1、-DOD-A-24582 20 = 9999906 0393363 T DOD-A-24582 (NAVY)v 25 October 1O78 MILITARY SPECIFICATION ANCHOR, TWO-FLUKE , BALANCED FLUKE (NETRI c) I This specification is approved for use by all interestee commands of the Department of the Navy and the Marine Corps and is available for use by all other Dep
2、artments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. I_ 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers high holding power, nonfoulinq, balanced fluke type anchors for use on ships and boats. 1.2 Classification. The anchors shall be of the following masses, as specified (see 6.2.1) : Nominal masses Kil
3、ograms (kg) -(pounds) (lbs) 325 (660) 4,000 450 (925) 4,500 1,000 (1,985) 5,000 1,400 (2,800) 6,000 2,250 (4,600) 6,500 3,000 (6,000) 7,500 -Ficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent - which may be of use in improvinn this document shoulci be ac1c?resse6 to: - aider,
4、Naval Ship Engineering Center, SEC 6120, Department of the Navy, ;i,ifinqton, DC 20362 by usin? the self-afldressed Stanflardixation Document Improvement Proposal (DD Forr? 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 3.1 Issues of documents. The following docume
5、nts, of the issue in effect on date of inilitationforidc or request for proposal, form a part of this Specification to the extent specifie herein. SPECIFICATIONS FEDERRL TT-V-51 - Varnish: Asphalt. MIL-C-450 - Coating Corr.pound, Bituminous Solvent Type, Black (For Armunition). MIL-C-16173 - Corrosi
6、on Preventive Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-Application. MIL-E-22200/1 - Electrodes, Welding, Mineral Covere3 , Iron Powder, Low-llydrogen MILITARY Kediurr, and High Tecsile Steel, As Welclccl Or Stress-Relieved Weld Application. KIL-1-45208 - Inspection System Requirements. STANDARDS MILITARY MIL
7、-STD-129 - Marking for Shipwent and StoraTe . MIL-STD-248 - Welding and Brazing Proce2ure and Performance Qualification. MIL-STD-271 - Nondestructive Testing Reqiiirerents for Metals. MIL-STD-1186 - Cushioning, Pnchorinc, Bracinq, Blocking, Waterproofing; With Appropriate Test MethoAs. FSC 2040 f- P
8、rovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-A-24582 (NAVY) PUBLICATION MILITARY XAVAL SEA SYSTEMS CONNlD NAVSEA 0900-LP-003-000 - ?letalc, Surface Inspection Acceptance StandarG DPAWXC IIILITARY NAVAL SEA SYSTEFIS COb1S-IF.IJD NAVSEA G03-50009
9、20 - Two-Fluke, Balanced Fluke Anchor Asserrbly an8 Detai (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by contractor in connection with specific acquisition functions shoul8 be obtained fror the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) the extent
10、specified herein. invitation for bids or request for proposnl shall apply. 2.2 Other ublications. The following documents fom a part of this specification to Unless otherwise in?.icateZ, the issue in effect on date of AMERICA3 SOCIETY FOR TEST1E:G AND WTERIALS (AG?!) A 27 - Kld- to Medium-Strenath C
11、arbon-Steel Castinqs for General Wplication A 36 - Structural Steel. A 108 - Steel ars, Carbon, Cold FinisheC, Stanclnrc! Quality. A 370 - ilechanical Testing of Steel Products. A 663 - Steel Forginos, Carbon ancl Alloy for General Industrial tlse. I3 103 - Phosphor ronzc? Plate, Sheet, Strip, ans P
12、olled Dar. E 112 - Averaqe Grain Size of Metals. (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testifig and l:aterials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) NATIONAL BUREAC OF STANDARDS (tiS) !andbook i-28 - Screw Thread Standards for Fcdcral Services. (Application fo
13、r copies should be addressm! to the Supcrintendcnt of Documnts, U.S Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.1 AS SOC IATI ON OF NERI CAFI RAILROADS Association of Pmerican Railroads Rules Governin? tie Loacinr of COKm.ICI 1141 IIR steel of 4,921 Itilcrgrazs per centimeter squared (kg/cm ) (
14、70,00 pounsn per squarc inch (1Ljin) yield strength. 7 3.1.4 Clevis pin. The clevis pin shall be naCe frori steel bar conforoinq to ASTI1 A 108, with J. naXiKun CarkOn content of 0.25. 3.1.5 yc swivel, nut swivel, and swivel pig. yc swivel, nut swivel, and siiivel pin shall be r.!ade fror: alloy ste
15、el P.IS1 4340, in accordance with ASTI! i! 668 and shall be heat- treatcci after r:achininr. to obtair. 302/3?1 Dririell hnr3ness numher (lIX). ThreacTinq of the elye swivel anc? nut swivcl shall be in accordance with Natiofia1 Cureau of St.mCards IIanclbook 11125. 3.1.6 issher. :asher shall he 3.1.
