed properties, see Appendix. 4.2.2 Resin Unless otherwise specified, the resin system is to be a prepromoted, isothalic polyester. Resin chemistry data information and minimum quality control tests as specified above under Gel Coat shall also apply for each lot of resin. 4.2.3 Reinforc

15、ement Type and amount of reinforcing fiber shall be such that the laminate complies with the mechanical property requirements specified per MPAPS D-22. Storage of material shall be per manufacturer recommended practices. 4.3 Processing The molder shall submit to Materials Engineering the following i

16、nformation, where applicable, relating to the production process. Information provided by the vendor to NAVISTAR per this specification shall be considered confidential. Distribution will be restricted to appropriate Materials Engineering and Quality Control personnel. 4.3.1 A description of the con

17、stituent materials. This will include the molders formulation identification; type and percentage by weight of resin, glass, and fillers; the level of promoters; resin/catalyst ratio; and system gel and cure times. Control limits for these factors shall also be included. 4.3.2 A drawing of the reinf

18、orcement lay-up showing number of plies and physical dimensions of each. Also include tolerances of the ply dimensions with respect to location in the mold. 4.3.3 A general description of the molding process. This is to include the basic steps involved in producing the part such as mold preparation,

19、 lay-up sequence, method of reinforcing overlap and wet-out, and all secondary and finishing operations. 5.0 QUALITY In addition to approval of initial production samples, NAVISTAR Product Quality will approve production part samples which the vendor will maintain at his facility. These samples will

20、 be inspected for cosmetic surface finish, component fit, edge finish, and other characteristics deemed appropriate. NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molded FRP Parts REVISION: 1410 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navista

21、r, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 3 of 9 These samples will be considered the standard of minimum acceptable finish quality for all future parts, and shall be ca

22、refully maintained as a standard reference both at the vendor and NAVISTAR locations. 5.1 Each part shall be identified (i.e., serial number, date, etc.) so as to yield traceability to resin and gel coat lots, date molded, operator, and mold number. 5.2 After approval of the molders materials and pr

23、ocesses, all parts must be produced exactly as described by the above procedure. No changes will be allowed without written approval of Materials Engineering. Field failures caused by unapproved changes in materials or process shall be the sole responsibility of the molder. 6.0 SOURCE APPROVAL AND Q

24、UALITY CONTROL 6.1 Supplier Requirements All suppliers to NAVISTAR are required to be registered to ISO 9001 Quality System Requirements. NAVISTAR will also accept TS-16949 registration as long as the supplier can also fulfill all AIAG PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) documentation and approv

25、al requirements. Suppliers must maintain their certification with an accredited registrar and must furnish copies of registration certificates to their Corporate Buyer upon request. 6.2 Approval Parts supplied against contracts or purchase orders citing this specification shall be equivalent in all

26、respects to those samples which were approved by the purchaser. No changes in formulation or processing practices are permitted without approval. In the event that changes in material, properties, processing practices, construction, color, or labeling of the product are required, the supplier shall

27、notify Materials Engineering and Purchasing and Supplier Development of the proposed change(s). Test data indicating conformance to all requirements of this specification, test samples, and new or amended or updated Material Safety Data Sheet(s) (MSDS), in accordance with CFR Title 29, Part 1910 sha

28、ll be submitted with the request for change. 6.3 Process Control The supplier shall either perform and report results of tests on specific lots of parts produced using ISO 9001 or TS-16949 guidelines, or provide statistical evidence of the lot having been produced in a state of statistical control a

29、nd with a process capable of providing all required properties. The part supplier and the quality control manager of the using NAVISTAR plant may determine testing and reporting requirements on specific products. 7.0 TECHNICAL INFORMATION For further information related to the technical content of t

30、his specification, contact: Suppliers may purchase controlled copies of this specification by contacting: Materials Engineering and Technology Dept. 10400 W. North Avenue Melrose Park, IL 60160 E-mail: MaterialsEngineeringN IHS Global Inc. 15 Inverness Way East Englewood CO 80112-5776 Phone: 1-800-8

31、54-7179 E-mail: Website: http:/ NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molded FRP Parts REVISION: 1410 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical S

32、tandards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 4 of 9 APPENDIX A.1 GEL TIME AND CURE PROPERTIES: OCF Test Method C-25-4A A.1.1 General This procedure provides an indication of the curing properties of a promoted polyester resin. A.1.2 Proced

33、ure A.1.2.1 Place a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask in a constant temperature bath at 25 .5C. Fasten it securely such that the flask is vertical and the lip is approximately 25 mm (1 in) above the waterline. A.1.2.2 Mark the 19 x 150 mm test tube exactly 75 mm (3 in) above its bottom. A.1.2.3 Record the res

