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1、1NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVEA-A-59491October 31, 2000COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONSEALING COMPOUND, THREAD AND GASKET, HYDROCARBON FLUID ANDWATER RESISTANTThe General Services Administration has authorized the use of this Commercial ItemDescription, for all federal agencies.1. Abstract. This description

2、 covers requirements for a thread and gasket sealingcompound that is resistant to fuel, engine oils, and water. The compound is aslow-drying black paste, setting into a pliable film; best suited for non-rigid,vibrating semi-permanent and permanent assemblies. It withstands pressures to5000 psi.2. Sa

3、lient characteristics. Salient characteristics shall be in accordance with 2.1through 2.11. Preproduction testing for compIiance with all characteristics thatrequire testing (, 2.1.2, and 2.2-2.10) shall be performed on the currentformulation and every time there is a formulation change. Prod

4、uction testing ofeach batch for compliance with shall be performed. If tests are required,unless otherwise specified, the sealing compound shall be tested withouttreatment or preconditioning and tests shall be conducted at a temperature of750F 50F and a relative humidity of 50 5 percent.2.1

5、Formulation. The sealing compound shall nominally consist of 50-55 weightpercent clay, 15-20 weight percent rosin, 15-20 weight percent vegetable oil, 10-15 weight percent isopropyl alcohol, and 1-3 weight percent soybean derivative.2.1.1 Detrimental materials. Prohibited materials. During th

6、e manufacturing processes, tests, inspections,and storage, mercury or mercury compounds shall not be intentionally added toor come in contact with the product at any time.Beneficial comments, (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent datawhich may be of use in improving this document

7、 should be addressed to: Commander,Naval Sea Systems Command, ATTN 05Q, 1333 Isaac Hull Avenue SE, Stop 5160,Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-5160.AMSC N/A FSC 8030DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

8、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5949122.1.1.2 Chemical impurities. The amount of the following materials in the sealingcompound shall not exceed the limits specified below when tested in accordancewith Halogens shall not exceed 0.0250 weight percent (250 ppm) (g/g) eachof ch

9、lorine, bromine, or fluorine.(b) Total sulfur shall not exceed 0.0250 weight percent (250 ppm)(g/g).(c) Total lead shall not exceed 0.0250 weight percent (250 ppm)(g/g).(d) Total cadmium shall not exceed 0.0250 weight percent (250 ppm)(g/g). Chemical impurities Test procedure.(a) Halogen cont

10、ent (consisting of fluorine, chlorine, and bromine) shall bedetermined by decomposing the product using Parr Bomb or Pyrohydrolysis techniques and analysis of the residue by ion chromotography,specific ion electrode, or spectrophotometric methods. Other equivalentmethods may be utilized.(b) Total su

11、lfur content shall be determined by decomposing the productusing Parr Bomb or Pyro hydrolysis techniques and analysis of theresidue by gravimetric or turbidimetric methods. Other equivalentmethods may be utilized.(c) The individual concentrations of lead and cadmium shall be determinedby atomic abso

12、rption, plasma emission, emission spectrographic or X-rayfluorescence methods, as appropriate. Other equivalent methods may beutilized.2.1.2 The sealant shall have been certified and assigned a “Limited” or “Permitted”usage category in accordance with the Nuclear Powered Submarine AtmosphereControl

13、Manual (NAVSEA S9510-AB-ATM-010/(U).2.1.3 The sealant shall not contain any Class I or Class II ozone depleting substancesas designated by the Environmental Protection Agency in Code of FederalRegulations 40 (CFR) Part 82.2.2 Solubility. The solubility of the sealing compound shall be as specified i

14、n table 1when tested in accordance with 2.2.1. and 2.2.2. The aromatic fluid, ethyleneglycol and oil immersion media shall conform to the specifications in table 1. Table 1. SolubilityImmersion media Temperature (0F) % MaximumSolubilityAromatic fluid, ASTM D 471 Reference Fuel D 74 5 10Aromatic flui

15、d, ASTM D 471 Reference Fuel B 74 5 9Ethylene glycol, A-A-870 158 2 5Distilled water 200 5 6ASTM D 471 Oil No. 1 158 2 10ASTM D 471 Oil No. 2 158 2 10ASTM D 471 Oil No. 3 158 2 10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5949132.2.1 Solubil

16、ity - Test panels. Three recessed aluminum panels, conforming to thedesign and measurement of figure 1, shall be used to test the solubility of eachtype of sealing compound in each immersion medium. The test panels shall bedegreased with a suitable degreasing solvent. Care shall be exercised to avoi

