NAVY MIL-B-81856 (1)-1992 BEACON SET RADAR AN APN-202《AN APN-202雷达灯塔设置》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-B-81856 (1)-1992 BEACON SET RADAR AN APN-202《AN APN-202雷达灯塔设置》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-B-81856 (1)-1992 BEACON SET RADAR AN APN-202《AN APN-202雷达灯塔设置》.pdf_第2页
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1、MIL-E-BIBS6 (I) = 9999906 3636854 467 MI L-B-81856 (AS) AMENDMENT 1 21 December 1992 MILITARY SPECIFICATION BEACON SET, RADAR AN/APN-202 This amendment forms a part of MIL-B-81856(AS), dated 1 August 1972 and is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is availa

2、ble for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGES 1 AND 2 2.1 Under SPECIFICATIONS, delete “MIL-T-5422 Testing, Environmental , Aircraft Electronic Equipment.“ Delete “AR-5 Microelectronic Devices Used in Avionics Equipment, Procedures for Selection and Approval of“ and

3、 substi tute “MIL-STD-965 Parts Control Program.“ Delete “AR-34 Failure Classification for Re1 iability Testing, General Requirements for“ and substitute “MIL-STD-2074 Failure Classification For Re1 i abi 1 i ty Test i ng . “ PAGE 3 Delete 2.1.1 and substitute: and military specifications, standards

4、 and handbooks are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Phi 1 adel phia, PA 191 11-5094. ) “ Add “2.1.1 Order of Drecedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and the references cited herein (except for related associated d

5、etail specifications, specification sheets, or Military standards), the test of this document takes precedence. document, however, supersedes appl icabl e 1 aws and regulations un1 ess a specific exemption has been obtained.“ “(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal Nothing in this 1 of 2 AMS

6、C N/A FSC 5841 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pub1 ic re1 ease; distribution is un1 imi ted. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-8L85b (1) 999990b 3b3b855 3T3 MIL-B-81856(AS) AMENDMEN

7、T 1 PAGE 4 3.2.1 3.2.2 Delete in its entirety. 3.2.3 Renumber as 3.2.2 In last line, delete “AR-5“ and substitute “MIL-STD-965.“ PAGE 18 4.2.2 In the last line, delete “in accordance with the procedures of Specification MIL-T-5422“ and substitute “as specified herein. II PAGE 21 4.4.2 In the last 1

8、ine, delete “AR-34“ and substitute “MIL-STD-2074.“ PAGE 28 6. explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)“ After 6.9, add “6.10 Subject term (kevword) listinq. Under NOTES, add “(This section contains information of a general or Band Cab1 e Assembly Control Duplexer Modul ator Pul se Recei ver Signal Transmit ter“ 6.10 Delete “AIR-5333D21 “ and subst i tute “AIR-54625. “ Renumber existing 6.10 as 6.11. Preparing Activity: Navy - AS (Project No. 5841-N071) 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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