34、ins identification, trial number, and date. A.1.2.4 Adjust a sample of resin to 25 .5C and pour exactly 150 g into a 250 ml polypropylene beaker. A.1.2.5 Add exactly 1.50 g of MEK peroxide to the resin, then start the stopwatch. (This may be done volumetrically employing a syringe. If the MEKP is ne

35、ar 25C, 1.35 ml equals 1.50 g). A.1.2.6 Stir in the MEK peroxide for one minute so that it is completely dispersed. A.1.2.7 Fill the 19 x 150 mm test tube exactly to the 25 mm (3 in) mark with the catalyzed resin (approximately 18 g of resin). Be careful not to drop any resin on the sides of the tes

36、t tube above the mark. A.1.2.8 Insert the needle of the dial thermometer which has been lightly coated with silicone grease into the resin using a rubber stopper such that it is centered in all directions. The needle should be about 45 mm (1.75 in) off the bottom. A.1.2.9 Place this assemblage in th

37、e Erlenmeyer flask so that the bottom of the test tube is in the center of the flask. A.1.2.10 Record the time the MEK peroxide was added. Pour 30 g of catalyzed resin into the inside of the lid of a quart can. A.1.2.11 Suspend the lid and resin in air at 25 to 26C. (A simple method is to support th

38、e lid on a paper cup with large holes in its sides to permit sufficient air flow on the lid bottom.) A.1.2.12 Clamp the beaker containing the resin in constant temperature bath (25 .5C) so that the water line is above the resin line but below the top edge of the beaker. A.1.2.13 Record the time from

39、 the stopwatch, when resin in the beaker gels. The resin is gelled when inserting a tongue depressor and raising a portion of the resin out of the beaker results in a string of resin that will snap instead of stretch elastically. A.1.2.14 Shortly after reaching the peak, pull the needle of the dial

40、thermometer from the resin. Caution: If this is not done soon enough, the needle will freeze in the resin. A.1.2.15 Determine the hardness of the sample in the quart lid at the times specified by requester. Time is measured from point of MEKP addition. Use a Barcol Impressor and follow instructions

41、furnished with the instrument. Take an average of five readings on the top and bottom. Report the information in the following manner: Hardness Hardness Abbreviation for Type of Hardness Top Bottom HB - Barcol NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Mo

42、lded FRP Parts REVISION: 1410 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 5 of 9 A.1.2.16 Find the ultimate

43、hardness by curing the tin lid casting for two hours at 100C, cooling to room temperature and repeating step A1.2.15. (A lower temperature may be used, but longer oven times may be required.) A.1.3 Calculations Gel to Peak Time = Peak Time - Gel Time A.1.4 Report 1) Gel Time 2) Gel to Peak Time 3) P

44、eak Temperature 4) Hardness at Specified Time A.2 MONOMER CONTENT: OCF Test Method M-09-2 A.2.1 General This procedure is used to determine the volatile (normally styrene) content of the polyester resin. A.2.2 Procedure A.2.2.1 Place three (3) 1.5 g samples of the test resin in dry tared aluminum di

45、shes and heat in an oven at 135C 1C for three (3) hours. A.2.2.2 Remove and cool the dried samples in a desiccator. A.2.2.3 Weigh each sample to the nearest 0.005 g to determine the loss in weight. A.2.3 Report The monomer content (%) reported shall be the average of the three samples, using the fol

46、lowing formula. M o n o m e r C o n t e n t ( % ) W e t R e s i n W e i g h t D r y R e s i nW e t R e s i n W e i g h t x 1 0 0A.3 MANDREL BEND TEST A.3.1 General This method is used to evaluate reinforced polymeric materials ability to resist surface crazing and/or cracking when subjected to flexu

47、ral stresses well below the ultimate strength of the material. The test involves bending specimens of uniform and prescribed thickness over a mandrel of constantly decreasing radius of curvature. The onset of crazing is determined and percent elongation calculated using the curves in Figures 1 and 2

48、. This test method provides a basis for comparing one material system to another. In panels of the same thickness, a higher percentage elongation implies a tougher, more resilient material. A.3.2 Apparatus The mandrel consists of a laminated hard wood (or equivalent material) surface conforming to t

49、he equation: NUMBER: MPAPS D-7095 TITLE: Material, Process And Quality Control Requirements For Open Molded FRP Parts REVISION: 1410 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or reproduced without permission from Corporate Technical Standards. Suppliers are required to assume all patent liability. 2014 by Navistar, Inc. OCTOBER 2014 Page 6 of 9 Y = 1/16 (400 - X

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