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NAVY MIL-A-85505-1983 ALTIMETER STANDBY TYPES I& II《I及 II型备用高度表》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-A-85505-1983 ALTIMETER STANDBY TYPES I& II《I及 II型备用高度表》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-A-85505-1983 ALTIMETER STANDBY TYPES I& II《I及 II型备用高度表》.pdf_第5页
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1、MILITARY SPECIFICATION ALTIMETER, STANDBY, TYPES I AND II MI L-A-85505 (AS) 14 November 1 983 This specification is approved for use by the idaval Air System Command, Department of the Navy and is available for use by ail Departrnents and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE. 1.1 Scope. T

2、his specification establishes the performance, design, and test requirements for Standby Altimeters Types I and II. These altimeters are counter pointer integrally lighted with 2-inch dial for display of pressure-altitude for the range of -1,000 to 50,000 feet or -1,000 to 70,000 feet as applicable

3、to type. altimeter utilizes an electrical output which varies as a function of ttie barometric pressure setting. The 1.2 Classification. Two types of altimeters are covered by this Specification: TY Pe Range Li ght i ng Potentiometer Baro. output function - a. I -1,000 to Glhite (IPL) 10,000 ohms in

4、 Hg. b. II . -1,000 to - Gihite 5,000 ohms Feet Altitude 50,000 ft. 70,000 ft. t i 1 rcc -$ a Beneficial comnents (recommendations, additions , deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Comnanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, E

5、ngineering Specifications and Standards Department (ESSD) Code 93, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Docurrent Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. 1 2 FSC 6610 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networkin

6、g permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-A-85505 (AS) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2,1 Government documents . 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and standards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defence Index of Specificat

7、ions and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation fotnii a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Federal PPP -% -636 M IL-P -1 16 DOD -D-1000/1 M I L -B -50 87 t4 IL-W -5088 M TL -E-5400 M IL -6 - 5 541 MIL-S-7742 M I L 4-862 5 MIL-C-14806 MIL-T-18303 M I

8、L -N - 183 O 7 MIL-P-23408 M IL-C-25050 MIL-L-25467 Boxes, Fiberboard Preservation-Packaging, Methods of Drawi ngs, Engi neeri ng and Associ ated Data Bonding, Electrical, and Lighting Protection for Aerospace Systems Wiring, Aircraft, Installation of Ei ectroni c Equi pment , Ai rborne, General Spe

9、ci fi cati on for Chemical Films for Al umi num and Al umi num Al 1 oys Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Series ; General Specification for Anodic Coatings, for Aluminum Alloys and Aluminum Coating, Reflection Reducing for Instrument Cover G1 asses and Li ght i ng Wedges Test Procedures, Pr

10、oduction, Acceptance and Life for Aircraft Electronic Equi pments, Format for Nomencl ature and Namepl ates for Aeronautical El ectroni c and Associ ated Equi pment P1 at i ng , Ti n-cadmi um (El ectrodeposi ted) Colors, Aeronautical Lights and Lighting Equipment, General Requirements for Lighting,

11、Integral, Aircraft Instrument, General Specification for Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-A-85505 66 7777906 OLq5353 b MI L-A-85505 (AS ) MIL-L-27160 M IL-B -27497 MIL -C -38999 M IL-R-39023 MIL-G-81704 STANDARDS Federal FED-STD-59

12、5 Military MIL-STD-105 M IL -STD-129 MIL -STD-143 MIL-STD-147 MIL-STD-454 MIL-STD-461 MIL-STD-462 MIL-STD-471 MIL-STD-704 MIL-STD-749 MIL-STD-781 MIL-STD-785 Lighting, Instrument, Integral, White, General Specification for Bearing, Jewel, Sapphire or Ruby, Synthetic Connectors, El ectri c, Ci rcul a

13、r, Mi niature y High Density, Quick Disconnect, Environment Resistant, Removeabl e Crimp Contacts Resi stors, Vari ab1 e y Nonwi re-Wound, Preci si on , General Speci fi cat ions for Gl ass, Aircraft Instruments, Lighting bedges and Cover Col ors Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attr

14、ibutes Marking for Shipment and Storage Speci f i cations and Standards y Order of Precedence for the Selection of Palletized Unit -Loads (40“ x 48“ 4 !day Partial and 4 Way PalTets) Standard, General Requi rements for El ectronic Equipment El ectromagneti c Emi ssi on and Suscepti bi 1 i ty Require

