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1、- 1 -岷县二中 2018-2019 学年度第一学期月考试题高二英语1、阅读理解(共两节,40 分) 第一节 :从 A、B、C、D 中选出最佳答案。 A Most people want to work, but it has become more difficult in todays world to find work for everyone. The economy of the world needs to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often this is not

2、 possible, and so more people are out of work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in short time. Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factori

3、es but also on the farms. One machine can often do the work from forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.1.It was _ for people to find work before than today.A.not possible B.difficult C.more difficult D.easier2.If the eco

4、nomy of the world grows by 4% each year, _.A.people will have no jobsB.people can still have jobs as beforeC.4% of the people will have jobsD.97% of the people will have jobs3.One machine can do as much work as _.A.40% of the people B.4% of the people in the worldC.40 people D.75,000 people4.Which o

5、f the following is NOT true?A.Machines are taking work instead of people.B.Now more people are out of work.C.Machines need more money and longer holidays.D.Most people want to have jobs.BThe English language started about 1500 years ago in England. Three groups of people came to the country. They we

6、re the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes. These three groups brought their languages with them to England. After some time, the three languages became one new languageEnglish. The name “English“ comes from the Angles. They lived in most of England. “England“ means “Angle Land“ or “Country of the Ang

7、les“.The language that we speak todayModern Englishis not the same as the English that people used 1500 years ago, including Old English(before ll50)and Middle English(up till 1500). That languageOld Englishsounds different, and - 2 -it has some different rules of grammar. There were only a few thou

8、sand words in Old English. But Modern English does come from Old English, and it is still like it in many important ways.5.When did Modern English start? A.About the year 1150. B.Around the year 1500.C.Between the 12th century and the 16th century.D.About 1500 years ago.6.How many languages did Old

9、English come from?A.One. B.Two .C.Three. D.Four.7.According to the passage, Modern English differs from Old English in _.A.grammar B.pronunciation C.words D.All of the aboveCNow Id like to talk to you about your final exam. The exam will be held next Thursday, the last day of the exam week. Remember

10、 to bring two of three pens in case you run out of ink. And unlike the midterm exam, this test will not include multiplechoice questions; it will consist entirely of essays(文章). Youll have to answer three of the five essay questions. The exam will be comprehensive (全面的), which means youll be respons

11、ible for all of the subject matters we covered in class this term, I would suggest you review your midterm exam as well as textbooks and your class notes. The final exam will count as 50 percent of your grade of the course. The research project (项目) will count as 20 percent and the midterm exam 30 p

12、ercent. Ill be in my office almost all day next Tuesday. If you run into any problems, please drop in. Good luck to you and Ill see you on Tuesday.8.When will the final exam take place?A.On Tuesday B.On a WednesdayC.On a Thursday D.On a Friday9.What will be included in the exam?A.There will be only

13、multiple-choice questions.B.The exam will contain both multiple-choice and essay questions.C.The exam will have an oral and a written section.D.There will be only essay questions.10.Why does the teacher call the exam comprehensive?A.It will be easy to understand.B.Students will be tested on all the

14、material discussed in class.C.It will cover topics from a wide variety of subjects.D.Students must complete all parts of it.11.The underlined phrase run into probably means_. A.go into B.meet somebody unexpectedlyC.come up against something with force D.come acrossDA few days ago my wife sent me out

15、 to buy something. When I came home, I handed her a paper bag and said, “Here are the apples you wanted.” She looked - 3 -in the bag, and then she looked at me. “I told you,” she said slowly, “to buy some eggs.”I felt worried about my absent-mindedness (心不在焉,健忘) , so I went to see a doctor. He was a

16、 very kind man. “I have seen many people like you. Its nothing to worry about,” he said. “If you know you are absent-minded, you are all right. But if you do not know youre absent-minded, you may be really in trouble.”“Many famous people were absent-minded,” the doctor told me. “Thomas Edison was st

17、anding in line one day to pay his taxes. When he arrived at the window, he found that he had forgotten his own name. He had to ask the man who was behind him to tell him who he was.”I felt much better and got up to leave. “Thank you, doctor,” I said. “How much do I have to pay you?”“Ten dollars for

18、the check-up ,” the doctor said.“But doctor, I did not have a check-up!”For a moment the doctor looked puzzled. Then he said, “Oh, yes, it was the patient before you who had a check-up. How absent-minded I am!”12. What did the wife ask her husband to buy?A. apples B. pears C. eggs D. grapes13. It ca

19、n be inferred (推断) from the first paragraph that when the authors wife heard what her husband told her, she was _.A.excited B.surprised C.sad D.proud14. The doctor took Edisons story for example _.A.to make fun of EdisonB.because he liked telling storiesC.to show absent-mindedness is common among pe

