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1、MIL-C-16555D 2475 SUPERSEDING MIL-C-16555C 1 O February 196 1 PROPOSED MILITARY SPECIFICATION COATING COMPOUND, STRIPPABLE, SPRAYABLE This specification is approved for use by all departments and agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE * 1.1 Scope. This specification covers a strippable coat

2、ing compound for application by spraying on painted or unpainted metal surfaces to seal openings and provide protection against corrosion. This specification meets Air Pollution Regulations (Rule 66). 1.2 Classification. Coating compound shall be of the following types of colors as specified: .Type

3、I-Aluminum or aluminum gray Type II, Class 1 -Olive drab Type II, Class 2-Marine Corps green 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issues in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposals form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICA

4、TIONS Federal “QQ-S-698 Steel, Sheet and Strip, Low Carbon TT-E-48 5 Enamel, Semi-Gloss, Rust-Inhibiting TT-E-529 Enamel, Alkyd, Semi-Gloss Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D *TT-P-1757 PPP-D-7 2 9 PPP-D-760 Militam Primer C

5、oating, Zinc-Chromate, Low-Moisture Sensitivity. Drums, Shipping and Storage, Steel, 55-Gallon Drums and Pails, Metal (5 and 16.64 Gallon) MIL-S-20166 Steel Structural Shapes, Weldable Medium Carbon STANDARDS Federal FED-STD- 14 1 FED-STD-3 13 FED-STD-595 FED-STD-60 1 Mili taw Paint, Varnish, Lacque

6、r, and Related Materials: Methods of Inspection, Sampling and Testing Symbols for Packages and Containers for Hazardous Chemicals and Materials Colors Rubber: Sampling and Testing MIL-STD- 1 O5 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes MIL-STD- 1 29 Marking for Shipment and Storage

7、 MIL-STD-147 Palletized Unit Loads (40” X 48” 4-way partial and 4-way pallets) (Copies of specifications, standards and drawings required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) *2.2 O

8、ther publications. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. 2 .” , *- - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

9、itted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D Uniform Freight Classification Rules (Application for copies should be addressed to the Tariff Publishing Officer, Room 1 106, 222 Riverside Plaza, Chicago, Ill. 60606.) National Motor Freight Classification Rules (Application for copies should be addr

10、essed to Issuing Officer, American Trucking Association, 16 16 P St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036.) “3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Materials and composition. The coating compound shall consist of vinyl resins, plasticizers, solution and film stabilizers, pigments, fire retardants and solvents formulated to me

11、et all applicable requirements of this specification. It shall not contain chlorinated paraffins, rosin, or rosin derivatives. The composition shall be as shown in table I. Table I COMPOSITION Perc,ent by weight Ingredient Type I Type 11, Nonvolatile material, min. 34 30 Volatile solvent, max. I 70

12、I 66 ComDosition of Nonvolatile Content Percent by weight, minimum Vinyl resin Vinyl resin and plasticizer Pigment Aluminum powder Titanium dioxide Blue lead and other pigments Fire retardants Stabilizers I 50 78 12 - - “ 1.5 3 .O The pigment in type II shall contain at least 70 percent lead chromat

13、e by weight, equivalent to 8.4 percent of the nonvolatile content. 3.2 Color 3.2.1 Type 1. Type I coating compound shall be aluminum or aluminum gray in color. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D 3.2.2 Type II. Type II, cla

14、ss 1 shall be olive drab and shall closely match standard color chips 14087 or 14064 of FED-STD-595. Type II, class 2 shall be marine corps green and shall closely match standard color chip 14052 of FED-STD-595. Lack of gloss shall not be cause for rejection. 3.3 Viscosity. When tested as specified

15、in 4.4.1 -1, the viscosity of the coating solution shall be as follows: Viscosity, Krebs Units Temperature I and II 25“ k 1“ C (77“ k 2“ F) I 10“ k 1“ C (50“ f 2“ F) Minimum Maximum 60 80 70 1 O0 3.4 Gelation at low temperature. When tested as specified in at low-temperature storage the comp

