NAVY MIL-A-82451 (2)-1969 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TEST SET (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《致动装置测试设备 (MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-A-82451 (2)-1969 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TEST SET (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《致动装置测试设备 (MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-A-82451 (2)-1969 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TEST SET (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《致动装置测试设备 (MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-A-82451 (2)-1969 ACTUATOR ASSEMBLY TEST SET (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 1)《致动装置测试设备 (MK 46 MOD 1鱼雷用)》.pdf_第3页
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1、+I?- mLPA-82451( OS) Amendment 2 3 July 1969 Superseding Amendment 1 24 October 1966 MILITARY SPECDICATION ACTITATOR ASSEMBLY mST SET (For Torpedo Mk 46 Mod i) This amendment forms a part of filitary Specification MIL-A-82451(OS) dated 10 May 1966 and has been approved by the Naval Ordnance Systems

2、Command, Department of the Navy Wherever it appears in specification, delete “Bureau of Naval Weapons“ and. substitute “Naval Ordnance Systems Command“ ; also delete IBuWeps“ and substitute “NAVOFD“ . a- - Page 2, under “PUBLICATIONS“: In nomenclature opposite i4D 28936 delete “Test Set DL 2540220“

3、and substitute “Test Set DL 2540260“. Page 2, Table I, under “Voltage“: Add after (vac) “60 cps nominal“. Page 3, paragraph 3.2.2, line 3: Delete “10 millivolts“ and substitute “50 millivolts“. Page 7, Table III, first item and identification, Delete and substi- tute : “Oscilloscope: (DC to 300 kc/s

4、 Tektronix, Model 53lA passband; 0.18 microseconds rise with Type D plug-in time, 20 mv/cm deflection factor with preamplifier, 6 cm by 10 cm display graticule) preamplifier“ Page 7, Table III, second item and identification. Delete and su3sti- tute : “Digital voltmeter: (Range: 0.001 to Hewlett-Pac

5、kard 999.9 vdc; Accuracy: ?O.O5% of read- Model 3440A with 3442A ing k 1 digit) Automatic Range Selector“ Page 7, Table III, line 18, Item column. Delete and substitute: “Resistor, 100 ohms, 25 watt, l%.“ Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-A-82451 (2) 13 m 999990b 0433859 T m M1L-A-82451(

6、OS) I Amendment 2 - - - Page 8, paragraph Add “Set RANGE selector switch on digital voltmeter to AUTO. I Page-8, paragraphs,,,, and mete“ in nine places, Delete “digital DC voltmeter“ and substitute “digital volt- Page 8, paragraph 4.5

7、.3.1.14, lines 3 and 4: Delete “100-ohm, $0-watt r*sistortt in two places and substitute “100-ohm, 25-watt resistor“. Page 8, paragraph 4.5.3. i. 17: Delete “digital DC voltmeter“ and sub- stitute “digital voltmeter“. Page 9, paragraph Delete “digital DC voltmeter“ an9 sub- stitute “digi

8、tal voltmeter“. Page 9, paragraph Delete “100-ohm, 50-watt resistor“ and substitute “lOO-oh;n, 25-vatt recLstor“. . _. Page 9, paragraph, D2lt-t.e lines 1, 2, 5, and 7 of oscille- scopi controc an6 substitute th5 fo1iovi;ing: ITRTGGER MODE AC TDE ,/CI4 0.1 SEC TRIGGZR SLOPE: Em

9、 (+ HORIZOPTAL DISPTAY A“ _- Page 10, paragraph Page 10, paragraph Page 11, Figure 1: Page 13, paragraph 6.1.1: APPENDIX, page (3), paragraph 30.2.1: Delete ias$ sentence. Delete last sentence. Replace with new Figure 1 attached. Delete “DL 2540Ui4“ and substitute “DL 2540065“.

10、 Delete “Digital DC voltmeter“ and substitute “Digital Voltmeter“ in four places. APPENDIX, page (4), paragraph 30.2.1 (Continued) : Delete “Digital DC Voltmeter“ and substitute “Digital Voltmeter“ in two places. Preparing Activity Navy - OS Project No. 1355-NO61 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-A-2451 (2) 13 7777706 0361265 Y W KtL-A-82451( OS) Amendment 2 RATE OUTPUT TRACE , Figure 1. Rate Output t 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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