NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-A-82430 A-1968 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《(MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)致动装置》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-A-82430A 13 = 7779706 0431284 8 Qk- 1, 1.1 MIL-A-82430 ( OS) 10 Amil i968 Superseding 10 May 1966 m-A-82430( OS) MILITARY SPECIFICATION ACTLTATOR ASSEMBLY (For Torpedo Mk 46 Mod 1) This specification has been approved by the Naval Ordnance Systems Cammand, Depaztment of the Navy SC OPE Scope. Th

2、is specification covers requirements for the procurement of one type of actuator assembly (see 6.1.2). 2. APPLICABU DOCUME2JTS 2.1 The following documents ofthe issue in effect on date of invita- tion for bids or request for proposal. form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.

3、 SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-P-UG MIL-E-5272 MIL-M-82433 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-129 DRAWINGS Preservation, Methods of Ehvironmental Testing, Aeronautical and Associated Equipment, General Specifica- tion for . Motor, Direct Current Marking for Shipment and Storage NAVAL ORDNANCE SYSTEMS COMMAND

4、DL 2540065 Actuator Assembly, and all documents listed thereon . *-. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-82430A 23 m 7777706 0433285 T m I 1 MTL-A-8243OA( OS) DL 1330402 Actuator Assembly, Shipping (Packing) Conation and a31 documen

5、ts listed thereon . DL 2526751 Afterbody Assembly and all documents listed thereon 2540214 Test Fixture 2540215 2540260 Torque Gage Assembly Actuator Assembly Test Set 2540229 Actuator Assembly Test Stand 2540237 Wrenc.h, Torque, T-Handle 2540238 Wrench, Torque (Copies of specifications, standards,

6、drawings; and publications required by suppliers .in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob- tained *can the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIRFSIENTS 3.1 Preproduction sample. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or the elevator drive

7、 unit op- erates two elevators (fin assemblies) which are interconnected by a clamping yoke. The upper and lower drive units each operate Configuration. The actuator assembly shall conform to, the requirements of the drawings and specifications listed on DL 2540065, Functional operat

8、ion. The external control circuitry provides the input signals to the actuator assembly. drive unit actuates the elevators for torpedo pitch control, the direction of rotation determined by the polarity of the pitch signal, The elevator The upper and lower drive units actuate the upper and

9、 lower rudders respectively, the direction of rotation being deter- mined by the polarity of the yaw signal. Roll control is obtained by reducing the speed of either the upper or lower drive unit, de- pendent on the polarity of the roll signal. The speed change is achieved by superimposing an interr

10、uption at 500 cps on the nomal dc yaw signal. position of the rudders, thereby providing roll torque to the torpedo body This speed change gives a difference in angular The control fins move at constant rates in accordance with the input signal given until either a signai reversal occurs o

11、r the-limit of travel is reached, at-which time the signal power is disconnected by a limit switch until signal reversal does occur. 3.3.2 Performance requirements input signal. The input signal for normal fin rates shall be as shown in Table I: 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

12、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-82430A 13 7777706 0431i287 3 L I Cannon 1-36 fi. VM! t . , MIL-A-8243OA( OS) Torpedo Reaction Drive Unit . Upper Rudder A E Elevator Left Turn Right Turn Pitch p Pitch Dawn Right Turn Left Turn Lower Rudder Table I Jnput Simal for Normal Fi

13、n Rates Direction of htput Shaft cw CCW cw ccw cw ccw I Input signa Connector Pin (5-5620) +36 I1 VDC! C G L l insulation resistance. insulation resistance between all con- nector pins and ground (worm gear housings) shall be not less than 100 megoknns at 200 vdc. No load, current. T

14、he current required to operate each drive unit at a namina voltage of 36 *1 vdc under zero load conditions shall be as follows: Drive Unit Mac. Current at No Load Elevator Upper Rudder Lower Rudder 235 milliamperes (ma) 875 ma 875 ma Nminal output shaft rate, no loa. The ncanFnaL output shaf

15、t rate (angulctr velocity) shU be 23 degrees per second under no load condi- tion at 36 I1 vdc input signal, for all drive-units in either direction. The output shaft rate (a) Measurement of output shafk rate, no load. measured using Test Fixture 2540214, as prescribed in, shall be within th

16、e range of 23 +5 degrees per second for all drive units. test equipment and caiibration error. The range is provided to include allowable variations in ,. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-82430A 13 M 7777706 0433288 5 M t MIL-A