20、opleD.to make the author laugh15. According to the passage, who was/were absent-minded?A.Only the author. B.The author and the doctor.C.The doctor alone. D.The authors wife.第 2 节 七选五阅读下面材料,从 A 到 G 中选出五个最佳答案。We have twenty minutes rest between classes. 16_. Some students are on the playground. They a

21、re playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is trying to stop him. They look so cool.17_. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking. 18_. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree in front of the classroom.19_.20_. Some of them are working in the office,

22、and some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy.A. She must be thinking of something interesting because she is smiling.B. What are the teachers doing?C. The students are all playing games on the playground.D. And there are some girls watching the game.E. Look

23、! Most of us are playing during the break time.- 4 -F. Everyone is having a good time.G. A few of them are reading and doing homework.二、完形填空(30 分)We are warned by our teachers not to waste time because time 21 will never return.I think it quite 22 .What does time look 23 ?Nobody knows,and we cant se

24、e it or touch it and no 24 of money can buy it.Time is abstract(抽象的),so we have to 25 about it. Time passes very quickly.Some students say they dont have 26 time to review their lessons.It is 27 they dont know how to make use of their time.They waste it in going to theatres or playing,and 28 other u

25、seless things.Why do we study everyday? Why do we work? Why do most people 29 take buses instead of walking? The answer is very 30 .We wish to save time because time is 31 . Today we are living in the 21st century.We 32 time as life.When a person dies,his life ends.Since life is short,we must 33 our

26、 time and energy to our study so that we 34 be able to work and live well in the future.Laziness is the 35 of time,for it not only brings us 36 ,but also does other 37 to us.If it is necessary for us to do our work today, 38 we do it today and not 39 it until tomorrow.Remember that time is much more

27、 40 . 21.A.lost B.passed C.missed D.used22.A.important B.true C.interesting D.usual23.A.for B.like C.after D.over24.A.amount B.quality C.quantity D.price25.A.think B.imagine C.examine D.check26.A.spare B.free C.enough D.much27.A.that B.why C.because D.certain28.A.doing B.making C.taking D.getting29.

28、A.neednt B.have to C.had better D.would rather30.A.easy B.simple C.stupid D.interesting31.A.worthless B.priceless C.ready D.little32.A.look upon B.agree C.think D.believe33.A.spend B.give C.set D.devote34.A.must B.should C.may D.would35.A.helper B.thief C.friend D.teacher36.A.wealth B.health C.failu

29、re D.illness37.A.danger B.harm C.trouble D.difficulty38.A.help B.make C.have D.let39.A.keep B.remain C.manage D.leave40.A.valuable B.expensive C.worth D.rich三、语法填空(15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。In my family, there 41_(be) three people. My father is a 42_(farm) and goes to work in the fie

30、ld every day. He isnt good at - 5 -43_(talk) but he gets on well with other people. My mother is very kind and is 44_(friend) to everybody. So when I have 45_ problem I will turn 46_ her for help. My friends say I am clever, because when the teacher asks 47_(we) very difficult questions, I can come

31、up with the answers 48_(quick). But my father thinks I am not patient. He says once I have difficulty in 49_(solve) problems, I will 50_(easy) give up. This is what I need to improve in the future.四、短文改错(10 分) 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符

32、号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over the world, men and woman,boys and girls enjoy sports. Since many years ago, many adults and children have call their friends toge

33、ther to spend hours, even days play games. One of reasons why people like to play is that sports help them to live happily. In other words, they help to keep people strong and health. When people are playing games, they move a lot of .That is because sports are good activities for their health. Havi

34、ng fun with their friends make them happy. Many people enjoy sports by watch others play.五、书面表达(25 分)请你以 The Sports Activities I Like Best 为题写一篇英语短文,应该包栝以下内容:1.你最喜欢的体育运动;2.喜欢这项体育活动的理由;注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。The Sports Activities I Like Best_ _ _- 6 - 7 -高二英语第三次月考试题参考答案一、阅读理解第一节:1.D; 2.B; 3.