17、dskin contact, inhalation, and ingestion of vapors. The panels shall then be placedin an oven at 1580F 20F for 1 hour minimum, cooled in a desiccator for 1 hourminimum, and then weighed to the nearest 1 milligram.2.2.2 Solubility - Test procedure. Each of the fluids in table 1 shall be used separate

18、lyas the immersion medium at the indicated temperatures. The test panels (see2.2.1) shall be filled to the rim of recess with the sealing compound and dried in acirculating air oven for 48 hours at 1580F 20F. After removal from the oven andcooling to room temperature in a desiccator, the specimens s

19、hall be weighed tothe nearest 1 milligram and then immersed for 24 hours minimum in 250 milliliterof the respective fluids. For the aromatic fluids the panels shall be placedhorizontally in the containers to prevent flow of the compounds. For the boilingwater container a reflux condenser is necessar

20、y to prevent loss of water. Allimmersion containers shall be covered to prevent loss of immersion fluid byevaporation. After ethylene glycol immersion, excess glycol shall be removed byimmersing the specimen in water at 740F 50F for 15 minutes minimum. Afterimmersion, the panels immersed in ASTM D 4

21、71 Oil No. 1, ASTM D 471 Oil No.2, and ASTM D 471 Oil No. 3 shall be placed on edge on an absorbent towel forapproximately 30 minutes, turned to the opposite edge for approximately 30minutes to prevent oil residue remaining on the surface. All specimens shall bedried in a circulating air oven at 158

22、0F 20F for 24 hours minimum. Afterremoval from the oven, the specimens shall be cooled to room temperature in adesiccator for 1 hour before weighing. Test panels shall be reweighed.2.2.3 Solubility - Calculation. Percent change in weight shall be calculated as follows:Change in weight, percent = (W1

23、 W2) / (W1-WP) X 100Where:W1 = Weight of the panel and sealing compound before immersion.W2 = Weight of the dried panel and sealing compound after immersion.WP = Weight of panel.2.2.4 Solubility - Report. Results shall be reported as the average of 3 calculations ofpercent change in weight for each

24、type of immersion medium.2.3 Volatile content. The volatile content shall be 13.0 2.0 percent when tested inaccordance with 2.3.1 and Volatile content - Test panels. Approximately 5 grams of the compound shall beplaced in an accurately weighed to the nearest 1 milligram flat-bottom, meta

25、l dishhaving a diameter of about 2.5-inch and depth of 0.75-inch. The dish with thecompound shall be weighed and then placed in a circulating air oven atProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-5949141580F 20F for 48 hours minimum. After r

26、emoval from the oven, the dish shallbe cooled to room temperature in a desiccator for 1 hour minimum, and thenreweighed.2.3.2 Volatile content - Calculation. Percent of volatile content shall be calculated asfollows:Volatile content, percent = (W1 W2) / (W1 WD) X 100Where:W1 = Weight of dish and sam

27、ple before drying.W2 = Weight of dish and sample after drying.WD = Weight of empty dish.2.4 Torque release. The torque release shall not be more than 70 percent increasewhen tested in accordance with Torque release - Test fittings. Three hydraulic fitting assemblies comprised of aunion,

28、an AN-817 nut, and a section -inch flared aluminum tubing conforming toASTM B 210 shall be utilized for this test. The sealing compound shall bebrushed on the threads of the clean union to fill the threads approximately level,and then assembled with and tubing. After assembly has been completed,exce

29、ss compound, which has extruded shall be wiped from the flange. Theassembly shall be tightened to 200 in-lbs. Torque and placed in a circulating airoven for 7 days minimum at 1580F 20F. After removal from the oven, excesscompound on the outer edge of the joint shall be removed by scraping and theass

30、embly shall be placed in a desiccator at room temperature for 24 hoursminimum. The torque required breaking the seal shall then be determined withthe same wrench used for the assembling of the fittings. The results shall bereported as the average of the three readings.2.5 Flow test (vertical). Flow

31、shall not be more than inch when tested inaccordance with Flow test (vertical) Test procedure. Three aluminum alloy panels conformingto ASTM B 209 approximately 1 inch by 6 inches shall be coated over a 1 inch by2 inch section with 1/8 inch coating of sealing compound. A scribe line shal

32、l bemade on the uncoated surface of the metal inch below the compound.Immediately after coating, the panels shall be placed in the vertical positions withthe scribe line at the bottom and allowed to stand in this position for 1 hourminimum at 1580F 20F to determine the flow of the compound in refere

33、nce tothe scribe line. The results shall be reported as the average flow of the threereadings.2.6 Viscosity. The viscosity of the sealing compound shall be 5,000 - 12,000 poiseswhen tested in accordance with 2.6.1.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license f

