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1、1新目标七年级英语上册寒假作业练习七一、重点单词1香蕉 (n.) _ 2.汉堡包 (n.) _ 3.西红柿 (n.)_ 4冰激凌 (n.)_ 5.沙拉 (n.)_ 6.草莓 (n.)_ 7梨 (n.)_ 8.牛奶 (n.)_ 9.面包 (n.)_ 10生日 (n.)_ 11.正餐 (n.)_ 12.周;星期 (n.)_ 13食物 (n.)_ 14.当然 (adv.)_ 15.蔬菜 (n.)_ 16水果 (n.)_ 17.正确的 (adj.)_ 18.苹果 (n.)_ 19那么 (adv.)_ 20.鸡蛋 (n.)_ 21.胡萝卜 (n.)_ 22大米;米饭 (n.)_ 23.鸡肉 (n.)_

2、24.那么 (conj.)_ 25早餐 (n.)_ 26.午餐 (n.)_ 27.明星 (n.)_ 28吃 (v.)_ 29.好 (adv.)_ 30.习惯 (n.)_ 31健康的 (adj.)_ 32.真正地 (adv.)_ 33.问题 (n.)_ 34想要 (v.)_ 35.变成 (v.)_ 36.肥的 (adj.)_二、重点短语1生日晚餐 _ 2.下周_ 3思考_ 4.一些水果_ 5(提出建议)怎么样_ 6.体育明星_ 7饮食习惯_ 8.吃得好_ 9晚饭后_ 10.健康的食物_ 11最后一个问题_ 12.就午餐而言_三、重点句子1你喜欢香蕉吗?_? 2她喜欢西红柿吗?_? 3我喜欢冰激凌

3、。_ 24他不喜欢蔬菜。_. 5你是对的。_. 6那我们就吃草莓和苹果吧。Lets _ strawberries and apples _7你早餐喜欢吃什么?What do you like_? 8我认为它是健康的。I _its _9我不想变胖。I dont _ fat. 10我能问你一个关于足球比赛的问题吗?Can I _ you a question _the soccer game?四、单项选择( )1.I eat_egg in the morning. What about you?I eat_chicken.Aa,the Ban,/ Ca,/ Dan,a( )2.I often ea

4、t fruit_dinner.Afor Bof Cat Din( )3.Does your English teacher sing very_?Yes,she does.Agood Bnice Cgreat Dwell( )4.Of all the fruit, I like_best.Astrawberries Beggs Cmilk Dsalad( )5.Lets _ hamburgers in the KFC.Thats fine for me.Aeat Bhelp Cthink Dwatch( )6.Is Mike your cousin?Yes,youre_.Agreat Brig

5、ht Cinteresting Dfine( )7.Who is Lin Shuhao?Hes a basketball_.Astar Bschool Cname Dgame( )8.We want_.Atwo cup of oranges Btwo cups of orangesCtwo cups of orange Dtwo cup of orange( )9.The food on the table_very nice.Aam Bis Care Dbe( )10.The girl_healthy food and she has good_habits.Aeats,eat Beats,

6、eatingCeating,eating Deating,eat( )11.Do you want _ basketball with us?Aplay BplayingCto play Dplays( )12.What will (将 ) we have tomorrow morning?_ some eggs?AHow about BHow isCWhat color DWhere is3( )13.Mike, its 11:00. Please _ your lunch.OK. I want some rice, beef (牛肉) and chicken.Athink about Bc

7、ome toCask for Dplay with( )14.Does your brother like oranges?_. And he likes strawberries, too.AYes, he is BNo, he isntCYes, he does DNo, he doesnt( )15.Lets have some milk and bread._.AGood afternoon BThat sounds goodCYou,too DYoure welcome五、完形填空Hello!My name is Dave Brown.My_1_name is Dave.I play

8、 sports every day and I am very _2_I eat a lot of fruit and _3_For fruit,I like apples,oranges, pears and_4_ .For vegetables,I like broccoli (西兰花),tomatoes and _5_I like icecream.I like chicken_6_dinner every day!I like playing_7_, too. I run (跑步) in the morning.I like Liu Xiang.Do you _8_ him? Yeah

9、,he is a running star.I like_9_ basketball,too. I play it every afternoon.It is not _10_Healthy food and lots of sports make me healthy.( )1.A.first Blast Cfamily Dmiddle( )2.A.good Bhealthy Cdear Dboring( )3.A.salad BeggsCvegetables Ddessert( )4.A.icecream BbananasCmilk Dhamburgers( )5.A.oranges Ba