35、C; 4.C 5.B; 6.C; 7.D8.C;9D; 10B; 11.D 12.C13.B; 14.C; 15.B第二节:七选五 16.E 17.D 18. G19. A 20 B二、完形填空21.A; 22.B; 23.B;24.A; 25.B; 26.C; 27.C; 28.A; 29.B; 30.B;31.B; 32.A; 33.D; 34.C; 35.B; 36.C; 37.B; 38.D; 39.D; 40.A解析:21.形容词辨析句。lost 失去的;意:失去的时间再也不会回来。22.形容词辨析。important 重要的;true 对的;interesting 有趣的;usua

36、l 通常的;我认为失去的时间再也不回来是正确的。23.固定词组。look like.看起来像;没有人知道时间看起来像什么。24.名词辨析。no amount of.指没有什么钱可以购买时间。25.动词辨析。think 思考;imagine 想象;examine 检查;check 核对;时间很抽象,我们不得不去想象它的样子。26.形容词辨析。spare 多余的;free 空闲的;enough 足够的;much 多的;一些学生说他们没有足够的时间来复习功课。27.连词辨析。句意:那是因为他们不知道如何利用时间。28.上下文结构。and 是并列连词,这里的 doing 与上文的 going 及 pl

37、aying 是对应关系。29.词义辨析。neednt 不需要;have to 不得不;had better 最好;would rather 宁愿;很多人不得不坐公交车而不是步行。30.形容词辨析。easy 容易的;simple 简单的;stupid 愚蠢的;interesting 有趣的;答案很简单。31.形容词辨析。worthless 不值钱的;priceless 无价的;ready 准备好的;little 少的。我们要节省时间,因为时间是无价的。32.固定词组。look upon.as.把看做。33.固定词组。devote.to.把用于,符合句意。34.情态动词辨析。must 必须;sho

38、uld 应该;may 可能;would 会。在未来我们可能会有份好的工作,过上好日子。35.名词辨析。helper 帮助者;thief 小偷;friend 朋友;teacher 老师;懒惰是时间的小偷。36.名词辨析。wealth 财富;health 健康;failure 失败;illness 疾病;它不仅给我们带来失败而且还会对我们有其他方面的伤害。37.固定词组。对有害 do harm to.38.语法分析。let 引导祈使句。让我们从今天开始做起,不要留到明天。39.动词辨析。keep 保持;remain 仍然;manage 设法;leave 留下。指我们不能把工作留到明天。40.形容词

39、辨析。valuable 贵重的;expensive 昂贵的;worth 值得的;rich 富有的。句意:记得时间更为贵重。三、语法填空41are; 42.farmer; 43. talking;44 friendly; 45a; 46to; 47.us; 48.quickly;49 solving; 50easily四、短文改错- 8 -8.答案: Not all people like to work everyone likes to play. All over andbutthe world, men and ,boys and girls enjoy sports. Since ma

40、ny years ago, womanemany adults and children have their friends together to spend hours, even cleddays games. One of reasons why people like to play is that sports playingAthhelp them to live happily. In other words, they help to keep people strong and . When people are playing games, they move a lo

41、t of .That is heltay becauswhysports are good activities for their health. Having fun with their friends them happy. Many people enjoy sports by others play.mkes wtchaing解析:41. 第一句: and but. 前后句是转折关系,故将 and 改为 but。42. 第二句: woman women. 由 and 可知,此处和 men 并列,故将 woman 改为 women。43. 第三句: call called.由时间状语

42、 Since many years ago 可知,此句应用现在完成时,故将 call 改为 called。44. 第三句: playplaying. spend some time doing sth 是固定用法,意为“花时间做某事“,故将 play 改为 playing。45. 第四句: of 后加 the. “one of the +复数名词“是固定用法,故在 of 后加 the。46. 第五句: healthhealthy.由 and 可知,此处和 strong 并列,故应用形容词形式healthy;strong and healthy 作 people 的补足语。47. 第六句: 去掉

43、 of. 此处用 a lot 作状语,修饰 move,故将 of 去掉。48. 第七句: because why. 句意为“这就是运动对他们的健康有好处的原因“,该处在从句中原因作状语,故将 because 改为 why。49. 第八句: make makes. 主语是 Having fun with their friends,是单数概念,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故将 make 改为 makes。50. 第九句: watch watching. by 是介词,后面跟动名词作宾语,故将 watch 改为watching。五、书面表达The Sports Activities I Like

44、 BestThere are various kinds of sports activities, including ball games like basketball, football, tennis, as well as other activities, such as swimming and hiking. Among them, I like swimming best.First of all, swimming keeps me healthy. There is no doubt that people who swim a lot have stronger bo

45、dies than those who dont. Swimming both contributes to a powerful lung and reduces the risk of heart attacks. Thanks to swimming, I have seldom been sick in the past few years.- 9 -Besides, swimming can keep me fit. Having a slim figure is the dream of all girls. Swimming is an effective way to help us lose unnecessary weight. Take me for example, last summer, I kept swimming for 3 days a week; after two months, I have lost 5-kilogram weight!All in all, swimming not only


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