16、ound shall be restorable to a free-flowing consistency for spraying by manual or mechanical stirring at 77“ f 2“ F. 3.5 Separation of pigment. After the coating compound has been stored in a closed container at room temperature for 10 days, the pigment shall not separate from the solution in such a

17、manner as to prevent restoration of the solution to consistency for satisfactory spraying by manual stirring at 77“ f 2“ F. 3.6 Sprayability. The compound shall be supplied in a consistency satisfactory for application with conventional pressure-type spray equipment when tested under the conditions

18、specified in for the preparation of test specimens. Any clogging of the -spray gun due to presence of lumps of undissolved or inadequately dispersed material shall be cause for rejection. 3.7 Flammability. When tested as specified in, test specimens of the dried coating shall cease t

19、o burn or glow within 5 seconds after the source of ignition is removed. 3.8 Tensile strength. When tested as specified in, the tensile strength of the coating shall be not less than 500 pounds per square inch. 4 /“- -“ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

20、hout license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D 3.9 Ultimate elongation. When tested as specified in, the ultimate elongation of the coating shall be not less than 200 percent. 3.10 Low-temperature flexibility. When tested as specified in, the coating shall not crack or break. 3.1 1 Low-tempe

21、rature impact resistance. .When tested as specified in, before and after accelerated weathering, the coating shall withstand the impact of a freely falling 28-gram steel ball dropped from a height of 30 inches. The impact shall produce no cracks in the coating. 3.12 Water extractable matter.

22、 When tested as specified in, the weight loss of the coating shall be not more than 0.20 percent of its original weight. 3.13 Volatile matter. When tested as specified in, the weight loss of the coating shall be not more than 1.5 percent of its original weight. 3.14 Resistance to hea

23、t. When tested as specified in 4.4.1 .lo, the coating shall show no shrinkage, separation from the panel(s), bubbles, darkening, or other visible evidence of degradation. The panel surface in contact with the coating shall show no blackening, pits, or other visible evidence of corrosion. The coating

24、, after cooling to room temperature, shall not crack or break on being peeled back from the panel(s). 3.15 Water vapor transmission. When tested as specified in 1, the water vapor transmission rate after exposure to accelerated weathering, as specified in, shall be not more than 1.2

25、 grams per 1 O0 square inches per 24 hours. 3.16 Salt spray resistance. When tested as specified in 2, the test specimen shall show no evidence of corrosion, and the coating shall show no pinholes or separation from the metal. 3.17 Accelerated weathering. When tested as specified in

26、, the coating shall show no visible evidence of degradation or shrinkage and shall be strippable from the panel(s) in one continuous sheet. The panel surface in contact with the coating shall show no evidence of corrosion. The coating after exposure to adcelerated weathering shall meet the requireme

27、nts for tensile strength, ultimate elongation, low-temperature flexibility, 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D low-temperature impact resistance, water vapor transmission, and adhesion to steel, and painted surface as spec

28、ified herein, except that specimens from the 1500-hour test shall have an ultimate elongation not less than 85 percent of that of the unweathered specimens. The adhesion to the test panel shall not be greater than 3.25 pounds per inch width for the type I1 material. 3.1 8 Adhesion. “3.18.1 Adhesion

29、to steel. When tested as specified in, the adhesion of the coating to the surface of an unpainted steel (conforming to QQS-698) panel shall be not less than 0.50 pound and not more than 2.25 pounds per inch width. 3.18.2 Adhesion to painted surface. When tested as specified in, the

30、 adhesion of the coating to the surface of a painted panel shall be not less than 0.50 pound and not more than 2.25 pounds per inch width. Stripping of the coating shall not lift or otherwise damage the painted surface. 3.1 9 Shrinkage. When tested as specified in, the coating shall not b

31、ridge the angle formed by the two legs of the angle iron nor pull loose from either the inside or outside flat surfaces. “3.20 Solvent. The solvent when tested as specified in and shall consist of methyl ethyl ketone, or methyl ethyl ketone and toluene. Volatile stabilizers shall be