16、7 c_Jsc: cats-, stowac p2, pac?, closin- plate, and filler piece ance tritli ?ST!: C 103. nace of phosphor bronze, corposition A hcrE, in accord- closirs gas, an? filler piccc. nase plate, stowage shall be steel ir. accorr?ar.cc with APT! A 36. - 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net
17、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-A-24582 20 W 7777906 0373366 5 W DOD-A- 2 4 5 8 2 (NAVY) 3.2 Description. The anchor asselnbly shall essentially consist of a crown with a pair of sharp, double-swingin flukes, a shank, shackle, and the necessary connectin? shaft, and pins and, when
18、 specified (see 6.2.1), a ball guide assembly. The anchor crown shall be hollow and weights may be welde in its interior to achieve the specified noninal anchor mass. The crown shall have provisions for draining. user with all parts proper:y fitted and assembled. 201 shall be used when the anchor is
19、 stowed above thc waterline, while the square shackle . (see 3.3, PC 3) and ball guide assembly (see 3.2.2) shall be used for anchor stowane below the waterline. 3.2.1 Anchor assenbl . Each anchor shall he furnished covlete (see 6.2.1), ready for The rounCe3 shackle see 3.3, piece (PC) 3.2.2 Ball gu
20、ide assembly. The ball guide assembly shall consist of ball guide, guide lugs, clevis, eye and nut swivel, along with the necessary connecting anci locking pins (see 3.3). and pk3ifcable, shall comply with design an6 dimensions shown on MAVSEA Drawing 803-5000920. and dimensions. The anchor and ball
21、 guide asserPDlies, including shackle 3.3.1 Mass tolerances. The mass tolerances on the anchor assembly shall not vary more than plus 4 percent to minus 2 percent of the nominal mass specified (see 3.3). These tolerances are not applicable to the ball guide assenbly. 3.4 fiagnetic particl. inspectio
22、n. 3.4.1 General. The anchor proper, the ball guide, and all conponents of the anchor and ball guide assemblies shall be subjectec! to magnetic particle examination. Examinations shall be performed after proof loa6ing from both sies and prior to any coating or paintino. Special attention shall be gi
23、ven to the following: (a) fluke surfaces from tip up to and including radii at junction with shaft; (b) junction where the crown-fluke piece is joined to the shank by the shaft; (c) crown bearing area that acts as a stop for thc shank; id) (e) (f) the shackle at bend and pin hole: (9) an8 all welds
24、in the anchor and ball guide assenblies, except in the swivel 3.4.2 Acceptance criteria far magnetic particle inspection e castings and forsings. Castin s. For castings, all linear indications in accordance with t7AVSEA 0900-LP-O3-80dare over 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) in lencth shall be ground to s
25、ound metal and well faired with the surrounding surface. Weld repair shall not bc required if remainino thickness of the original metal equals or exceeds dimensions shown on the drawing (see 3.3). Depth of the grinding shall not be greater than 38.1 m (1.5 in.)r except for cracks which shall be remo
26、ved fully. .Indications in excess of class 3 shall be ground to sound metal and well faired with surrounding surfaces. welding procedure shall be accomplished in accordance with ?.UL-STD-24e. shall be magnetic particle inspected after the proof load test in accorduice with MIL-STD-271 and meet the r
27、equirements of NAVSE! 0900-LP-003-8300, class 2. and forgings may be removed and repaired by welding. electrodes in accordance with MIL-E-22200/1. Prior to repair welding, the excavate6 area shall be fully visible to the welder and allow access of the electrode to all we18 surfaces. shackle pin area
28、 and shank in the vicinity of the shackle pin; upper and lower attachment points of the ball guide and areas where marked changes in cross section occur: eye nut and pin ateas. Casting may be built up to required dimensions by weld repair. Forgings. Forgings shall comply with class 3 of NAVS
29、EE. 0900-LP-003-8000. 3.4.3 Qualification of welders and welding rocedure. Qualification of welders and All final welds Repair welding. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), defects in castings Weld repairs shall use ML-7018 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm
30、itted without license from IHS-,-,-i DOD-A-24582 20 7373906 0373367 -fp= DOD-A-245C2 (UAVY) plinor weld repairs. Minor weld repairs may he made to correct surface defects provided that: (a) they do not exceed 25 n?m (0.98 in.) depth or 20 percent of material thickness, whichever is less; (
31、b) a weld buildup for correction of dimensional or machining errors does not exceed the following limitations: (1) 4.7G mm (0.187 in.) maximum buildup for design thickness 25.4 m (1 in.) and under; (2) 2C percent maximum buildup for clesign thickness over 25.4 mm (1 in.), but not to exceed 9.52 pm (
32、0.375 in) , unless approved; (3) contouring (such as grinciing or machinin-) for discontinuities shall blend into adjacent material and shall not reduce the thickness of the material below minimur desi-n requirements. Nominal weld repairs. Repair welds in excess of those specified as minor