15、ments for the Control of Electromagnetic Interference Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics, Measurement of Maintainability Demonstration Electric Power, Aircraft Characteristics and Utilization of Preparation and Submission of Data for Approval of Non-Standard Electronic Parts Re1 iablity Te

16、sts, Exponential Distribution Re1 i abi 1 i ty Program for Systems and Equi pments Deve1 opment and Product i on 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-794 M IL -STD -81 O Environmental Test Methods Parts and Equipment, Procedure f

17、or Packaging and Packing of MI L-STD -859 Standard Cal ibration Table for Aeronautical Pressure Measuri ng Equipment DRAW I NGS MS 2 746 7 Connector, Plug, Electric, Straight, Crimp Type, Bayonet Coup1 i ng MS27560 2 3/8 Square Instrument, Standard Dimension for MS 3 3 5 5 8 Numeral s and Letters, A

18、i rcraft Instrument Dial , Standard Form of MS33649 Bosses, F1 uid Connection Internal Straight Thread 2.1.2 Other Government publications. The following other Government publica- tion forms a part of this specification to the extend specified herein. Department of Defense Standardization a SD-6 Pro

19、vi si ons Governi ng Qual i fi cati on (Copies of speci fi cat i ons , standards , drawi ngs , and pub1 i cations requi red by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) specification and th

20、e references cited herein, the text of this specificatfm shall take precedence . 2.1.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this 3. REQUIREMENTS, 3.1 Qualification, The standby al timeters furnished under this specification shall be products which are qualified for lis

21、ting on the applicable Qualified Pro- ducts List at the time set for opening of bids (see 4.4 and 6.4). v 3.2 Parts and materials. 3.2.1 General . Parts and materials shall meet the requirements of MIL-E-5400 . for Class 2 equipment. Nonstandard parts. Standard MS and AN parts shall be used

22、where they cuit the purpose. When no standard part is available, a nonstandard part may be used with prior approval of the procuring activity (see 6.2.1). approval of the use of nonstandard parts and materials shall be obtained by the contractor as outlined in MIL-STD-749. Selection and 4 Provided b

23、y IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-85505- 66 = 7779906 OLq5355 T MIL -A-85505 (AS) Selection of specifications and standards. Specifications and stand- ards for necessary commodities and services not specified herein shall be selecte

24、d in accordance with MIL-STD-143. 3.2.2 Materi al s. Metals. Metals shall be of the corrosion-resistant type unless suit- Nonferrous materials. Nonferrous materials shall be used for al 1 parts ably protected to resist corrosion during the life of the instrument. of the altimeter exc

25、ept where ferrous materials are essential Nonmagnetic materials. Nonmagnetic materials shall be used for al 1 parts except where magnetic materials are essential. materi al s are requi red shall be reported to the procuring activity (see 6.2.2) means of a protective coating, intimate contact

26、 of dissimilar metals shall be avoid- ed. The extent to which magnetic Dissimilar metals. Unless protected against electrolytic corrosion by Dissimilar inetals are defined in MIL-STD-454, requirement 16. Protective treatment. When materials used in the construction of the altimeter a

27、re subject to deterioration when exposed to climatic and environmental conditions likely to occur during service life, they shall be protected against such deterioration in a manner that will in no way prevent compliance with the performance requirements of this specification. The use of any protect

28、ive coating that will crack, chip, or scale with age or extremes of climatic and environmental conditions shall be avoided. Fungus-proof materials. Materials that are nutrients forfungi shall Where used and not hermetically not be used where it is practical to avoid them. sealed, they shall

29、be treated with fungicidal agent acceptable to the procuring activity (see 6.2.2). -Toxic and corrosive fumes. The materials, as installed in the dlti- meter and under the conditions specified herein, shall not liberate deleterious or corrosive fumes. This shall inciude any fungicidal agents

30、 that are used. Aluminum alloy parts. Aluminum alloy parts shall be covered with an anodic film conforminq to MIL-A-8625, exceot that the dial. small holes. case in- serts, and fine pitch-gear teeth need not be anodized. satisfactorily may be coated in accordance with MIL-C-5541. Parts which

31、 do iot anodize . Components. The electronic and mechanical components shall be in ac- cordance with MIL-E-5400. Jewel bearings. All sapphire and ruby jewel bearings used in the al- timeter shall be in accordance with MIL-9-27497. Threads. The threads of all machine screws

32、shall be in accordance with MIL-S-7742. 3.3 Design and construction. The altimeter shall conform with all applicable requirements of MIL-E-5400 concerning design, construction, and workmanship. design shall incl ude mi nimum si ze and weight consi stent with maximum re1 i abi 1 i ty The Provided by

