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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1底部,最下部n._ 2优点,有利条件n._ 3塑料的adj.塑料,塑胶n._ 4方法,措施n._ 5残酷的,残忍的adj._ 6承担得起(后果),买得起v._ 7翅膀;翼n._ 8标准,水平n._,bottom,advantage,plastic,method,cruel,afford,wing,standard,9指示,命令n._ 10克服,战胜v._ 11丑陋的;难看的adj._ 12法律;法规n._ 13任务n._ 14口渴的,渴望的adj._ 15单独的,分离的adj.分开,分离v._ 16级别高的adj. _,

2、instruction,overcome,ugly,law,task,thirsty,separate,senior,词汇拓展 1fisherman_(复数形式) 2wood _(adj.)木制的;木头的 3harm _(adj.)有害的 4science _(adj.)科学上的;科学的 5care _(adj.)体贴人的;关心他人的 6ours _(人称代词主格)我们_(人称代词宾格)我们 _(形容词性物主代词)我们的 7manage_(n.)经理;经营者 8gentleman _(复数形式)先生;绅士,fishermen,wooden,harmful,scientific,careful,

3、we,us,our,manager,gentlemen,重点短语 1采取行动_ 2建立_ 3起作用;有影响_ 4参加_ 5关掉_ 6付费;付出代价_ 7扔掉;抛弃_ 8拆下;摧毁_ 9上下颠倒;倒转_,take action,set up,make a difference,take part in,turn off,pay for,throw away,pull .down,upside down,10恢复;使想起;归还_ 11连续几次地_ 12沉住气;保持冷静_ 13信任_ 14首先_ 15渴望;渴求_ 16在前面_ 17分离;隔开_ 18出发;启程_,bring back,in a ro

4、w,keep ones cool,believe in,first of all,be thirsty for,ahead of,separate from,set out,重点句型 1我们要乘公共汽车或地铁代替开车。 We should take the bus or subway _ _ driving. 2因此,我们齐心协力就能改善环境,创造美好的未来! So together, our actions can _ _ _ and lead to a better future! 3空气污染越来越严重。 The air pollution is getting _ _ _. 4你经常把你

5、不再需要的东西扔掉吗? Do you often _ _ things you dont need anymore?,instead,of,make,a,difference,worse,and,worse,throw,away,5没有什么是浪费,如果你有一个有创造力的头脑。 Nothing is a waste if you have a _ _. 6你知道我们真的不应该用餐巾纸。 We really shouldnt _ _ _ you know. 7每当我不能理解一些事情时,他总是花费时间给我解释清楚。 He always took the time to _ things _ me c

6、learly whenever I couldnt understand anything. 8因为她,我投入更多的努力并且我的考试分数翻倍。 Because of her, I put in more _ and my exam scores _.,creative,mind,use,paper,napkins,explain,to,effort,doubled,9我盼望着去高中。 Im _ _ _ _ to senior high school. 10我不能相信时间流逝的这么快! I cant believe how fast the time _ _! 11父母给了你什么忠告? _ _

7、have your parents given you? 12你们都已经长这么大了,我为你们骄傲。 Youve all _ _ so much and Im so proud of you.,looking,forward,to,going,went,by,What,advice,grown,up,13我认为我将不得不更加刻苦地为考试而学习。 I _ _ Ill have to _ _ _ for exams. 14我记得做过志愿者。 I _ _ a volunteer. 15有人被老师建议暂时停止跑步,休息一下。 Someone _ _ _ take a break from _ by a

8、teacher.,think,that,study,much,harder,remember,being,was,advised,to,running,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1afford v承担得起(后果);买得起 【考点归纳】afford意为“买得起,支付得起,花得起(时间、金钱、精力等)”或负担得起(费用、损失、后果等)。及物动词常和情态动词can或be able to连用,后面可接名词、动词不定式作宾语。 He cant afford (to buy) a car.他买不起一辆车。,2separate adj.单独的;分离的v.分开;分离 【考点辨析】separate与di

