NAVISTAR TMS-6601-2013 Sound Deadener Polymeric Molded & Sheet.pdf

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1、 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page 1 of 7 NAVISTAR, INC. TMS (TRUCK MATERIAL PECIFCATION) NUMBER: TMS-601 sr TILE

2、: Sound Deadenr, olymeric Molde & Shet CURENT REV. No.: 1306 DATE: June 2013 WRITEN/DITED BY: Materials Engiering APROVED BY: Materials Engiering SUPERSEDS: 106 -June 201 PRINTED COPIES OF THIS DOCUENT UST BE VRIFED FOR CURENT REVISON This pecifcation may invole hazrdous materials, equipment, and pr

3、ocedures. This pecifcation does not purport o adres al of te safty isues asocited wit its use. The usr is rsonsibl to csult apropriate safty nd health practies and t etrmine the aplicbilt of rgulatry limits prior to us. Chnge Ntice: Aded Tye VI and Grade L. Title Changed. Refrence: File 30-1 Keyword

4、s: Noise rduction, sound barier, polymeric shet, mas damping 1.0 APLICATION This pecifcation covers flat or formed polymeric shet material that is uitable as barier for the puros of reduti f trnsmited soun, r as n xtnsionl (or constrind-lyer) ms-dampr treatment. 2.0 SCOPE This pecifcation covers the

5、 genral requiremnts, proerty and performance rquiremnts, quality, qualifation, sur aproval, ad qulity cotrol fr six weights f plyric sht aterils that cn be used as a sound edenr copled with an underlaymnt of oam or sody. Th type of udrlaymnt is t be spcif in an aprorite spcifctio. Other plicatins ma

6、 include vibrtion dapers for tatment of vehicle substrat material. 2.1 Type I: minium weight is 2.4 kg/m or 0.5 Lb/ft . I: ii it is 3.90 / r .80 /ft 2.3 Type I: minium weight is 4.8 kg/m or 1. Lb/ft .4 IV: ii it is 6.10 / r .25 /ft 2.5 Type : minium weight is 7.8 kg/m or 1.60 Lb/ft .6 VI: ii it is 1

7、. / r .35 /ft 2.7 Type I: minium weight is .2 kg/m or 0.2 Lb/ft (Dor water shield aplications) . VI: ii dnsity of 160 /3. Parts must be aminium of 3 m thick. Exceptions wil be made own to 1 m iimu thicknes wher the tril st acodate isolatd geotric rstraits. 2.8 Type I, I, I, IV, , VI, or VI Sound Dea

8、denrs wil be further divide into Grade A, B, C, D, E, F or G dndent on Property and Perfrmac vlues listd in Sction 4.2. Not: If Grade is not spcifd, then Grad A shal ply. 2.9 Restricted Chemicl Substanes Efctiv January 1, 207, al product suplied to the rquiremnts of this pecifcation must comply with

9、 te rqiremnts of the CEMS B-50 scifcatin. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound Deadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 201

10、3 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page 2 of 7 3.0 REFRENCE DOCUMENTS Unles otherwise specifed the latest isue of al refrenced standars hal aply. The folwing Spcifcatins, Standars, an Rgulations ar refrncd i this pecifcation. Quality Sstem Standar ISO 901 or TS-1694 CFR Title 29, Part 190 ASTM D 624 NAVI

11、TAR Eng. Design td. A-6 ASM C 17 19 IS Maufacturig St. MS-D-13 T 58 AST D 75 CFR Title 49, Prt 571.302 (FV-302) AS D 412 M 240 NAVISAR TS-65 TM 573 AST G 53 IT M-94 CES B-0 E 76 SAE J1637 4.0 REQUIREMNTS .1 Genral equirements 4 Mteil Parts uplid to this pecifcation are typicaly made from PVC, PVC/Ni

12、trile Blend, EPDM, SBR, EVA, PVA, Uretane, or nturl rubr. The tps f underlayment are to b rok down further into grade clasifcatios d are to be caled out on aropriat rwigs nd/r specifcatis. atrials list blow re typical mtrials for that grade. Other mterials may be actable with consultion and aprval f