33、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-and operability. equipment manufactured shall meet all the requirements of this specification, and any appl icabl e acceptable test documents 3.3.1 Physical characteristics. Description. The altimeter shall

34、 consist of a precision all- mechanical al timeter mechanism, a counter pointer type al titude display, integral red or white lighting, a barometric setting displayed by means of a four digit counter, and a potentiometer whose output varies as a function of the barometric setting. All principle dime

35、nsions and locations of particular features shall be as detailed in table I and figure 1. In any case, it is a condition of final acceptance that the Parameters i/ Length Width Height I 2/ Weight TABLE I. Weight and dimensions for the altimeter. Value (Maximum) 7.124 inches 18.09 centimeters 2.385 i

36、 nches 6.058 centimeters 2,385 inches 6.058 centimeters 1.5 pounds 0.680 kilograms L i/ Measurements incl ude control knob and connector. - 2/ Without fittings and mounting screws, Case. The outline dimensions and the external connections of the alti- meter- case shall conform to figure 1. T

37、he body and mounting flange of the case shall be made of lightweight non-magnetic metal, uniform in texture. The body shall be finished in a durable black finish, and the mounting flange shall be finished with a durable lusterless black finish, Color No. 37038 of FED-STD-595. The back of the mountin

38、g flange shall be tin plated in accordance with MIL-P-23408 to allow electrical grounding to the aircraft instrument panel and to comply with MIL-9-5087 requirements . 3.3.1,3 Static pressure connection. The static connection shall be in accor- dance with figure 1 and shall be located as shown there

39、on. A 150-200 wire mesh fil- ter screen (ejther stainTess steel or monel) shall be firmly installed in the static connection to prevent dirt particles from entering the case. For storage, shipping, and handling purposesI a vented plug of acceptable material and design shall be pro- vided. The plug s

40、hall incorporate a vent consisting of a hole at least 1/16 inch in di ameter. the entry of particles which the manufacturer considers would be detrimental to the al timeters performance. program in accordance with MIL-STD-785. The pl ug shall al so incorporate sui tab1 e. fi 1 teri ng materi al to p

41、revent 3.3.2 Re1 i abi 1 i ty. The contractor shall establ ish a re1 i abi 1 i ty assurance test 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. PS STATIC NIL-A-S505 66 9 7777906 01115357 3 = MIL-A-85505( AS ) MARKING, STATIC PORT BAROMETRIC - ZE


43、INDICATED, 2. THE CASE SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MS27560 3. TOLERANCES SHALL BE 0.010 INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FIGURE 1. Altimeter outline 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M IL-A-85505 (AS) Operational st

44、ability. The altimeter shall meet specified performance requirements when operated continuously or intermittently, for a period of at least id00 hours. During this time, it shall not be necessary to readjust any controls that are inaccessible to the operator during normal use. Operating life

45、. The altimeter shall have a minimum operating life of 10,OOO hours with reasonable servicing and rep1 acement of parts . Re1 i abi 1 i ty in mean-time-between-fai 1 ures (MTBF) . The al timeter shall have a specified mean (operating) time between failures of 1000 hours when tested as specif

46、ied in . 3.3.3 Cab1 i ng and connect i ons . Electrical receptacle. The electrical receptacle, used to interface with aircraft wiring, shall conform to specification MIL-C-38999 and shall be as specified in figure 1. Figure 2 shows receptacle wiring for aircraft interface. The elec

47、trical receptacle shall be protected with a suitable cap for shipping, stor- age, and hand1 ing. Case grounding. The case shall be internally grounded as shown in figure 2. The electrical system in the altimeter shall not be grounded. Interconnect cab1 ing. The al timeter shall be ca

48、pable of satisfactory perfoimance usi ng external wiring in accordance with the appl icabl e requi reiiients of MIL-I-5088. The external wiring shall not be shielded. However, the al timeter shall incorporate electrical receptacle pins grounded inside the case adjacent to the receptacle in the event

49、 that shielding is necessary for specific aircraft installations. The pins as designated in figure 2 shall be provided for this purpose . 3.3.4 Interchangeabil ity. Interchangeabil ity shall exist between al 1 units and rep1 aceabl e assembl ies, subassembl ies, and parts for al 1 equi pinent del iverecl, on the contract in accordance-with MIL-STD-454, requirement 7. All parts having the same manufacturers part number shall be directly


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