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1、1记叙文A(2018安徽皖南八校 4月联考)After Aidas parents fled wartorn Bosnia to Sweden in the early 1990s, they put their fiveyearold daughter in a school full of native Swedes and made sure she studied hard to get ahead. It _1_. Today she is Swedens minister of upper secondary education. Like her fellows across E

2、urope, she faces a new _2_making sure that a fresh wave of refugee (难民) children can integrate(融入) as successfully as she did.In the countries accepting the most refugeesSweden and Germanylack of _3_ is not a problem. Before the migrants poured, both countries faced _4_ numbers of pupils because of

3、low birth rates.The biggest problem of the education _5_ is that refugee children tend to be concentrated together. Many _6_ schools near refugee centers or in immigrant neighborhoods. This means they are partially separated and less _7_ to learn the local language.Moreover, immigrants _8_ find hous

4、ing in poor areas with lower education standard. Schools where more than a quarter of students are immigrants usually _9_ worse than those with no immigrants. From 2002 to 2012 Swedens _10_ in the OECDs Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA) fell more than _11_ countrys.The German syst

5、em has its _12_. In some German states, schooldays are being _13_, and the _14_ has made a big investment in preschool education. In Sweden, meanwhile, older refugees are being trained as teaching _15_ to speed integration. But far more could be done.Most importantly, European governments need to tr

6、eat refugee children as a(n) _16_ rather than a problem. _17_ by a desperate desire for a better life, they and their parents tend to be hardworking and _18_. Europeans who worried about migrants studying together _19_ their children should take _20_ because about half of the refugees reaching Europ

7、e from Syria have university degrees, according to UNHCR.1A.studied BworkedCfailed Dembarrassed2A.program Bchoice2Cchallenge Dsuccess3A.space BpurposeCknowledge Dmoney4.A.declining Bincreasing Cspreading Draising5A.content Bprocess Cprinciple Dsystem6A.join Bjoin inCattend Dtake part in7A.possibly B

8、likelyCentirely Dgenerally8A.intend to Btry to Cdevote to Dtend to9A.apply Bequip Cperform Dmake10A.rank Brange Cview Dgoal11A.one another Bthe otherCeach other Dany other12A.right Bstrength Cweakness Dpride13A.shortened Bloosened Cenlarged Dextended14A.government BschoolCcommittee Duniversity15A.ma

9、nagers BoperatorsCassistants Dsecretaries16A.opportunity BwonderCnews Dcomplaint17A.Struck BGuided CDriven DConfused18A.curious Bambitious Canxious Deager19A.against Bwith 3Cor Din20A.hope BconvenienceCrespect Dcomfort答案:【语篇解读】作者以瑞典和德国为例,叙述了难民儿童的教育问题。经过政府的努力,虽然成效颇丰,但是依然任重道远。1B 解析:根据下文“Today she is S

10、wedens minister of upper secondary education.”可知,Aida 的父母成功地让她融入了移民国家。It works.常用来表示“它是行之有效的” 。study 学习;fail 失败;embarrass 使困窘。2C 解析:句意:像她那些遍及欧洲的同伴们一样,她面临着一项新的挑战确保新一波难民儿童能够像她一样成功地融入进来。根据下文列举的难民儿童面临的问题可判断出这是一项挑战(challenge)。program 程序;choice 选择;success 成功。3A 解析:分析上下文可知,在接收最多难民的国家瑞典和德国,因为出生率低,学生的数量都有所下降

11、,因此提供教育的空间不是问题。space 空间;purpose 目的;knowledge知识;money 金钱。4A 解析:下文 because of low birth rates提示,小学生的数量呈下降趋势。decline下降。5D 解析:句意:教育制度的最大问题是难民儿童们往往被集中在一起。第 12空前的 The German system也是提示。 content内容,目录; process过程;principle 原理,原则;system 制度,体制。6C 解析:attend school 是习惯搭配,意为“上学” ;join 指加入某个团体或组织,成为其中一员,如 join the