13、rom Mterials Engierin. minium coposite los factor, , on actual substrate (inium valus t 40, 630, d 10 Hz) TMS-601 Grade Description 0 C 20 C 40 C F Low-performance 0.5 0.15 0.5 H Midle-performance 0.6 0.2 0.1 B High-performance 0.7 0.3 0.2 I Very-hig performance 0.7 0.4 0.3 J - 0.3 0.17 0.25 Composi

14、te los factor equiremnts aply to the actual (vehicle) substrate material, with damping layer including prduction adhsive. Vlus hal be termie irectly b using the Oberst bar method f SAE J1637 or estimated indirectly from th atrial os fators ad matrial Youngs uli sing the methd of ASTM E 756. The over

15、al size of the Oberst bar shal be nominaly 12.7 x 20 m Cmpsit los factrs ar to e n vrag f t lest hre saples ach from thre difernt production lts. Vales at specifed frequencies hal be dtermined by linear interpolation f adjcent modal points nd shal t or xd te tulatd valus. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound D

16、eadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page 3 of 7 Deviations from test method

17、 and anlysi requiremnts wil be rviewd and judged by the Vhicle Acustics Group, Frt We, Indian. Grade A consits of a flat or formed polymeric shet material used as a sound barier that may be cupled with n uderlaynt f a or sody. Grade B consits of a damping shet with PSA backing for aplications requir

18、ng hig damping performane. Grade C consits of alimp PVC barier coupled with a0.25 open cel polyurethane foam. Fam density = 2.0 lb/ft3 Grade D consits of alimp PVC barier coupled with a1.0 open cel polyurethane foam. Fam density = 1.5 lb/ft3 Grade E consits of a limp PVC barier coupled with a0.25 la

19、yer of pen cel polyurethane foam and a 3.2 m PVA damping shet. Fom dnsity = 2.0 lb/ft3. Fom undrlaymnt shal mt TMS-650, Type I. The i st shal et he material os factr and Youngs oduls ratio requiremnts stad for MS-601, Grade B. Grade F consits of damping shet with PSA backing for aplications requirng

20、 lower xtensional dmping perfrmance. Grade G consits of a 3.2 m PVA damping shet with a 0.5 aluminu constrainig layer on e si n PSA backing on the oposite sie. Grade H consits of a damping shet with PSA backing for aplications requirng midle-performing dmping. Grade Iconsits of a dmping shet with PS

21、A backing for aplications requirng very-hig extnsional dmping perfrmance. Grade J consits of admping shet with PSA backing for special plications. Grade K consits of a damping shet with a foamed hot melt PSA used for dor water shield plictions. Grade L consits of hig temperature cast in place (CIP)

22、polyurethane skin used as sound barier that my b upled wit an udrlynt of oam or shody. 4.1.2 Finish Parts hal be fre of pin holes, blow holes, bubles, mold flash and have an otherwise aceptable pearnc. Colr, grai ad finish sal match standar saples pecife by Truck Dvlopmnt nd Tcholgy entr, Industril

23、Design. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound Deadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page

24、 4 of 7 4.1.3 Colr Parts hal be lack unles otherwise dsignated on the ngiering drawing. Material can be natural s wel it prior engiring aproval. 4.1.4 Odor Shal have n ofensive odrs either wet or dry. 4.1.5 Dimensional Tolerances Tolerancs dscribed hri supersde standar blueprint olerances. If the to

25、lerance is epartely ntd o the print, tat oleranc shal tak precdenc. Width, Length, and Thicknes METRIC Dimensions, (m) Width and Length Thicknes DIMENSION TOERANCE DIMENSION TOLERANCE 0 -10 1.25 3.0 0.5 1 -25 5. .6 25 -60 3 0ver .0 0.8 60 AND UP 5 4.2 Property And Performance Requirements Pe