33、 Repair weld inspection. Repair welds shall be subjected to the sane inspection repairs shall be made only with the approval of the Government representative. standards required of the castincj and the area shall be suitably marked to facilitate inspection. Anchors which are repair welded sh
34、all be proof loa6 tested afterwords. There shalnrmanent deformation of any part of the anchor upon corr.pletion of this test. 3.5 Proof load. Anchors shall comply with the proof loa? test requirener.ts of 4.5.3. 3.6 Cleaninl. The castings and forgings shall be satisfactorily cleaned for ashesion of
35、finish when offered for inspection. 3.7 Identification markings. Shanks shall bear the leqend specified on the applicable drawing (see 3.3). 3.8 Finish. Surfaces of all exposed parts shall be coated with one coat of black 3.8.1 After welding of base plate to the bottom of the anchor, the interior se
36、ction of asphalt varnish conforming to TT-V-51, type I or MIL-C-450. the anchor shall be filled with a rust preventive compoun! in accordance with MIL-C-16173, grade 1 and then drained of the excess compound. 3.9 Workmanship. The workmanship shall be free from imperfections which may inpair appearan
37、ce or serviceability. 4. QUALITY ASSURAEICE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, the -ontre“kcr is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirerents as specified .:cept ai otherwise specified in the contract, the contractor may use hi
38、s own or any ities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified .esc disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform - inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed .-:_c;L.;ILY to assure supplies and services confor
39、m to prescribe8 requirements. reports, inspection data, and identification of the anchor and attachments in accordance with the data orderino document included in the contract (see 6.2.2). The report shall contain the statenent: “Records are available covering heat nuF-ber of material, processing, h
40、eat treatment, chemistry, mechanical properties, magnetic particle inspection, and proof test.“ A copy of certification documents are to be sent to the consignee and the contracting activity or as otherwise specified. 4.1.2 Inspection system. The contractor shall provide anc? maintain an inspection
41、system acceptable to the Government for supplies and services covered by this specification. The inspection system shall be in accorduice with WIL-I-452OC (see 6.2.1). 4.1.1 Certification data/reports. The contractor shall prepare certified test 4.2 Sampling for quality conformance inspection,. 4.2.
42、1 Lot. Castings. P. lot shall consist of castings made from the sm,e heat. Where material cannot be identified by heat, it shall be dividecl into lots of not more than 500 kg, (1,000 lbs.) each, except where a single casting has a mass of more. than 500 kn. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo
43、reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-A-24582 20 777770b OL73Lb 7 Nunber of Accept ance anchors in nurher NuInber of anchors in inspection lot : (defectives) DOD-A-24582 (!iAVY) Forgings-. A lot shall consist of material manufactured from the same heat. Reject
44、ion number (defectives) Chemical analysis forgings. A lot shall consist of all forgings from the same heat. 40 and under 41 to 110 111 to 300 Chemical analysis castings. A lot shall consist of castings of one class made from the same heat, heat-treated in the saEe furnace charge, anC
45、 offered for inspection at one time. Asscnbled anchor. A lot shall consist of assembled anchors of the same size offered for inspection at the same time. a 4.3 Sampling for lot acceptance. 5 10 15 4.3.1 Sampling for visual and dinensional examination. Saqling for visual and dinensional exan:
46、ination and lot acceptance criteria shall comply with table II. I I ilumber of anchors in , inspection lot TABLE II. Sampling for visual and dimensional examination AQI, (approx.) = 2.5 percent defective. Number anchors of 771 Acceptance sample (defectives) (defectives) 10 15 - 25 and under 26 to 40
47、 111 to 300 301 to 500 , I 501 to 800 801 and over 41 to 110 25 I 1 35 2 I31 50 15 110 3 4 4 6 I: 4.3.2 Samplinq for nominal mass. ance criteria shall comply with table III. Sampling for nominal mass examination and lo TABLE III. Sampling for nominal mass tests, assembled anchors tolerance AQL (appr
48、ox.) = 2.5 percent accept- 4.3.3 Samplinq for magnetic particle %. shall be 100 percent for all parts except that pins, base plate, closing plate, and the phosphor bronze washer shall not be subjected to this test. Sampling for the magnetic particle test 4.3.4 Sampling for chemical analysis.
49、 Castinqs. Where material cannot be identified by heat, it shall be divided into lots of not more than 500 kg (1,000 lbs.) each, except where a sinqle casting has a mass of more than 500 kg. and these samples shall be analyzed individually. same lot, which consists of material manufactured from the same heat. One sample shall be obtained from each lot for chemical analysis Forgings. Samples for chemical analysis of forgings shall be taken from the 4.3.5 Sa