17、-82430A( OS) (b) Difference in output shaft rates for upper and lower drive units. During the conduct of each quality conformance test. the difference in output shaft rates between upper and lower driveeunits shall not exceed three degrees per second in the following cmbinations: (i) imer CCW rate m

18、inus upper cw rate (2) Lower CW rate minus upper ccw rate Acceleration time (motor time constant). The tine required for each drive unit to accelerate from rest to 63 Percent of steadv state out- put velocity shall not exceed 15 milliseconds,-under no load therefore, there shu be no sampling

19、 plan for -acceptance. rejected. shall be subjected to tests under following conditions: Defective units shall be 4.4 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the actuator assembly (a) Temperature : (b) Humidity (relative): Rom ambient up to 95 percent Rom ambient 65 degrees F to 95 degrees F (c

20、) Altitude: Normal ground atmospheric pressure (d) Vibrations : None 4.5 Preproduction tests. The actuator assemblies within the prepro- duction sample (identified as actuator assemblies 1, 2, and 3) shall be subjected to tests specified in Table V. covering results of preproduction tests shall be f

21、orwarded to the Naval Ordnance Systems Ccanmand. Certified inspection data shall consist of the following: Certified inspection data (a) (b) (c) (a) Date of tests and names of persons conducting tests Run or test plan used Serial number of the actuator assembly Test Pesulks of preproduction tests (4

22、.5.2) (e) Report form, Quality Conformance Tests and Examinations for Actu- ator Assembly, for each test conducted after each environmental exposure as required in Table V. - u Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-2430A 13 W 7777706

23、0431295 2 W I t MIL-A-82430A( OS) Test Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 Table V Preproduction Test Schedule Test Description Quality conformance tests and ex- thinations (4.7) Vibration ( Shock ( Acceleration ( Temperature, nonoperating ( Temperature, operating (4. H

24、umidity test ( Life test ( -2.4. Quality conformance tests and examinat ions (4.7) , I* mance tests and examinations (4.7) Salt Water Sprw ( , 10 %ality con: each of these tests. Actuato: - 1 X X X X X o be per ASS3l 2 - X X X X X X - !y No. 3 X X X X X X fi X X X mned after

25、 4.5.1 Preproduction test equipment. The foiLuwing items of test equip- ment are required to perform preproduction tests specified herein: A vibration table capable of vibrating the actuator assembly and necessary test fxtures at 3 gs maximum over a frequency range of 5 to 500 cycles per sec

26、ond with a maximum double amplitude of 0.2 inch and with pro- visions for controlling environmental temperature in the range of -45 de- grees F to +140 debees F. A shock testing machine capable of applying shocks of up to A centrifge capable of exerting acceleration forces up to 35 3

27、00 gs meximum at durations frcan 0.5 to 20 milliseconds. gs magnitude for period of one minute. 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-82430A 13 = 9999906 0431296 4 MIL-A-82430A( OS) A temperature chamber capable of programm

28、ed temperature varia- A humidity chamber capable of providing a constant humidity tions over a range of -45 degrees F to +i40 degrees F. condition of 95 percent at U0 degrees F for extended periods up to eight hours. A switching circuit and torsional load device capable of simuiat- i

29、ng the duty cycle specified in - A salt water spray facility capable of producing conditions spec- ified in 4.5 .i.8 A megohmmeter (200 vdc potential; accuracy I5 percent) Items of test equipnent specified in Table VIII. 4.5.2 Detailed preproduction tests Vi

30、bration Nonoperating. The packaged actuator assembly (see 5.l.l) sha31 be vibrated in such a manner as to determine the frequency producing - maximum transmissibility within the frequency range of 5 t 60 ips. container shall be fastened in a suitable fashion to the table of a vi- bration t

31、esting device producing an essentiuy sine wave motion. maximum permissible motion freedom shall be approximately 1/32 inch. The specimen shall then be vibrated for i5 minutes at the frequency producing maximum transmissibility and at an input acceleration of 1 g. shai. be applied to each of the thre

32、e principal orthogonal axes. The The This test Ready nonoperating and ready. The actuator assembly, includ- ing fin assemblies, beazing, and yokes, shall be installed in a torpedo afterbody or equivalent fixture. Installation shall be in accordance with afterbociy assembly Drawing 2526751,

33、 observing tightening torque values specified for mounting of actuator assembly and installation of the yokes and fin assemblies. support frame, shal be ridigly attached to the vibration equipment. support frame shall be capable of transmitting the vibrations listed in Table II to the actuator assem