26、rformance Requirements Property Method Grade A, K Gade B, F, , H, I Grad C Grade D Grade E Grade L (Skin) Tensile Strgth ASTM D 412, Die A 0.45 MPa (6 psi) min. 2.0 MPa (3 psi) min. 0.58 MPa ( psi) min. 0.12 MPa (8.0 psi) min. 0.85 MPa (124 psi) min. 2.0 MPa (3 psi) min. Elongation 85% min. 12% 35%

27、min. 105% min. 30% min. 45% min. Tear Strngth ASTM D 624, Die C 4.5 kN/m (26 lbf/in) mi. 20.4 kN/m (16 lbf/in) min. 1.5 kN/m (8.4 lbf/in) mi. 0.9 kN/ (5.1 lbf/in) mi. 6.0 kN/m (34.6 lbf/in) Mi. 6.0 kN/m (34.6 lbf/in) Mi. Hardnes ASTM D 240 Durometr Shr A 50 points mi. 80 points mi. 25 points mi. 35

28、points mi. 30 points mi. 35 points mi. Shelf Life Type I and IV, 1 year min. 1 year Min. 1 year Min. 1 year Min. 1 year Min. 1 year Min. 1 year Min. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound Deadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eprod

29、uced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page 5 of 7 4.2.1 Ultraviolet Weathering (Can be waived by Materials Engiering based on aplication) . Methd: ASTM G 53: Expose amples to 10 hours cotiuos UV-A flur

30、escet light at 40 C. Rquire: her shal not be any sign f clr alteratin, plasticzer migration, decrased pliabilty or tackines after xposur. 4.2. Abrasion Test .1 Methd: (ASTM D 175, Rotary Platform Double Head Method). Test for 1,0 cyles under a0 g load using CS- abrsion whels. 4.22 Require: t

31、erial wear pter ad colr shal be compatible with aproved samples in the Truck Dvlopmnt and Tchnolgy Cnter. 4.2.3 Ozone Resitance (Can be waived by Materials Engiering based on materials elction) .1 Mthod: ASTM D 149, Mtho B. Expose fiishd prt 70 hurs in 50 5mPa (50 phm) ozne atmsper at 38C. R

32、equid: No visble atck, craks, crazing or deformation. 4.2.4 Heat Agin .1 Mthod: ASTM D 573, 70 hours at 70C (158F) Require: Change in Hardnes: + 10 pts. max. i Tesil Strength: 25% Change in Elongatio: - 0 max. 4.2.5 Cleanbilty (plicable fr csmetic parts only) Parts hl e asil clened with a il

33、d so & water solution ad must be compatible with comercial clenig/brightnig proucts. 4.2.6 Flamabilty Materil nd prts must confrm to and be crtifed by the suplier to met al requiremnts of the latest isu of Feral Motr Vehicle Sfety Standar No. 302 (Flamabilty of Intrior Materials) and shl met al rqui

34、remnts f TM-954. 5.0 QUALITY Workmanship shal be such tat each part is provide with a clean surface, neatly trimed eges, al hles or slots fre from slgs, nd mde in cnfrmance it god mnufacturing practis. Dfcts wich afect h apearnce or perfora of the fiishd prduct shal be se for ejtion. 5.1 Qulifation

35、Materials nd prcess ubmited for aproval to this pecifcation shal include the folwing: 5.1. Report: A dtailed and sign rert dcumentig tsting t tis peifation preared as per TS-9543. The rport wil iclude actual test at ad not merly test umries. 5.1.2 Failur Modes: Test ampls or photgrphs hwig failur od

36、es for ach destructive tst 3 Test Pceur: h procedures used for reparin and testing matrial. 5.1.4 Analysi: A detailed anlysi of th tst results icluig asuptions mde, unexpectd results and a explnation f ny o-compliant results. 5.1.5 Matril: Pre-productin ateril sficent for complet test and evalution

37、by Navistar. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound Deadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without permision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013

38、 Page 6 of 7 5.2 Quality Control Plan A lit trl l for this product wil be stablished by mutal grement betwen NAVISTAR and the suplier. Unles pecifc exeption is noted, t folwing chractristics, hr aplicable*, shl b incld i th lan s faturs fr magmnt by staistial proes ontrol.* Length and Width * Other

