NAVY LLL-T-431 B-1959 TILE CORK《软木砖》.pdf

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1、LLL-T-431B 72 W 7777774 0023825 3 W _ LLL-T-43Ib OCTOBER 22, 1959 SLPERSEDING Int. Fed. Spec. LLL-T=-00431a(COM-NBS August 7, 1958 and Fed, Spec. LLL-T-431 August 20, 1937 FEDERAL SPECIFICATION TILE, CORK This specification was approved by the Cmmisoner, Federal Supply Serv- ice. General Services Ad

2、mnstration, for the use of all Federal agende8. 1. CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Types and classes.-Cork tile furnished under this specification shall be of the follow- ing types and classes, as specified in the in- vitation for bids: Type 1.-Unfinished. Type II.-Finished. Class 1;-Wax, lacquer, or resin finis

3、h. Class 2.-Clear plastic film finish. 1.2 Size.-The size of the tile shall be as specified in the invitation for bids. See 6.2. 1.3 Thickness.-The thickness shall be 1/2, xiG, x, $ pressure-sensitive, adhesive, fijarnent reinforced. 521491/59/119 ._ Federal Standards: Fed. Std. No. 102-Preservation

4、, Pack- aging, and Packing Levels. (Activities outside the Federal Government may obtain copies of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks as outlined under General Informa- tion in the Index of Federal Specifications, Stand- ards, and Handbooks and at the prices indicated in the index. The

5、 Index, which includes cumulative monthly supplements as issued, is for sale on a sub- scription basis by the Superintendent o? Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (Single copies of this specification and other prod- uct specifications required by activities outside the

6、 Federal Government for bidding purposes are avail- ab?e without charge at the General Services Admin- istration Regional Offices in Boston, New York, At- lanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Washing- ton, D. C. (Federal Government activities may

7、 obtain copies of Federal Specifications, standards, and Handbooks and the Index of Federal Specifications, Standards, and Handbooks from established distribution points in their agencies.) Mzlzta Standards: MICSTD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attri- butes. MIGSTD-129 - Mar

8、king for Shipment and Storage. (Copies of Military Specifications and Standards required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 1 FSC 7220 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS ,7 PAGES. -7 Provided

9、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-LLL-T-43LB 72 m 7777774 002382b 5 =I 1 3. REQUIREMENm 31, Bid qampJe.-A sample of each type, class, and coter test in 4.3.7. - the invitation for bids, all tiles of the same which will not adversely affect the

10、adhesion of the tile to the floor. type, class, size, thickness, and kind of edge presented at: one time shall be considered a lot for the purpose of inspection and tests, 4.1.2 Sampling for nspection, - Unless otherwise specified in the invitation for bids, a random sample of tiles shall be taken f

11、or inspection from each lot of tiles in accordance with table II. A unit shall be one tile. 3.4 Weight.-The tile shall weigh not less than 26 pounds per cubic foot. 3.5 Initial and residual indentation.-When tested as described in 4.3.5, the initial inden- tation and the residual indentation shall n

12、ot exceed the values given in table I : 2 1- 4. BAWLmG, INSPECWQN, AND TEST PRBCEDURES 4.1 Sampling. 4.1.1 Lot.-Unless otherwise specified in 3.1 Squaremss.-The tile shall not deviate from squareness by more than 0.025 inch when tested as described in 4.3.6. 3.8 Tolerances,- 4iimensions. 3.8.1 or 2

13、inches in diameter if circular in shape. The thickness Itf the specimen shall be he thickness of the material undergoing test. 4,3.5.2 Apparatus.-The appakatus shall be as follows : An apparatus consisting of an indenter acting under a total weight of 160 pounds, a dial indicator for measu

14、ring the depth of indentation, a rigid-metal piate for supporting the specimen, and a rigid-metal frame for supporting the weight and in- denter, (a) The indenter consists of a steel bar rigidly supported vertically in such a manner that the face of the lower end (foot) can- tacts the specimen perpe

15、ndicularly to the face of the specimen when the specimen is placed in a horizontal position on the rigid metal plate. !i%e face of the indenter foot that con- tacts the specimen is flat and buffed smooth but not rounded. The foot of the indenter shall be 1.125: inch in diameter. The upper end of the

16、 indenter is provided with a weight- releasing device for applying the load without impact to the indenter and for activating a dial indieator from which the depth OP pene- tration of the indenter can be read. The weight of the indenter shall not exceed one pound. (b) The dial indicator attached to

17、the up- per end of the indenter is equipped with a scale graduated to read the depth of pene- tration to 0.001 inch. (c) The metal plate for supporting the specimen shall be rigidly fixed in a horizontal positioq in the framework of the apparatus and shall have a smooth, flat surface. - =

18、A stopwatch or other timing de- . vice that will indicate the time in seconds. 4 -7 t Pyocecuve. The thickness of the specimen at the center shall be determined as described in 4.3.2 and the value recorded to the nearest 0.001 inch as TI. I5 Transportation description.-Tr

19、anspor- tation description and minimum weight ap- plicable to this commodity are: Rail : - ._ decoEated, painted or plain. z Tile, flooring, cork, felt base, asphalted, Carload minimum weigh 3Qt000 -_ - pounds. Motor : Tile, flooring, cork, felt base, asphalted, Truckload minimum weight 30,000 pound

20、s, subject to Rule 34, Na- tional Motor Freight Classifica- tion. Notice. - When Government drawings, speci- fications, or other data are used or any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Gov- ernment procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsi

21、bility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Govern- ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or other- wise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporati

22、on, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any w3.y be related thereto. decorated, painted or plain. U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1959 Copies of this specification may be purchased for 5 cents each. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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