32、considered as solvent constituents. The use of small amounts of methyl isobutyl ketone is permitted. Toluene plus methyl isobutyl ketone shall not exceed 20 percent by volume of the solvent content. 3.21 Toxicity. The vapor shall not cause serious injury or undue discomfort to workmen during applica

33、tion (see 6.3). 3.22 Workmanship. The coating compound shall be intimately compounded and free of particles of undissolved resin or undispersed pigments, to meet all the requirements of this specification. “4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS *4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specifie

34、d in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or o

35、rder, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are

36、 deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. “4.2 Quality conformance inspection, Quality conformance inspection shall consist of all the examinations and tests of 4.3 and 4.4. Failure of the coating compound to conform to any of the requirements of this spec

37、ification shall be cause for rejection of the lot represented. Coating compound which has been rejected may, at theoption of the procuring activity, be reworked or replaced to correct the defects, and submitte.d for retest. Full particulars concerning previous rejection and the action taken to corre

38、ct the defects found in the original shall be furnished to the procuring activity. Coating compound rejected after retest shall not be resubmitted without the specific approval of the procuring activity. 4.2.1 Sampling. Lot. For purposes of sampling, a lot shall consist of all the coating co

39、mpound manufactured at one time from one batch of constituents and submitted for delivery at one time. Sampling for inspection of filled containers. A random sample of filled containers shall be selected from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105 at inspection level I and acceptable qualit

40、y level 2.5 percent to verify compliance with all stipulations of this specification regarding fill, closure, marking, and other requirements not involving tests. Sampling for tests. A 5-gallon sample shall be selected from each lot in accordance with method 1021 of FED-STD-141. The sample s

41、hall be forwarded to the laboratory designated by the procuring activity for lot acceptance testing. When requested by the contractor, samples shall be selected in accordance with with the following exception, a 30-gallon sample (six 5-gallon containers) shall be taken instead of a 5

42、-gallon sample. Each 30-gallon sample shall be divided into three equal parts, one part to be delivered to the testing laboratory, one part to be held by the contractor, and one part to be held by the procuring activity in case of dispute. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

43、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-16555D 4.3 Inspection of filled containers. Each sample filled container selected in accordance with shall be examined for defects of the container and the closure, evidence of leakage, and-unsatisfactory markings. Each sample filled container sh

44、all also be weighed to determine the amount of the contents. Any container in the sample having one or more defects, or which is under required fill, shall be rejected; and if the number of defective containers in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for the appropriate sampling plan of MIL-STD-

45、105, the lot represented by the sample shall be rejected. Rejected lots may be resubmitted for acceptance tests provided that the contractor has removed or repaired all nonconforming containers. 4.4 Test methods. 4.4.1 Physical test methods. Viscosity. The viscosity of the coating compound s

46、hall be determined as specified in method 4281 of FED-STD-141 with the following addition. The viscosity of type I shall also be determined at 10“ f 0.25“ C (50“ k 0.5“ F). Gelation at low temperature. A specimen of coating compound in a tightly sealed metal container shall be stored at - 20

47、“ f 2 F for 16 hours. The specimen shall then be allowed to come to room temperature, after which it shall be examined for evidence of gelation. If there is evidence of gelation, the specimen shall be mechanically stirred for not more than 5 minutes at 77“ f 2“ F to determine compliance with 3.4. 4.

48、4.1.3 Preparation of test samples. “ Steel panels. Except as otherwise indicated herein, all steel test panels 12 inches square shall be prepared from annealed steel conforming to QQS-698, 0.035-inch thick, polished on one side to a bright finish with No. 280 grit emery cloth. The panels sh

49、all then be rinsed in successive baths of ethyl alcohol (95 percent) and naptha and then allowed to dry thoroughly. Spray equipment. The spray equipmentshall consist of a commercial type, pressure-feed spray cup and spray gun. The spray gun shall have a solution-adjusting screw for controlling the amount of compound passing through the spray nozzle, a spreader adjustment valve for controlling the width of spray fan, an air cap for ad

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