34、bly along the axes shown in Figure 1. Vi- bration will be conducted at three temperature conditions: the actuator assenbly stabilized at rom temperature, at -45 45 degrees F, and at +lb0 45 degrees F. The resonant modes for each of the three temperature conditions in each of the three axes shall be

35、established by varying the .frequency of applied vibration slowly fram 5 to 500 cps, in accordance with Table II, for each temperature condition and in each axis. If more than four resonances are encountered for any one temperature condition on any one axis, the four most severe resonance points sha

36、ll be chosen for the tests at resonance, for that one axis and that one temperature condi- tion. The afterbody or fixture, mounted on a This The total vibration time in each axis shU be i80 minutes, with 60 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS

37、-,-,-MIL-A-2430A 33 m 7777706 0433277 b J Time at 60 minutes with the assemblage stabilized at +i40 I5 degrees F; and 60 minutes at roan temperature. The actuator assembly shaJl be vibrated for 10 minutes at each resonance point for each of the specified temperatures in each axis; the remainder of t

38、he 60 minutes shall be used in cycling per Table VI, such that 1/12 of the tota vibration time is required eo proceed fran the lower to higher and back to the lower extremity of frequency range, The frequency rate during cycling sh The reinspection of a nonconforming unit may be limited to the test

39、or examination which defined the noncon- formance, or when so directed by cognizant inspector, a cmplete re-exm- ination and retest of the unit may be required. which have not been corrected will be considered for acceptance ony upon formal application by the contractor to the Naval Ordnance Systems

40、 Ca- mand via the cognizant Government representative. Acceptance criteria. Failure of the end product to pass any Nonconforming units 4.7.2 Quality conformance test equipment. The itens of test equipnent listed in Table VI11 we required to perform qua3itv conformance tests specified herein.

41、 accuracy and precision to pennit valid performance of the tests. instruments shm be calibrated at regular intervals. and results of all calibrations shaS1 be subject to approval of the cognizant Govement Inspector. may be substituted where necessary. is identified as being within calibration. test

42、equipment calibration. A1L it- of test equipeni shaai be of sufficient Procedures for Test Items having equivalent characteristics Veria that all test equipment used Record the verification of 4.7.3 Test procedure Resistance test Mount actuator assembly on actuator test stand. With

43、 T-handle Allen wrench (0.187 in.), tighten the three actuator mounting bolts (see Figure 3). 4.7,3,1,2 Connect interconnecting cable between actuator assably and ACTUATOR INFUT located on actuator assembly test panel, hereafter referred to as test panel. Position controls on test panel as follows:

44、Control RFISISWCE Pos it ion OFF SHORT UPPER Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-8243OA( OS) Control MOTOR FUNCTION Pos it ion UPPER RESISTANCE Table VI11 Test Equipment It em Ident i fic at ion Actuator Assembly Test Set Test Fixtu

45、re Actuator Assably Test Stand Dwg 2540260 Dwg 2540214 Dwg 2540229 Torque Gage Assembly Oscilloscope: (dc to 15 mc pass band) 6 cm by 10 cm display graticule, (Xi probe) 20 mv/cm deflection factor Multimeter: (O to 20 megohns resistance, O to 10 amps, O to 5000 volts ac and dc, Accuracy 24 Provided

46、by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-A-82430A 13 9777706 0433308 7 I 4. MEA-82430 ( OS) (a) (e) Tighten actuator mounting bolt with T-hasidle Allen wrench. With knurled-handle Allen wrench (0.125 in.), tighten expander screw in end of test fix

47、ture drive shaft. Depress SLOW locking switch. Position ACTUATOR switch to UPPER. Loosen clamp knob on dial indicator and position dial indi- Connect test fixture cable to TEST FMTRE INPUT. cator so that test fixture large pointer may complete full travel with

48、- out interference. Tighten clamp knob to hold dial indicator. (See Figure 4.) . Using the (SLcx17) CW and CCW switches, position large pointer to line marked “O“ on test fixt;ure.,lO Loosen clamp knob and position dia3 indicator to contact in- Position and hold torque g

49、age assembly against force gage pin dicator angle located on large pointer. located on backlash pointer. Exex% pressure on force gage against pin so that spring guide, located on force gage, aligns with scribed line marked Tighten clamp knob. , At same time set dia3 indicator to zero. I!Rll Exert pressure on torque gage assembly against pin so that spring guide aligns w


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