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1、1第 20 课时 九年级下册 Modules 14一、阅读理解(2013山东潍坊中考)Flight TimetableDate: July 15th Flight No.: NS3201Leaving Qingdao: 11:35Arriving Shanghai: 13:20Date: December 8th Flight No.: SZ4734Leaving Qingdao: 16:05Arriving Guilin: 20:45Blue Sea Hotel150 roomsTwo restaurants (24 hours)Swimming poolNear the city cent

2、rePrice:180 yuan/double room/a night220 yuan/single room/a night156 Dongfeng StreetTel:05362221234We are very happy to help you!Notice to TouristsPlease buy a ticket to enter.Please dont carve or draw at all, dont destroy plants, dont dig sand or stone and dont go hunting.Please dont carry in those

3、goods that are easy to burn or explode.Please dont spit or throw waste everywhere. Those who violate above rules would be punished according to the degree.XiaoZhu Mountain Scenic Spot2Welcome to Aixin InternationalFood Festival!Enjoy all kinds of delicious food, such as dumplings, noodles, ice cream

4、, popcorn.Time:11:00 am5:00 pm Friday, May 31stPlace: On the playground of Xinhua International School.Help Project Hope raise money to build a new village school in Guizhou Province.1How long will it take you from Qingdao to Shanghai on July 15th?AOne hour and a quarter.BTwo hours and a quarter.COn

5、e hour and fortyfive minutes.DTwo hours and fortyfive minutes.2If four men stay in Blue Sea Hotel for two nights, they will pay at least A720 yuan B360 yuanC540 yuan D180 yuan3You cant when you visit XiaoZhu Mountain according to the Notice?carve or draw go hunting take photos drop litter watch anim

6、als showA BC D4Aixin International Food Festival is held to .Araise money for Project HopeBwelcome foreign friendsCcelebrate Childrens DayDshow the students skill of cooking二、完形填空(2018山东潍坊安丘等五县期末)Youve probably seen a construction(建筑工地) before, but do you know what the machines on the site do? About

7、 1,110 middle and high school students from California, US, not only know what they can do, 1 can also control them!In a programme, workers taught them how to 2 nails into wood, drive tractors(拖拉机) and use other machines.The programme opened students 3 . Eighthgrade students Diana Macias said she le

8、arnt that hitting a nail on the head(钉子头) was 4 than it looked.3“It was hard to 5 the hammer(锤子) to do what you wanted, in the right position,” she told The Press Democrat. She then learnt 6 to drive a nail into wood 7 two strikes(敲打) set it with one and sink it with the other.Anabelle Padilla, 8 ei

9、ghthgrader, tried using a Jackhammer(手提钻)“It felt very powerful,” she said. “My woodshop 9 inspired me. He really 10 us to get out and try more things.”Thats exactly the goal of the programme, said Keith Woods, who organised the event. “We want kids to at least consider construction (as a career cho

10、ice) and not as a last emergency countermeasures(应急对策),” Woods said.Ben Stone, a government officer, said the need to workers in the construction industry is increasing. “Its a very timely event,” he said.1A.so Bbut Cnor Dneither2A.pull Bpush Chit Dthrow3A.eyes Bhearts Cwindows Dlives4A.quicker Bhar

11、der Cfunnier Dlonger5A.let Bmake Cget Dhope6A.how Bwhere Cwhy Dwho7A.without Bfor Con Dwith8A.the other Bsome otherCanother Dother9A.teacher BownerCdesigner Dmanager10A.refused BencouragedCstopped Dneeded三、词汇应用阅读下面的短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。Playgrounds in schools and parks are usually built to be s

12、afe enough. Most of the safety rules were created in the 1980s, after a few 1. (accident) happened on playgrounds. Some children were hurt 2. (serious) in these accidents. Their parents said the playgrounds werent safe enough, and that the bosses that owned the playgrounds 3. (have) to pay much mone

13、y to 4. (that) parents. After that, schools and cities began 4changing playgrounds to make them as safe as possible.But safe playgrounds have not really made a 5. (different) in the accidents. In fact, there have been more accidents where children have broken an arm or a leg. Some experts believe th

14、at this is because children can learn to be careful only when they are in danger.Children should do things that seem a little dangerouslike 6. (climb) trees, riding bikes really fast or playing near water. Those things can teach 7. (they) how to keep safe. When children have small accidents, they le

15、arn how 8. (avoid) worse accidents.If children 9. (allow) to take some risks, they can become confident and independent. They also get better at problemsolving and teamwork.Many experts also believe that “safe” playgrounds are too boring. They say that if playgrounds were more challenging and 10. (e

16、xcite), kids would probably get more exercise.四、阅读表达阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(2018山东潍坊高密一模)From the time my children started school, I (A) their lunches. In each lunch, I put a note. The note might be a thank you for a special moment, or a bit of encouragement for a test or sporting event.When they were s

17、mall, they loved their notes. They talked about(B) them after school, and when I went back to teaching, they even put notes in my lunches. However, as kids grow older they become selfconscious(有自我意识的). By the time my son, Marc, reached high school, he told me that he(C) needed my daily notes, but I

18、continued writing them until the day he graduated from high school.Six years after high school graduation, Marc called and asked if he could move home for a few months. He didnt return home often these years since he found a job in Sacramento and lived away from home.A few weeks after Marc arrived h

19、ome to rest for a while, he was back at work. Since I was still making lunch every day for his younger brother and sister, I packed one for Marc, too. (D) I was so surprised when I got a call from my 24yearold son, complaining(抱怨) about his lunch.5“Did I do something wrong? Dont you love me, Mum?” w

20、ere the questions he threw at me. I asked him what was wrong.“My note, Mum,” he answered. “Wheres my note?”This year my little son also said that he was too old for notes. But like his older brother, he will receive those notes until the day he graduates and in whatever lunches I pack for him afterw

21、ards.1在 A、C 两处填入一个合适的单词或短语。; 2第二段 B 处“them”指代: 3将 D 处句子翻译成汉语。4Why didnt Marc return home often after high school graduation?5给文章拟一个合适的标题。五、翻译句子 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。1(2018山东潍坊诸城期末)只要你努力学习就没有什么好担心的。(as long as)2(2019预测)当她醒来时,她发现了桌子上有一个盛满巧克力的盒子。(full of)3(2019改编)在我们出发之前,老师告诉我们一些规则和建议。(set off) 4(201

22、9原创)我们在忙着准备即将到来的篮球比赛。(be busy doing) 5(2019预测)令大家惊奇的是,托尼说汉语和中国学生说得一样好。(to ones surprise) 6参考答案一、14 CADA二、15 BCABC 610 ADCAB三、1.accidents 2.seriously 3.had 4.those5difference 6.climbing 7.them8to avoid 9.are allowed 10.exciting四、1.packed; no longer/no more2The/Their notes3当我接到我 24 岁儿子打来的电话,抱怨他的午餐时,我感

23、到非常惊讶。4Because he found a job in Sacramento and lived away from home.5Love Notes五、1.Theres nothing to worry about as long as you work hard.2When she woke up, she found a box full of chocolate on the table. 3Before we set off, the teacher told us some rules and suggestions. 4Were busy preparing for the coming basketball match. 5To everyones surprise, Tony speaks Chinese as well as Chinese students.


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