12、 army;join sb.in doing sth.表示“加入某人一起做某事” ;join in指参加比赛或活动等,常用于日常口语;take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。7B 解析:句意:这就意味着他们被部分隔离,并且不太可能学习到当地的语言。此处为 sb. be likely to do sth.结构,表示“某人可能做某事” ,其中 likely是形容词,其余三个选项均为副词:possibly 可能地;entirely 完全地;generally 普遍地。8D 解析:句意:此外,移民往往(tend to)在教育水平较低的贫民区寻找

13、住房。intend to do sth.打算做某事;try to do sth.努力做某事;devote oneself to doing sth.致力于做某事。9C 解析:句意:学生人数超过四分之一是移民的学校通常比没有移民的学校表现更差。apply 申请;equip 装备;配备;perform 表现;make 制造。10A 解析:句意:自 2002年至 2012年,在经济合作与发展组织的国际学生评估项目中,瑞典的排名(rank)下降程度要比其他任何国家都严重。range 范围;view 意见;goal目标。411D 解析:此处为“比较级than any other单数名词”结构,此结构中用

14、比较级表达最高级含义。12B 解析:根据下文 has made a big investment in preschool education可知,这里说的是德国(教育)制度的优点。right 权利;strength 优点,长处;weakness 弱点;pride骄傲,自豪。13D 解析:句意:在德国的一些州,学生上课日正在延长,政府也对学前教育加大了投资。shorten 缩短;loosen 放松;enlarge 扩大;extend 延长。14A 解析:进行学前教育投资的是政府部门,而非学校、委员会或大学。15C 解析:句意:同时,在瑞典,为了加速融合,年长的难民正在作为教学助理(teachi

15、ng assistant)被培训。manager 经理;operator 经营者;secretary 秘书。16A 解析:句意:更重要的是,欧洲政府需要把难民儿童看作机遇,而不是麻烦。opportunity机遇。wonder 奇迹;news 新闻;complaint 抱怨。17C 解析:句意:难民儿童以及他们的父母想要过上好日子,在这种强烈欲望的驱使下,他们往往会变得勤奋且雄心勃勃。动词 drive可以表示“迫使,驱使” ,在此处与句子主语之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词 driven。strike 打击;guide 指导;confuse使困惑。18B 解析:句意同上题。连词 and往往连

16、接两个意义相近的词,hardworking 是褒义词,四个选项中 B项更符合文意。curious 好奇的;ambitious 有雄心的;anxious 焦虑的;eager 渴望的。19B 解析:介词 with表示“和一起” 。20D 解析:take comfort是固定短语,意为“得到安慰” 。hope 希望;convenience便利;respect 尊敬。B(2018山西太原 3月模拟)Leslie Morissettes son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病)Throughout Grah

17、ams _1_ in the hospital, Graham connected with everyone he met, from _2_ patients to younger children.“He would _3_ other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh, ” Morissette said.“Grahams special spirit is what kept me going. He gave me the energy and the _4_ to fight with him.” In

18、1997, when he was 8 years old, Graham passed away._5_ by how Graham lived his life caring about others, Morissette _6_ the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection in his honor. The organization provides free technologyincluding computers, iPads, and robotsto children _7_ against cancer and other serious i

19、llnesses.5One of the major goals of Morissettes work is to _8_ kids to their classrooms, which really helps them continue their _9_ despite hospitalization and days _10_ from school.The robots “transport” children right into the classroom in real time. They can _11_ the robots right from their _12_

20、bed or home. If children are unable to attend school, they can _13_ log on to their tablets or laptops and call in the robots. They can _14_ up and down the school paths. They can go to lunch with their _15_. The real magic happens between classes, when theyre walking down the hallway with their fri

21、ends, by robot, _16_ their weekend and their favorite food and other things. Its great technology that really gives children the feeling of control, when their world is maybe _17_ control.“Every time I can help a child in need, I feel _18_Graham were smiling, ” Morissette said. “I believe that Graha

22、ms _19_ lives on in the work that I do. And Im _20_ and privileged to be able to do it in his honor.”1A.surgery BtreatmentCvacation Drest2A.elderly BsleepyCdeadly Dnaughty3A.buy Bcharge Creturn Dlend4A.focus Bstrength Cresource Dattention5A.Confused BDepressedCInspired DWorried6A.left Bvisited Cbene