10、pplesCcarrots Dchicken( )6.A.of Bfor Cin Don( )7.A.sports Bfruit Cvegetables Dbooks( )8.A.need Bcall Cmeet Dknow( )9.A.playing Bto playing Cplay Dplays( )10.A.difficult BinterestingCgreat Drelaxing六、阅读理解David eats well every day.For breakfast,he has bread,eggs and milk.At school,he has vegetables an

11、d rice for lunch.After lunch,he eats an apple.In the evening,he has chicken and fruit salad at home.David dislikes milk, but Mom says it is healthy.So he drinks it every day.After eight in the evening,he doesnt have food.Every day,David does some sports to be healthy.He plays tennis in the morning a

12、nd plays basketball after school.4( )1.David has _ for lunch.Abread Bvegetables Cchicken Dsalad( )2.画线单词“dislikes”的汉语意思是“_”。A不喜欢 B不讨厌 C不了解 D不在意( )3.David doesnt eat food after _ in the evening.A7 B8 C9 D10( )4.David plays _ after school.Atennis Bpingpong Csoccer Dbasketball( )5.Which of the followin

13、g is TRUE?ADavid is not healthy.BDavid has a pear after lunch.CDavid plays sports every day.DDavid cant play tennis.七、词汇运用 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My brother wants _ (be) a teacher.2My birthday is on _ (child)Day.3What vegetables do you like?I like _ (carrot)4Lucy is _ (real)a good girl.5Are you sure Tom li

14、kes basketball?Yes. He always _ (play) basketball after school.八、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1The _ (问题) is difficult to answer.2They like _ (西红杮 ). They always eat them.3A _ (星期) has seven days.4Kate is a _ (胖的) girl, but she is healthy.5Everything is ready, _ (那么) lets begin!九、句型转换.1Grace likes pears. (改为一般疑

15、问句)_ Grace _ pears?2Does his brother have lunch at school?(作否定回答)No, _ _3我可以询问一下你的家庭情况吗?(翻译句子)Can I _ you _ your family?4玛丽不喜欢足球。(翻译句子)Mary _ _ soccer.5well, school, do, eat, at , you (?)(连词成句)_?十、书面表达. 假如你是赵玲,你的好友 Sally有一个健康的饮食习惯。下面的表格是她一日三餐的食物单。请你根据表格中的内容写一篇英语短文,向大家介绍一下Sally的饮食情况。Breakfast milk,eg

16、gs,Lunch rice,chicken,vegetables,saladDinner bananas,apples要求:1.语句通顺、语意连贯;2包含表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥;5360 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 参考答案一、重点单词1 banana 2 hamburger 3 tomato 4 icecream 5 salad 6 strawberry 7 pear 8 milk 9 bread 10 birthday 11 dinner 12 week 13 food 14 sure 15 vegetable 16 fruit 17 right 18 apple 19 t

17、hen 20 egg 21 carrot 22 rice 23 chicken 24 so 25 breakfast 26 lunch 27 star 28 eat 29 well 30 habit 31 healthy 32 really 33 question 34 want 35 be 36 fat二、重点短语1 birthday dinner 2 next week 3 think about 4 some fruit 5 How about 6 sports star 7 eating habits 8 eat well 9 after dinner 10 healthy food

18、11 one last question 12 for lunch三、重点句子1 Do you like bananas2 Does she like tomatoes3 I like icecream. 4 He doesnt like vegetables 5 Youre right 6 have/eat , then 7 for breakfast8 think, healthy9 want to be10 ask, about四、单项选择1-5 BADAA 6-10 BACBB 11-15 CAACB五、完形填空1-5 ABCBC 6-10 BADAA六、阅读理解1-5 BABDC七、

19、词汇运用1 to be 2 Childrens 3 carrots 4 really 5 6plays八、完成句子1 question 2 tomatoes 3 week 4 fat 5 then九、句型转换1 Does, like 2 he doesnt3 ask, about4 doesnt like5 Doyoueatwellatschool九、书面表达Im Zhao Ling. I have a good friend. Her name is Sally. she has a healthy eating habit.For breakfast, she has milk and eggs.She thinks they are good for her.For lunch, she has rice, chicken, vegetables and salad.And for dinner, she has apples and bananas.She likes hamburgers, too.But she doesnt eat them.She thinks they arent healthy and she doesnt want to be fat.


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