34、rom IHS-,-,-A-A-5949152.6.1 Viscosity Test procedure. The viscosity of sealing compound shall bedetermined in accordance with ASTM D 1084 Test Method B by using Brookfieldviscosimeter with #7 spindle at 5 rpm, at a temperature of 1050F 20F.2.7 Ash content. The ash content of the sealing compound sha

35、ll be 48 5 percentwhen tested in accordance with Ash content Test procedure. Weigh about 2 grams to the nearest 1 milligramof the sealing compound in a previously weighed porcelain crucible. Heat thecrucible and contents to an aim temperature of 17000F in an electric mufflefurnace, or if

36、 not available, a gas burner yielding a similar temperature is alsosuitable. Cool in a desiccator for 1 hour minimum and reweigh. Reheat to anaim temperature of 17000F and cool in a desiccator until a constant weight isobtained.2.7.2 Ash content Calculation. Calculate the percent of ash as follows:A

37、sh content, percent = (A - B) / (C - B) X 100Where:A = Weight of residue and crucible.B = Weight of crucible.C = Weight of sample and crucible.2.8 Corrosion. The following metals (table 2) after 5 day treatment (immersion) withthe compound as specified in 2.8.1, shall not exceed the maximum change i

38、nweight (loss or gain) as listed in table 2.Table 2. Corrosion loss or gain in weight.Test strip SpecificationWeight loss or gainmilligram/centimeter squareTinned iron ASTM A 623 0.7Steel ASTM A 109 0.7Aluminum alloy ASTM B 209 0.1Cast iron ASTM A 48 1.0Brass ASTM B 36 0.3Copper ASTM B 152

39、Corrosion Test Procedure. Test strips for the corrosion test shall conform tothe specifications in table 2. The test strips shall have dimensions of 8.8centimeter X 1.2 centimeter X 0.3 centimeter and a surface area ofapproximately 22 centimeter square. The strips (with the exception of tinnediron)

40、shall be polished to remove pit burrs and irregularities from the faces andedges and finished with a 240 grit polishing medium. The tinned iron shall beProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-A-A-594916free from pit burrs and irregularities a

41、nd shall be polished with a clean cloth. Allspecimens shall be held in a suitable holder to avoid contact with the hands.After polishing, the specimens shall be cleaned by swabbing in hot naptha and afinal rinse in warm methanol. Follow this by drying in an air circulated oven at1500F 20F for 2 hour

42、s minimum. After drying, weigh the strips to the nearest0.1 milligram. The weighed strips shall be arranged in the order of metals as intable 2. The strips shall be joined in a metal-to-metal contact by fastening with asteel bolt that passes through holes drilled near one end of each strip. The stri

43、psare so bent, that except for one small terminal area near the bolt, the strips arenot in contact one with another. The strips shall then be immersed into thesealing compound for a period of 120 hours (5 days) at 1500F 20F. At the endof the test period, remove the strips and wash thoroughly with is

44、opropyl alcoholand follow with an acetone rinse. A soft brush may be used in this process. Thecleaned strips shall be oven dried thoroughly at 1500F 20F, cooled to roomtemperature in a desiccator, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 milligram. Anychanges in weight shall be attributed to corrosion.2.9 Fla

45、sh point. The flash point of the sealing compound shall not be less than 500Fwhen tested in accordance with ASTM D 56.2.10 Flexibility. The flexibility of the sealing compound shall be such that the sealingcompound shall not crack when flexed at (-300F 20F) when tested inaccordance with

46、1 Flexibility Test procedure. Prepare two smooth brass panels conforming toASTM B 36, 6 inch X 2.5 inch X 0.025 inch and clean with acetone. Apply a0.002 inch thick coat of sealing compound across one surface of each panel,using a blade. Allow to air dry 6 days at room temperature, then 2 hours at15

47、80F 20F. Prior to test, the panels coated with sealant compound shall becooled at 300F 20F for 4 hours minimum. While still at the test temperatureand with the coated side outward, rapidly bend the test specimens through anangle of 160 degrees over a mandrel of 1/8-inch diameter.2.11 Consistency. Th

48、e sealant compound shall be of such consistency that it may beapplied with a spatula or stiff brush.3. Regulatory requirements. All appropriate regulatory requirements that apply toitems offered on the commercial market shall apply to those offered to theGovernment.4. Quality assurance provisions.4.

49、1 Contractor certification. The contractor shall certify and maintain substantiatingevidence that the product offered meets the salient characteristics of thisCommercial Item Description in accordance with the required frequency oftesting specified in 2, and that the product conforms to the producers owndrawings, specifications, standards, and quality assurance practices, and is thesame product offe


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