23、fited Dfounded7A.causing BcuringCbattling Dpreventing8A.connect Bforce Cinvite Dthrow9A.career Beducation Cstruggle Dbusiness610A.missed BstoppedCsuffered Dgraduated11A.operate BbuildCsteal Dseparate12A.flower Briver Chospital Dhotel13A.hardly BaccidentallyCsimply Dluckily14A.drive Bjump Cclimb Dwal

24、k15A.parents Bfriends Cdoctors Dpatients16A.talking about Bputting offCdepending on Dthinking of17A.under BwithinCaway from Dout of18A.even if Bas though Cin case Dso that19A.success Bjoy Clove Dfortune20A.angry Bsad Ccareful Dproud答案:【语篇解读】Leslie Morissette的儿子 Graham六岁患白血病,八岁去世。他在住院期间乐观向上、关爱别人的精神激励

25、 Morissette创立了一个非营利组织以纪念他的儿子。1B 解析:根据上句可知,Graham 得了白血病,他应该是在医院接受治疗(treatment)。surgery 外科手术;vacation 假期;rest 休息。2A 解析:本部分进一步介绍“everyone he met”的范围,根据设空处后的“younger children”可知,设空处应该为与“younger” 对应的形容词,即 elderly(年老的)。sleepy 困乏的;deadly 致命的;naughty 淘气的。3D 解析:本句介绍 Graham在住院期间如何乐于助人,即他会把自己的玩具借给(lend)其他生病的孩子

26、,或做出一些愚蠢的动作让他们发笑。buy 买;charge 充电;return返回,归还。4B 解析:根据上句(Graham 特有的精神是我坚持的动力。)可知,他给了7Morissette与他并肩战斗的精力和力量(strength)。focus 焦点;resource 资源;attention注意力;关心。5C 解析:受到 Graham关心他人的生活方式的启发(inspire),Morissette 创立了(found)名叫 Grahamtastic Connection的非营利组织来纪念儿子。6D 解析:解析见上题。leave 离开;visit 访问;benefit 使受益。7C 解析:句意

27、:该组织向与癌症和其他严重疾病作斗争(battle)的孩子们免费提供科技产品,其中包括电脑、平板电脑和机器人。cause 引起;cure 治愈;prevent 阻止。8A 解析:根据下段可知,Morissette 工作的主要目标之一是把孩子们和他们的教室联系(connect)起来,这真的帮助他们能够继续接受教育(education)。force 强迫;invite邀请;throw 扔掉。9B 解析:解析见上题。career 事业;struggle 努力;business 生意。10A 解析:根据常识可知,住院期间会错过(miss)上学的日子。stop 停止;suffer遭受;graduate

28、毕业。11A 解析:根据上句(那些机器人正好把孩子们“送到了”正在实时上课的教室里。)可知,孩子们可以在病床(hospital bed)上或在家里操作 (operate)这些机器人。build建立;steal 偷;separate 分离。12C 解析:解析见上题。flower 花;river 河流;hotel 宾馆。13C 解析:句意:如果孩子们不能上学,他们只要(simply)登录他们的平板电脑或笔记本电脑便可召唤机器人。hardly 几乎不;accidentally 意外地;luckily 幸运地。14D 解析:句意:他们可以在学校的小路上走(walk)来走去。drive 驾驶;jump

29、跳;climb爬。15B 解析:句意:他们可以和朋友(friend)一起去吃午饭。parent 父亲,母亲;doctor医生;patient 病人。16A 解析:句意:真正神奇的事发生在课间,那时他们可以通过机器人和他们的朋友沿走廊边走边谈论(talk about)他们的周末、他们最喜欢的食物和其他事情。put off推迟;depend on 依赖;think of 想起。17D 解析:句意:当孩子们的世界不可控(out of control)时,正是这项伟大的技术满足了他们的控制欲。out of control 为固定短语,意为“不受控制,失控” 。18B 解析:每次 Morissette帮助有困难的孩子时,就会感觉好像(as though)Graham正在微笑。even if 即使;in case 以防万一;so that 为了。19C 解析:Morissette 相信 Graham的仁爱之心(love)一直存在于他的工作中。success成功;joy 快乐;fortune 运气。20D 解析:Morissette 为有幸做这件事来纪念他的儿子而感到自豪(proud)。8angry生气的;sad 伤心的;careful 细心的。


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