9、vide (1) separate用作形容词,意为“单独的;分离的”;用作动词,意为“分开;分离”, 侧重于把原来在一起或靠近的事物分隔开来,分开后的部分具有相对的独立性。它常与介词from连用。 (2)divide意为“分开;分散”。 侧重于把一整体分成若干部分,常与into连用。,3cost v花费 【考点辨析】spend,cost,take与pay 四者均可用作动词,都有“花费”之意。,I spent one hundred yuan buying the present. I spent one hundred yuan on the present. The present cost

10、 me one hundred yuan. I paid one hundred yuan for the present. 这件礼物花了我100元钱。 It took me 30 minutes to get to school. 到达学校花了我半个小时。,二、中考重点短语 3hear of听说 【考点辨析】hear of与hear from (1) hear of相当于hear about,意为“听说”,强调间接的听说或得知。 Have you ever heard of Li Na?你曾听说过李娜吗? (2)hear from相当于get a letter from,意为“收到的来信”。

11、 She hasnt heard from her mother for a week.她一周没收到她妈妈的来信了。,4be thankful to感谢,感激 【考点归纳】be thankful to是固定搭配,表示“感谢;感激”。如: I am thankful to my teacher for helping me learn English. 我感谢我的老师帮助我学习英语。 【拓展】thankful是形容词,意为“感激的;感谢的”,是以ful结尾的形容词。如: We should be thankful to the life.At least it gives us life and

12、 space to exist. 我们应对生活充满感激,至少,它给了我们生命,给了我们生存的空间。,三、中考重点句型 5I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.我记得在7年级的时候见过你们所有的人。 【考点辨析】remember to do与remember doing,( )1.Im afraid he cant afford_ something for his mothers birthday. Abought Bbuys Cbuying Dto buy ( )2.We had to _ Philip _ John because they we

13、re talking all the time. Atranslate; into Bdivided; into Cshare; with Dseparate; from,D,D,( )3.Mrs. Miller hasnt_ her son for a long time, so she misses him very much. Acared about Bfound out Cheard from Dlooked after ( )4.I remember_ the book to him. But in fact, I forgot_ it. Areturning; sending B

14、returning; to send Cto return; sending Dto return; to send,C,B,( )5.Why didnt you go to college in England last year? Oh, the cost there was too _, so I couldnt afford it. Aexpensive Bcheap Chigh Dlow ( )6.Where is your father, Linda? He _ a newspaper in the bedroom.He always likes it. Areads Bis re

15、ading Chas read Dwill read,C,B,( )7.May I use your iPad now? No, you _.Ill use it right now. Aneednt Bcouldnt Cshouldnt Dmustnt,D,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2018安徽)May I use your computer, Mr.Black? _. I will use my iPad instead. AGo ahead BThank you CSorry, you cant DIm afraid not ( )2.(2017安徽)It is necessary fo

16、r school to _ the need of all the students development. Acut Bhide Crefuse Dsatisfy,A,D,( )3.(2014安徽)As time _, youll come to think of English as your friend and love it. Agoes by Bruns out Ctakes off Dturns up ( )4.(2014安徽)Jim,remember to return this book by Friday. _. AGot it BGood luck CThats rig

17、ht DIts nothing,A,A,( )1.(2018黔南)Please stop_and go out for a walk. Remember_ warm clothes. Ato study; wearing Bstudying; to wear Cto study; to wear Dstudying; wearing ( )2.(2018随州)As we _ on our new journey, we shouldnt forget where we came from. Atake out Bset out Ccut out Dblow out,B,B,( )3.(2018

18、重庆B卷)Please_the TV.Its time to go to bed. Aturn on Bturn off Cput on Dput off ( )4.(2018贵港)Many wild animals are in great danger. Lets _ to save them. Atake off Btake down Ctake action Dtake after,B,C,( )5.(2018泸州)It _ about eight minutes for the light to travel from the sun to the earth. Apays Bcosts Cspends Dtakes ( )6.(2018盐城)Yueda Group has found a way to_the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more. Aproduce Brecycle Crequire Dprotect,D,B,( )7.(2018宜宾)Shall we go to see the documentary Amazing China or stay at home? Either is OK._. AGo ahead BIts up to you. CThats all right.,B,


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