39、charcteristics for inclusion i the control plan may be specifed on the ngiering drawing nd/or purhase rder. * Se Engiering Design Standar A-16. 5.2.1 The quality control plan should include periodic evalution f the sound transmision los if aplicabl. 6.0 SOURCE APROVAL ND QUALITY CONTROL .1 uplier eq

40、uirements Al sliers to NAVISTAR are rquired to be rgisterd to ISO 901 Quality Sstem Requiremnts. NVISTAR wil also acept TS-1694 rgistration as lng as the suplier can also fulfil al AIG PAP (roduction Prt Aroval Proces) documetio d proval rquiremnts. Spliers must maintain their ertifcation with an ac

41、reited rgistra an must furnish copies of rgistration certifctes to thir Corprate Buyer upon rqust. 6.2 Aprval Parts uplied aginst contracts or purchase orders citng this pecifcation shal be quivalent in al respects to those samples whi wer prv by the purcasr. N cngs in formultio or rosing practis r

42、rmited ithout aproal. In t evnt hat changes i material, prerties, prcesi rties, construction, clr, or labelig of th product re rquired, th sulir shal notify Materials Engierig, Truk Devlpmnt and Technlogy Cntr an Prchasing nd Suplier Dvlopmet of the prosd chage(s). st dat indicatig cofrmne to al req

43、irmnts f this pcifcation, test amples, nd ew or amened or updted Material Safty Dt Sht(s) (MSD), in aorde with CFR Titl 29, Part 190 shal be sbmit with te rquest for cange. 6.3 Procs Control The suplier shal either perform and report results of test on specifc lots of parts produced using ISO 901 or

44、 TS-1694 guidlines, or rvid staistical videc of the lt having ben r i a stae of staistical control a with a proces cpble of providing al rquired prorties. The prt suplir nd the plt metlurgist nd/r th quality cntrl maer of th sing NAVISAR lant may detrmi tsting and reportig requiremnts on speifc prod

45、ucts. 7.0 SHIPING, PACKING AND IENTIFCATION Loading, packing and ientifcation shal be in acordance with Manufacturing Std. MS-D-13. NUMBER: TS-601 TILE Sound Deadenr, Polymeric Molde & Shet REVISON: 1306 This document is restricted and may not be sent outside Navistar, Inc. or eproduced without perm

46、ision from Corprate Technical Stanars. Supliers are rquire to asume al patet liabilty. 2013 by Navistar, Inc. JUNE 2013 Page 7 of 7 8.0 DESIGNATION DRAWINGS The type insulator shal be specifed: Example: TMS-601, Type I -, I, Grade B Note: If Type is not specifed, then Type Ishal ply. ote: If Grade i

47、s ot specifed, te Grade A sal ply. 9.0 APROVED SOURCES E.A pecialty omposites SD-125PSA on 1.2 stl (TMS-601 Type I, Grade B) -L (TMS-601 ype I, Grad G) SD-125PSA on 0.8 m stel (TS-601 Type I, Grade I) -8 1.2 stl (M- I, r H) SD-40PSA on 0.8 m stel (TS-601 Type VI, Grade F) -L 1.25 m aluminu (MS-601,

48、Typ VI, Grade J) Blachford DSRAX2-15 on 1.2 m stel (TMS-601 Type I, Grade H) - 0.8 stl (- I, r B) DSRAX2-15 on 1.6 m aluminu (TS-601 Type I, Grade H) L-2 .2 stel (MS-601 ype I rade B) 10. TECHNICAL INFORMATION For further information related to the tchnical contet f this pcifcatin, ctct: Supliers may obtain copies of this secifcation b cttig: Materials Engierig and Technolgy Dept. 1040 W. North Aveue elrose Park, IL 6016 E-mail: MterialsEngieringN IHS Glbl I. 15 Invernes Way East Eglwod CO 8012-576 Phone: 1-80-54-79 E-mail: Website: htp:/global.ihs.


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